

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > d40d58be82b0ca7d00a09684191b8b4f > files > 2


%{!?ruby_sitelib: %define ruby_sitelib %(ruby -rrbconfig -e "puts Config::CONFIG['sitelibdir']")}
%define	pbuild 			%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}
%define binFile 		%{_bindir}/ace
%define initFile 		%{_initrddir}/ace
%define acehome  		%{_datadir}/ace
%define modulehome		%{acehome}/modules

# Main Module
Summary: 			Appliance Configuration Engine
Name: 				ace
Version: 			0.0.7
Release: 			3%{?dist}

Group: 				Applications/Internet
License: 			LGPLv2+
Source0: 			%{url}/download/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildRoot: 			%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
BuildArch: 			noarch
BuildRequires:		ruby(abi) = 1.8
BuildRequires:  	ruby-devel >=  1.8
BuildRequires:  	ruby
Requires: 			yum
Requires:			ruby(abi) = 1.8
Requires: 			puppet
Requires: 			ruby-augeas
Requires: 			/usr/sbin/crond
Requires(post): 	chkconfig
Requires(preun):	chkconfig

Boot time configuration engine for appliances.

%dir %{ruby_sitelib}
%dir %{acehome}
%dir %{modulehome}
%dir %{modulehome}/appliance_base
%dir %{modulehome}/augeas
%dir %{modulehome}/firewall
%dir %{acehome}/facts
%dir %{acehome}/lenses
%dir %{acehome}/manifests
%dir %{acehome}/tools
%doc %{acehome}/COPYING

# Apache Module
%package	apache
Summary: 	Apache ACE Module

Group:  	Applications/Internet
License: 	LGPLv2+
BuildArch: 	noarch
Requires: 	ace
Requires: 	httpd
Requires:	ruby(abi) = 1.8

%description apache
Apache module for the Appliance Configuration Engine

%files apache
%dir %{modulehome}/apache
%doc %{modulehome}/apache/COPYING

# Banners Module
%package	banners
Summary: 	Simple Banners ACE Module
Group:  	Applications/Internet
Requires: 	ace
Requires:	ruby(abi) = 1.8

%description banners
Login and Console information for appliances

%files banners
%dir %{modulehome}/banners
%doc %{modulehome}/banners/COPYING

# Basic Site Module
%package 	basic-site
Summary: 	Simple Web Site ACE Module
Group:  	Applications/Internet
Requires: 	ace-apache
Requires:	ruby(abi) = 1.8

%description basic-site
Basic informative web site for appliances

%files basic-site
%dir %{modulehome}/basic-site
%doc %{modulehome}/basic-site/COPYING

# MySQL Module
%package	mysql
Summary: 	ACE Mysql module
Group:  	Applications/Internet
Requires:	ruby(abi) = 1.8
Requires: 	ace
Requires: 	mysql
Requires: 	mysql-server

%description mysql
Mysql management for appliances.

%files mysql
%dir %{modulehome}/mysql
%doc %{modulehome}/mysql/COPYING

# PHP Module
%package	php
Summary: 	ACE php module
Group:  	Applications/Internet
Requires:	ruby(abi) = 1.8
Requires: 	ace
Requires: 	php

%description php
PHP management for appliances.

%files php
%dir %{modulehome}/php
%doc %{modulehome}/php/COPYING

# Postgres Module
%package	postgres
Summary: 	ACE postgres module
Group:  	Applications/Internet
Requires:	ruby(abi) = 1.8
Requires: 	ace
Requires: 	postgresql
Requires: 	postgresql-server

%description postgres
Postgres database management for appliances.

