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<article lang="&language;">
<title>Nepomuk Desktop Search Configuration</title>

<author>&Anne-Marie.Mahfouf; &Anne-Marie.Mahfouf.mail;</author>

<releaseinfo>&kde; 4.6</releaseinfo>

<keyword>desktop search</keyword>

<sect1 id="introduction">

<para>This module allows to configure certain parts of the desktop search and the Nepomuk semantic desktop. More information
about the Nepomuk semantic desktop can be found at the <ulink url="">Nepomuk homepage</ulink>.</para>

<sect2 id="basic">
<title>Basic Settings</title>

<para>The basic settings page allows to enable or disable the semantic desktop and desktop search systems.</para>

<para>There are two checkboxes:</para>
<listitem><para><guilabel>Enable Nepomuk Semantic Desktop</guilabel> Enabling the Nepomuk semantic desktop means that
the Nepomuk services are running. These services provide metadata/annotation storage (files can be tagged or rated in &dolphin;
for example) but also desktop search which can be used through the &kde; runner or again &dolphin;.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><guilabel>Enable Strigi Desktop File Indexer</guilabel> Enabling the Strigi desktop file indexer means that
the Nepomuk Strigi service is started in addition to the standard services already running. The Strigi service will run through
all files in the configured folders (see below) and extract metadata from them (such as title or artist on music files or even
simple things like the creation date). This metadata is then exposed through the desktop search just like the manual annotations
mentioned earlier.</para></listitem>

<para>On the right of <guilabel>Enable Nepomuk Semantic Desktop</guilabel> you can click on <guilabel>Details...</guilabel> and 
a dialog will inform you on the status of the KDE metadata store: how many files are indexed and the size of the store.</para>

<para>Under the <guilabel>Enable Strigi Desktop File Indexer</guilabel> checkbox the current status of the Strigi service is
shown. The service has four normal operation states:</para>
<listitem><para><guilabel>File indexer is idle</guilabel> - The file indexer is currently not working and waiting for an event to
trigger an update (an event can be a newly created file or a changed file or a timeout for the recurring full check)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><guilabel>Strigi is currently indexing files in folder foobar</guilabel> - The file indexer is currently running though
all files in folder foobar and analyzes new or changed files.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><guilabel>Checking file system for new files</guilabel> - The file indexer is currently performing its recurring check
for new files in all index folders. This check is intended to find files that were not caught through normal file system
<listitem><para><guilabel>File indexer is suspended</guilabel> - The file indexer has been suspended, &ie; it is in a paused state.
This can either be triggered by the user or due to low disk space or a laptop being in a power-saving state. In the two latter
cases the indexer will resume once the reason for the suspension has been resolved.</para></listitem>

<para>Apart from the normal operation states the Strigi service can have an erroneous state. There are two possibilities:</para>
<listitem><para><guilabel>Strigi service failed to initialize, most likely due to an installation problem.</guilabel> - This should rarely
occur that means that a mandatory plugin could not be loaded. This can be due to an installation problem (missing dependency) or due
to a faulty setup of the &kde; plugin system.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Any other error means a communication problem with the service. These errors are produced by the &DBus; subsystem and need
to be evaluated case by case.</para></listitem>


<sect2 id="file-indexing">
<title>Desktop Query</title>

<para>This tab allows to fine tune the files and folders that are to be analyzed by the Strigi file indexer explained
above. The left panel allows to select and de-select folders that should be searched for files to be analyzed. By default the home folder
and all subfolders are analyzed. By simply unchecking a folder it can be excluded. It is also possible to include a subfolder of an
excluded one by checking it again. This allows a rather fine selection of the folders to be analyzed.</para>

<para>The right panel allows to define exclude filters. The filenames of all files found in the configured folders will be matched
against these filters. Only if none of them matches the file will be analyzed. This is very helpful to exclude log and backup files
and the like.</para>

<sect2 id="backup">

<para>On this tab you can decide to make a backup of all data that could not be restored otherwise. This includes
manually created tags, ratings but also statistical data. No backup is done as default so you need to decide what you want to do. 
You have two possibilities: automatic backups and manual ones.</para>

<sect3 id="automatic">
<title>Automatic Backups</title>
<para>First choose the <guilabel>Backup Frequency</guilabel>: this is set to <guilabel>Disable Automatic Backups</guilabel> but you 
can choose <guilabel>Daily Backups</guilabel>, <guilabel>Weekly Backups</guilabel> or <guilabel>Monthly Backups</guilabel>.
Then set the <guilabel>Backup Time:</guilabel> to anything convenient for you using the spinbox: you can set the hour and minutes.
Finally you can set a limit for the number of backup files using <guilabel>Max Number of Backups:</guilabel>.
This will ensure you do not waste disk space with the backup files and only the N last files will be kept, N being 
the number you set there, 10 as default.</para>
<para>Your automatic backups are saved locally in the following directory: 
<filename class="directory">$KDEHOME/share/apps/nepomuk/backupsync/backups/</filename>.</para>

<sect3 id="tools">
<listitem><para><guilabel>Manual Backup...</guilabel>
You can also perform manual backups. Manual backups will be saved in your chosen location, as a file.
Click on <guilabel>Manual Backup...</guilabel> and a wizard will guide you. You first need to point to the location
of the backup file. Enter a full valid path in the field or use the file dialog to point to a file.</para>
<note><para>You can create a new file in the folder of your choice and then point to this new file.</para></note>
<para>Then click on the <guibutton>Next</guibutton> button and the dialog should report that the backup has been done.</para>
<listitem><para><guilabel>Restore Backup...</guilabel>
If you want to later restore your backup, use this button and follow the wizard. The backup will be merged
into the local Nepomuk database.


<sect2 id="advanced">
<title>Advanced Settings</title>

<para>On this tab you can determine the maximum amount of main memory the Nepomuk system should use for its 
database process. The more memory is available to Nepomuk the better will be 
its performance.</para>

