

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > 918e1b4642b299f61b06eaa7c01112db > files > 33


#!/usr/bin/env python

** $Id:,v 1.1 2003/07/01 14:18:37 phil Exp $
** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of an example program for Qt.  This example
** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.

import sys
from qt import *

sayings = [
    "<b>Saying 1:</b><br>"
    "<big>Evil is that which one believes of others.  It is a sin to believe evil "
    "of others, but it is seldom a mistake.</big><br><br>"
    "<center><i>-- H.L. Mencken</i></center>",

    "<b>Saying 2:</b><br>"
    "<big>A well-used door needs no oil on its hinges.<br>"
    "A swift-flowing steam does not grow stagnant.<br>"
    "Neither sound nor thoughts can travel through a vacuum.<br>"
    "Software rots if not used.<br><br>"
    "These are great mysteries.</big><br><br>"
    "<center><i>-- Geoffrey James, \"The Tao of Programming\"</i></center>",

    "<b>Saying 3:</b><br>"
    "<big>Show business is just like high school, except you get paid.</big><br><br>"
    "<center><i>-- Martin Mull</i></center>",

    "<b>Saying 4:</b><br>"
    "<big><b>The Least Successful Executions</b><br>"
    "<twocolumn><p>      History has furnished us with two executioners worthy of attention. "
    "The first performed in Sydney in Australia.  In 1803 three attempts were "
    "made to hang a Mr. Joseph Samuels.  On the first two of these the rope "
    "snapped, while on the third Mr. Samuels just hung there peacefully until he "
    "and everyone else got bored.  Since he had proved unsusceptible to capital "
    "punishment, he was reprieved.</p>"
    "<p>        The most important British executioner was Mr. James Berry who "
    "tried three times in 1885 to hang Mr. John Lee at Exeter Jail, but on each "
    "occasion failed to get the trap door open.<!p>"
    "<p>        In recognition of this achievement, the Home Secretary commuted "
    "Lee's sentence to \"life\" imprisonment.  He was released in 1917, emigrated "
    "to America and lived until 1933.</p></twocolumn></big><br><br>"
    "<center><i>-- Stephen Pile, \"The Book of Heroic Failures\"</i></center>",

    "<b>Saying 5:</b><br>"
    "<big>If you can, help others.  If you can't, at least don't hurt others.</big><br><br>"
    "<center><i>-- the Dalai Lama</i></center>",

    "<b>Saying 6:</b><br>"
    "<big>Television has brought back murder into the home -- where it belongs.</big><br><br>"
    "<center><i>-- Alfred Hitchcock</i></center>",

    "<b>Saying 7:</b><br>"
    "<big>I don't know who my grandfather was; I am much more concerned to know "
    "what his grandson will be.</big><br><br>"
    "<center><i>-- Abraham Lincoln</i></center>",


class MyRichText( QVBox ):
    def __init__( self, parent = None, name = None ):
        QVBox.__init__( self, parent, name )
        self.setMargin( 5 )

        self.view = QTextView( self )
        #self.view.setText( "This is a <b>Test</b> with <i>italic</i> <u>stuff</u>" )
        paper = QBrush()
        paper.setPixmap( QPixmap( "marble.png" ) )
        if paper.pixmap() != 0 :
            self.view.setPaper( paper )
        else :
            self.view.setPaper( white )

        self.view.setText( sayings[0] )
        self.view.setMinimumSize( 450, 250 )

        buttons = QHBox( self )
        buttons.setMargin( 5 )

        self.bClose = QPushButton( "&Close",   buttons )
        self.bPrev  = QPushButton( "<< &Prev", buttons )
        self.bNext  = QPushButton( "&Next >>", buttons )

        self.bPrev.setEnabled( False )

        self.connect( self.bClose, SIGNAL("clicked()"), qApp, SLOT("quit()") )
        self.connect( self.bPrev,  SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.prev )
        self.connect( self.bNext,  SIGNAL("clicked()"), )

        self.num = 0
    def prev( self ):
        if self.num <= 0 :
        self.num -= 1
        self.view.setText( sayings[self.num] )
        if self.num == 0 :
            self.bPrev.setEnabled( False )
        self.bNext.setEnabled( True )

    def next( self ):
        self.num += 1
        if not sayings[self.num]:
        self.view.setText( sayings[self.num] )
        if not sayings[self.num + 1]:
            self.bNext.setEnabled( False )
        self.bPrev.setEnabled( True )

def main( args ):
    a = QApplication(sys.argv)          # application object
    richtext = MyRichText()
    richtext.resize( 450, 350 );
    richtext.setCaption( "Qt Example - Richtext" )
    a.setMainWidget( richtext )
if __name__=="__main__":