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            <h2 class="title"><a id="introduction"></a>Chapter 1. Introduction</h2>
      <div class="toc">
          <b>Table of Contents</b>
            <span class="sect1">
              <a href="introduction.html#overview">Overview</a>
                <span class="sect2">
                  <a href="introduction.html#repenvirons">Replication Environments</a>
                <span class="sect2">
                  <a href="introduction.html#repdbs">Replication Databases</a>
                <span class="sect2">
                  <a href="introduction.html#commlayer">Communications Layer</a>
                <span class="sect2">
                  <a href="introduction.html#masterselect">Selecting a Master</a>
            <span class="sect1">
              <a href="repadvantage.html">Replication Benefits</a>
            <span class="sect1">
              <a href="apioverview.html">The Replication APIs</a>
                <span class="sect2">
                  <a href="apioverview.html#repframeworkoverview">Replication Manager Overview</a>
                <span class="sect2">
                  <a href="apioverview.html#repapioverview">Replication Base API Overview</a>
            <span class="sect1">
              <a href="elections.html">Holding Elections</a>
                <span class="sect2">
                  <a href="elections.html#influencingelections">Influencing Elections</a>
                <span class="sect2">
                  <a href="elections.html#winningelections">Winning Elections</a>
                <span class="sect2">
                  <a href="elections.html#switchingmasters">Switching Masters</a>
            <span class="sect1">
              <a href="permmessages.html">Permanent Message Handling</a>
                <span class="sect2">
                  <a href="permmessages.html#permmessagenot">When Not to Manage
                            Permanent Messages</a>
                <span class="sect2">
                  <a href="permmessages.html#permmanage">Managing Permanent Messages</a>
                <span class="sect2">
                  <a href="permmessages.html#permimplement">Implementing Permanent
                    Message Handling</a>
    This book provides a thorough introduction and discussion on
    replication as used with Berkeley DB (DB). It begins by offering a
    general overview to replication and the benefits it provides. It also
    describes the APIs that you use to implement replication, and it
    describes architecturally the things that you need to do to your
    application code in order to use the replication APIs. Finally, it
    discusses the differences in backup and restore strategies that you
    might pursue when using replication, especially where it comes to log
    file removal.
    You should understand the concepts from the
                <em class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Getting Started with Transaction Processing</em>

     guide before reading this book.
      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="overview"></a>Overview</h2>
        <div class="toc">
              <span class="sect2">
                <a href="introduction.html#repenvirons">Replication Environments</a>
              <span class="sect2">
                <a href="introduction.html#repdbs">Replication Databases</a>
              <span class="sect2">
                <a href="introduction.html#commlayer">Communications Layer</a>
              <span class="sect2">
                <a href="introduction.html#masterselect">Selecting a Master</a>
            The DB replication APIs allow you to distribute your database
            write operations (performed on a read-write master) to one or 
            more read-only <span class="emphasis"><em>replicas</em></span>.  
            For this reason, DB's replication implementation is said to be a
            <span class="emphasis"><em>single master, multiple replica</em></span> replication strategy.
            Note that your database write operations can occur only on the
            master; any attempt to write to a replica results in an error
                <span>returned to</span>
            the DB API used to perform the write.
            A single replication master and all of its replicas are referred
            to as a <span class="emphasis"><em>replication group</em></span>.  While all
            members of the replication group can reside on the same
            machine, usually each replication participant is placed on a
            separate physical machine somewhere on the network.
            Note that all replication applications must first be
            transactional applications. The data that the master transmits
            to its replicas are log records that are generated as records are
            updated. Upon transactional commit, the master transmits a
            transaction record which tells the replicas to commit the
            records they previously received from the master. In order for
            all of this to work, your replicated application must also be a
            transactional application. For this reason, it is
            recommended that you write and debug your DB application as
            a stand-alone transactional application before introducing the
            replication layer to your code.
        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
          <div class="titlepage">
                <h3 class="title"><a id="repenvirons"></a>Replication Environments</h3>
                The most important requirement for a replication
                participant is that it must use a unique Berkeley DB database
                environment independent of all other replication
                participants. So while multiple replication participants
                can reside on the same physical machine, no two such participants 
                can share the same environment home directory. 
