

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > d8d513c6dd5a26793ebd36a9f6865487 > files > 67


(* $Id:,v 1.16 2001/05/08 01:58:25 garrigue Exp $ *)

 * 3-D gear wheels.  This program is in the public domain.
 * Brian Paul
 * LablGL version by Jacques Garrigue

let pi = acos (-1.)

 * Draw a gear wheel.  You'll probably want to call this function when
 * building a display list since we do a lot of trig here.
 * Input:  inner_radius - radius of hole at center
 *         outer_radius - radius at center of teeth
 *         width - width of gear
 *         teeth - number of teeth
 *         tooth_depth - depth of tooth
let gear ~inner ~outer ~width ~teeth ~tooth_depth =
  let r0 = inner
  and r1 = outer -. tooth_depth /. 2.0
  and r2 = outer +. tooth_depth /. 2.0 in

  let ta = 2.0 *. pi /. float teeth in
  let da = ta /. 4.0 in

  GlDraw.shade_model `flat;

  GlDraw.normal ~z:1.0 ();

  let vertex ~r ~z ?(s=0) i =
    let angle = float i *. ta +. float s *. da in
    GlDraw.vertex ~x:(r *. cos angle) ~y:(r *. sin angle) ~z ()

  (* draw front face *)
  let z = width *. 0.5 in
  GlDraw.begins `quad_strip;
  for i=0 to teeth do
    vertex i ~r:r0 ~z;
    vertex i ~r:r1 ~z;
    vertex i ~r:r0 ~z;
    vertex i ~r:r1 ~z ~s:3;
  GlDraw.ends ();
  (* draw front sides of teeth *)
  GlDraw.begins `quads;
  for i=0 to teeth - 1 do
    vertex i ~r:r1 ~z;
    vertex i ~r:r2 ~s:1 ~z;
    vertex i ~r:r2 ~s:2 ~z;
    vertex i ~r:r1 ~s:3 ~z;
  GlDraw.ends ();

  GlDraw.normal ~z:(-1.0) ();

  (* draw back face *)
  let z = -. width *. 0.5 in
  GlDraw.begins `quad_strip;
  for i=0 to teeth do
    vertex i ~r:r1 ~z;
    vertex i ~r:r0 ~z;
    vertex i ~r:r1 ~s:3 ~z;
    vertex i ~r:r0 ~z;
  GlDraw.ends ();

  (* draw back sides of teeth *)
  GlDraw.begins `quads;
  for i=0 to teeth - 1 do
    vertex i ~r:r1 ~s:3 ~z;
    vertex i ~r:r2 ~s:2 ~z;
    vertex i ~r:r2 ~s:1 ~z;
    vertex i ~r:r1 ~z;
  GlDraw.ends ();

  (* draw outward faces of teeth *)
  let z = width *. 0.5 and z' = width *. (-0.5) in
  GlDraw.begins `quad_strip;
  for i=0 to teeth - 1 do
    let angle = float i *. ta in
    vertex i ~r:r1 ~z;
    vertex i ~r:r1 ~z:z';
    let u = r2 *. cos(angle+.da) -. r1 *. cos(angle)
    and v = r2 *. sin(angle+.da) -. r1 *. sin(angle) in
    GlDraw.normal ~x:v ~y:(-.u) ();
    vertex i ~r:r2 ~s:1 ~z;
    vertex i ~r:r2 ~s:1 ~z:z';
    GlDraw.normal ~x:(cos angle) ~y:(sin angle) ();
    vertex i ~r:r2 ~s:2 ~z;
    vertex i ~r:r2 ~s:2 ~z:z';
    let u = r1 *. cos(angle +. 3. *. da) -. r2 *. cos(angle +. 2. *. da)
    and v = r1 *. sin(angle +. 3. *. da) -. r2 *. sin(angle +. 2. *. da) in
    GlDraw.normal ~x:v ~y:(-.u) ();
    vertex i ~r:r1 ~s:3 ~z;
    vertex i ~r:r1 ~s:3 ~z:z';
    GlDraw.normal ~x:(cos angle) ~y:(sin angle) ();
  vertex 0 ~r:r1 ~z;
  vertex 0 ~r:r1 ~z:z';
  GlDraw.ends ();

  GlDraw.shade_model `smooth;

  (* draw inside radius cylinder *)
  GlDraw.begins `quad_strip;
  for i=0 to teeth do
    let angle = float i *. ta in
    GlDraw.normal ~x:(-. cos angle) ~y:(-. sin angle) ();
    vertex i ~r:r0 ~z:z';
    vertex i ~r:r0 ~z;
  GlDraw.ends ()

class view ~gear1 ~gear2 ~gear3 ?(limit=0) togl = object (self)
  val mutable view_rotx = 0.0
  val mutable view_roty = 0.0
  val mutable view_rotz = 0.0
  val mutable angle = 0.0
  val mutable count = 1

  method rotx a = view_rotx <- a
  method roty a = view_roty <- a

  method draw =
    GlClear.clear [`color;`depth];

