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<div id="title">




<div id="summary">
JUnitPerf is a collection of JUnit test decorators used to measure the
performance and scalability of functionality contained within existing
JUnit tests.
<i>If you like this kind of automation, you'll love my book, 
  <a href="">Pragmatic Project
The two-day, on-site 
<a href="">Test-Driven
  with JUnit Workshop</a> is an excellent way to learn
JUnit and test-driven development through lecture and a series of
hands-on exercises guided by Mike Clark.

    Table of Contents
<div class="header">
Table of Contents

  <li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
  <li><a href="#uses">Why Use JUnitPerf?</a></li>
  <li><a href="#download">Downloading JUnitPerf</a></li>
  <li><a href="#installation">Installing JUnitPerf</a></li>
  <li><a href="#building">Building And Testing JUnitPerf</a></li> 
  <li><a href="#howtouse">Using JUnitPerf</a></li>
  <li><a href="#effectivetests">Writing Effective JUnitPerf Tests</a></li>
  <li><a href="#limitations">Limitations</a></li>
  <li><a href="#support">Support</a></li>
  <li><a href="#donate">Donate</a></li>
  <li><a href="#training">Training and Mentoring</a></li>
  <li><a href="#license">License</a></li>
  <li><a href="#credits">Acknowledgments</a></li>
  <li><a href="#resources">Resources</a></li>



<div class="header">
<a name="overview"></a> 
JUnitPerf is a collection of JUnit test decorators used to measure the
performance and scalability of functionality contained within existing
JUnit tests.
JUnitPerf contains the following JUnit test decorators:
      A <code>TimedTest</code> is a test decorator that runs a test 
      and measures the elapsed time of the test.  
      A <code>TimedTest</code> is constructed with a specified
      maximum elapsed time.  By default, a <code>TimedTest</code> 
      will wait for the completion of its decorated test and then 
      fail if the maximum elapsed time was exceeded.  Alternatively, 
      a <code>TimedTest</code> can be constructed to immediately 
      signal a failure when the maximum elapsed time of its decorated 
      test is exceeded.    
      A <code>LoadTest</code> is a test decorator that runs a test 
      with a simulated number of concurrent users and iterations.  



<div class="header">
<a name="uses"></a> 
Why Use JUnitPerf?
JUnitPerf tests transparently decorate existing JUnit tests.  This
decoration-based design allows performance testing to be dynamically
added to an existing JUnit test without affecting the use of the JUnit
test independent of its performance.  By decorating existing JUnit
tests, it's quick and easy to compose a set of performance tests into
a performance test suite.
The performance test suite can then be run automatically and
independent of your other JUnit tests.  In fact, you generally want to
avoid grouping your JUnitPerf tests with your other JUnit tests so
that you can run the test suites independently and at different
frequencies.  Long-running performance tests will slow you down and
undoubtedly tempt you to abandon unit testing altogether, so try to
schedule them to run at times when they won't interfere with your
refactoring pace.
JUnitPerf tests are intended to be used specifically in situations
where you have quantitative performance and/or scalability
requirements that you'd like to keep in check while refactoring code.
For example, you might write a JUnitPerf test to ensure that
refactoring an algorithm didn't incur undesirable performance overhead
in a performance-critical code section.  You might also write a
JUnitPerf test to ensure that refactoring a resource pool didn't
adversely affect the scalability of the pool under load.
It's important to maintain a pragmatic approach when writing JUnitPerf
tests to maximize the return on your testing investment.  Traditional
performance profiling tools and techniques should be employed first to
identify which areas of code exhibit the highest potential for
performance and scalability problems.  JUnitPerf tests can then be
written to automatically test and check that requirements are being
met now and in the future.
Here's an example usage scenario:  
You've built a well-factored chunk of software, complete with the
necessary suite of JUnit tests to validate the software.  At this
point in the process you've gained as much knowledge about the design
as possible.
You then use a performance profiling tool to isolate where the
software is spending most of its time.  Based on your knowledge of the
design you're better equipped to make realistic estimates of the
desired performance and scalability.  And, since your refactorings
have formed clear and succinct methods, your profiler is able to point
you towards smaller sections of code to tune.
You then write a JUnitPerf test with the desired performance and
scalability tolerances for the code to be tuned.  Without making any
changes to the code, the JUnitPerf test should fail, proving that the
test is written properly.  You then make the tuning changes in small
After each step you compile and rerun the JUnitPerf test.  If you've
improved performance to the expected degree, the test passes.  If you
haven't improved performance to the expected degree, the test fails
and you continue the tuning process until the test passes.  In the
future, when the code is again refactored, you re-run the test.  If
the test fails, the previously defined performance limits have been
exceeded, so you back out the change and continue refactoring until
the test passes.



