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    <title>LuaDoc: Documentation Generator Tool for the Lua language</title>
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	<div id="product_description">Documentation Generator Tool for the Lua language</div>
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<h2><a name="architecture"></a>Architecture</h2>

LuaDoc's processing can be divided in two distinct steps: parsing and 
generation. The parsing step take as input a set of <code>.lua</code> files 
and must produce a <code>Documentation</code> object. A generator takes a 
<code>Documentation</code> object as input and produces a set of output files. 
It's up to the generator to decide which output format it will generate.
The parsing step is executed by a component called 
<strong><code>taglet</code></strong>, while the generation is handled by a 
component called <strong><code>doclet</code></strong>. This architecture is 
shown below.
<p align="center">
<img src="architecture_h.png" alt="Architecture"/>

<h2><a name="taglet"></a>Taglet</h2>
LuaDoc does not impose a documentation format. It does relies on an internal 
representation of the documentation. This representation is described in the
<a href="#documentation">Documentation</a> section. If the developer wants to
use a custom documentation format the <code>taglet</code> component can be 
Writing a new taglet is a matter a implementing a single method:
<pre class="example">
function start (files, doc)
	<dd>a list of file (or directory) names.</dd>
	<dd>a preprocessed documentation object.</dd>

LuaDoc comes bundled with a standard taglet implementation. This implementation 
takes all file names in the list and produce the documentation object using a set
of tags described in the section <a href="manual.html#howto">How To</a>. If an 
item in the list is a directory it iterates recursively throw all files in the 
directory looking for filenames with <code>.lua</code> or <code>.luadoc</code> 

<h2><a name="documentation">Documentation</a></h2>
Instead of defining a documentation format LuaDoc defines an internal 
representation of a documentation object. Taglets and doclets must conform with 
this format.
The documentation object is described below. Some description elements are explained
	<dd>table indexed by number. Example: List&lt;string&gt;
		[1] = "x",
		[2] = "y",
		[3] = "z",
	<dd>table whose numerical indices are the key values for objects. Example: HashMap&lt;string, string&gt;
	<pre class="example">{
		[1] = "x",
		[2] = "y";
		[3] = "z";
		["x"] = "x coord",
		["y"] = "y coord",
		["z"] = "z coord",

<pre class="example">
	files = <i>HashMap&lt;string, DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT&gt;</i>, -- indexed by file name
	modules = <i>HashMap&lt;string, DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT&gt;</i>, -- indexed by module name

<pre class="example">
	type = ["file" | "module"],
	name = <i>&lt;string&gt;</i>, -- full path of file or name of module
	doc = <i>List&lt;BLOCK&gt;</i>, -- all documentation blocks
	functions = <i>HashMap&lt;string, BLOCK&gt;</i>, -- only functions, indexed by function name
	tables = <i>HashMap&lt;string, BLOCK&gt;</i>, -- only table definitions, indexed by table name

<pre class="example">
	class = ["module" | "function" | "table"],
	name = <i>&lt;string&gt;</i>,
	summary = <i>&lt;string&gt;</i>,
	description = <i>&lt;string&gt;</i>,
	comment = <i>List&lt;string&gt;</i>,
	code = <i>List&lt;string&gt;</i>,
	param = <i>HashMap&lt;string, string&gt;</i>,

<h2><a name="doclet"></a>Doclet</h2>
The primary job of an <strong><code>doclet</code></strong> is to take a 
<code>Documentation</code> object and generate some kind of output.
LuaDoc is bundled with an implementation that generates HTML files.

Writing a new <strong><code>doclet</code></strong> is a matter a 
implementing a single method:
<pre class="example">
function start (doc)
	<dd>a documentation object.</dd>

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	<p><small>$Id: architecture.html,v 1.5 2007/08/13 15:32:45 carregal Exp $</small></p>
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