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\section{MLTree Utilities} 

The \MLRISC{} system contains numerous utilities for working with
MLTree datatypes.  Some of the following utilizes are also useful for clients
  \item[MLTreeUtils] implements basic hashing, equality and pretty
printing functions,
  \item[MLTreeFold] implements a fold function over the MLTree datatypes,  
  \item[MLTreeRewrite] implements a generic rewriting engine,
  \item[MLTreeSimplify] implements a simplifier that performs algebraic
simplification and constant folding.
\subsubsection{Hashing, Equality, Pretty Printing}

The functor \mlrischref{mltree/mltree-utils.sml}{MLTreeUtils} provides
the basic utilities for hashing an MLTree term, comparing two
MLTree terms for equality and pretty printing.  The hashing and comparision
functions are useful for building hash tables using MLTree datatype as keys.
The signature of the functor is:
signature \mlrischref{mltree/mltree-utils.sig}{MLTREE_UTILS} =
   structure T : MLTREE 

    * Hashing
   val hashStm   : T.stm -> word
   val hashRexp  : T.rexp -> word
   val hashFexp  : T.fexp -> word
   val hashCCexp : T.ccexp -> word

    * Equality
   val eqStm     : T.stm * T.stm -> bool
   val eqRexp    : T.rexp * T.rexp -> bool
   val eqFexp    : T.fexp * T.fexp -> bool
   val eqCCexp   : T.ccexp * T.ccexp -> bool
   val eqMlriscs : T.mlrisc list * T.mlrisc list -> bool

    * Pretty printing 
   val show : (string list * string list) -> T.printer

   val stmToString   : T.stm -> string
   val rexpToString  : T.rexp -> string
   val fexpToString  : T.fexp -> string
   val ccexpToString : T.ccexp -> string

functor \mlrischref{mltree/mltree-utils.sml}{MLTreeUtils} 
  (structure T : MLTREE
   (* Hashing extensions *)
   val hashSext  : T.hasher -> T.sext -> word
   val hashRext  : T.hasher -> T.rext -> word
   val hashFext  : T.hasher -> T.fext -> word
   val hashCCext : T.hasher -> T.ccext -> word

   (* Equality extensions *)
   val eqSext  : T.equality -> T.sext * T.sext -> bool
   val eqRext  : T.equality -> T.rext * T.rext -> bool
   val eqFext  : T.equality -> T.fext * T.fext -> bool
   val eqCCext : T.equality -> T.ccext * T.ccext -> bool

   (* Pretty printing extensions *)
   val showSext  : T.printer -> T.sext -> string
   val showRext  : T.printer -> T.ty * T.rext -> string
   val showFext  : T.printer -> T.fty * T.fext -> string
   val showCCext : T.printer -> T.ty * T.ccext -> string

The types \sml{hasher}, \sml{equality},
and \sml{printer} represent functions for hashing,
equality and pretty printing.   These are defined as:
   type hasher =
      \{stm    : T.stm -> word,
       rexp   : T.rexp -> word,
       fexp   : T.fexp -> word,
       ccexp  : T.ccexp -> word

   type equality =
      \{ stm    : T.stm * T.stm -> bool,
        rexp   : T.rexp * T.rexp -> bool,
        fexp   : T.fexp * T.fexp -> bool,
        ccexp  : T.ccexp * T.ccexp -> bool
   type printer =
      \{ stm    : T.stm -> string,
        rexp   : T.rexp -> string,
        fexp   : T.fexp -> string,
        ccexp  : T.ccexp -> string,
        dstReg : T.ty * T.var -> string,
        srcReg : T.ty * T.var -> string

For example, to instantiate a \sml{Utils} module for our \sml{DSPMLTree},
we can write:
   structure U = MLTreeUtils
     (structure T = DSPMLTree
      fun hashSext \{stm, rexp, fexp, ccexp\} (FOR(i, a, b, s)) =
           Word.fromIntX i + rexp a + rexp b + stm s
      and hashRext \{stm, rexp, fexp, ccexp\} e =
          (case e of
             SUM(i,a,b,c) => Word.fromIntX i + rexp a + rexp b + rexp c
           | SADD(a,b) => rexp a + rexp b
           | SSUB(a,b) => 0w12 + rexp a + rexp b
           | SMUL(a,b) => 0w123 + rexp a + rexp b
           | SDIV(a,b) => 0w1245 + rexp a + rexp b
      fun hashFext _ _ = 0w0
      fun hashCCext _ _ = 0w0
      fun eqSext \{stm, rexp, fexp, ccexp\} 
        (FOR(i, a, b, s), FOR(i', a', b', s')) =
           i=i' andalso rexp(a,a') andalso rexp(b,b') andalso stm(s,s')
      fun eqRext \{stm, rexp, fexp, ccexp\} (e,e') =
       (case (e,e') of
          (SUM(i,a,b,c),SUM(i',a',b',c')) => 
            i=i' andalso rexp(a,a') andalso rexp(b,b') andalso stm(c,c')
        | (SADD(a,b),SADD(a',b')) => rexp(a,a') andalso rexp(b,b')
        | (SSUB(a,b),SSUB(a',b')) => rexp(a,a') andalso rexp(b,b')
        | (SMUL(a,b),SMUL(a',b')) => rexp(a,a') andalso rexp(b,b')
        | (SDIV(a,b),SDIV(a',b')) => rexp(a,a') andalso rexp(b,b')
        | _ => false
      fun eqFext _ _ = true
      fun eqCCext _ _ = true