<div class="header">
<a name="download"></a> 
Downloading JUnitPerf
<a href="">JUnitPerf
1.9</a> is the latest major version release. It includes all the minor
version changes.
This version requires Java 2 and
<a href=""
target="_parent">JUnit 3.5</a> (or higher).
The distribution contains a JAR file, source code, sample tests, API
documentation, and this document.



<div class="header">
<a name="download"></a> 
Installing JUnitPerf
To install JUnitPerf, follow these steps:
      Unzip the <code>junitperf-&lt;version&gt;.zip</code> distribution
      file to a directory referred to as <code>%JUNITPERF_HOME%</code>.
      Add JUnitPerf to the classpath:
      <code>set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%JUNITPERF_HOME%\lib\junitperf-&lt;version&gt;.jar</code>
<b>Unix (bash)</b>
To install JUnitPerf, follow these steps:
      Unzip the <code>junitperf-&lt;version&gt;.zip</code> distribution
      file to a directory referred to as <code>$JUNITPERF_HOME</code>.
      Change file permissions:
      <code>chmod -R a+x $JUNITPERF_HOME</code>
  <li>Add JUnitPerf to the classpath:
      <code>export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$JUNITPERF_HOME/lib/junitperf-&lt;version&gt;.jar</code>



<div class="header">
<a name="building"></a> 
Building and Testing JUnitPerf
The JUnitPerf distribution includes the pre-built classes in the
<code>$JUNITPERF_HOME/lib/junitperf-&lt;version&gt;.jar</code> file.
An <a href="" target="_parent">Ant</a>
build file is included in <code>$JUNITPERF_HOME/build.xml</code> to
build the <code>$JUNITPERF_HOME/dist/junitperf-&lt;version&gt;.jar</code>
file from the included source code.
To build JUnitPerf, use:
ant jar
The JUnitPerf distribution includes
<a href="" target="_parent">JUnit</a>
test cases to validate the integrity of JUnitPerf.  
To test JUnitPerf, use:
ant test


    How To Use	

<div class="header">
<a name="howtouse"></a> 
Using JUnitPerf
The easiest way to describe how to use JUnitPerf is to show examples
of each type of test decorator.
The <code>$JUNITPERF_HOME/samples</code> directory contains the set of
example JUnitPerf tests described in this section.
A <code>TimedTest</code> test decorator is constructed with an
existing JUnit test and a maximum elapsed time in milliseconds.
For example, to create a timed test that waits for the completion of
the <code>ExampleTestCase.testOneSecondResponse()</code> method and
then fails if the elapsed time exceeded 1 second, use:
long maxElapsedTime = 1000;
Test testCase = new ExampleTestCase("testOneSecondResponse");
Test timedTest = new TimedTest(testCase, maxElapsedTime);
Alternatively, to create a timed test that fails immediately when the
elapsed time of
the <code>ExampleTestCase.testOneSecondResponse()</code> test method
exceeds 1 second, use:
long maxElapsedTime = 1000;
Test testCase = new ExampleTestCase("testOneSecondResponse");
Test timedTest = new TimedTest(testCase, maxElapsedTime, false);
The following is an example test that creates a <code>TimedTest</code>
to test the performance of the functionality being unit tested in the
<code>ExampleTestCase.testOneSecondResponse()</code> method.  The timed 
test waits for the method under test to complete, and then fails if the 
elapsed time exceeded 1 second.
<div class="code-header">
Example Timed Test
<div class="code">
import com.clarkware.junitperf.*;
import junit.framework.Test;

