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<!-- Copyright (C) 2005 David Saunders, part of LinBox, GNU LGPL, see COPYING -->
<title>linbox: LinBox Tutorial</title>
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<h1><a class="el" href="namespace_lin_box.html">LinBox</a> Tutorial</h1>

The person requiring some exact linear algebra computation may exploit linbox at 
any of four general levels.  
In order from least involved with the details to most involved, they are:

Access using a linbox web server. 
The user at this level must attend to preparation of a matrix in 
a suitable file format and invoking the webservice.  The server itself should provide adequate 
documentation for this.  
Servers are generally available at <a href=""></a>.

Access using compiled codes.  Full programs exist in the examples directory and
can be used through an interface to linbox 
in a general purposes system such as Maple or SAGE.  
The user at this level must see to installation, and then attend to preparation of her
matrix in a suitable file format and to the form of the program or procedure invocation.
A number of programs are available in the examples directory distributed with LinBox 
providing for rank, determinant, linear system solution, etc.  The documentation of the 
examples module should serve for this level of access.
<!-- what about interfaces maple and gap - can they be documented now? -->

Use of LinBox as a programmers library for exact linear algebra functions.  
At this level a user must do at least the following:
<ol type="a">
Choose a field or ring representation and construct a specific field or ring object R.
Choose a blackbox or matrix representation suitable to your data and construct 
specific matrix A over R.
Call needed algorithm.  The solutions directory is designed to support this by 
providing functions with simple problem oriented interfaces (<tt>rank(), det(), solve()</tt>), yet 
allowing some user control of algorithm details.  The programmer may be providing some of the 
parts such as an application specific blackbox matrix class.  

Power development.
Again, this is use of LinBox as a library, but with hands fully on the details.
The programmer
at this level apparently needs the best opportunities for high performance and is 
willing to use the more complicated internal interfaces to get it.  Direct calls to functions 
in the algorithms directory and perhaps to related packages such as 
fflas, ffpac, or other components are being used.
The programmer working at this level of intimacy with LinBox is likely to develop some 
components that ought to be included in future releases of LinBox.  Such contributions
are warmly welcomed.
The online documentation system is intended primarily for the programmer at level 3.  
Thus documentation is not generated to the last internal detail.  
It is supposed that the the level 4 (and 3) programmer, when studying internal details, 
will be best served by reading the code.  
It is possible, if you wish, to set doxygen parameters so as to 
have a documentation listing for every class and function.  
Good luck separating wheat from chaff in that case.

In this tutorial we will discuss a simple application at level 3,  the design of a
program to compute the determinant of a sparse matrix over GF(101).  The programmer
has 3 major issues: field, matrix, algorithm.  

The basic algorithm choice is between blackbox and elimination algorithms.  
If our matrix is A, then the algorithm call may look like
determinant(det, A, Method::Blackbox());
determinant(det, A, Method::Elimination());
To have access to this determinant function, <tt>#include &lt;linbox/solutions/determinant.h></tt>.

The larger and
sparser the matrix the more likely that the blackbox algorithm is fastest.  Hybrids are
under development to help make this choice, and even to make it at run time adaptively.
The last argument to the solutions functions is a method object which specifies
the algorithm to be used.  In each case there is a default, so this argument is optional.
Also, some method objects may be constructed so as to convey more detail about the algorithm to use.
For example it may help to promise that the matrix is nonsingular or symmetric or to request
a particular algorithm variant.  The blackbox algorithm based fundamentally on 
Wiedemann's approach is specified by <tt>Method::Wiedemann</tt>, see <tt>linbox/solutions/methods.h</tt> for more details.  Specification
of a blocked blackbox algorithm may be advantageous (in the future).   
Elimination is likely fastest if the matrix is not extremely sparse or not large or 
not subject to rapid fill-in.
Of course, first we must construct the matrix and field.
For the field, you must first choose the class (representation type) of field and then
instantiate your specific field.

#include &lt;linbox/field/modular.h>

typedef Modular&lt;short> Field;
Field F(101);
It is a good idea to use a typedef, making it easy to change representations later.
The <em>Modular</em> field representations are LinBox's own and contain some useful
optimizations.  Another possibility is use of NTL's zz_p class.  The linbox wrapper of
that, called NTL_zz_p is found in <tt>linbox/field/NTL-zz_p.h</tt>.  Or use 
a Givaro table based representation, <tt>GivaroGFq</tt> in <tt>linbox/field/givaro-gfq.h</tt>.
...and there are many other options.  The program <tt>tests/test-fields.C</tt> will provide some
timing data on the basic functions of each representation.
In linbox, a Field class and the class representing the field entries are distinct types.  The 
field object owns the arithmetic operations, whereas the entry objects may be of a primitive
type such as short, int, double.  Each field class Fld has the embedded class Fld::Element for
it's elements. 
Field::Element a, b, c;
F.init(a, 2); F.init(b, 3);
F.mul(c, a, b); // c <- a*b
F.write(cout, c);

<!-- put here a diatribe on field and element representations -->

You have seen that the field representations are in subdirectory <tt>linbox/field</tt>.  Similarly
the matrix representations are in <tt>linbox/blackbox</tt>.
All of these are are suitable for blackbox algorithms.  Only those deriving from
representations in <tt>linbox/matrix</tt> are suitable for elimination.  
For a sparse matrix, <tt>TriplesBB</tt> is a good representation choice if a blackbox algorithm
is to be used.  For a {0,1}-incidence matrix, the class <tt>ZeroOne</tt> will be more economical
of space and time.  On the other hand, if elimination is to be used, those will not serve at
but <tt>SparseMatrix</tt>, which allows internal modification, will do the trick.  
The ordinary matrix representation is <tt>DenseMatrix</tt>.  
If your matrix structure allows you to compute matrix-vector products in a way faster than
these classes provide, you can gain by defining your own matrix class adhering to the 
blackbox interface.  The main components of the blackbox interface are member functions <tt>apply()</tt> and <tt>applyTranspose()</tt> 
functions. <tt>A.apply(y, x)</tt> performs y leftarrow Ax.

Then there is the question of initializing matrix
entries.  Two basic approaches are illustrated here.
TriplesBB A;"triples-file"); // initialize A from data in file (including shape).
Or a program can add entries to a sparse or dense matrix one by one using the <tt>setEntry</tt>
SparseMatrix B(100, 200); // 100 by 200 zero matrix (so far).
for ( ... )
   Field::Element v;
   F.init(v, ...); 
   B.setEntry(i, j, v);  // put nonzerp v in i,j position.

Putting it all together, we may have a program looking like this.
#include <linbox/field/modular.h>
#include <linbox/blackbox/dense.h>
#include <linbox/solutions/determinant.h>
using namespace LinBox;

typedef Modular<double> Field;
typedef DenseMatrix<Field> Matrix;
Field F(65521);
Matrix A;"datafile");
Field::Element det;
determinant(det, A, blasElimination);
F.write(cout << "the determinant is ", det) << endl;

This tutorial should continue with a discussion of compilation issues, but it 
doesn't.  Something useful may be learned from examining the in the examples directory.