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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" 
"" [
	<!ENTITY legal SYSTEM "legal.xml">
	<!ENTITY appversion "0.6.0">
	<!ENTITY manrevision "1.0">
	<!ENTITY date "Aug 2008">
	<!ENTITY app "<application>Bless</application>">
	<!-- Information about the entities
		The legal.xml file contains legal information, there is no need to edit the file. 
		Use the appversion entity to specify the version of the application.
		Use the manrevision entity to specify the revision number of this manual.
		Use the date entity to specify the release date of this manual.
		Use the app entity to specify the name of the application. -->

	(Do not remove this comment block.)
	Maintained by the GNOME Documentation Project
	Template version: 2.0 beta
	Template last modified Feb 06, 2003

<!-- =============Document Header ============================= -->
<book id="index" lang="en">
		<title>&app; &appversion; Manual</title>			 

			<holder>Alexandros Frantzis</holder> 
<!-- translators: uncomment this:

	<holder>ME-THE-TRANSLATOR (Latin translation)</holder>

	 <!-- This file	contains link to license for the documentation (GNU FDL), and 
				other legal stuff such as "NO WARRANTY" statement. Please do not change 
	any of this. -->

<!-- This is appropriate place for other contributors: translators,
		 maintainers,	etc. Commented out by default.
			<othercredit role="translator">
		<surname>Translator 1</surname> 
				<orgname>Latin Translation Team</orgname> 
				<address> <email></email> </address> 
		<contrib>Latin translation</contrib>

<!-- According to GNU FDL, revision history is mandatory if you are -->
<!-- modifying/reusing someone else's document.	If not, you can omit it. -->
<!-- Remember to remove the &manrevision; entity from the revision entries other
<!-- than the current revision. -->
<!-- The revision numbering system for GNOME manuals is as follows: -->
<!-- * the revision number consists of two components -->
<!-- * the first component of the revision number reflects the release version of the GNOME desktop. -->
<!-- * the second component of the revision number is a decimal unit that is incremented with each revision of the manual. -->
<!-- For example, if the GNOME desktop release is V2.x, the first version of the manual that -->
<!-- is written in that desktop timeframe is V2.0, the second version of the manual is V2.1, etc. -->
<!-- When the desktop release version changes to V3.x, the revision number of the manual changes -->
<!-- to V3.0, and so on. -->	
<!--		<revhistory>
		<revnumber>MY-GNOME-APPLICATION Manual V&manrevision;</revnumber> 
				<para role="author">Documentation Writer 2
				<para role="publisher">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
		<revnumber>Full title of previous manual.</revnumber> 
		<date>Release date of previous manual.</date> 
				<para role="author">Documentation Writer 1 
				<para role="publisher">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
		<releaseinfo>This manual describes version &appversion; of &app;.
			<para>To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding the &app; application or
			this manual, please use the
			<ulink url="" type="http">Bless bug page</ulink>.
<!-- Translators may also add here feedback address for translations -->

	<indexterm zone="index"> 
<!-- ============= Document Body ============================= -->
<!-- ============= Introduction ============================== -->
<!-- Use the Introduction section to give a brief overview of what
		 the application is and what it does. -->
<chapter id="bless-introduction"> 
	&app; is a binary (hex) editor, a program that enables you to edit files as
	sequences of bytes. It is written in C# and uses the Gtk# bindings for the
	GTK+ toolkit.
	&app; provides the following features:
			<para>Efficient editing of large data files.</para>
			<para>Multilevel undo - redo operations.</para>
			<para>Customizable data views.</para>
			<para>Fast data rendering on screen.</para>
			<para>Multiple tabs.</para>
			<para>Fast find and replace operations.</para>
			<para>A data conversion table.</para>
			<para>Advanced copy/paste capabilities.</para> 
			<para>Highlighting of selection pattern matches in the file.</para> 
			<para>Exporting to text and html.</para> 
			<para>Extensibility with plugins.</para> 

<chapter id="bless-install">
	<title>Building and Installing Bless</title> 
		<section id="bless-install-requirements">
			<title>&app; &appversion; requirements</title>
				The main target platform for &app; is GNU/Linux. However, all the libraries it
				uses are cross-platform, so &app; should be able to run without problems 
				on all the major platforms (GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, Win32).
			To build and run &app; &appversion; you need:
					<para>GTK+ &gt;=2.8.x (Included in all modern GNU/Linux distributions, <ulink url="" type="http"></ulink>)</para>
					<para>mono/.NET runtime and C# compiler &gt;= 1.1.14 (<ulink url="" type="http"></ulink>)</para>
					<para>Gtk#  &gt;=2.8 bindings for GTK+ (<ulink url="" type="http"></ulink>)</para>
					<para>pkg-config (Included in all modern GNU/Linux distributions)</para>
					Development is done using the latest stable versions of the above libraries. 
					Although using an older version may be OK, there is no guarantee that there 
					will not be problems.