                For this reason, technically replication occurs between
                unique <span class="emphasis"><em>database environments</em></span>. So in the strictest sense,
                a replication group consists of a <span class="emphasis"><em>master
                        environment</em></span> and 
                one or more <span class="emphasis"><em>replica environments</em></span>. However, the reality
                is that for production code, each such environment will
                usually be located on its own unique machine. Consequently,
                this manual sometimes talks about <span class="emphasis"><em>replication sites</em></span>, meaning the
                unique combination of environment home directory, host and port that a specific 
                replication application is using.
                There is no DB-specified limit to the number of
                environments which can participate in a replication group.
                The only limitation here is one of resources —
                network bandwidth, for example.
                    (Note, however, that the Replication Manager does place a limit on the
                    number of environments you can use. See
                    <a class="xref" href="apioverview.html#repframeworkoverview" title="Replication Manager Overview">Replication Manager Overview</a>
                    for details.)
                Also, DB's replication implementation requires all
                participating environments to be assigned IDs that are
                locally unique to the given environment. Depending on the
                replication APIs that you choose to use, you may or may not
                need to manage this particular detail. 
                    For detailed information on database environments, see 
                    the <em class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Getting Started with Transaction Processing</em>
                    guide.  For more information on environment IDs, see 
                    the <em class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Programmer's Reference Guide</em>.
        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
          <div class="titlepage">
                <h3 class="title"><a id="repdbs"></a>Replication Databases</h3>
                DB's databases are managed and used in exactly the same way
                as if you were writing a non-replicated application, with
                a couple of caveats. First,  the databases maintained in a replicated environment
                must reside either in the <code class="literal">ENV_HOME</code>
                directory, or in the directory identified by the 
                    <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;set_data_dir()</code>
                method. Unlike non-replication applications, you cannot place your 
                databases in a subdirectory below these locations. You should
                also not use full path names for your databases or
                environments as these are likely to break when they are replicated
                to other machines.
        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
          <div class="titlepage">
                <h3 class="title"><a id="commlayer"></a>Communications Layer</h3>
                In order to transmit database writes to the replication
                replicas, DB requires a communications layer.
                DB is agnostic as to what this layer should
                look like. The only requirement is that it 
                be capable of passing two opaque data objects and an
                environment ID from the master to its replicas without
                Because replicas are usually placed on different machines on
                the network, the communications layer is usually some kind
                of a network-aware implementation. Beyond that, its
                implementation details are largely up to you. It could use
                TCP/IP sockets, for example, or it could use
                raw sockets if they perform better for your particular
                Note that you may not have to write your own communications
                layer. DB provides a Replication Manager that
                includes a fully-functional TCP/IP-based communications layer.
                See <a class="xref" href="apioverview.html" title="The Replication APIs">The Replication APIs</a>
                for more information.
                    See the <em class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Programmer's Reference Guide</em> 
                    for a description of how to
                write your own custom replication communications layer.
        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
          <div class="titlepage">
                <h3 class="title"><a id="masterselect"></a>Selecting a Master</h3>
                    Every replication group is allowed one and only one
                    master environment. Usually masters are selected by
                    holding an <span class="emphasis"><em>election</em></span>, although it
                    is possible to turn elections off and manually select
                    masters (this is not recommended for most replicated
                    When elections are being used, they are performed by the 
                    underlying Berkeley DB replication code so you have to 
                    do very little to implement them. 
                    When holding an election, replicas "vote" on who should
                    be the master. Among replicas participating in the
                    election, the one with the most up-to-date set of log
                    records will win the election. Note that it's possible
                    for there to be a tie. When this occurs, priorities are
                    used to select the master. See 
                    <a class="xref" href="elections.html" title="Holding Elections">Holding Elections</a>
                    for details.
                    For more information on holding and managing elections,
                    see <a class="xref" href="elections.html" title="Holding Elections">Holding Elections</a>.
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