

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > ce0034c23dd8b6622931fe095974b00f > files > 2


# (c) 2000-2006 IC&S, The Netherlands 
# Configuration file for DBMAIL 

# Database settings

# Supported drivers are mysql, postgresql, sqlite.
driver               = sqlite

# Supported drivers are sql, ldap.
authdriver           = sql

# Host for database, set to localhost if database is on
# the same host as dbmail and you want to use a local
# socket for connecting. 
host                 =               

# If you want to use TCP/IP for connecting to the database,
# and have the database running on a non-standard port. 
sqlport              =                

# When using a local socket connection to the database, fill
# in the path to the socket here (e.g. /var/run/mysql.sock).
sqlsocket            =              

# Database username.
user                 = dbmail             

# Database password.
pass                 =                   

# Database name.
db                   = /var/lib/dbmail/dbmail.db

# Number of database connections per threaded daemon
# This also determines the size of the worker threadpool
#max_db_connections   = 10

# Table prefix. Defaults to "dbmail_" if not specified.
table_prefix         = dbmail_   

# encoding must match the database/table encoding.
# i.e. latin1, utf8
encoding             = utf8

# messages with unknown encoding will be assumed to have 
# default_msg_encoding
# i.e. iso8859-1, utf8
default_msg_encoding = utf8

# Postmaster's email address for use in bounce messages.
#postmaster           = DBMAIL-MAILER       

# Sendmail executable for forwards, replies, notifies, vacations.
# You may use pipes (|) in this command, for example:
# dos2unix|/usr/sbin/sendmail  works well with Qmail.
# You may use quotes (") for executables with unusual names.
sendmail              = /usr/sbin/sendmail     

# The following items can be overridden in the service-specific sections.

# Logging via stderr/log file and syslog
# Logging is broken up into 8 logging levels and each level can be indivually turned on or off.
# The Stderr/log file logs all entries to stderr or the log file.
# Syslog logging uses the facility mail and the logging level of the event for logging.
# Syslog can then be configured to log data according to the levels.
# Set the log level to the sum of the values next to the levels you want to record.
#   1 = Emergency 
#   2 = Alert
#   4 = Critical
#   8 = Error
#  16 = Warning
#  32 = Notice
#  64 = Info
# 128 = Debug
# 256 = Database -> Logs at debug level
# Examples:   0 = Nothing
#            31 = Emergency + Alert + Critical + Error + Warning
#           511 = Everything
file_logging_levels       = 7
syslog_logging_levels     = 31

# Generate a log entry for database queries for the log level at number of seconds of query execution time.
query_time_info       = 10
query_time_notice     = 20
query_time_warning    = 30

# Throw an exception is the query takes longer than query_timeout seconds
query_timeout         = 300 

# Root privs are used to open a port, then privs
# are dropped down to the user/group specified here.
effective_user        = nobody
effective_group       = nogroup

# The IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses the services will bind to.
# Use * for all local interfaces.
# Use for localhost only.
# Separate multiple entries with spaces ( ) or commas (,).
bindip                =		# IPv4 only - all IP's
#bindip                = ::		# IPv4 and IPv6 - all IP's (linux)
#bindip                = ::		# IPv6 only - all IP's (BSD)
#bindip                =,::	# IPv4 and IPv6 - all IP's (BSD)