	<section id="bless-install-guide"> 
		<title>Installation guide</title>
			If you downloaded bless as a distribution specific package (eg .rpm, .deb, .tgz) follow your
			distribution's instructions on how to install packages.
			If you downloaded Bless as a source .tar.gz or .tar.bz2 package you will need to build
			it and install it manually. The building and installation procedure is described below:
		Overview: untar, ./configure, make, (make install)
				<term>Step 1: Untar the source package</term>
					<para>For a tar.gz package use:
	    				<command>tar -xzvf bless-a.b.c.tar.gz</command>
					<para>For a tar.bz2 package use:
	    				<command>tar -xjvf bless-a.b.c.tar.bz2</command>
				<term>Step 2: Configure the build</term>
						Enter the directory created in the previous step (bless-a.b.c) and type
						<command>'./configure'</command>. The script will check if your system has all the required
						libraries. Use the <parameter>--prefix=<replaceable>PREFIX</replaceable></parameter> option to set the installation directory prefix.
						By default the prefix is '/usr/local'.
						You can also use the <parameter>--enable-debug</parameter> option to build bless with debug
				<term>Step 3: Build the program</term>
						Type <command>'make'</command>. This will create <filename>bless.exe</filename> and the necessary 
						libraries in the bin/ directory and the <filename>bless</filename> 
						launcher script in the bless-a.b.c directory. You can also type <command>'make check'</command> to
						run some tests on various bless components. 
				<term>Step 4: Install the program (optional)</term>
						Become root and type <command>'make install'</command>. 
<!-- =========== Getting Started ============================== -->
<!-- Use the Getting Started section to describe the steps required
		 to start the application and to describe the user interface components
		 of the application. If there is other information that it is important
		 for readers to know before they start using the application, you should
		 also include this information here. 
		 If the information about how to get started is very short, you can 
		 include it in the Introduction and omit this section. -->

<chapter id="bless-getting-started"> 
	<title>Getting Started</title> 

	<section id="bless-start">
		<title>To Start &app;</title>
		<para>You can start <application>&app;</application> in the following ways:
				<term><guimenu>Applications</guimenu> menu</term>
						<guimenuitem>Bless Hex Editor</guimenuitem>
				<term>Command line</term>
					<para>To start &app; from a command line, type the following command, 
						then press <keycap>Return</keycap>:
						<replaceable>filenames</replaceable> are the names of the files you
						want to open. If you don't specify any files, &app; will
						try to load the previous session. If that fails &app; will open an empty file for you.

	<section id="bless-when-start">
		<title>When You Start &app;</title>
		<para>When you start <application>&app;</application>, the following window is displayed.</para>

		<!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
		<figure id="bless-mainwindow"> 
			<title>&app; Start Up Window</title> 
						<imagedata fileref="figures/bless_start_window.png" format="PNG"/> 
						<phrase>Shows &app; main window. Contains titlebar, menubar, toolbar, display area, and
						scrollbars. Menubar contains File, View, Settings, and Help menus. </phrase> 
		<!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->

		<!-- Include any descriptions of the GUI immediately after the screenshot of the main UI, -->
		<!-- for example, the items on the menubar and on the toolbar. This section is optional. -->

		<para>The &app; window contains the following elements:
					<para>The menus on the menubar contain all of the commands you need to work with files in 
					<para>Provides shortcuts to the commands that are most frequently used when working with files
					in &app;.</para>
				<term>Data View</term>
					<para>The data view contains multiple tabs that display the data of the files you are editing.</para>
				<term>Conversion Table</term>
					<para>The conversion table displays the bytes at the current file position converted to various formats.</para>
					<para>The statusbar displays information about current &app; 
					activity and information about the current file. </para>
<!-- ================ Usage ================================ -->
<!-- Use this section to describe how to use the application to perform the tasks for 
	which the application is designed. -->

