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      <p><b><font size=+2>How to install LinBox (from a distribution)</font></b></center>

      See also <a href="INSTALL">INSTALL</a>.&nbsp; Once the LinBox
      distribution has been downloaded from the <a href=""> LinBox download section</a> ,

	  <b>Unpack</b> the distribution using <tt>tar</tt> command:
	  tar -xvzf linbox-X.X.X.tar.gz

      <b>2.</b> Go to the newly-created linbox directory and
      run the script

	  <blockquote><tt>&gt; cd linbox</tt></blockquote>
	  There are many options for configuring LinBox.
	  If you are not sure, just run
	  <blockquote><tt>&gt;&nbspv;./configure --help </tt></blockquote>
	  You will find a very comprehensible list of all possible features you may enable/disable.

	  Basically, minimal LinBox only requires a working <a
		  href="">Givaro</a> and <a
	  installation.  If they are not under the standard <tt>/usr</tt> or
	  <tt>/usr/local</tt> paths, you may enable them with
	  <tt>--with-givaro=&lt;path/to/givaro&gt;</tt> and
	  <tt>--with-fflas-ffpack=&lt;path/to/fflas-ffpack&gt;</tt> options.
	  <b> NOTE </b> :
	  If you have trouble installing LinBox and its dependancies, you can try the script :
	   <blockquote><tt>&gt;&nbspv;sh </tt></blockquote>
	   which will download the appropriate dependencies, compile and install everything.
	   Use <tt>--help</tt> for help on how to use this script.

      <p> <b>3.</b> Optional configurations

	  <b>Available packages are the following:</b>
	  <table  border="3" style="text-align: left; margin-left: 30pt;" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5">
	      <td> <a href="">NTL</a></td>
	      <td> <tt> --with-ntl= &lt;ntl_directory&gt;</tt></td>
	      <td> used for finite field, polynomial arithmetic.</td>
	      <td> <a href=""> Lidia </a></td>
	      <td> <tt> --with-lidia= &lt;lidia_directory&gt;</tt> </td>
	      <td> used for finite field arithmetic.</td>
	      <td> <a href=""> Saclib </a></td>
	      <td> <tt> --with-saclib= &lt;saclib_directory&gt;</td>
	      <td> not yet used </td>
	      <td> <a href=""> Maple (> v9) </a></td>
	      <td> <tt> --enable-shared --with-maple= &lt;maple-directory&gt;&nbsp; </tt></td>
	      <td> used to create an interface with Maple.</td>
	      <td> <a href=""> Doxygen </a></td>
	      <td> <tt> --enable-doc </tt></td>
	      <td>used to create the html reference manual (nothing will be created otherwise).</td>
	      <td> <a href=""> IML </a></td>
	      <td> <tt> --with-iml= &lt;IML-path&gt;&nbsp; </tt></td>
	      <td>used for fast integer/rational linear algebra.</td>
		<td> <a href="">gnuplot</a></td>
	      <td> <tt> -enable-benchmark </tt></td>
	      <td>used for creating plots in benchmarks.</td>


	    <p> the use of <tt> --with-default= &lt;default_directory&gt;</tt> can add a special directory to the default location of library
	    <p> the use of <tt> --with-all</tt> specifies that all packages will be used

	<!-- <p><b> 3.4.</b> Here is a full example: -->
	<!-- <blockquote> -->
	<!-- <tt>./configure --prefix=/usr/local/soft/linbox-1.1 --with-givaro=/usr/local/soft/givaro-3.2.6 --with-ntl=/usr/local/soft/ntl-5.4 --with-gmp=/usr/local/soft/gmp-4.2.1 --with-blas="-L/usr/local/soft/GotoBLAS -lgoto -lpthread" --with-maple=/usr/local/soft/maple --enable-optimization --enable-shared --disable-static</tt> -->
	  <!-- </blockquote> -->
	<!-- </blockquote> -->

	<b>4.&nbsp; </b><b>Install</b> the library:
      <blockquote><tt>&gt;&nbsp; make </tt></blockquote>
      <blockquote><tt>&gt;&nbsp; make install</tt></blockquote>

	  <b>5.&nbsp; </b>Optional make targets:

	  <blockquote><tt>&gt;&nbsp; make examples</tt></blockquote>
	  will compile the examples.

      <blockquote><tt>&gt;&nbsp; make check</tt></blockquote>
	  will check LinBox is up and running.

	  <blockquote><tt>&gt;&nbsp; make fullcheck</tt></blockquote>
	  will perform additionnal checks to ensure LinBox is completely sane.

	  <blockquote><tt>&gt;&nbsp; make benchmarks</tt></blockquote>
	  will benchmarks some LinBox functionnalities.

	  <b>6.&nbsp; Enjoy !</b> <small>(and report bugs, supply patches, ask for more functionnalities,... on the linbox mailing lists)</small>

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