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            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="buildinstall"></a>Getting and Installing BDB SQL</h2>
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            <span class="sect2">
              <a href="buildinstall.html#onwin">On Windows Systems</a>
            <span class="sect2">
              <a href="buildinstall.html#onunix">On Unix</a>
                The BDB SQL interface comes as a part of the Oracle Berkeley DB
                download. This can be downloaded from the 
                <a class="ulink" href="" target="_top">Oracle Berkeley DB download page</a>.
                How you install the BDB SQL interface differs depending on whether you are
                using a Unix or a Windows system.
      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="onwin"></a>On Windows Systems</h3>
                    The BDB SQL interface is automatically built and installed
                    whenever you build or install Berkeley DB for a Windows
                    system. The BDB SQL interface <code class="literal">dll</code>s and the
                    command line interpreter have names that differ from a
                    standard SQLite distribution as follows:
        <div class="itemizedlist">
          <ul type="disc">
                            <code class="literal">dbsql.exe</code>
                            This is the command line shell. It operates
                            identically to the SQLite
                            <span class="command"><strong>sqlite3.exe</strong></span> shell.
                            <code class="literal">libdb_sql50.dll</code>
                            This is the library that provides the BDB SQL interface.
                            It is the equivalent of the SQLite
                            <code class="literal">sqlite3.dll</code> library.
      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="onunix"></a>On Unix</h3>
                    In order to build the BDB SQL interface, you download and build
                    Berkeley DB, configuring it so that the BDB SQL interface is also built.
                    Be aware that it is not built by default. Instead, you
                    need to tell the Berkeley DB <code class="literal">configure</code>
                    script to also build the BDB SQL interface.  For instructions on
                    building the BDB SQL interface, see <a href="../installation/build_unix.html#build_unix_sqlinter" class="olink">Building the DB SQL Interface</a> in the
                    <em class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Installation and Build Guide</em>.
                    The library and application names used when building
                    the BDB SQL interface are different than those used by SQLite.
                    If you want library and command shell names that are
                    consistent with the names used by SQLite, configure
                    the BDB SQL interface build using the compatibility
                    (<code class="literal">--enable-sql_compat</code>) option.
        <div class="warning" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
          <h3 class="title">Warning</h3>
                        The compatibility option can break other
                        applications on your platform that rely on standard
                        SQLite. This is especially true of Mac OS X, which
                        uses standard SQLite for a number of default
                        <span class="emphasis"><em>
                            Use the compatibility option only if you know
                            exactly what you are doing.
                    Unless you built the BDB SQL interface with the compatibility
                    option, libraries and a command line shell
                    are built with the following names:
        <div class="itemizedlist">
          <ul type="disc">
                            <a href="../api_reference/C/dbsql.html" class="olink">dbsql</a>
                            This is the command line shell. It operates
                            identically to the SQLite
                            <span class="command"><strong>sqlite3</strong></span> shell.
                            <code class="literal">libdb_sql</code>
                            This is the library that provides the BDB SQL interface.
                            It is the equivalent of the SQLite
                            <code class="literal">libsqlite3</code> library.
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