<chapter id="bless-usage">
	<title>Using &app;</title>
	<section id="bless-usage-files">
		<title>Working with files</title>
			&app; supports multiple tabs in the Data View. Each tab contains data that belong to either an existing or a new file.
			In case the data is related to an existing file, the file's name is displayed on the tab label. Otherwise the tab is marked	
			with a name of the form "Untitled <replaceable>N</replaceable>", where <replaceable>N</replaceable> is a number.
			When a file has been modified since its last save, an asterisk "*" is displayed next to its name.
				&app; can currently handle regular files and block device files (eg /dev/hda).
		<section id="bless-usage-files-create">
			<title>Creating a new file</title>
				To create a new file for editing use 
				This action creates a new tab with an empty file.
		<section id="bless-usage-files-open">
			<title>Opening an existing file</title>
				To open an existing file for editing use 
				You may also open one or more existing files by dragging and dropping them into the &app; window.
				This action normally creates a new tab containing the opened file. An exception to this happens when the tab that 
				was active before opening the new file contained an empty file. In that case the old tab is <emphasis>replaced</emphasis> 
				with the new one.
		<section id="bless-usage-files-save">
			<title>Saving a file</title>
				To save a file make sure the tab that contains it is active and use 
				To save a file <emphasis>under a different name or at another location</emphasis>, make sure the tab that contains it is active and use 
					<guimenuitem>Save As</guimenuitem>
				If the data in a tab isn't related to an existing file (for example if it is a new file), the Save action actually performs a Save As action.   
		<section id="bless-usage-files-close">
			<title>Closing a file</title>
				To close a file, make sure the tab that contains it is active and use 
				You can also close a file by clicking on the close icon on its tab label:
				<!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
				<figure id="bless_tab_close"> 
					<title>Closing a tab</title> 
								<imagedata fileref="figures/bless_tab_close.png" format="PNG"/> 
								<phrase>Shows how to close a tab using the close icon on its tab label</phrase> 
				<!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
				If the file has changed since the previous save you will be prompted to save it.
		<section id="bless-usage-files-switch-tabs">
			<title>Changing the active file</title>
				You can switch between tabs, therefore making the file the tab contains the active one, using a number of ways:
						<para>By clicking on the tab label of the tab you want to switch to.</para>
						<para>By pressing <keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><replaceable>N</replaceable></keycombo>, where <replaceable>N</replaceable> is the number of the tab you want to switch to. This method works for the first nine tabs. For example to switch to the second
						tab you should press Alt+2.</para>
							By pressing <keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>Left arrow</keycap></keycombo> or <keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>Right arrow</keycap></keycombo>, you can switch to the tab immediately to the left or right of the currently active tab.
	<section id="bless-usage-dataview">
		<title>Data View basics</title>
			The Data View is the part of &app; that displays the data of the files you are editing and enables you to manipulate them. It consists of (possibly) many tabs,
			each corresponding to a file you are editing. Each tab contains areas that display the file's data in various formats. An area can be one of the following types:
				<para>Offset Area: Displays the offset of the first byte at the specified row.</para>
				<para>Separator Area: Displays a vertical separator line.</para>
				<para>Hexadecimal Area: Displays the data in hexadecimal number base.</para>
				<para>Decimal Area: Displays the data in decimal number base.</para>
				<para>Octal Area: Displays the data in octal number base.</para>
				<para>Binary Area: Displays the data in binary number base.</para>
				<para>Ascii Area: Displays the data as Ascii text.</para>
			The types and placement of the areas that each tab contains can be customized with layout files.
			See <xref linkend="bless-customizing-layouts"/> for more information on how to write and use layout files. 
		<section  id="bless-usage-dataview-focus">
			<title>Selecting the active area</title>
				At any time only one of the areas accepts and handles editing events. This area is said to have the focus.
				All areas except Offset and Separator may have the focus.
			<!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
			<figure id="bless-area-focus"> 
				<title>Cursor in focused and not focused areas</title> 
							<imagedata fileref="figures/bless_area_focus.png" format="PNG"/> 
							<phrase>Shows the difference in the cursor when an areas has the focus or not.</phrase> 
			<!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
				The cursor in the focused area consists of a horizontal line under the current byte and a vertical line just before the active digit of the current byte. 
				In contrast, the cursor in a non-focused area consists of only the horizontal line beneath the current byte. 
				Changing the area that has the focus can be done in two ways:
							Using the <keycap>TAB</keycap> key cycles the focus among the available areas.
							Pressing or releasing the left mouse button in an area, or moving with the left mouse button pressed into an area, gives the focus to that area. If the area
							can't accept the focus (eg it is a Separator area), the focus remains unchanged. 
		<section  id="bless-usage-dataview-scroll">
				If the file you are editing is big enough, only a small range of its data will be visible in the Data View. The size of the visible data is called a <emphasis>page</emphasis>
				and changes as the &app; window is resized.
				To change the visible range of a file's data you should <emphasis>scroll</emphasis> the Data View. You can scroll the Data View in two ways:
							Using the scrollbar that is located at the right side of the Data View. The scrollbar is visible only if the file is too large to fit in one page.
							Using the wheel on your mouse, if it has one. 
					Scrolling the Data View does <emphasis>not</emphasis> change the cursor position.
