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<center><h1>Class <a href="type_XmlRpc.multicall.html">XmlRpc.multicall</a></h1></center>
<pre><span class="keyword">class</span> <a name="TYPEmulticall"></a>multicall : <code class="type"><a href="XmlRpc.client.html">client</a> -> </code><code class="code">object</code> <a href="XmlRpc.multicall.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre>Convenience class for <code class="code">system.multicall</code> calls.

    Instances take an <a href="XmlRpc.client.html"><code class="code">XmlRpc.client</code></a> as an argument: <pre><code class="code">        # let mc = new XmlRpc.multicall client;;
        val mc : XmlRpc.multicall = &lt;obj&gt;
    The "call" method works like <code class="code">client#call</code>, but it returns a lazy
    value: <pre><code class="code">        # let a = mc#call "demo.addTwoNumbers" [`Int 3; `Int 4];;
        val a : XmlRpc.value Lazy.t = &lt;lazy&gt;
        # let b = mc#call "demo.addTwoNumbers" [`Int 42; `String "oh noes!"];;
        val b : XmlRpc.value Lazy.t = &lt;lazy&gt;
        # let c = mc#call "demo.addTwoNumbers" [`Double 3.0; `Double 4.0];;
        val c : XmlRpc.value Lazy.t = &lt;lazy&gt;
    At this point, the call has not been executed yet: <pre><code class="code">        # mc#executed;;
        -- : bool = false
    As soon as one of the return values is forced, the call is executed: <pre><code class="code">        # Lazy.force a;;
        -- : XmlRpc.value = `Int 7
        # mc#executed;;
        -- : bool = true
    Once a call has been executed, this instance cannot be used to make any
    further calls; instead, a new <code class="code">multicall</code> instance must be created: <pre><code class="code">        # mc#call "demo.addTwoNumbers" [`Int 2; `Int 2];;
        Exception: Failure "multicall#call: already executed".
    If an XmlRpc fault occurred, the exception will be thrown when the lazy
    value is forced: <pre><code class="code">        # Lazy.force b;;
        Exception: XmlRpc.Error (-32602, "server error. invalid method parameters").
    This will not prevent further methods from executing successfully: <pre><code class="code">        # Lazy.force c;;
        -- : XmlRpc.value = `Double 7.
    It is possible for a <code class="code">multicall</code> to be executed but not completed, for
    example if a transport error occurs. Aside from catching the exception,
    the <code class="code">completed</code> property indicates if the call actually went through
    or not: <pre><code class="code">        # mc#completed;;
        -- : bool = true
    It is not necessary to use lazy values. Instead, the call can be
    executed explicitly, and the results can be retrieved by number: <pre><code class="code">        # let mc = new XmlRpc.multicall client;;
        val mc : XmlRpc.multicall = &lt;obj&gt;
        # ignore (mc#call "demo.addTwoNumbers" [`Int 2; `Int 2]);;
        -- : unit = ()
        # ignore (mc#call "demo.addTwoNumbers" [`Int 3; `Int 3]);;
        -- : unit = ()
        # mc#result 1;;
        -- : XmlRpc.value = `Int 6
<hr width="100%">
<pre><span class="keyword">method</span> <a name="METHODcall"></a>call : <code class="type">string -> <a href="XmlRpc.html#TYPEvalue">value</a> list -> <a href="XmlRpc.html#TYPEvalue">value</a> Lazy.t</code></pre><div class="info">
Adds a call to this <code class="code">multicall</code> instance.
      If the call has already executed, the following exception will
      be raised:
      Failure "multicall#call: already executed".<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">method</span> <a name="METHODexecute"></a>execute : <code class="type">unit -> unit</code></pre><div class="info">
Forces the call to execute immediately.
      If the call has already executed and completed successfully, the
      following exception will be raised:
      Failure "multicall#execute: already completed".<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">method</span> <a name="METHODresult"></a>result : <code class="type">int -> <a href="XmlRpc.html#TYPEvalue">value</a></code></pre><div class="info">
Returns a <code class="code">multicall</code> result, executing the call if necessary.
      The results are numbered starting with zero.<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">method</span> <a name="METHODexecuted"></a>executed : <code class="type">bool</code></pre><div class="info">
True if the call has executed, whether or not it succeeded.<br>
<pre><span class="keyword">method</span> <a name="METHODcompleted"></a>completed : <code class="type">bool</code></pre><div class="info">
True of the call has executed and completed successfully.<br>