

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > afdf279e022eddf8c3c5dfb8c75b92b6 > files > 11


apvlv 0.0.9

News features

   * More like vim's info file schem

   * Add `guioptions = "mT"` to support menu and tool bar

   * Add command bar response when command is failed or command is not valid

   * Add double click action on pdf pages for select a word, a line or a page
     of text

   * Mouse Copy Support: add left drag to select area, and right click to popup menu to copy to clipboard

   * Key Copy Support: add select area by pressing 'v' or <C-v> and copy area by press 'y'

   * add 'wrapscan' options in $HOME/.apvlvrc

   * add search support of dir and content view

   * add Startup.tex to source tar

   * use \ to support space in file name when :o[pen] or :doc

   * use 'G' to go to the last page

   * keep search direction when search with 'n' or 'N' after / or ?

   * add autoreload parameter to support auto reload document or directory view

Bug Fix

   * display '*' when input password to open pdf docs

   * return false when search next but no first string was be searched.

   * return true when sub child dir has pdf files

   * fix a segfault when yank text

   * fix a memory leak when destroy a apvlv doc

   * fix the correct select mark when scroll up or down the page

   * fix the k or j 's length in continous mode

apvlv 0.0.8

News features

   * add DJVU format document viewing support 

   * add poppler-data support in Windows version

   * add :w[rite] filename to save document

   * add zw to fitwidth and zh to fitheight

   * made the scrollbar as a option in $HOME/.apvlvrc

Bug Fix

   * If a pdf file is not entrypted, not ask password when can't open it

   * heightlight correcly after zoom in or zoom out

   * :z[oom] fitwidth or :z[oom] fitheight works

apvlv 0.0.7

Changes for WARNNING

   * apvlv don't support negative integer now

     Because the '-' cause many bugs in in <C-w>- to smaller a window, apvlv don't support negative interger from

News features

   * add shell command line options, -h, -v and -c

   * add options to disable ~/.apvlvinfo

   * add a option "set autoscrolldoc=yes/no" to toggle auto scroll a doc from end to 1st

   * add a option "set pdfcache=[number]" to set the cache size of pdf object

   * set pdfcache >= 2 limit for apvlv works correctly

   * set no autoscroll and not continuous when pdf is a single page

   * add global /etc/apvlvrc

   * don't create ~/.apvlvrc automaticlly

   * made fullscreen really works under some WM

   * add key 'n' and 'N' to search and back search

Bug Fix

   * fix file is not exist segment fault

   * fix the command histroy segment fault

   * add document of / and ? key which appear from 0.0.3

   * fix lots of spelling errors in Startup.pdf

apvlv 0.0.6

News features

   * Warnning !!! change 'goto' command's 'g' to 'G'

   * add continuous view of pdf page
     set in .apvlvrc "set continuous=yes/no"

   * add argument to support weather auto scroll page when k,j to page's end or head
     set in .apvlvrc "set autoscrollpage=yes/no"

   * add Up and Down key to get previous and next command in Command Prompt

   * add tab view
     add :tabnew and 'gt' 'gg' 'gT' 'g[n]' command to support tab switch, change goto page command from 'g' to 'G'

   * add content view
         * k, j to select up, down
         * h, l to expand, collapase
         * <CR> open selected page
         * 'o' open selected page in split window
         * 't' open selected page in new tab

   * add direcotry view by command 'O'
         * k, j to select up, down
         * h, l to expand, collapase
         * <CR> open selected file
         * 'o' open selected file in split window
         * 't' open selected file in new tab

   * add <C-]> goto a heperlink and <C-t> to come back

   * add open entrypted pdf with password support

   * add open last directory

   * add mouse wheel scrollup and down support

   * add a padding argument to continuous page

   * add :number to goto page

 Bug fix

   * fix the windows open bug

   * fix the keys can't work on 64bit platform

   * fix some segment fault

   * change the width, height of apvlv can resize

apvlv 0.0.5

News features

    * add cache module to make the display faster.

    * add ':set [no]cache' to tell apvlv if use cache module.

apvlv 0.0.4

News features

    * remove the status bar from the bottom, and add it to every window.

    * make the active window healight the status bar.

    * add 'r' command to rotate page.

    * add ':TOtext' to translate pdf doc page to a text file.

    * add ':pr[int]' to print the document.

    * add ':open file' to open a PDF document.

    * add ':doc file' to set the doc to current window.

    * support open multiple PDF files once, and load them in cache. can be set by ':doc file'.

Bug Fix
    * fix the absolutepath () bug.

apvlv 0.0.3

News features

    * Replace word which like 'C-a' to like '<C-a>' at every nessary place.

    * Support 'H', 'M' and 'L' to scroll one PDF page.

    * Support multiple window view and support below command to control them.
            0. ':sp', ':vsp', 'q', 'quit'
            1. '<C-w> <C-Q>', '<C-w> q
            2. '<C-w> k'
            3. '<C-w> j'
            4. '<C-w> h'
            5. '<C-w> l'
            6. '<C-w> <C-w>'
            7. '<C-w> -'
            8. '<C-w> +'

    * Support multiple PDF Doc to be opened at the memory.

    * Support map command mode
            like 'map a :vsp'