

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > d07d7ab417d79053e7e0155c99e1a1c8 > files > 2607





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   \title{\bf \LARGE MLRISC \\ \large A framework for retargetable and optimizing compiler back ends}  
            Lal George \\ \\
            Bell Laboratories \\
            600--700 Mountain Ave. \\
            Murray Hill, NJ 07974--0636. \\
            Allen Leung \\ \\
            New York University \\
            719 Broadway, Rm. 708 \\ 
            New York, NY 10003. \\



Writing native code generators for modern processors is a significant
investment.  Unfortunately it is difficult
to reuse this investment for other architectures, and even more
difficult to reuse for other source language compilers.   MLRISC is
a customizable optimizing back-end written in
\externhref{}{Standard ML}
and has been successfully retargeted to multiple architectures.
MLRISC deals elegantly with the special requirements imposed by the
execution model of different high-level, typed languages, by allowing
many components of the system to be customized to fit the source language
semantics and runtime system requirements.




\majorsection{Back Ends}

\majorsection{Basic Types}

