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<title>PropertyList - MLton Standard ML Compiler (SML Compiler)</title>
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A property list is a dictionary-like data structure into which properties (name-value pairs) can be inserted and from which properties can be looked up by name.  The term comes from the Lisp language, where every symbol has a property list for storing information, and where the names are typically symbols and keys can be any type of value. <p>
Here is an SML signature for property lists such that for any type of value a new property can be dynamically created to manipulate that type of value in a property list. 

<pre class=code>
<B><FONT COLOR="#0000FF">signature</FONT></B> PROPERTY_LIST =
   <B><FONT COLOR="#0000FF">sig</FONT></B>
      <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">type</FONT></B><B><FONT COLOR="#228B22"> t

      </FONT></B><B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">val</FONT></B> new: unit -&gt; t
      <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">val</FONT></B> newProperty: unit -&gt; {add: t * 'a -&gt; unit,
                                peek: t -&gt; 'a option}
   <B><FONT COLOR="#0000FF">end</FONT></B>
Here is a functor demonstrating the use of property lists.  It first creates a property list, then two new properties (of different types), and adds a value to the list for each property. 

<pre class=code>
<B><FONT COLOR="#0000FF">functor</FONT></B> Test (P: PROPERTY_LIST) =
   <B><FONT COLOR="#0000FF">struct</FONT></B>
      <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">val</FONT></B> pl = ()

      <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">val</FONT></B> {add = addInt: P.t * int -&gt; unit, peek = peekInt} = P.newProperty ()
      <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">val</FONT></B> {add = addReal: P.t * real -&gt; unit, peek = peekReal} = P.newProperty ()

      <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">val</FONT></B> () = addInt (pl, <B><FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">13</FONT></B>)
      <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">val</FONT></B> () = addReal (pl, <B><FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">17.0</FONT></B>)
      <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">val</FONT></B> s1 = Int.toString (valOf (peekInt pl))
      <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">val</FONT></B> s2 = Real.toString (valOf (peekReal pl))
      <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">val</FONT></B> () = print (concat [s1, <B><FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F">&quot; &quot;</FONT></B>, s2, <B><FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F">&quot;\n&quot;</FONT></B>])
   <B><FONT COLOR="#0000FF">end</FONT></B>
Applied to an appropriate implementation <tt>PROPERTY_LIST</tt>, the <tt>Test</tt> functor will produce the following output. 
<pre>13 17.0
<h2 id="head-8781d615fd77be9578225c40ac67b9471394cced">Implementation</h2>
Because property lists can hold values of any type, their implementation requires a <a href="UniversalType">UniversalType</a>.  Given that, a property list is simply a list of elements of the universal type.  Adding a property adds to the front of the list, and looking up a property scans the list. 

<pre class=code>
<B><FONT COLOR="#0000FF">functor</FONT></B> PropertyList (U: UNIVERSAL_TYPE): PROPERTY_LIST =
   <B><FONT COLOR="#0000FF">struct</FONT></B>
      <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">datatype</FONT></B><B><FONT COLOR="#228B22"> t </FONT></B>=<B><FONT COLOR="#228B22"> <FONT COLOR="#B8860B">T</FONT> <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">of</FONT></B> U.t list ref

      </FONT></B><B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">fun</FONT></B> new () = T (ref [])

      <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">fun</FONT></B> <B><FONT COLOR="#228B22">'a</FONT></B> newProperty () =
         <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">let</FONT></B>
            <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">val</FONT></B> (inject, out) = U.embed ()
            <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">fun</FONT></B> add (T r, a: 'a): unit = r := inject a :: (!r)
            <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">fun</FONT></B> peek (T r) =
      (valOf o out) (List.find (isSome o out) (!r))
         <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">in</FONT></B>
            {add = add, peek = peek}
         <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">end</FONT></B>
   <B><FONT COLOR="#0000FF">end</FONT></B>
If <tt>U:&nbsp;UNIVERSAL_TYPE</tt>, then we can test our code as follows. 
<pre class=code>
<B><FONT COLOR="#0000FF">structure</FONT></B> Z = Test (PropertyList (U))
Of course, a serious implementation of property lists would have to handle duplicate insertions of the same property, as well as the removal of elements in order to avoid space leaks. 
<h2 id="head-a4bc8bf5caf54b18cea9f58e83dd4acb488deb17">Also see</h2>
MLton relies heavily on property lists for attaching information to syntax tree nodes in its intermediate languages.  See  <a href = ""><img src="moin-www.png" alt="[WWW]" height="11" width="11">property-list.sig</a> <a href = ""><img src="moin-www.png" alt="[WWW]" height="11" width="11"></a>. 
The <a href="MLRISCLibrary">MLRISCLibrary</a> <a href = "References#LeungGeorge98">uses property lists extensively</a>. 

Last edited on 2010-03-02 15:17:55 by <span title=""><a href="MatthewFluet">MatthewFluet</a></span>.