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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"  ""><html xmlns=""><head><title>CDuce: Exercises</title><meta content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type"/><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="cduce.css"/></head><body style="margin: 0; padding : 0;"><table border="0" width="100&#37;" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top" align="left" style="width:20&#37;;"><div class="leftbar" id="leftbar"><div class="smallbox"><ul><li><a href="#treenav">Tree navigation</a></li><li><a href="#pat">Patterns</a></li><li><a href="#solution">Solutions</a></li></ul><p>
You can cut and paste the code on this page and 
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</p></div></div></td><td><h1>Exercises</h1><div class="mainpanel"><div class="smallbox"><p><a href="index.html">CDuce: documentation</a>: <a href="tutorial.html">Tutorial</a>: Exercises</p><p><a href="tutorial_higherorder.html"><img class="icon" width="16" alt="Previous page:" height="16" src="img/left.gif"/> Higher-order functions</a> <a href="manual.html"><img class="icon" width="16" alt="Next page:" height="16" src="img/right.gif"/> User's manual</a></p></div><div><h2><a name="treenav">Tree navigation</a></h2><h3>XPath expressions</h3><p>Write a function that implements <b><tt>//t</tt></b> without 
using references types and <b><tt>xtransform</tt></b></p><ol><li>Give a non tail-recursive version</li><li>Give a tail-recursive version</li></ol></div><div><h2><a name="pat">Patterns</a></h2><h3>Sort (by Artur Miguel Diaz:</h3><p>
Write a non recursive function of type <b><tt> Int -&gt; Latin1</tt></b> which given a non-negative number produces all its digits in the order.
The function is given below nearly completely programmed. Define the patterns that allows to produce the result.</p><div class="code"><pre> 
let sortAlg (n :Int):Latin1 =
     match string_of n with
         <i>PATTERN</i> -&gt; <i>RESULT</i>
 </pre></div><p>Example:</p><div class="code"><pre> 
fact 200 =

sortAlg (fact 200) =
 </pre></div></div><div><h2><a name="solution">Solutions</a></h2><h3>Tree navigation</h3><div class="code"><pre>
type t =   <i>specify here a type to test</i>

fun ( x :[Any*]):[t*] =
  let f( x :[Any*]):[t*]) = ...
</pre></div><p>Note here that the recursive function <b><tt>f</tt></b> is wrapped by a second anonymous function so that it does not expose the recursion variable.</p><div class="code"><pre>
fun (e : [Any*]):[ T*] =
  let f( accu :[T*] , x :[Any*]):[T*] =
     match x with
        [ h&amp;T&amp;&lt;_ ..&gt;(k&amp;[Any*]) ;t] -&gt;  f( accu@[h], k@t)
      | [ &lt;_ ..&gt;(k&amp;[Any*]) ;t] -&gt;  f( accu, k@t)
      | [ h&amp;T ;t] -&gt;  f( accu@[h], t)
      | [ _ ;t] -&gt;  f( accu, t)
      | [] -&gt; accu
   in f ([], e);;
</pre></div><p>Note that this implementation may generate empty branch warnings in particular</p><ul><li>for the first branch if <b><tt>T&amp;&lt;_ ..&gt;(k&amp;[Any*])</tt></b> is <b><tt>Empty</tt></b></li><li>for the second branch if <b><tt>&lt;_ ..&gt;(k&amp;[Any*])</tt></b> is smaller than <b><tt>T&amp;&lt;_&gt;(k&amp;[Any*])</tt></b></li><li>for the first branch if <b><tt>t</tt></b> is smaller than <b><tt>&lt;_ ..&gt;(k&amp;[Any*])</tt></b></li></ul><h3>Patterns</h3><div class="code"><pre> 
let sortAlg (n :Int):Latin1 =
    match string_of n with
        [ (s0::'0' | s1::'1' | s2::'2' | s3::'3' | s4::'4' |
           s5::'5' | s6::'6' | s7::'7' | s8::'8' | s9::'9')+ ] -&gt;
                s0 @ s1 @ s2 @ s3 @ s4 @ s5 @ s6 @ s7 @ s8 @ s9
        | _ -&gt; raise &quot;Invalid argument for sortAlg.&quot;
 </pre></div></div><div class="meta"><p><a href="sitemap.html">Site map</a></p></div><div class="smallbox"><p><a href="index.html">CDuce: documentation</a>: <a href="tutorial.html">Tutorial</a>: Exercises</p><p><a href="tutorial_higherorder.html"><img class="icon" width="16" alt="Previous page:" height="16" src="img/left.gif"/> Higher-order functions</a> <a href="manual.html"><img class="icon" width="16" alt="Next page:" height="16" src="img/right.gif"/> User's manual</a></p></div></div></td></tr></table></body></html>