	<section id="bless-usage-edit">
		<title>Editing a file</title>
		<section id="bless-usage-edit-basic">
			<title>Basic editing operations</title>
			<section id="bless-usage-edit-basic-cursor">
				<title>Changing the current cursor position</title>
					You can move the cursor in two ways:
						<term>Using the keyboard</term>
								<listitem>Pressing the <keycap>Up Arrow</keycap> key moves the cursor to the byte just above the current one.</listitem>
								<listitem>Pressing the <keycap>Down Arrow</keycap> key moves the cursor to the byte just below the current one.</listitem>
								<listitem>Pressing the <keycap>Left Arrow</keycap> key moves the cursor to the previous digit of the current byte. If the cursor was at the first digit
								of a byte, it is moved to the last digit of the previous byte.</listitem>
								<listitem>Pressing the <keycap>Right Arrow</keycap> key moves the cursor to the next digit of the current byte. If the cursor was at the last digit
								of a byte, it is moved to the first digit of next byte.</listitem>
								<listitem>Pressing the <keycap>Page Up</keycap> key moves the cursor to the byte which is one page before the current position.</listitem>
								<listitem>Pressing the <keycap>Page Down</keycap> key moves the cursor to the byte which is one page after the current position.</listitem>
								<listitem>Pressing the <keycap>Home</keycap> key moves the cursor to the first byte in the file.</listitem>
								<listitem>Pressing the <keycap>End</keycap> key moves the cursor one byte after the last byte in the file.</listitem>
						<term>Using the mouse</term>
						<listitem>Clicking on a digit of a byte moves the cursor to that byte and digit.</listitem>
						If the new cursor position is outside the currently visible page of data, the view scrolls automatically so that the new cursor position is made visible.	
			<section id="bless-usage-edit-basic-goto">
				<title>Moving the cursor to a specific position</title>
					To access the Go to Offset Bar use:
						<guimenuitem>Go to Offset</guimenuitem>
					<title>Go to Offset Bar</title>
								<imagedata fileref="figures/bless_goto.png" format="PNG"/>
								<phrase>Go to Offset Bar</phrase>
					To move the cursor to a specific position in the file:
								Type the offset in the <guilabel>Offset</guilabel> text entry (in the desired number format).
								if the typed offset starts with '0x' it is considered hexadecimal, if it starts with '0' it is 
								considered octal, otherwise it is considered decimal.
							<para>Press the <guibutton>Go to Offset</guibutton> button</para>
			<section id="bless-usage-edit-basic-select">
				<title>Selecting a range of data</title>
					There are three ways to select a range of data from the file you are editing:
						<term>Using the keyboard</term>
								<listitem>Position the cursor at one end of the range you want to select.</listitem>
									Hold down the <keycap>Shift</keycap> key and move the cursor
									to the other end of the range using the keyboard. As you move the cursor, the currently selected data range will be highlighted.
								<listitem>Release the <keycap>Shift</keycap> key.</listitem>
						<term>Using the mouse</term>
								<listitem>Position the cursor at one end of the range you want to select.</listitem>
									Hold down the Left mouse button and move the cursor to the other end of the range using the mouse. 
									As you move the cursor, the currently selected data range will be highlighted.
								<listitem>Release the Left mouse button.</listitem>
									...alternatively, while pressing the <keycap>Shift</keycap> key, position the mouse pointer over 
									the other end of the selection and click using the Left mouse button.
						<term>Using the Select Range Bar</term>
								To access the Select Range Bar use:
									<guimenuitem>Select Range</guimenuitem>
								<title>Select Range Bar</title>
											<imagedata fileref="figures/bless_select_range.png" format="PNG"/>
											<phrase>Select Range Bar</phrase>
								To select a range:
											Type the starting offset in the <guilabel>from</guilabel> text entry (in the desired number format).
											if the typed offset starts with '0x' it is considered hexadecimal, if it starts with '0' it is 
											considered octal, otherwise it is considered decimal.
										<para>Type the ending offset in the <guilabel>to</guilabel> text entry (in the desired number format).
											if the typed offset starts with '0x' it is considered hexadecimal, if it starts with '0' it is 
											considered octal, otherwise it is considered decimal.</para>
											Instead of specifying an absolute ending offset you can specify the length of the selection. To do
											this type the length in the <guilabel>to</guilabel> text entry, prepending it with either '+' or '-'.
											The '+' or '-' specify the direction of the selection: '+' means select towards the end of the file and
											'-' means select towards the beginning. The selected range always contains the starting offset. 
					Selecting a range of data has another useful effect: all the patterns matching the selected
					data in the file are highlighted, thus providing a quick way to find or emphasize patterns.
					The color of the highlighting can be changed using Layout files (see <xref linkend="bless-customizing-layouts"/>).
					This feature can be turned off in the Preferences Dialog (see <xref linkend="bless-customizing-preferences-general"/>).
						The patterns matching the selected data are highlighted only if the selected data size is at most 1024 bytes.
			<section id="bless-usage-edit-basic-overwrite-mode">
				<title>Toggling Overwrite/Insert edit mode</title>
					By pressing the <keycap>Insert</keycap> key on the keyboard or by clicking on the edit mode statusbar, you can change the edit mode &app; is currently in. The edit mode
					determines what happens when you add new data to the file. There are two available modes:
							<term>Insert Mode</term>
							<listitem>The new data is inserted at the current cursor position. &app; automatically makes space for the new data.</listitem>
							<term>Overwrite Mode</term>
							<listitem>The new data overwrites the old data, starting from the current cursor position.</listitem>
				<!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
				<figure id="bless-edit-mode"> 
