

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > be0abf19f9a094fb83ea9cc55c979327 > files > 277


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<title>Removable Devices</title>

<releaseinfo>&kde; 4.4</releaseinfo>


This dialog allows you to configure automatic handling of removable storage media.

<para>Enabling the automatic mounting features in this module you do not need to use 
the device notifier applet or the navigation panel in the file manager to get access to a 
recently plugged in device.

<para>At the top of the dialog you find the global settings, which can be overridden
for each single device in the <guilabel>Device Overrides</guilabel> list.
For a single-user desktop it is recommended to have all the 
check boxes above the overrides list enabled. 
<varlistentry><term><guilabel>Enable automatic mounting of removable media</guilabel></term>
When this is unchecked, no device automounting of any kind will happen, 
regardless of anything selected in the <guilabel>Device Overrides</guilabel> section.

<varlistentry><term><guilabel>Only automatically mount removable media that has been 
manually mounted before</guilabel></term>
When this is checked, &kde; will only automatically mount devices it 
remembers. A device is <quote>remembered</quote> if it has ever been mounted before; &eg; 
plugging in a USB media player to charge is not sufficient to <quote>remember</quote> it. 
If the files are not accessed, &kde; 
will not automatically mount the player next time it is seen. Once they have 
been accessed, however, &kde; will remember to automatically make the contents 
accessible to your system.

<varlistentry><term><guilabel>Mount all removable media at login</guilabel></term>
If any removable storage devices are connected to your system when you login 
to your desktop, &kde; will automatically make the contents available to your 
system for other programs to read.

<varlistentry><term><guilabel>Automatically mount removable media when attached</guilabel></term>
When this is checked, &kde; will automatically make the contents of any 
storage device available to the system when it is plugged in or attached.

<varlistentry><term><guilabel>Device Overrides</guilabel></term>
This list contains the storage devices known to &kde;. If <guilabel>Automount on Login
</guilabel>is checked, the device will be automatically mounted even though <guilabel>Mount 
all removable media at login</guilabel> is unchecked. The same applies for 
<guilabel>Automount on Attach</guilabel>.</para>
If <guilabel>Enable automatic mounting of removable media</guilabel> is unchecked, the 
overrides do not apply and no devices will be automatically mounted.

<varlistentry><term><guibutton>Forget Device</guibutton></term>
Clicking this button causes &kde; to <quote>forget</quote> that the selected devices ever 
existed. This is only useful if <guilabel>Only automatically mount removable media 
that has been manually mounted before</guilabel> is checked. Once a device is 
forgotten and &kde; is set to only automatically mount familiar devices, the 
device will not be automatically mounted.

