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         </ul><div id="page_body"><h1><span class="toc_number">1.6.1</span>Class Format</h1><p class="brief">Controls the rendering of items into strings. </p>
         <pre class="prototype">Class Format( [fmtspec] )</pre>
         <table class="prototype">
         <tbody><tr class="optparam"><td class="name">fmtspec</td><td class="content"> If provided, must be a valid format specifier which is immediately parsed. In case of invalid format, a ParseError is raised. </td></tr>
         <p>Format class is meant to provide an efficient way to format variables into strings that can then be sent to output streams. Internally, the format class is used in string expansion (the '@' operator), but while string expansion causes a string parsing to be initiated and an internal temporary Format object to be instantiated each time an expansion is performed, using a prebuilt Format object allows to optimize repeated formatting operations. Also, Format class instances may be used as other objects properties, applied directly to strings being written on streams, modified after being created and are generally more flexible than the string expansion. </p>
<p>The format specifier is a string that may contain various elements indicating how the target variable should be rendered as a string. </p>
<h2><a name="format_specification">Format specification</a></h2>
<p><b>Size</b>: The minimum field length; it can be just expressed by a number. if the formatted output is wide as or wider than the allocated size, the output will not be truncated, and the resulting string may be just too wide to be displayed where it was intended to be. The size can be mandatory by adding '*' after it. In this case, the format() method will return false (and eventually raise an error) if the conversion caused the output to be wider than allowed. </p>
<p><b>Padding</b>: the padding character is appended after the formatted size, or it is put in front of it if alignment is to the right. To define padding character, use 'p' followed by the character. In example, p0 to fill the field with zeros. Of course, the character may be any Unicode character (the format string accepts standard Falcon character escapes). In the special case of p0, front sign indicators are placed at the beginning of the field; in example "4p0+" will produce "+001" "-002" and so on, while "4px+" will produce "xx+1", "xx-2" etc. </p>
<p><b>Numeric</b> <b>base</b>: the way an integer should be rendered. It may be: <ul><li>Decimal: as it's the default translation, no command is needed; a 'N' character may            be added to the format to specify that we are actually expecting a number. </li><li>Hexadecimal: Command may be 'x' (lowercase hex), 'X' (uppercase Hex), 'c'            (0x prefixed lowercase hex) or 'C' (0x prefixed uppercase hex). Binary: 'b' to            convert to binary, and 'B' to convert to binary and add a "b" after the number. </li></ul></p>
<p>- Octal: 'o' to display an octal number, or '0' to display an octal with "0" prefix. <ul><li>Scientific: 'e' to display a number in scientific notation W.D+/-eM. Format of numbers in            scientific notation is fixed, so thousand separator and decimal digit separator cannot be set,            but decimals cipher setting will still work. </li></ul></p>
<p><b>Decimals</b>: a dot '.' followed by a number indicates the number of decimal to be displayed. If no decimal is specified, floating point numbers will be displayed with all significant digits digits, while if it's set to zero, decimal numbers will be rounded. </p>
<p><b>Decimal</b> <b>separator</b>: a 'd' followed by any non-cipher character will be interpreted as decimal separator setting. For example, to use central European standard for decimal nubmers and limit the output to 3 decimals, write ".3d,", or "d,.3". The default value is '.'. </p>
<p><b>(Thousands)</b> <b>Grouping</b>: actually it's the integer part group separator, as it will be displayed also for hexadecimal, octal and binary conversions. It is set using 'g' followed by the separator character, it defaults to ','. Normally, it is not displayed; to activate it set also the integer grouping digit count; normally is 3, but it's 4 in Japanaese and Chinese locales, while it may be useful to set it to 2 or 4 for hexadecimal, 3 for octal and 4 or 8 for binary. In example 'g4-' would group digits 4 by 4, grouping them with a "-". Zero would disable grouping. </p>
<p><b>Grouping</b> <b>Character</b>: If willing to change only the grouping character and not the default grouping count, use 'G'. </p>
<p><b>Alignment</b>: by default the field is aligned to the left; to align the field to the right use 'r'. <b>Negative</b> <b>display</b> <b>format</b>: By default, a '-' sign is appended in front of the number if it's negative. If the '+' character is added to the format, then in case the number is positive, '+' will be appended in front. '--' will postpend a '-' if the number is negative, while '++' will postpend either '+' or '-' depending on the sign of the number. To display a parenthesis around negative numbers, use '[', or use ']' to display a parenthesis for negative numbers and use the padding character in front and after positive numbers. Using parenthesis will prevent using '+', '++' or '--' formats. Format '-^' will add a - in front of padding space if the number is negative, while '+^' will add plus or minus depending on number sign. In example, "5+" would render -12 as "  -12", while "5+^" will render as "-  12". If alignment is to the right, the sign will be added at the other side of the padding: "5+^r" would render -12 as "12  -". If size is not mandatory, parenthesis will be wrapped around the formatted field, while if size is mandatory they will be wrapped around the whole field, included padding. In example "5[r" on -4 would render as "  (4)", while "5*[r" would render as "(  4)". </p>
<p><b>Nil</b> <b>format</b>: How to represent a nil. It may be one of the following: <ul><li>'nn': nil is not represented (mute). </li><li>'nN': nil is represented by "N" </li><li>'nl': nil is rendered with "nil" </li><li>'nL': nil is rendered with "Nil". This is also the default. </li><li>'nu': nil is rendered with "Null" </li><li>'nU': nil is rendered with "NULL" </li><li>'no': nil is rendered with "None" </li><li>'nA': nil is rendered with "NA" </li></ul></p>
