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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"  ""><html xmlns=""><head><title>CDuce: Quick reference</title><meta content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type"/><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="cduce.css"/></head><body style="margin: 0; padding : 0;"><table border="0" width="100&#37;" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top" align="left" style="width:20&#37;;"><div class="leftbar" id="leftbar"><div class="smallbox"><p>This page briefly presents the syntax of the CDuce language.</p><ul><li><a href="#id">Identifiers</a></li><li><a href="#scalars">Scalars</a></li><li><a href="#op">Operators, built-in functions</a></li><li><a href="#pair">Pairs</a></li><li><a href="#seq">Sequences</a></li><li><a href="#record">Record</a></li><li><a href="#string">Strings</a></li><li><a href="#xml">XML elements</a></li><li><a href="#fun">Functions</a></li><li><a href="#match">Pattern matching, exceptions, ...</a></li><li><a href="#type">More about types and patterns</a></li><li><a href="#ref">References</a></li><li><a href="#toplevel">Toplevel statements</a></li></ul><p>See also:</p><ul><li><a href="index.html">CDuce: documentation</a></li><li><a href="manual.html">User's manual</a></li><li><a href="tutorial.html">Tutorial</a></li></ul></div></div></td><td><h1>Quick reference</h1><div class="mainpanel"><div class="smallbox"><p><a href="index.html">CDuce: documentation</a>: Quick reference</p><p><a href="manual_interfacewithocaml.html"><img class="icon" width="16" alt="Previous page:" height="16" src="img/left.gif"/> Interfacing CDuce with OCaml</a> <a href="sitemap.html"><img class="icon" width="16" alt="Next page:" height="16" src="img/right.gif"/> Sitemap</a></p></div><div><h2><a name="id">Identifiers</a></h2><ul><li> Type and Pattern identifiers: words formed by of Unicode letters and 
the underscore &quot;_&quot; character,  starting by an uppercase letter. </li><li> value identifiers: words formed by of Unicode letters and the underscore &quot;
_&quot; character,  starting by a lowercase letter or underscore.</li></ul></div><div><h2><a name="scalars">Scalars</a></h2><ul><li>Large integers: 
   <ul><li>Values: <b><tt>0,1,2,3,...</tt></b></li><li>Types: intervals <b><tt>-*--10, 20--30, 50--*, ...</tt></b>,
                singletons <b><tt>0,1,2,3,...</tt></b></li><li>Operators: <b><tt>+,-,/,*,div,mod, int_of</tt></b></li></ul></li><li>Floats: 
   <ul><li>Values: <i>none built-in</i>. </li><li>Types: only <b><tt>Float</tt></b>. </li><li>Operators: <b><tt>float_of</tt></b> : String -&gt; Float</li></ul></li><li>Unicode characters:
   <ul><li>Values: quoted characters (<b><tt>'a'</tt></b>, <b><tt>'b'</tt></b>, 
         <b><tt>'c'</tt></b>, ...,<b><tt>'&#12354;'</tt></b>, <b><tt>'&#12356;'</tt></b>, ... , 
         <b><tt>'&#31169;'</tt></b>, ... , <b><tt>'&#8838;'</tt></b>, ...),
         codepoint-defined characters (<b><tt>'\x<i>h</i>;' '\<i>d</i>;' 
         </tt></b> where <b><tt><i>h</i></tt></b> and
         <b><tt><i>d</i></tt></b> are hexadecimal and decimal integers
         respectively), and backslash-escaped characters 
         (<b><tt>'\t'</tt></b> tab, <b><tt>'\n'</tt></b> newline, 
         <b><tt>'\r'</tt></b> return, <b><tt>'\\'</tt></b> backslash).</li><li>Types: intervals <b><tt>'a'--'z', '0'--'9'</tt></b>,
                singletons <b><tt>'a','b','c',...</tt></b></li><li>Operators: <b><tt>char_of_int</tt></b> : Int -&gt; Char, <b><tt>int_of_char</tt></b> : Char -&gt; Int</li></ul></li><li>Symbolic atoms:
   <ul><li>Values: <b><tt>`A, `B, `a, `b, `true, `false, ...</tt></b></li><li>Types: singletons <b><tt>`A, `B, ...</tt></b></li><li>Operators: <b><tt>make_atom</tt></b> : (String,String) -&gt; Atom,
          <b><tt>split_atom</tt></b> : Atom -&gt; (String,String) </li><li>CDuce also supports <a href="namespaces.html">XML Namespaces</a></li></ul></li></ul></div><div><h2><a name="op">Operators, built-in functions</a></h2><ul><li>Infix:
     <br/><b><tt>@</tt></b> : concatenation of sequences
     <br/><b><tt>+,*,-,div,mod</tt></b> : Integer,Integer -&gt; Integer
     <br/><b><tt>=, &lt;&lt;, &lt;=, &gt;&gt;, &gt;= </tt></b> :
 <i>t</i>,<i>t</i> -&gt; Bool = <b><tt>`true | `false</tt></b> (any non functional type <i>t</i>)
     <br/><b><tt>||, &amp;&amp;</tt></b> : Bool,Bool -&gt; Bool
     <br/><b><tt>not</tt></b>: Bool -&gt; Bool
        <br/><b><tt>load_xml</tt></b> : Latin1 -&gt; AnyXml,
        <br/><b><tt>load_html</tt></b> : Latin1 -&gt; [ Any* ],
        <br/><b><tt>load_file</tt></b> : Latin1 -&gt; Latin1,
        <br/><b><tt>load_file_utf8</tt></b> : Latin1 -&gt; String,
        <br/><b><tt>dump_to_file</tt></b> : Latin1 -&gt; String -&gt; [],
        <br/><b><tt>dump_to_file_utf8</tt></b> : Latin1 -&gt; String -&gt; [],
        <br/><b><tt>print_xml</tt></b> : Any -&gt; Latin1,
        <br/><b><tt>print_xml_utf8</tt></b> : Any -&gt; String,
        <br/><b><tt>print</tt></b> : Latin1 -&gt; [],
        <br/><b><tt>print_utf8</tt></b> : String -&gt; [],
        <br/><b><tt>dump_xml</tt></b> : Any -&gt; [],
        <br/><b><tt>dump_xml_utf8</tt></b> : Any -&gt; [],
        <br/><b><tt>int_of</tt></b> : String -&gt; Int,
        <br/><b><tt>float_of</tt></b> : String -&gt; Float,
        <br/><b><tt>string_of</tt></b> : Any -&gt; Latin1,
        <br/><b><tt>char_of_int</tt></b> : Int -&gt; Char,
        <br/><b><tt>make_atom</tt></b> : (String,String) -&gt; Atom,
	<br/><b><tt>split_atom</tt></b> : Atom -&gt; (String,String),
        <br/><b><tt>system</tt></b> : Latin1 -&gt; { stdout = Latin1; stderr = Latin1; 
             status = (`exited,Int) | (`stopped,Int) | (`signaled,Int)
        <br/><b><tt>exit</tt></b> : 0--255 -&gt; Empty,
        <br/><b><tt>getenv</tt></b> : Latin1 -&gt; Latin1,
        <br/><b><tt>argv</tt></b> : [] -&gt; [ String* ],
        <br/><b><tt>raise</tt></b> : Any -&gt; Empty
   </li></ul></div><div><h2><a name="pair">Pairs</a></h2><ul><li>Expressions: <b><tt>(e1,e2)</tt></b></li><li>Types and patterns: <b><tt>(t1,t2)</tt></b></li><li>Note: tuples are right-associative pairs; e.g.: 
           <b><tt>(1,2,3)=(1,(2,3))</tt></b></li><li>When a capture variable appears on both side of a pair pattern,
     the two captured values are paired
     together (e.g. <b><tt>match (1,2,3) with (x,(_,x)) -&gt; x ==&gt;
(1,3)</tt></b>). </li></ul></div><div><h2><a name="seq">Sequences</a></h2><ul><li>Expressions: <b><tt>[ 1 2 3 ]</tt></b>, 
     which is syntactic sugar for <b><tt>(1,(2,(3,`nil)))</tt></b></li><li>A sub-sequence can be escaped by !: <b><tt>[ 1 2 ![ 3 4 ] 5
]</tt></b> is then equal to <b><tt>[ 1 2 3 4  5 ]</tt></b> . </li><li>Types and patterns : <b><tt>[ R ]</tt></b> where <b><tt>R</tt></b> is
    a regular expression built on types and patterns:
   <ul><li>A type or a pattern is a regexp by itself, matching a single
         element of the sequence </li><li>Postfix repetition operators: <b><tt>*,+,?</tt></b>
         and the ungreedy variants (for patterns) <b><tt>*?, +?