# Idle time allowed before a connection is shut off.
timeout               = 300             

# Idle time allowed before a connection is shut off if you have not logged in yet.
login_timeout         = 60

# If yes, resolves IP addresses to DNS names when logging.
resolve_ip            = no

# If yes, keep statistics in the authlog table for connecting users
authlog               = no

# logfile for stdout messages
logfile               = /var/log/dbmail.log        

# logfile for stderr messages
errorlog              = /var/log/dbmail.err        

# directory for storing PID files
pid_directory         = /var/run

# directory for locating libraries (normally has a sane default compiled-in)
#library_directory       = /usr/lib/dbmail

# SSL/TLS certificates
# A file containing a list of CAs in PEM format
tls_cafile            =

# A file containing a PEM format certificate
tls_cert              =

# A file containing a PEM format RSA or DSA key
tls_key               =

# A cipher list string in the format given in ciphers(1)
tls_ciphers           =

# hashing algorithm. You can select your favorite hash type
# for generating unique ids for message parts. 
# for valid values check mhash(3) but minus the MHASH_ prefix.
# if you ever change this value run 'dbmail-util --rehash' to 
# update the hash for all mimeparts.
# examples: MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, TIGER, WHIRLPOOL
# hash_algorithm = SHA1

port                  = 24                 
#tls_port              =

port                  = 110
#tls_port              = 995

# You can set an alternate banner to display when connecting to the service
# banner = DBMAIL pop3 server ready to rock

# If yes, allows SMTP access from the host IP connecting by POP3.
# This requires addition configuration of your MTA
pop_before_smtp       = no      

port                  = 41380
# the httpd daemon provides full access to all users, mailboxes
# and messages. Be very careful with this one!
bindip                =
admin                 = admin:secret

# You can set an alternate banner to display when connecting to the service
# banner = imap 4r1 server (dbmail 2.3.x)

# Port to bind to.
port                  = 143                
#tls_port              = 993

# IMAP prefers a longer timeout than other services.
timeout               = 4000            

# If yes, allows SMTP access from the host IP connecting by IMAP.
# This requires addition configuration of your MTA
imap_before_smtp      = no     

# during IDLE, how many seconds between checking the mailbox
# status (default: 30)
# idle_timeout          = 30

# Provide a CAPABILITY to override the default

# Send '* STATUS "mailbox" (MESSAGES x RECENT x UNSEEN x NEXTUID x)'
# for all subscribed mailboxes during IDLE (default: no)
# note: EXPERIMENTAL (and most likely disabled in the code)
# idle_status           = yes

# Port to bind to.
port                  = 2000               
tls_port              =

port                  = 389
version               = 3
hostname              = ldap
base_dn               = ou=People,dc=mydomain,dc=com

# If your LDAP library supports ldap_initialize(), then you can use the
# alternative LDAP server DSN like following.
# URI                = ldap://
# URI                = ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fopenldap%2fldapi/

# Leave blank for anonymous bind.
# example: cn=admin,dc=mydomain,dc=com     
bind_dn               = 

# Leave blank for anonymous bind.
bind_pw               = 
scope                 = SubTree

# AD users may want to set this to 'no' to disable
# ldap referrals if you are seeing 'Operations errors' 
# in your logs
referrals             = yes

user_objectclass      = top,account,dbmailUser
forw_objectclass      = top,account,dbmailForwardingAddress
cn_string             = uid
field_passwd          = userPassword
field_uid             = uid
field_nid             = uidNumber
min_nid               = 10000
max_nid               = 15000
field_cid             = gidNumber
min_cid               = 10000
max_cid               = 15000

# a comma-separated list of attributes to match when searching
# for users or forwards that match a delivery address. A match
# on any of them is a hit.
field_mail            = mail

# field that holds the mail-quota size for a user.
field_quota           = mailQuota

# field that holds the forwarding address. 
field_fwdtarget       = mailForwardingAddress

# override the query string used to search for users 
# or forwards with a delivery address.
# query_string          = (mail=%s)

# Run Sieve scripts as messages are delivered.
SIEVE                 = yes               

# Use 'user+mailbox@domain' format to deliver to a mailbox.
SUBADDRESS            = yes          

# Turn on/off the Sieve Vacation extension.
SIEVE_VACATION        = yes      

# Turn on/off the Sieve Notify extension
SIEVE_NOTIFY          = yes

# Turn on/off additional Sieve debugging.
SIEVE_DEBUG           = no          

# If you set this to 'yes' dbmail will check for duplicate
# messages in the relevant mailbox during delivery using 
# the Message-ID header
suppress_duplicates	= no

# end of configuration file