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    <title>ckit Overview</title>

<h1>ckit: A Front End for C in SML</h1>
<h3>1. Getting Started</h3>
On unpacking the ckit sources, you should see a src directory, a doc directory
and a README file (and possibly other directories, depending on the distribution).
The src directory contains the following subdirectories:
<dd>lexer and parser, parse trees.
<dd>abstract syntax trees (Ast), type-checker, pretty-printer.
<dd>flags for controlling the parser and type-checker. 
To build the system, cd to src, run SML/NJ and type 
- CM.make();
To test the parser on "test.c", type 
- ParseToAst.fileToAst "test.c";
This parses and typechecks "test.c" and returns an abstract syntax tree for
"test.c".  Alternatively, to parse, type-check and then pretty-print "test.c",
- ParseToAst.fileToC "test.c";
<h3>2. Using the Frontend</h3>
C source programs are processed in two steps.  The lexer and parser
translate the source to parse trees (Parser.parseFile), and the
"elaboration" or static semantics phase (BuildAst.makeAst) performs
type checking and translates to abstract syntax.  The parse tree
datatypes are defined in parse/parse-tree-sig.sml and the abstract
syntax types in ast/ast-sig.sml.  These definitions are fairly
straightforward and should be self-explanatory.
Top level driving functions are in module <code>ParseToAst</code> (see
ast/parse-to-ast-sig.sml).  The following subsections describe some
commonly used ckit functions.
<h4>2.1. <code>ParseToAst.fileToAst: string -> ParseToAst.astBundle</code></h4>
This is the main function to parse a file and produce abstract syntax.
When applied to a string (the C source file name), it produces a
bundle of information of type <code>astBundle</code>:
   type astBundle =
       {ast: Ast.ast,
	tidtab: Bindings.tidBinding Tidtab.uidtab,
	errorCount: int,
	warningCount: int,
	auxiliaryInfo: {astTypes: Tables.astIndexTab,
			implicits: Tables.astIndexTab,
			env: State.symtab}}
<li> <code>ast</code> is the abstract syntax tree.
<li> <code>tidtab</code> is the type identifier table that maps type identifiers into their meanings.
<li> <code>errorCount</code> is the count of all errors encountered during parsing and type checking.
<li> <code>warningCount</code> is the count of all warnings encountered during parsing and type checking.
<li> <code>astTypes</code> is a table mapping ast indexes into the types of the corresponding ast expressions.
<li> <code>env</code> is used to carry over global symbol information in some mult-file parsing applications.

<h4>2.2. <code>ParseToAst.fileToC : string -> unit</code></h4>
Process a file and pretty print the resulting ast.

<h4>2.3. <code>Parser.parseFile : Error.errorState -> string -> ParseTree.externalDecl list</code></h4>
To get a hold of a parse tree (parser/parse-tree-sig.sml),
use <code>Parser.parseFile</code> (see parser/parser-sig.sml).
This function takes an <code>errorState</code> and the
name of a (preprocessed) C source file and returns a list of external
declaration parse trees corresponding to the top-level declarations in
the source file.  See parser/parse-tree-sig.sml for definitions of 
the parse tree types and parser/util/error-sig.sml for documentation
on Error.errorState.