public class ExampleTimedTest {

    public static Test suite() {
        long maxElapsedTime = 1000;
        Test testCase = new ExampleTestCase("testOneSecondResponse");
        Test timedTest = new TimedTest(testCase, maxElapsedTime);
        return timedTest;
    public static void main(String[] args) {;
The granularity of the test decoration design offered by JUnit, and
used by JUnitPerf, imposes some limitations.  The elapsed time
measured by a <code>TimedTest</code> decorating a
single <code>testXXX()</code> method of a <code>TestCase</code>
includes the total time of the
<code>setUp()</code>, <code>testXXX()</code>, and <code>tearDown()</code> 
methods.  The elapsed time measured by a <code>TimedTest</code> decorating
a <code>TestSuite</code> includes the total time of all <code>setUp()</code>, 
<code>testXXX()</code>, and <code>tearDown()</code> methods for all the 
<code>Test</code> instances in the <code>TestSuite</code>.
Therefore, the expected elapsed time measurements should be adjusted 
accordingly to account for the set-up and tear-down costs of the 
decorated test.
A <code>LoadTest</code> is a test decorator that runs a test with a
simulated number of concurrent users and iterations.
In its simplest form, a <code>LoadTest</code> is constructed with a
test to decorate and the number of concurrent users.  By default, each
user runs one iteration of the test.
For example, to create a load test of 10 concurrent users with each
user running the <code>ExampleTestCase.testOneSecondResponse()</code>
method once and all users starting simultaneously, use:
int users = 10;
Test testCase = new ExampleTestCase("testOneSecondResponse");
Test loadTest = new LoadTest(testCase, users);
The load can be ramped by specifying a pluggable <code>Timer</code>
instance that prescribes the delay between the addition of each
concurrent user.  A <code>ConstantTimer</code> has a constant delay,
with a zero value indicating that all users will be started
simultaneously. A <code>RandomTimer</code> has a random delay with a
uniformly distributed variation.
For example, to create a load test of 10 concurrent users with each
user running the <code>ExampleTestCase.testOneSecondResponse()</code>
method once and with a 1 second delay between the addition of users,
int users = 10;
Timer timer = new ConstantTimer(1000);
Test testCase = new ExampleTestCase("testOneSecondResponse");
Test loadTest = new LoadTest(testCase, users, timer);
In order to simulate each concurrent user running a test for a 
specified number of iterations, a <code>LoadTest</code> can be 
constructed to decorate a <code>RepeatedTest</code>.  Alternatively, 
a <code>LoadTest</code> convenience constructor specifying the number 
of iterations is provided which creates a <code>RepeatedTest</code>. 
For example, to create a load test of 10 concurrent users with each
user running the <code>ExampleTestCase.testOneSecondResponse()</code>
method for 20 iterations, and with a 1 second delay between the
addition of users, use:
int users = 10;
int iterations = 20;
Timer timer = new ConstantTimer(1000);
Test testCase = new ExampleTestCase("testOneSecondResponse");
Test repeatedTest = new RepeatedTest(testCase, iterations);
Test loadTest = new LoadTest(repeatedTest, users, timer);
or, alternatively, use: 
int users = 10;
int iterations = 20;
Timer timer = new ConstantTimer(1000);
Test testCase = new ExampleTestCase("testOneSecondResponse");
Test loadTest = new LoadTest(testCase, users, iterations, timer);
If a test case intended to be decorated as a <code>LoadTest</code>
contains test-specific state in the <code>setUp()</code> method, then
<code>TestFactory</code> should be used to ensure that each concurrent user
thread uses a thread-local instance of the test.  For example, to create a load 
test of 10 concurrent users with each user running a thread-local instance of 
<code>ExampleStatefulTest</code>, use:
int users = 10;
Test factory = new TestFactory(ExampleStatefulTest.class);
Test loadTest = new LoadTest(factory, users);
or, to load test a single test method, use: 
int users = 10;
Test factory = new TestMethodFactory(ExampleStatefulTest.class, "testSomething");
Test loadTest = new LoadTest(factory, users);
The following is an example test that creates a <code>LoadTest</code>
to test the scalability of the functionality being unit tested in the
<code>ExampleTestCase.testOneSecondResponse()</code> test method. 
The <code>LoadTest</code> adds 10 concurrent users without delay, 
with each user running the test method once.  The <code>LoadTest</code> 
itself is decorated with a <code>TimedTest</code> to test the throughput
of the <code>ExampleTestCase.testOneSecondResponse()</code> test method
under load.  The test will fail if the total elapsed time 
of the entire load test exceeds 1.5 seconds.
<div class="code-header">
Example Throughput Under Load Test
<div class="code">
import com.clarkware.junitperf.*;
import junit.framework.Test;

public class ExampleThroughputUnderLoadTest {

    public static Test suite() {
        int maxUsers = 10;
        long maxElapsedTime = 1500;
        Test testCase = new ExampleTestCase("testOneSecondResponse");
        Test loadTest = new LoadTest(testCase, maxUsers);
        Test timedTest = new TimedTest(loadTest, maxElapsedTime);