					<title>Edit mode statusbar display</title> 
								<imagedata fileref="figures/bless_edit_mode.png" format="PNG"/> 
								<phrase>Shows the edit mode display in the statusbar</phrase> 
			<!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
					The current edit mode is displayed at the far right in the statusbar.
			<section id="bless-usage-edit-basic-number-base">
				<title>Changing the statusbar number base</title>
					You can change the number base of the information displayed in the statusbar (current offset, current selection).
					Clicking on the Offset or Selection information in the statusbar cycles among Hexadecimal, Decimal and Octal number bases.
					You can distinguish the current number base by checking the prefix of displayed numbers. A "0x" prefix denotes Hexadecimal,
					a "0" prefix denotes Octal and no prefix denotes Decimal.  
				<!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
				<figure id="bless-number-base"> 
					<title>Statusbar number base</title> 
								<imagedata fileref="figures/bless_number_base.png" format="PNG"/> 
								<phrase>Shows statusbar information in several number bases</phrase> 
			<!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
			<section id="bless-usage-edit-basic-modify">
				<title>Modifying the data</title>
					You can directly modify the data in a file by using the keyboard:
						<term>Inserting a new byte at a specific position</term>
								<listitem>Make sure you are in Insert Mode.</listitem>
								<listitem>Move the cursor to the <emphasis>first digit</emphasis> of desired position.</listitem> 
									Press the keys which correspond to the digits of the desired byte.
									Each keypress automatically moves the cursor one position to the right.
						<term>Modifying an existing byte</term>
								<listitem>Make sure you are in Overwrite Mode (only required if you want to modify the first digit of a byte).</listitem>
								<listitem>Move the cursor to desired byte/digit position.</listitem> 
									Press the keys which correspond to the digits of the desired byte.
									Each keypress automatically moves the cursor one position to the right.
						<term>Appending data to the end of the file</term>
								<listitem>Move the cursor to the position just after the last byte in the file.</listitem> 
									Press the keys which correspond to the digits of the desired byte.
									Each keypress automatically moves the cursor one position to the right.
						Each area accepts only certain digits (eg the hexadecimal area accepts only 0-9 and A-F). If a key (representing a digit) is pressed in an area that doesn't
						accept it, the keypress is ignored.
		<section id="bless-usage-edit-clipboard">
			<title>Clipboard operations</title>
			<para>Bless features an advanced system to handle clipboard operations.</para>
			<section id="bless-usage-edit-clipboard-cut">
				<title>Copy and Cut operations</title>
				<para>To copy the selected data to the clipboard use:
				<para>To cut the selected data from the file and copy it to the clipboard use:
					When copying or cutting data, that data becomes available to &app; and other applications as well.
					&app; can offer its data to other applications in two main formats:
							<term>Raw bytes</term>
								&app; can offer the selected data as raw bytes to applications that can handle it, for example other hex editors.
								This is the format &app; uses when interacting with itself (for example when you copy from a tab and paste into another). 
							<term>UTF-8 string</term>
									&app; can offer a string representation of the selected data in various number bases or UTF-8 text.
									The number base is determined by the type of the area that has the focus at the end of the selection action for the cut/copied data.
									For example if that area is hexadecimal, the offered string will contain the hexadecimal string representation 
									of the selected data. If the ending area is the text area, the offered string will contain the UTF-8 text represented by
									the selected data (if possible). 
			<section id="bless-usage-edit-clipboard-paste">
				<title>Paste operation</title>
				<para>To paste data from the clipboard to the current cursor position use:
					The value of the Overwrite/Insert mode, affects the way paste operations function. If the mode is Insert, the pasted data is inserted at
					the current cursor position. If the mode is Overwrite, the pasted data overwrites the data from the cursor position and on, as needed.    
					Pasted data can originate from &app; itself or some other application. 
					&app; can accept data in two formats:
							<term>Raw bytes</term>
									This is the format &app; uses when interacting with itself (for example when you copy from a tab and paste into another).
									External applications that offer raw bytes are usually other hex editors. 
							<term>UTF-8 string</term>
									&app; can accept data as a UTF-8 string (for example, from a text editor). It tries to parse the data and convert it to raw bytes 
									according to the type of the area that currently has the focus. For example if the focus is in an octal area, &app; will try to parse 
									the string as a sequence of bytes represented in octal format. If the parse fails, the data will be inserted as UTF-8 text (as if they 
									had been pasted into a text area).
		<section id="bless-usage-edit-undo">
			<title>Undo/Redo operations</title>
			<para>To undo previous actions use:
				<para>To redo previously undone actions use:
	<section id="bless-usage-search">
		<title>Searching and Replacing in files</title>
		<section id="bless-usage-search-find">
			<title>Searching in files</title>
			<para>To access the Search Bar use
				<title>Search Bar</title>
							<imagedata fileref="figures/bless_search_find.png" format="PNG"/>
							<phrase>Search Bar</phrase>
				To search for a sequence of bytes:
						<para>Type the sequence in the <guilabel>Search for</guilabel> text entry (in the desired format).</para>
						<para>Select the format of the typed sequence from the <guilabel>Interpret as</guilabel> option menu.</para>
							Press the <guibutton>Find Next</guibutton> or <guibutton>Find Previous</guibutton> button. If a match is found 
							it will be highlighted in the Data View, otherwise an alert informing you that no match was found will be shown.
				To hide the Search Bar press the <keycap>Escape</keycap> key while the bar has the focus or click on the close button located