<h3>3. System Structure</h3>
The frontend consists of a number of phases.
The first phase consists of a lexer/parser (written using ml-lex and ml-yacc
respectively).  The output of this phase is a data-structure (parse tree)
that is a simple "unprocessed" form that closely follows the structure of C's
grammar.   The next phase inputs the parse tree data-structure, type checks it,
and produces a "processed" abstract syntax tree representation (Ast).
<h4>3.1. The Lexer and Parser</h4>
These are built using ml-lex and ml-yacc.  The lex and yacc files can be found
in src/parser/grammar/[c.lex,c.grm].  The parser performs only a minimal amount
of syntactic processing.  Many syntactic restrictions are enforced during the
type-checking phase e.g restrictions on the number and combination of type
specifiers used in a type.
Similarly, most scoping issues are addressed during type-checking. 
One exception is typedef.  This must be handled during parsing because typedefs
introduce new types and these can dramatically alter the shape of parse trees.
In principle, the scoping of typedefs could be delayed till later processing,
but in practice this is not feasible: in particular, if typedefs are not
processed during parsing, then we cannot distinguish between 
declaration forms and expressions.  Consider, the following program.
   char x;
   f() {
     typedef int x;
       x * x;
Here, "<code>x * x</code>" declares <code>x</code> as a pointer to an integer.
However, if the typedef is commented out, then
"<code>x * x</code>" is interpreted as an expression.
The treatment of typedefs involves a subtle interaction between the parser and
lexer.  When the parser recognizes a typedef for an identifier, it communicates
to the lexer that the identifier should now be treated as a "type".
Parser lookahead introduces additional complication: we cannot lex a token until
any preceding typedefs have been processed.  In particular, we must limit
lookahead to one symbol.  In fact, this only works because C's grammar requires 
typedefs to end in a semicolon --- this semicolon acts as a buffer so that a
typedef will be completely processed before any use of the new type is lexed.
Note that typedefs can be scoped (e.g. see the above program), and so the parser
must tell the lexer to undo the effect of a typedef when the typedef's scope is
exited.  Another complication is the error recovery mechanism of ml-yacc.
The parser produces parse trees (see src/parser/parse-tree-sig.sml).
This data structure is a simple "unprocessed" form that closely follows the
structure of C's grammar.  These parse trees are built up by the actions of the
ml-yacc grammar.
Any language extensions is likely to involve extensions to the lexer,
parser and to the parse tree datatype.  When extending the lexer and
parser, care must be taken to preserve the interaction between the
lexer, the parser, and the use of one-token lookahead.  Extensions to
the parse tree datatype are supported via a collection of "Ext"
constructors in the parse tree datatypes.  The file
extensions/c/parse-tree-ext.sml contains the default "empty extension"
for standard C.
<dt>parser/parser-tree-sig.sml, parser-tree.sml
<dd>definition of parse tree types
<dt>parser/grammar/c.lex, c.grm
<dd>lex and yacc specifications
<dt>parser/util/sourcemap-sig.sml, sourcemap.sml
<dd>mapping source file locations
<dt>parser/util/error-sig.sml, error.sml
<dd>error reporting functions
<h4>3.2. Abstract Syntax Trees (AST'S) And BuildAst</h4>
BuildAst (src/ast/build-ast.sml) consumes parse trees and builds up abstract
syntax trees (Ast's) while performing type checking.  Ast's (src/ast/ast.sml)
are defined so that each of the major syntactic categories (statements,
expressions, and declarations) have a unique integer index associated with them.
These indices are used to associate information with specific parts of the
code.  Care must be taken to preserve their uniqueness when performing code
Objects (global variables, local variables, functions, etc) and struct/union
fields are assigned globally unique integers called program identifiers
(pids). This simplifies treatment of scope in Ast.  Similarly, types introduced
by structs, unions, enums and typedefs are assigned globally unique
integers called type identifiers (tids).
BuildAst performs the following tasks:
<li> Scoping: scoping of variables, structs, unions, fields and enums
is resolved.
<li> Type Checking: Full ANSIC C type checking is performed, and
appropriate errors and warnings are generated.  Errors and warnings
are suppressed in the case where there are parse errors.  The
behaviour of the type checker can be customized using a collection of
flags in the TypeCheckControl structure defined in
src/variants/ansic/config.sml.  BuildAst incrementally constructs a
mapping between expression indices and types that records the type of
each expression.
<li> Type Sizes And Memory Layout: BuildAst computes the sizes of the
objects declared in the program.  It also optionally reduces sizeof
expressions to integer constants (the flag BuildAst.reduce_sizeof can
be used to enable this feature; the default setting does not reduce
sizeof constructs).  BuildAst also computes the layout and alignment
properties of all objects, including the offsets for fields of
structs.  Type size and memory layout is architecture and compiler
specific.  The behaviour of this aspect of BuildAst is specified in
Sizes structure defined in src/variants/ansic/config.sml.
<li> Initializer Normalization: The meaning of an object initializer
is partly determined by the type of the object begin initialized.
BuildAst normalizes initializers so that they are easier to implement.
Moreover, certain aspects of the type of an object are inferred from
an initializer (e.g. int x[] = {1,2,3}).
<dt>ast/ast-sig.sml, ast.sml
<dd>definition of abstract syntax datatypes.
<dd>translation from parse trees to abstract syntax, with type
checking and other static semantics processing.
<dd>dummy extension structures for C
<dd>various flags controlling error checking, type checking, etc.
<h4>3.3. Pretty Printer for AST</h4>
Ast comes equipped with a pretty-printer (ast/pp/pp-ast-sig.sml).  Not
only is this useful for debugging purposes, but it also is an integral
component of source-to-source applications of the frontend.  When
pretty printing Ast, pids and tids can be optionally printed.  The
following flags control this behavior:
    PPLib.suppressPidUnderscores: controls printing of pids
    PPLib.suppressPidGlobalUnderscores: controls printing of pids for global objects
    PPLib.suppressTidUnderscores: controls printing of tids.
<dd>the generic pretty printing code for ast
<dd>pretty printing signature
<dd>default pretty printer
<dd>pretty printer for printing ast interspersed with adornment info
<dd>pretty printing for identifiers; some pretty printing combinators.
<h4>3.4. AST-UTILS [Not distributed yet]</h4>
<dd>copying ast types
<dd>equality for ast types
<dd>ast simplifier

<h3>4. Location Info</h5>
Program phrases (expressions, declarations, statements) are annotated
in the abstract syntax with source code locations, which are
represented by a data structure that determines a region within a
source file.  See src/parser/sourcemap-sig.sml.

    <address><a href="">Dave MacQueen</a></address>
<!-- Created: Tue Dec  7 11:11:32 EST 1999 -->
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Last modified: Tue Dec  7 15:39:13 EST 1999
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