      fun showSext \{stm, rexp, fexp, ccexp, dstReg, srcReg\}  
            (FOR(i, a, b, s)) =
          "for("^dstReg i^":="^rexp a^".."^rexp b^")"^stm s
      fun ty t = "."^Int.toString t
      fun showRext \{stm, rexp, fexp, ccexp, dstReg, srcReg\} e = 
           (case (t,e) of
             SUM(i,a,b,c) => 
              "sum"^ty t^"("^dstReg i^":="^rexp a^".."^rexp b^")"^rexp c
           | SADD(a,b) => "sadd"^ty t^"("rexp a^","^rexp b^")"
           | SSUB(a,b) => "ssub"^ty t^"("rexp a^","^rexp b^")"
           | SMUL(a,b) => "smul"^ty t^"("rexp a^","^rexp b^")"
           | SDIV(a,b) => "sdiv"^ty t^"("rexp a^","^rexp b^")"
      fun showFext _ _ = ""
      fun showCCext _ _ = ""

\subsubsection{MLTree Fold}
The functor \mlrischref{mltree/mltree-fold.sml}{MLTreeFold}
provides the basic functionality for implementing various forms of
aggregation function over the MLTree datatypes.  Its signature is
signature \mlrischref{mltree/mltree-fold.sig}{MLTREE_FOLD} =
   structure T : MLTREE

   val fold : 'b folder -> 'b folder
functor \mlrischref{mltree/mltree-fold.sml}{MLTreeFold}
  (structure T : MLTREE
   (* Extension mechnism *)
   val sext  : 'b T.folder -> T.sext * 'b -> 'b
   val rext  : 'b T.folder -> T.ty * T.rext * 'b -> 'b
   val fext  : 'b T.folder -> T.fty * T.fext * 'b -> 'b
   val ccext : 'b T.folder -> T.ty * T.ccext * 'b -> 'b
The type \newtype{folder} is defined as:
   type 'b folder =
       \{ stm   : T.stm * 'b -> 'b,
         rexp  : T.rexp * 'b -> 'b,
         fexp  : T.fexp * 'b -> 'b, 
         ccexp : T.ccexp * 'b -> 'b

\subsubsection{MLTree Rewriting}

The functor \mlrischref{mltree/mltree-rewrite.sml}{MLTreeRewrite}
implements a generic term rewriting engine which is useful for performing
various transformations on MLTree terms. Its signature is
signature \mlrischref{mltree/mltree-rewrite.sig}{MLTREE_REWRITE} =
   structure T : MLTREE

  val rewrite : 
       (* User supplied transformations *)
       \{ rexp  : (T.rexp -> T.rexp) -> (T.rexp -> T.rexp), 
         fexp  : (T.fexp -> T.fexp) -> (T.fexp -> T.fexp),
         ccexp : (T.ccexp -> T.ccexp) -> (T.ccexp -> T.ccexp),
         stm   : (T.stm -> T.stm) -> (T.stm -> T.stm)
       \} -> T.rewriters
functor \mlrischref{mltre/mltree-rewrite.sml}{MLTreeRewrite}
  (structure T : MLTREE
   (* Extension *)
   val sext : T.rewriter -> T.sext -> T.sext
   val rext : T.rewriter -> T.rext -> T.rext
   val fext : T.rewriter -> T.fext -> T.fext
   val ccext : T.rewriter -> T.ccext -> T.ccext

The type \newtype{rewriter} is defined in signature
\mlrischref{mltree/mltree.sig}{MLTREE} as:
   type rewriter = 
       \{ stm   : T.stm -> T.stm,
         rexp  : T.rexp -> T.rexp,
         fexp  : T.fexp -> T.fexp,
         ccexp : T.ccexp -> T.ccexp
\subsubsection{MLTree Simplifier}

The functor \mlrischref{mltree/mltree-simplify.sml}{MLTreeSimplify}
implements algebraic simplification and constant folding for MLTree.
Its signature is:
signature \mlrischref{mltree/mltree-simplify.sig}{MLTREE_SIMPLIFIER} =

   structure T : MLTREE

   val simplify  :
       { addressWidth : int } -> T.simplifier
functor \mlrischref{mltree/mltree-simplify.sml}{MLTreeSimplifier}
  (structure T : MLTREE
   (* Extension *)
   val sext : T.rewriter -> T.sext -> T.sext
   val rext : T.rewriter -> T.rext -> T.rext
   val fext : T.rewriter -> T.fext -> T.fext
   val ccext : T.rewriter -> T.ccext -> T.ccext

Where type \newdef{simplifier} is defined in signature 
\mlrischref{mltree/mltree.sig}{MLTREE} as:
   type simplifier =
       \{ stm   : T.stm -> T.stm,
         rexp  : T.rexp -> T.rexp,
         fexp  : T.fexp -> T.fexp,
         ccexp : T.ccexp -> T.ccexp