        return timedTest;
    public static void main(String[] args) {;
In the following example, the order of test decoration is reversed.
<code>TimedTest</code> measures the elapsed time of the 
<code>ExampleTestCase.testOneSecondResponse()</code> method.  
The <code>LoadTest</code> then decorates the <code>TimedTest</code> 
to simulate a 10-user load on the <code>ExampleTestCase.testOneSecondResponse()</code> 
method.  The test will fail if any user's response time exceeds 1 second.
<div class="code-header">
Example Response Time Under Load Test
<div class="code">
import com.clarkware.junitperf.*;
import junit.framework.Test;

public class ExampleResponseTimeUnderLoadTest {

    public static Test suite() {
        int maxUsers = 10;
        long maxElapsedTime = 1000;
        Test testCase = new ExampleTestCase("testOneSecondResponse");
        Test timedTest = new TimedTest(testCase, maxElapsedTime);
        Test loadTest = new LoadTest(timedTest, maxUsers);

        return loadTest;
    public static void main(String[] args) {;
<b>Performance Test Suite</b>
The following is an example <code>TestCase</code> that combines the
<code>ExampleTimedTest</code> and <code>ExampleLoadTest</code> into
a single test suite that can be run automatically to run all performance-related tests:
<div class="code-header">
Example Performance Test Suite
<div class="code">
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;

public class ExamplePerfTestSuite {

    public static Test suite() {

        TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
        return suite;
    public static void main(String[] args) {;


    Writing Effective Tests	

<div class="header">
<a name="effectivetests"></a> 
Writing Effective JUnitPerf Tests
<b>Timed Tests</b>
<i>Waiting Timed Tests</i>
By default, a <code>TimedTest</code> will wait for the completion of
its decorated test and then fail if the maximum elapsed time was
exceeded.  This type of <i>waiting</i> timed test always allows its
decorated test to accumulate all test results until test completion
and check the accumulated test results.
If the test decorated by a waiting timed test spawns threads, either
directly or indirectly, then the decorated test must wait for those
threads to run to completion and return control to the timed test.
Otherwise, the timed test will wait indefinitely.  As a general rule,
unit tests should always wait for spawned threads to run to
completion, using <code>Thread.join()</code> for example, in order to
accurately assert test results.
<i>Non-Waiting Timed Tests</i>
Alternatively, a <code>TimedTest</code> can be constructed to
immediately signal a failure when the maximum elapsed time of its
decorated test is exceeded.  This type of <i>non-waiting</i> timed
test will not wait for its decorated test to run to completion if the
maximum elapsed time is exceeded.  Non-waiting timed tests are more
efficient than waiting timed tests in that non-waiting timed tests
don't waste time waiting for the decorated test to complete only then
to signal a failure, if necessary.  However, unlike waiting timed
tests, test results from a decorated test will not be accumulated
after the expiration of the maximum elapsed time in a non-waiting
timed test.
<b>Load Tests</b>
<i>Non-Atomic Load Tests</i>
By default, a <code>LoadTest</code> does not enforce test atomicity
(as defined in transaction processing) if its decorated test spawns
threads, either directly or indirectly.  This type
of <i>non-atomic</i> load test assumes that its decorated test is
transactionally complete when control is returned.  For example, if
the decorated test spawns threads and then returns control without
waiting for its spawned threads to complete, then the decorated test
is assumed to be transactionally complete.
As a general rule, unit tests should always wait for spawned threads
to run to completion, using <code>Thread.join()</code> for example, in
order to accurately assert test results.  However, in certain
environments this isn't always possible.  For example, as a result of
a distributed lookup of an Enterprise JavaBean (EJB), an application
server may spawn a new thread to handle the request.  If the new
thread belongs to the same
<code>ThreadGroup</code> as the thread running the decorated test (the
default), then a non-atomic load test will simply wait for the
completion of all threads spawned directly by the load test and the
new (rogue) thread is ignored.
To summarize, non-atomic load tests only wait for the completion
of threads spawned directly by the load test to simulate more than one
concurrent user.
<i>Atomic Load Tests</i>
If threads are integral to the successful completion of a decorated
test, meaning that the decorated test should not be treated as
complete until all of its threads run to completion,
then <code>setEnforceTestAtomicity(true)</code> should be invoked to
enforce test atomicity (as defined in transaction processing).  This
effectively causes the <i>atomic</i> load test to wait for the
completion of all threads belonging to the
same <code>ThreadGroup</code> as the thread running the decorated
test.  Atomic load tests also treat any premature thread exit as a
test failure.  If a thread dies abruptly, then all other threads
belonging to the same <code>ThreadGroup</code> as the thread running
the decorated test will be interrupted immediately.
If a decorated test spawns threads belonging to the
same <code>ThreadGroup</code> as the thread running the decorated test
(the default), then the atomic load test will wait indefinitely for
the spawned thread to complete.
To summarize, atomic load tests wait for the completion of all threads
belonging to the same <code>ThreadGroup</code> as the threads spawned
directly by the load test to simulate more than one concurrent user.