				at the right side of the bar.
					You can use the 
						<guimenuitem>Find Next</guimenuitem>
					</menuchoice> and
						<guimenuitem>Find Previous</guimenuitem>
					commands to search without re-opening the Search Bar.
		<section id="bless-usage-search-replace">
			<title>Replacing in files</title>
			<para>To access the Replace Bar use
				<title>Replace Bar</title>
							<imagedata fileref="figures/bless_search_replace.png" format="PNG"/>
							<phrase>Replace Bar</phrase>
				To replace a sequence of bytes with another sequence of bytes:
						<para>Type the search sequence in the <guilabel>Search for</guilabel> text entry (in the desired format).</para>
						<para>Select the format of the search sequence from the <emphasis>first</emphasis> <guilabel>Interpret as</guilabel> option menu.</para>
						<para>Type the replace sequence in the <guilabel>Replace with</guilabel> text entry (in the desired format).</para>
						<para>Select the format of the replace sequence from the <emphasis>second</emphasis> <guilabel>Interpret as</guilabel> option menu.</para>
							Press the <guibutton>Replace</guibutton> button to replace the current match, the <guibutton>Replace All</guibutton> to replace all matches
							in the file or the <guibutton>Find</guibutton> button to skip the current match and go to the next match. If a match is found 
							it will be highlighted in the Data View, otherwise an alert informing you that no match was found will be shown.
				To hide the Replace Bar press the <keycap>Escape</keycap> key while the bar has the focus or click on the close button located
				at the right side of the bar.
					To delete the matched search sequences, leave the <guilabel>Replace with</guilabel> text entry <emphasis>completely blank</emphasis>.
	<section id="bless-usage-export">
		<title>Exporting Data</title>
			&app; features an advanced and customizable export system. It can currently export data to text or 
			html files.
		<section id="bless-usage-export-pattern">
		<title>Export Patterns</title>
				The exporting is based on an export pattern. The pattern consists of string literals and special command strings. 
				The literals are printed in the output file as they are whereas the command strings tell the exporter to 
				do something. Commands strings are enclosed in '%'s and specify the command and its parameters. The command 
				is specified by an uppercase letter and the parameters by lowercase letters. Each letter (whether it corresponds
				to a command or a parameter) may be followed by an argument enclosed in double quotes '"'.
				<tgroup cols="3">
						<entry>Parameters [default]</entry>
						<entry>Export (E)</entry>
						<entry>Writes actual data.</entry>
									<para>E: the number of bytes to export ["1"]</para>
									<para>p: the prefix to write before each byte [""]</para>
									<para>s: the suffix to write after each byte [""]</para>
									<para>x: the separator to use between bytes [""]</para>
									<para>e: the string to use for not printed bytes (due to alignment) [" "]</para>
									<para>t: the type to export the byte(s) to (see below) ["H"]</para>
						<entry>Ignore (I)</entry>
						<entry>Ignores data.</entry>
									<para>I: the number of bytes to ignore ["1"]</para>
						<entry>Offset (O)</entry>
						<entry>Writes the current offset.</entry>
									<para>O: the number of digits to use for writing the offset ["8"]</para>
									<para>t: the type to write the offset in (see below) ["H"]</para>
				<tgroup cols="2">
						<entry>Export Type</entry>
						<entry>Hexadecimal with uppercase characters</entry>
						<entry>Hexadecimal with lowercase characters</entry>
				Command strings can be grouped together with square brackets '[',']'. After such a group
				of commands is executed the pointer which keeps track of the next byte to export is reset
				to the position it had just before the group was executed.
				Some sample patterns and their output will make things much clearer:
						<term>%O"4"%: %E"4"p"0x"x" "% - %E"4"p"0x"x" "%\n</term>
								<screen>0000: 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 - 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07
0008: 0x08 0x09 0x0a 0x0b - 0x0c 0x0d 0x0e 0x0f
0010: 0x10 0x11 0x12 0x13 - 0x14 0x15 0x16 0x17
0018: 0x18 0x19 0x10 0x1a - 0x1b 0x1c 0x1d 0x1e
0020: 0x1f                -                    </screen> 
						<term>[%E"2"% %I"2"% %E"2"% %I"2"%] %I"2"% %E"2"% %I"2"% %E"2"%\n</term>
							<screen>0001  0405   0203  0607
0809  0c0d   0a0b  0e0f
1011  1415   1213  1617
1819  1b1c   101a  1d1e
		<section id="bless-usage-export-dialog">
		<title>Export Dialog</title>
				<title>Export Dialog</title>
						<imagedata fileref="figures/bless_export_dialog.png" format="PNG"/>
						<phrase>Export Dialog</phrase>
			<title>Export Dialog</title>
					<term>Export to file</term>
							The name of the file to export the data to.
					<term>Export type</term>
							The type of file to export to. New types can be added with plugins.
					<term>Export pattern</term>
							The pattern to use when exporting the file (see <xref linkend="bless-usage-export-pattern"/>). Use the save and delete buttons
							next to the pattern entry to manage the saved patterns.
							The range of data to export.
	<section id="bless-usage-bitwiseops">
	<title>Performing bitwise operations</title>
		<para>To access the Bitwise Operations Bar use
				<guimenuitem>Bitwise Operations</guimenuitem>
			<title>Bitwise Operations Bar</title>
						<imagedata fileref="figures/bless_bitwise_ops.png" format="PNG"/>
						<phrase>Bitwise Operations Bar</phrase>
			To apply a bitwise operation on a range of data:
					<para>Select the range to apply the operation on (see <xref linkend="bless-usage-edit-basic-select"/>). If no range
					is selected the operation will be performed on the current offset.
					The selected range is displayed at the far left of the bar. Clicking
					on the displayed range cycles the number base used to display it (Hexadecimal, Octal, Decimal).</para>
					<para>Select the desired operation from the operations list. Available operations are AND, OR, XOR and NOT.</para>
					<para>Type the data to use for the operation in the data text entry (if applicable).</para>
					<para>Select the type of the data from the data type list.</para>
					<para>Press the <guibutton>Execute</guibutton> button to perform the operation.</para>