         ,??</tt></b></li><li>Concatenation of regexps</li><li>For patterns, sequence capture variable <b><tt>x::R</tt></b></li></ul></li><li>It is possible to specify a tail, for expressions, types, and patterns;
    e.g.: <b><tt>[ x::Int*; q ]</tt></b></li><li>Map: <b><tt>map e with p1 -&gt; e1 | ... | pn -&gt; en</tt></b>. 
    Each element of e must be matched. </li><li>Transform: <b><tt>transform e with p1 -&gt; e1 | ... | pn -&gt; en</tt></b>. 
    Unmatched elements are discarded; each branch returns a sequence
    and all the resulting sequences are concatenated together. </li><li>Selection: : <b><tt>select <i>e</i> from <i>p1</i> in  <i>e1</i>  ...  <i>pn</i>
    in <i>en</i> where <i>e'</i></tt></b>. SQL-like selection with the possibility 
    of using CDuce patterns instead of variables. <b><tt><i>e1</i>  ...
    <i>en</i></tt></b> must be sequences and <b><tt><i>e'</i></tt></b> a boolean
     expression.</li><li>Operators: concatenation <b><tt>e1 @ e2 = [ !e1 !e2 ]</tt></b>,
              flattening <b><tt>flatten e = transform e with x -&gt; x</tt></b>.
</li></ul></div><div><h2><a name="record">Record</a></h2><ul><li>Records literal <b><tt>{ l1 = e1; ...; ln = en }</tt></b></li><li>Types: <b><tt>{ l1 = t1; ...; ln = tn }</tt></b> (closed, no more
fields allowed), <b><tt>{ l1 = t1; ...; ln = tn; .. }</tt></b> (open,
any other field allowed). Optional fields: <b><tt>li =? ti</tt></b>
instead of <b><tt>li = ti</tt></b>. Semi-colons are optional.</li><li>Record concatenation:  <b><tt>e1 + e2</tt></b>
 (priority to the fields from the right argument) </li><li>Field removal: <b><tt>e1 \ l</tt></b> (does nothing if the
field <b><tt>l</tt></b> is not present)</li><li>Field access: <b><tt>e1.l</tt></b></li><li>Labels are in fact Qualified Names (see <a href="namespaces.html">XML Namespaces</a>)</li></ul></div><div><h2><a name="string">Strings</a></h2><ul><li>Strings are actually sequences of characters.</li><li>Expressions: <b><tt>&quot;abc&quot;, [ 'abc' ], [ 'a' 'b' 'c' ]</tt></b>. </li><li>Operators: <b><tt>string_of, print, dump_to_file</tt></b></li><li><b><tt>PCDATA</tt></b> means <b><tt>Char*</tt></b> inside regular expressions</li></ul></div><div><h2><a name="xml">XML elements</a></h2><ul><li>Expressions: <b><tt> &lt;(tag) (attr)&gt;content</tt></b></li><li>If the tag is an atom <b><tt>`X</tt></b>, it can be written
      <b><tt>X</tt></b> (without the <b><tt>(..)</tt></b>).
      Similarly, parenthesis and curly braces may be omitted
      when attr is a record <b><tt>l1=e1;...;ln=en</tt></b>
      (semicolon can also be omitted in this case).
      E.g: <b><tt>&lt;a href=&quot;abc&quot;&gt;[ 'abc' ]</tt></b>.</li><li>Types and patterns: same notations.</li><li>XPath like projection: <b><tt><i>e</i>/<i>t</i></tt></b>. For every
     XML tree in  <b><tt><i>e</i></tt></b> it returns the sequence of children
     of type  <b><tt><i>t</i></tt></b></li><li>Tree transformation: <b><tt>xtransform e with p1 -&gt; e1 | ... | pn -&gt; en</tt></b>. 