<p><b>Action</b> <b>on</b> <b>error</b>: Normally, if trying to format something different from what is expected, the method format() will simply return false. In example, to format a string in a number, a string using the date formatter, a number in a simple pad-and-size formatter etc. To change this behavior, use '/' followed by one of the following: <ul><li>'n': act as the wrong item was nil (and uses the defined nil formatter). </li><li>'0': act as if the given item was 0, the empty string or an invalid date,                 or anyhow the neuter item of the expected type. </li><li>'r': raise a type error. </li></ul></p>
<p>A 'c' letter may be added after the '/' and before the specifier to try a basic conversion into the expected type before triggering the requested effect. In example, if the formatted item is an object and the conversion type is string (that is, no numeric related options are set), this will cause the toString() method of the target object to be called, or if not available, the toString() function to be applied on the target object. In example "6/cr" tries to convert the item to a 6 character long string, and if it fails (i.e. because toString() method returns nil) an TypeError is raised. </p>
<p><b>Object</b> <b>specific</b> <b>format</b>: Objects may accept an object specific formatting as parameter of the standard toString() method. A pipe separator '|' will cause all the following format to be passed unparsed to the toString() method of objects eventually being formatted. If the object does not provides a toString() method, or if it's not an object at all, an error will be raised. The object is the sole responsible for parsing and applying its specific format. </p>
<p class='note'><b>Note:</b> Ranges will be represented as [n1:n2:n3] or [n1:] if they are open. Size, alignment and padding will work on the whole range, while numeric formatting will be applied to each end of the range. </p>
<p>Example: the format specifier "8*Xs-g2" means to format variables in a field of 8 characters, size mandatory (i.e. truncated if wider), Hexadecimal uppercase, grouped 2 by 2 with '-' characters. A result may be "0A-F1-DA". </p>
<p>Another example: "12.3'0r+/r" means to format a number in 12 ciphers, of which 3 are fixed decimals, 0 padded, right aligned; a '+' is always added in front of positive numbers. In case the formatted item is not a number, a type error is raised. </p>
<p>Format class instances may be applied on several variables; in example, a currency value oriented numeric format may be applied on all the currency values of a program, and changing the default format would just be a matter of changing just one format object. </p>
<table class="members">
         <tbody><tr class="member_type"><td class="member_type" colspan="2">Methods</td></tr>
               <tr><td><a href="#format">format</a></td><td>Performs desired formatting on a target item. </td></tr>
               <tr><td><a href="#parse">parse</a></td><td>Initializes the Format instance with an optional value. </td></tr>
               <tr><td><a href="#toString">toString</a></td><td>Represents this format as a string. </td></tr>
         <h2>Methods</h2><h3><a name="format">format</a></h3><p class="brief">Performs desired formatting on a target item. </p>
         <pre class="prototype">Format.format( item, [dest] )</pre>
         <table class="prototype">
         <tbody><tr class="param"><td class="name">item</td><td class="content"> The item to be formatted </td></tr>
               <tr class="optparam"><td class="name">dest</td><td class="content"> A string where to store the formatted data. </td></tr>
               <tr class="return"><td class="name">Return</td><td class="content">A formatted string </td></tr>
               <tr class="raise"><td class="name">Raise</td><td class="content"><table>
                     <tbody><tr><td class="name"><a href="core_ParamError.html">ParamError</a></td><td class="content"> if a format specifier has not been set yet. </td></tr>
                           <tr><td class="name"><a href="core_TypeError.html">TypeError</a></td><td class="content"> if the format specifier can't be applied the item because of incompatible type. </td></tr>
         <p>Formats the variable as per the given format descriptor. If the class has been instantiated without format, and the parse() method has not been called yet, a ParamError is raised. If the type of the variable is incompatible with the format descriptor, the method returns nil; a particular format specifier allows to throw a TypeError in this case. </p>
<p>On success, the method returns a string containing a valid formatted representation of the variable. </p>
<p>It is possible to provide a pre-allocated string where to store the formatted result to improve performace and spare memory. </p>
<h3><a name="parse">parse</a></h3><p class="brief">Initializes the Format instance with an optional value. </p>
         <pre class="prototype">Format.parse( fmtspec )</pre>
         <table class="prototype">
         <tbody><tr class="param"><td class="name">fmtspec</td><td class="content"> Format specifier </td></tr>
               <tr class="raise"><td class="name">Raise</td><td class="content"><table>
                     <tbody><tr><td class="name"><a href="core_ParseError.html">ParseError</a></td><td class="content"> if the format specifier is not correct. </td></tr>
         <p>Sets or changes the format specifier for this Format instance. If the format string is not correct, a ParseError is raised. </p>
<h3><a name="toString">toString</a></h3><p class="brief">Represents this format as a string. </p>
         <pre class="prototype">Format.toString()</pre>
         <table class="prototype">
         <tbody><tr class="return"><td class="name">Return</td><td class="content">The format specifier. </td></tr>
         <p>Returns a string representation of the format instance. </p>
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