<chapter id="bless-customizing">
	<title>Customizing &app;</title>
	<section id="bless-customizing-config">
	<title>Configuration Files</title>
		&app; keeps its configuration files under <filename class='directory'>$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bless</filename> (usually <filename class='directory'>$HOME/.config/bless</filename> on UNIX based systems and
		<filename class='directory'>C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Application Data\bless</filename> on MS Windows systems)
		in accordance to the XDG specification. This directory contains the following files and directories
					Keeps the list of saved export patterns.
					Keeps the list of recently opened files.
					Keeps the state of &app; the last time it was closed. This includes the open files,
					the file offset and cursor offset in each file, the active file, the window dimensions etc.
					Keeps the user preferences.
					This directory holds the layout description files for each user. 
					See <xref linkend="bless-customizing-layouts"/>.
	<section id="bless-customizing-preferences">
		You can edit the user preferences in the Preferences dialog. It can be
		accessed by using 
		<section id="bless-customizing-preferences-general">
		<title>General Preferences</title>
			<title>General Preferences</title>
					<imagedata fileref="figures/bless_preferences_general.png" format="PNG"/>
					<phrase>General Preferences</phrase>
		<title>Default Layout</title>
				<term>Layout File</term>
						The layout file to use when opening a new tab. If it is left empty a default
						will be used.
				<term>Use layout of currently active tab if any</term>
						If it is checked, &app; will try to use the layout of the currently active tab for new tabs.
						If there are no open tabs, &app; will use the file from the "Layout File" preference.
				<term>Default edit mode</term>
						The edit mode new tabs will be placed in (Insert or Overwrite).
				<term>Temporary Directory</term>
						The directory to save temporary files into (leave blank for default eg /tmp).
						When a file is saved, it is saved into this directory and then moved
						to its final position.
		<section id="bless-customizing-preferences-undo">
		<title>Undo Preferences</title>
			<title>Undo Preferences</title>
					<imagedata fileref="figures/bless_preferences_undo.png" format="PNG"/>
					<phrase>Undo Preferences</phrase>
		<title>Undo Limit</title>
				<term>Limit to X actions</term>
						Limit the number of actions that can be undone to X actions.
				<term>Unlimited Undo</term>
						Don't limit the number of actions that can be undone.
		<title>Keep Undo History After Save</title>
						Always keep undo history after a file is saved.
						When dealing with large amounts of undo data this option may
						fill up all memory and cause a severe degradation of system performance.
				<term>What fits in main memory</term>
						Only keep the part of the history that fits in main memory (RAM).
						Never keep undo history after a file is saved.
		<section id="bless-customizing-preferences-session">
		<title>Session Preferences</title>
			<title>Session Preferences</title>
					<imagedata fileref="figures/bless_preferences_session.png" format="PNG"/>
					<phrase>Session Preferences</phrase>
				<term>Load previous session on startup</term>
						Whether the previous session (the state of Bless at the time of the last quit)
						should be loaded on startup. The state includes all open files, the focused tab,
						the focused area in each file, the cursor position in each file and the window geometry. 
				<term>Ask before loading session</term>
						Ask before loading session on startup.
				<term>Remember cursor position</term>
						Whether &app; should remember and restore the position of the cursor in
						each of the loaded files when loading the previous session.
				<term>Remember window geometry</term>
						Whether &app; should remember and restore the window size when loading the previous session.
	<section id="bless-customizing-layouts">
	<title>Layout Files</title>
		The way &app; presents the data is highly customizable. The configuration is done 
		through layout description files. Currently there is no way to graphically edit the
		layouts but one is planned for a later version.
	<section id="bless-customizing-layouts-selecting">
		<title>Selecting a layout</title>
			&app; searches for layout description files in the <filename class='directory'>$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bless/layouts</filename> directory
			(usually $HOME/.config/bless/layouts). You can preview and select the available layouts with the layout 
			selection dialog, which can be accessed by using
	<section id="bless-customizing-layouts-creating">
		<title>Creating Layout Files</title>
			Layout description files are XML files ending with the .layout suffix. They consist of 
			the &lt;layout&gt; tag which contains a series of &lt;area&gt; tags that describe each 
			area in the layout. The &lt;area&gt; tag takes one attribute, <emphasis>type</emphasis>, which defines 
			the type of the area. The valid values for <emphasis>type</emphasis> are:
			<tgroup cols="2">
					<entry>Displays the data in hexadecimal format.</entry>
					<entry>Displays the data in decimal format.</entry>
					<entry>Displays the data in octal format.</entry>
					<entry>Displays the data in binary format.</entry>
					<entry>Displays the data in ascii format.</entry>
					<entry>Displays the data offset.</entry>
					<entry>A vertical line that visually separates areas.</entry>
		<para>For example, the following simple layout file:</para>
	&lt;area type="offset"&gt;&lt;/area&gt;
	&lt;area type="hexadecimal"&gt;&lt;/area&gt;
	&lt;area type="offset"&gt;&lt;/area&gt;
	&lt;area type="separator"&gt;&lt;/area&gt;
	&lt;area type="ascii"&gt;&lt;/area&gt;
	<para>produces the standard offset-hex-ascii view with default colors:</para>
		<title>Standard offset-hex-ascii view</title>
				<imagedata fileref="figures/bless_layout_oha.png" format="PNG"/>
				<phrase>Standard offset-hex-ascii view</phrase>
		Each area may include additional options about how to display the data. Some options 
		are available to all areas whereas others are area-specific. The options that aren't
		explicitly defined assume their default values. Also if an option is specified for an 
		area that doesn't support it, the option is just ignored.
		<tgroup cols="4">
					<entry>see below</entry>
					<entry>The fonts and colors that should be used for the display.</entry>
					<entry>Whether to display hexadecimal values using lowercase or uppercase.</entry>
					<entry>offset, hexadecimal</entry>
					<entry>The number of bytes that should be grouped together in each column.</entry>
					<entry>hexadecimal, decimal, octal, binary</entry>
					<entry>The number of bytes on each row in the area (see below for more information)</entry>
					<entry>hexadecimal, decimal, octal, binary, ascii</entry>
					<entry>The number of bytes which will be used to display offsets (default 4)</entry>
		<section id="bless-customizing-layouts-creating-bpr">
			<title>The bpr option</title>
				The &lt;bpr&gt; (bytes per row) option sets the (maximum) number of bytes that each row in an area can have. If it is not
				specified, the number of bytes on each row changes dynamically in order to fill the whole available width. If it is specified 
				in at least one area in the layout all the areas in the layout conform to the specified restriction. In case of a conflict, for example 
				when two areas specify different bprs, the smallest value is used. Finally, if there is a conflict between bpr and grouping values, 
				the highest value that conforms to the grouping and is below the bpr is used (eg if bpr=5 and grouping=2 the bytes per row will
				be 4).
		<section id="bless-customizing-layouts-creating-display">
			<title>The display option</title>
				The &lt;display&gt; option is the most complicated of the lot and deserves additional explanation.
				Bless distinguishes between even and odd rows, and even and odd columns. You can choose
				how to color each of the above items thus creating a visual result tailored to your needs. This
 				is achieved by using the &lt;display&gt; tag. Note that the first row and column are numbered as 0
				and are therefore considered even.
				A &lt;display&gt; tag may contain a &lt;font&gt; tag which sets the font family and size to use for 
				displaying data in the area (eg "Courier 10"). The font should be a monospaced font, otherwise the
				data in the area won't be displayed correctly. It is also advised to use same sized fonts in all the 
				areas so that the data is correctly aligned.
				A &lt;display&gt; tag may also contain a &lt;evenrow&gt; and a &lt;oddrow&gt; tag which describe how 
				the even and odd rows will look like. Each of the &lt;evenrow&gt; and &lt;oddrow&gt; tags may     
				contain a &lt;evencolumn&gt;, an &lt;oddcolumn&gt;, a &lt;selectedcolumn&gt; and a 
				&lt;patternmatchcolumn&gt; tag. The first two describe the appearance of the respective columns
				under normal conditions (no highlighting). The &lt;selectedcolumn&gt; tag 
				describes the appearance of selected bytes and the &lt;patternmatchcolumn&gt; tag the appearance
				of the highlighted bytes that match the selected bytes (see <xref linkend="bless-usage-edit-basic-select"/>).
				The description for all the above is accomplished by using the &lt;foreground&gt; and 
				&lt;background&gt; tags which specify the foreground and background colors to use.
				The colors can be specified either by name (eg dark blue) or by an RGB triad (eg #ff004e).
				<title>Display tag hierarchy</title>
						<imagedata fileref="figures/bless_display_tag.png" format="PNG"/>
						<phrase>Display tag hierarchy</phrase>
				An example:
    &lt;area type="offset"&gt;
                    &lt;foreground&gt;dark red&lt;/foreground&gt;
                    &lt;foreground&gt;dark red&lt;/foreground&gt;
    &lt;area type="separator"&gt;
                    &lt;foreground&gt;dark green&lt;/foreground&gt;
    &lt;area type="hexadecimal"&gt;