%files postgres
%dir %{modulehome}/postgres
%doc %{modulehome}/postgres/COPYING

# SSH Module
%package	ssh
Summary: 	ACE ssh module
Group:  	Applications/Internet
Requires:	ruby(abi) = 1.8
Requires: 	ace
Requires: 	openssh-server

%description ssh
SSH configuration for appliances

%files ssh
%dir %{modulehome}/ssh
%doc %{modulehome}/ssh/COPYING

# Prep, Build, and Install
%setup -q


rm -rf %{buildroot}
install -d %{buildroot}/%{acehome}
install -d %{buildroot}/%{ruby_sitelib}
install -d %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}
install -d %{buildroot}/%{_initrddir}
cp -pr %{pbuild}/COPYING %{buildroot}/%{acehome}
cp -pr %{pbuild}/lib/ace.rb %{buildroot}/%{ruby_sitelib}
cp -pr %{pbuild}/lib/ace %{buildroot}/%{ruby_sitelib}
cp -pr %{pbuild}/bin/ace %{buildroot}/%{binFile}
cp -pr %{pbuild}/bin/ace-init %{buildroot}/%{initFile}
cp -pr %{pbuild}/modules %{buildroot}/%{acehome}
cp -pr %{pbuild}/COPYING %{buildroot}/%{modulehome}/apache
cp -pr %{pbuild}/COPYING %{buildroot}/%{modulehome}/banners
cp -pr %{pbuild}/COPYING %{buildroot}/%{modulehome}/basic-site
cp -pr %{pbuild}/COPYING %{buildroot}/%{modulehome}/mysql
cp -pr %{pbuild}/COPYING %{buildroot}/%{modulehome}/php
cp -pr %{pbuild}/COPYING %{buildroot}/%{modulehome}/postgres
cp -pr %{pbuild}/COPYING %{buildroot}/%{modulehome}/ssh
cp -pr %{pbuild}/facts %{buildroot}/%{acehome}
cp -pr %{pbuild}/manifests %{buildroot}/%{acehome}
cp -pr %{pbuild}/tools %{buildroot}/%{acehome}
cp -pr %{pbuild}/lenses %{buildroot}/%{acehome}

rm -rf %{buildroot}

/sbin/chkconfig --add %{name}

if [ $1 = 0 ] ; then
	/sbin/service ace stop >/dev/null 2>&1
	/sbin/chkconfig --del %{name}

# Changelog
* Fri Jul 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.0.7-3
- Rebuilt for

* Wed Mar 16 2009 Bryan Kearney <> 0.0.7-2
- Ovirt enhancements from Joey Boggs

* Mon Feb 23 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.0.6-2
- Rebuilt for

* Wed Feb 18 2009 Bryan Kearney <> 0.0.6-1
- Iptables enhancements from Joey Boggs

* Tue Jan 07 2009 Bryan Kearney <> 0.0.5-1
- Status of puppet script is reflected in command line and init script
- Executingn 'ace --verbose' now provides real time view of puppet output
- Will work with new puppet which includes the augas plugin

* Tue Dec 16 2008 Bryan Kearney <> 0.0.4-1
- Postgres packages did not enforfce dependencies correctly
- init script can handle many appliances

* Tue Dec 2 2008 Bryan Kearney <> 0.0.3-7
- Modify the build requires to include the ruby binary

* Tue Dec 2 2008 Bryan Kearney <> 0.0.3-6
- Modify the build requires to get the sitelibdir value

* Thu Oct 2 2008 Bryan Kearney <> 0.0.3-5
- Remove the console to package it later.

* Thu Oct 2 2008 Bryan Kearney <> 0.0.3-4
- Combine all ace packages into a single SRPM.

* Wed Sep 24 2008 Bryan Kearney <> 0.0.3-3
- Comments from David Lutterkort and Bill Nottingham

* Fri Sep 19 2008 Bryan Kearney <> 0.0.3-2
- Submit For Fedora Packaging Process

* Thu Sep 18 2008 Bryan Kearney <> 0.0.3-1
- Begin Fedora Packaging Process

* Thu Jul 17 2008 Bryan Kearney <> 0.0.2-1
- Converted to puppet syntax

* Thu Mar 26 2008 Bryan Kearney <> 0.0.1-1
- Initial packaging