    GlMat.push ();
    GlMat.rotate ~angle:view_rotx ~x:1.0 ();
    GlMat.rotate ~angle:view_roty ~y:1.0 ();
    GlMat.rotate ~angle:view_rotz ~z:1.0 ();

    GlMat.push ();
    GlMat.translate ~x:(-3.0) ~y:(-2.0) ();
    GlMat.rotate ~angle:angle ~z:1.0 ();
    (* gear inner:1.0 outer:4.0 width:1.0 teeth:20 tooth_depth:0.7; *) gear1;
    GlMat.pop ();

    GlMat.push ();
    GlMat.translate ~x:3.1 ~y:(-2.0) ();
    GlMat.rotate ~angle:(-2.0 *. angle -. 9.0) ~z:1.0 ();
    (* gear inner:0.5 outer:2.0 width:2.0 teeth:10 tooth_depth:0.7; *) gear2;
    GlMat.pop ();

    GlMat.push ();
    GlMat.translate ~x:(-3.1) ~y:4.2 ();
    GlMat.rotate ~angle:(-2.0 *. angle -. 25.0) ~z:1.0 ();
    (* gear inner:1.3 outer:2.0 width:0.5 teeth:10 tooth_depth:0.7; *) gear3;
    GlMat.pop ();

    GlMat.pop ();
    Togl.swap_buffers togl;

    count <- count + 1;
    if count =limit then exit 0

  method idle =
    angle <- angle +. 2.0;

  method reshape =
    let w = Togl.width togl and h = Togl.height togl in
    GlDraw.viewport ~x:0 ~y:0 ~w ~h;
    GlMat.mode `projection;
    GlMat.load_identity ();
    let r = float w /. float h in
    let r' = 1. /. r in
    if (w>h) then
      GlMat.frustum ~x:(-. r,r) ~y:(-1.0,1.0) ~z:(5.0,60.0)
      GlMat.frustum ~x:(-1.0,1.0) ~y:(-.r',r') ~z:(5.0,60.0);

    GlMat.mode `modelview;
    GlMat.translate ~z:(-40.0) ();

let init () =
  let pos = 5.0, 5.0, 10.0, 0.0
  and red = 0.8, 0.1, 0.0, 1.0
  and green = 0.0, 0.8, 0.2, 1.0
  and blue = 0.2, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0 in

  GlLight.light ~num:0 (`position pos);
  List.iter Gl.enable

  (* make the gears *)
  let make_gear ~inner ~outer ~width ~teeth ~color =
    let list = GlList.create `compile in
    GlLight.material ~face:`front (`ambient_and_diffuse color);
    gear ~inner ~outer ~width ~teeth ~tooth_depth:0.7;
    GlList.ends ();
  let gear1 = make_gear ~inner:1.0 ~outer:4.0 ~width:1.0 ~teeth:20 ~color:red
  and gear2 = make_gear ~inner:0.5 ~outer:2.0 ~width:2.0 ~teeth:10 ~color:green
  and gear3 = make_gear ~inner:1.3 ~outer:2.0 ~width:0.5 ~teeth:10 ~color:blue in

  (gear1, gear2, gear3)

open Tk

let main () =
  let top = openTk () in
  let f = Frame.create top in
  let v = Textvariable.create () in
  let my_scale =
    Scale.create ~min:0. ~max:180. ~showvalue:false ~highlightbackground:`Black
  let togl =
    Togl.create f ~width:300 ~height:300
      ~rgba:true ~depth:true ~double:true
  and sh = my_scale f ~orient:`Horizontal
  and sv = my_scale top ~orient:`Vertical
  Wm.title_set top "Gears";

  let gear1, gear2, gear3 = init() in
  let view = new view togl ~gear1 ~gear2 ~gear3 in
  Scale.configure sv ~command:(view#rotx);
  Scale.configure sh ~command:(view#roty);
  Scale.set sh 20.; Scale.set sv 40.;
  Togl.reshape_func togl ~cb:(fun () -> view#reshape);
  Togl.display_func togl ~cb:(fun () -> view#draw);
  Togl.timer_func ~ms:20 ~cb:(fun () -> view#idle);
  pack [sv] ~side:`Right ~fill:`Y;
  pack [f] ~expand:true ~fill:`Both;
  pack [togl] ~side:`Top ~expand:true ~fill:`Both;
  pack [sh] ~side:`Bottom ~fill:`X;
  Tk.mainLoop ()

let _ = main ()