    &lt;area type="separator"&gt;
                    &lt;foreground&gt;dark green&lt;/foreground&gt;
    &lt;area type="decimal"&gt;

    &lt;area type="separator"&gt;
                    &lt;foreground&gt;dark green&lt;/foreground&gt;

    &lt;area type="binary"&gt;
			<para>The result is:</para>
					<title>Example layout</title>
							<imagedata fileref="figures/bless_layout_example1.png" format="PNG"/>
							<phrase>Example layout screenshot</phrase>
			Not all font options are used in all areas. The hexadecimal, decimal, octal and binary areas use
			all options. The ascii, offset and separator areas do not use the &lt;oddcolumn&gt; tag.
			The */evencolumn/background colors are considered the primary background colors for 
			their respective row. They are used to paint all parts of the row that are not otherwise painted 
			(eg space between columns). The evenrow/evencolumn/background color is also considered the main
			background color of the area and is used to paint the unused parts of the area.	

	<section id="bless-customizing-plugins">
	<title>Extending with plugins</title>
		<para>As of version 0.5.0 &app; can be extended by using plugins. Internally &app; uses plugins
		for almost all of its GUI. Currently the parts that can be extended by plugins are:
			<member>The GUI</member>
			<member>The areas displayed inside the Data Views</member>
			<member>Export builders</member>
			See the developer documentation for more information on how to write plugins (TODO).
<!-- ============= Bugs ================================== -->
<!-- This section is optional and is commented out by default. 
		 You can use it to describe known bugs and limitations of the 
		program if there are any - please be frank and list all
		 problems you know of. 
	<chapter id="mayapp-bugs">
	<title>Known Bugs and Limitations</title>
	<para> </para>
<chapter id="bless-faq">
	<title>Frequently Asked Questions</title>

	<qandaset defaultlabel='number'>
	  <qandadiv><title>Philosophical Questions</title>
	    <qandaentry><question><simpara>Why did you start Bless? Aren't there enough hex editors?</simpara></question>
	        <answer><simpara>There aren't enough free (as in speech) graphical hex editors. The two main
	ones are khexedit and ghex. Khexedit hasn't been updated in years and ghex is moving 
	very slowly.</simpara></answer>
		<qandaentry><question><simpara>So, why didn't you contribute to one of the existing projects?</simpara></question>
	        <answer><simpara>I wanted to try out the mono/Gtk# combination for graphical applications and none such 
	project existed.</simpara></answer>
		<qandaentry><question><simpara>What kind of name is Bless?</simpara></question>
	        <answer><simpara>It is a wordplay on the word hex. Hex also means curse and a bless(ing) is the opposite of a curse.</simpara></answer>

	<qandadiv><title>Technical Questions</title>
	    <qandaentry><question><simpara>How can I get the latest source of Bless?</simpara></question>
	        <answer><para>Bless now uses <ulink url="" type="http">Bazaar-NG</ulink> as its version control system. 
	After you install Bazaar-NG on your system use the following command to get the latest version
	of Bless into the directory (this might take some time):
	<command>bzr branch</command>
	If you already downloaded a previous version (using the above command, not source tarballs) and want to update to the latest version 
	<command>bzr pull</command>
	from within the directory that contains the previous version. 
		<qandaentry><question><simpara>I don't like the way Bless displays data. Can I change it?</simpara></question>
	        <answer><simpara>Yes! Bless is highly customizable. See <xref linkend="bless-customizing-layouts"/>
		<qandaentry><question><simpara>I am trying to save a large file (under the same name) but while saving Bless complains that there is
	no space left! I was sure I had enough space! What's going on?</simpara></question>
	        <answer><simpara>To be able to save a file under the same name (File-&gt;Save command) you need
	to have (temporarily) enough disk space to hold both the original and the
	new file. This happens because the new file is created in a temporary file
	directory (eg /tmp see <xref linkend="bless-customizing-preferences-general"/>) and then moved to its proper position. For example if you have a
	20MB file and edit it so that it becomes 21MB and the new file is supposed to
	be saved in the same storage device as /tmp, you need to have 20+21=41MB free
	space in that storage device to be able to save it. After a successful save,
	the original file is deleted, in this case freeing 20MB.Although this can be a problem (when there is not enough disk space), it
	can also be seen as a safety measure in case something goes wrong when saving.</simpara>
		A notable exception to the above is when the size of the file to be saved has not been changed. In that case the file is saved in-place.

	<qandaentry><question><simpara>The data in the data areas isn't displayed correctly! What is wrong?</simpara></question>
	        <answer><para>On some systems the data in the data areas are garbled. This is an
	 issue with the font subsystem. What happens is that the font subsystem reports to Bless a different font width than the one that is actually used on screen.
	 This bug should be fixed in current versions of Pango.</para>
	 Anyway, the bug is now irrevelevant: since version 0.5.0 &app; uses a different way to measure the font width.
	 Also, the temporary workaround with the FontWidthFix preference introduced in 0.4.1 is now disabled.
	 If you are still experiencing such problems with versions >= 0.5.0 please file a bug report.
	        <qandaentry><question><simpara>Where does Bless keep its configuration files?</simpara></question>
	        <answer><simpara>See <xref linkend="bless-customizing-config"/></simpara></answer>

<!-- ============= About ================================== -->
<!-- This section contains info about the program (not docs), such as
			author's name(s), web page, license, feedback address. This
			section is optional: primary place for this info is "About.." box of
			the program. However, if you do wish to include this info in the
			manual, this is the place to put it. Alternatively, you can put this information in the title page.-->
	<chapter id="bless-about"> 
		<title>About &app;</title> 
		<para> &app; was written by Alexandros Frantzis
			(<email></email>). To find more information about
			&app;, please visit the 
			<ulink url="" type="http">Bless Web page</ulink>.

		<para> This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU
			General Public license as published by the Free Software
			Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
			any later version. A copy of this license can be found at this
			<ulink url="ghelp:gpl" type="help">link</ulink>, or in the file
			COPYING included with the source code of this program. </para>