<div class="header">
<a name="limitations"></a> 
JUnitPerf has the following known limitations:
      The elapsed time measured by a <code>TimedTest</code> decorating
      a single <code>testXXX()</code> method of
      a <code>TestCase</code> includes the total time of
      the <code>setUp()</code>, <code>testXXX()</code>,
      and <code>tearDown()</code> methods, as this is the granularity
      offered by decorating any <code>Test</code> instance.  The
      expected elapsed time measurements should be adjusted
      accordingly to account for the set-up and tear-down costs of the
      decorated test.
      JUnitPerf is not intended to be a full-fledged load testing or
      performance profiling tool, nor is it intended to replace the
      use of these tools.  JUnitPerf should be used to write localized
      performance unit tests to help developers refactor responsibly.
      The performance of your tests can degrade significantly if too
      many concurrent users are cooperating in a load test.  The
      actual threshold number is JVM specific.



<div class="header">
<a name="support"></a> 
If you have any questions, comments, enhancement requests, success
stories, or bug reports regarding JUnitPerf, or if you want to be
notified when new versions of JUnitPerf are available, please email
<a href=""></a>.
Your information will be kept private.
A <a href=""
target="_parent">mailing list</a> is also available to discuss JUnitPerf
or to be notified when new versions of JUnitPerf are available.



<div class="header">
<a name="donate"></a> 
Please support the ongoing development of JUnitPerf by purchasing a copy
of the book <a
href="">Pragmatic Project
Thanks in advance!



<div class="header">
<a name="training"></a> 
Training and Mentoring
Reduce defects and improve design and code quality with a two-day,
on-site <a
Development with JUnit Workshop</a> that quickly spreads the testing
bug throughout your team.
I also offer JUnit <a
href="">mentoring</a> to help your
keep the testing momentum.
<a href="">Contact me</a> for more details.



<div class="header">
<a name="license"></a> 
JUnitPerf is licensed under the
<a href="">BSD License</a>.



<div class="header">
<a name="credits"></a> 
Many thanks to Ervin Varga for improving thread safety and test
atomicity by suggesting the use of a ThreadGroup to catch and handle
thread exceptions.  Ervin also proposed the idea and provided the
implementation for the
<code>TimedTest</code> signaling a failure immediately if the maximum time 
is exceeded and the <code>TestFactory</code>.  His review of JUnitPerf and 
his invaluable contributions are much appreciated! 



<div class="header">
<a name="resources"></a> 
    <p><a href="" 
	 target="_parent">JUnit Primer</a><br/>
      <i>Mike Clark, Clarkware Consulting, Inc.</i>
      This article demonstrates how to write and run simple test cases 
      and test suites using the JUnit testing framework.
      <a href="" 
	 target="_parent">Continuous Performance Testing With
      <i>Mike Clark (JavaProNews, 2003)</i>
      This article demonstrates how to write
      <a href="">JUnitPerf</a> 
      tests that continually keep performance
      and scalability requirements in check.  
      <a href="" target="_parent">Test-Driven Development: A Practical Guide</a>
	  <br/><i>David Astels (Prentice Hall, 2003)</i>
      Includes a section written by yours truly on how to 
      use JUnitPerf for continuous performance testing.
      target="_parent">Java Extreme Programming Cookbook</a><br/>
      <i>Eric Burke, Brian Coyner (O'Reilly &amp; Associates, 2003)</i>
      Includes a chapter of JUnitPerf recipes.
      <a href="" target="_parent">Java Tools for Extreme Programming: Mastering Open Source Tools Including Ant, JUnit, and Cactus</a><br/>
      <i>Richard Hightower, Nicholas Lesiecki (John Wiley &amp; Sons, 2001)</i>
      Includes a chapter describing how to use JUnitPerf with HttpUnit.

<div id="copyright">
Copyright &copy; 1999-2005 Clarkware Consulting, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