    Applies to sequences of XML trees. Unmatched elements are left unchanged and the
    transformation is recursively applied to the sequence of children of the unmatched
    element; as for transform, each branch returns a sequence
    and all the resulting sequences are concatenated together. </li><li>Operators: <b><tt>load_xml : Latin1 -&gt; AnyXml; print_xml : Any -&gt;
 Latin1; dump_xml : Any -&gt; []</tt></b></li></ul></div><div><h2><a name="fun">Functions</a></h2><ul><li>Expressions: 
   <ul><li>General form: <b><tt>fun f (t1-&gt;s1;...;tn-&gt;sn)
     p1 -&gt; e1 | ... | pm -&gt; em</tt></b> (<b><tt>f</tt></b> is optional) </li><li>Simple function: <b><tt>fun f (p : t) : s = e</tt></b>,
     equivalent to <b><tt>fun f (t -&gt; s) p -&gt; e</tt></b></li><li>Multiple arguments: <b><tt>fun f (p1 : t1, p2 : t2,...) : s =
e</tt></b>, equivalent to <b><tt>fun f ((p1,p2,...):(t1,t2,...)) : s
= e</tt></b> (note the blank spaces around colons to avoid ambiguity
   with namespaces) </li><li>Currified function: <b><tt>fun f (p1 : t1) (p2 : t2) ... : s =
   e</tt></b> (can be combined with the multiple arguments syntax).</li></ul></li><li>Types: <b><tt>t -&gt; s</tt></b></li></ul></div><div><h2><a name="match">Pattern matching, exceptions, ...</a></h2><ul><li>Type restriction: <b><tt>(e : t)</tt></b> (forgets any more precise
     type for <b><tt>e</tt></b>; note the blank spaces around colons to avoid ambiguity with namespaces) </li><li>Pattern matching: <b><tt>match e with p1 -&gt; e1 | ... | pn -&gt;
en</tt></b></li><li>Local binding: <b><tt>let p = e1 in e2</tt></b>, equivalent to
 <b><tt>match e1 with p -&gt; e2</tt></b>; 
   <b><tt>let p : t = e1 in e2</tt></b> equivalent to
  <b><tt>let p = (e1 : t) in e2</tt></b></li><li>If-then-else: <b><tt>if e1 then e2 else e3</tt></b>, equivalent to
 <b><tt>match e1 with `true -&gt; e2 | `false -&gt; e3</tt></b></li><li>Exceptions: <ul><li>Raise exception: <b><tt>raise e</tt></b></li><li>Handle exception: <b><tt>try e with p1 -&gt; e1 | ... | pn -&gt;
    en</tt></b></li></ul></li></ul></div><div><h2><a name="type">More about types and patterns</a></h2><ul><li>Boolean connectives: <b><tt>&amp;,|,\</tt></b> (<b><tt>|</tt></b> is
first-match). </li><li>Empty and universal types: <b><tt>Empty,Any</tt></b> or
<b><tt>_</tt></b>.</li><li>Recursive types and patterns: <b><tt>t where T1 = t2 and ... and
Tn = tn</tt></b>.</li><li>Capture variable: <b><tt>x</tt></b>. </li><li>Default values: <b><tt>(x := c)</tt></b>. </li></ul></div><div><h2><a name="ref">References</a></h2><ul><li>Type: <b><tt>ref <i>T</i></tt></b>.</li><li>Construction: <b><tt>ref <i>T</i> <i>e</i></tt></b>.</li><li>Dereferencing: <b><tt>!<i>e1</i></tt></b>.</li><li>Assignment: <b><tt><i>e1</i> := <i>e2</i></tt></b>.</li></ul></div><div><h2><a name="toplevel">Toplevel statements</a></h2><ul><li>Global expression to evaluate.</li><li>Global let-binding.</li><li>Global function declaration.</li><li>Type declarations: <b><tt>type T = t</tt></b>.</li><li>Global <a href="namespaces.html">namespace</a>: 
 <b><tt>namespace p = &quot;...&quot;</tt></b>,
 <b><tt>namespace &quot;...&quot;</tt></b>.</li><li>Source inclusion: <b><tt>include <i>filename_string</i></tt></b>.</li><li>Debug directives: <b><tt>debug <i>directive argument</i></tt></b><br/>
    where <b><tt><i>directive</i></tt></b> is one of the following: <b><tt>accept</tt></b>, 
<b><tt>subtype</tt></b>, <b><tt>compile</tt></b>, <b><tt>sample</tt></b>, <b><tt>filter</tt></b>.
    </li><li>Toplevel directives: <b><tt>#env</tt></b>, <b><tt>#quit</tt></b>,
<b><tt>#reinit_ns</tt></b>.</li></ul></div><div class="meta"><p><a href="sitemap.html">Site map</a></p></div><div class="smallbox"><p><a href="index.html">CDuce: documentation</a>: Quick reference</p><p><a href="manual_interfacewithocaml.html"><img class="icon" width="16" alt="Previous page:" height="16" src="img/left.gif"/> Interfacing CDuce with OCaml</a> <a href="sitemap.html"><img class="icon" width="16" alt="Next page:" height="16" src="img/right.gif"/> Sitemap</a></p></div></div></td></tr></table></body></html>