

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > bc8bd25043185613929cc12a03dbd897 > files > 9


#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

# Copyright (c) 2005 - 2008 George Nistorica
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of POE::Component::Client::SMTP
# POE::Component::Client::SMTP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.  See the LICENSE
# file that comes with this distribution for more details.

# 	$Id:,v 1.2 2008/05/12 12:30:17 UltraDM Exp $	

my $sender      = 'george@localhost';
my $recipient   = 'george@localhost';
my $smtp_server = 'localhost';
my $user        = 'george', my $pass = 'abracadabra', my $smtp_port = 25;

# use the library from the kit
# remove the line below if you're using the system wide installed
use lib q{../lib};

use Data::Dumper;    # I always include this ;-)
use Email::MIME::Creator;
use IO::All;

use POE;
use POE::Component::Client::SMTP;

# main()

print q{V: }, $POE::Component::Client::SMTP::VERSION, qq{\n};
    q{inline_states} => {
        q{_start}            => \&start_main_session,
        q{send_mail}         => \&send_mail_from_main_session,
        q{send_mail_success} => \&send_mail_success,
        q{send_mail_failure} => \&send_mail_failure,
        q{_stop}             => \&stop_main_session,


# done

sub start_main_session {

    #fire the things up

# 9qi<|'K3,8fJQpt!#z%S6AA9j8'2
sub send_mail_from_main_session {
    my $email = create_message();

    # Note that you are prohibited by RFC to send bare LF characters in e-mail
    # messages; consult:
    $email =~ s/\n/\r\n/g;

        q{From}   => $sender,
        q{To}     => $recipient,
        q{Server} => $smtp_server,
        q{Auth}   => {
            q{mechanism} => q{PLAIN},
            q{user}      => $user,
            q{pass}      => $pass,
        q{Port}         => $smtp_port,
        q{Body}         => $email,
        q{SMTP_Success} => q{send_mail_success},
        q{SMTP_Failure} => q{send_mail_failure},
        q{Debug}        => 1,

sub send_mail_success {
    print qq{Success\n};

sub send_mail_failure {
    my $fail = $_[ARG1];
    print Dumper($fail);
    print qq{Failure\n};

sub stop_main_session {
    print qq{End ...\n};

# Email Creation Part
# rather lame email creation.
# You may use any method that suits you (I usually create the messages by hand
# ;-) )
sub create_message {
    my $attachment_file = q{text_mail_attachment.txt};

    my $email;
    my @parts;

    @parts = (
            q{attributes} => {
                q{filename}     => q{text.txt},
                q{content_type} => q{text/plain},
                q{encoding}     => q{quoted-printable},
                q{name}         => q{Example attachment},
            q{body} => io($attachment_file)->all,
            q{attributes} => {
                q{content_type} => q{text/plain},
                q{disposition}  => q{attachment},
                q{charset}      => q{US-ASCII},
            q{body} => q{Howdy!},

    $email = Email::MIME->create(
        q{header} => [
            q{From} => $sender,
            q{To}   => $recipient,
        q{parts} => [@parts],

    # return the message
    return $email->as_string;