

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > e5844dafad78ba7d95f2ebd84dd79364 > files > 30


#!/usr/bin/perl -T
use strict;
use File::Spec;
use Test::More;
use Net::Pcap;
use lib 't';
use Utils;

plan skip_all => "pcap_setnonblock() and pcap_getnonblock() are not available"
  unless is_available('pcap_setnonblock');
plan tests => 23;

my $has_test_exception = eval "use Test::Exception; 1";

my($dev,$pcap,$r,$err) = ('','','','');

# Testing error messages
    skip "Test::Exception not available", 4 unless $has_test_exception;

    # setnonblock() errors
    throws_ok(sub {
    }, '/^Usage: Net::Pcap::setnonblock\(p\, nb, err\)/', 
       "calling setnonblock() with no argument");

    throws_ok(sub {
        Net::Pcap::setnonblock(0, 0, 0)
    }, '/^p is not of type pcap_tPtr/', 
       "calling setnonblock() with incorrect argument type");

    # getnonblock() errors
    throws_ok(sub {
    }, '/^Usage: Net::Pcap::getnonblock\(p\, err\)/', 
       "calling getnonblock() with no argument");

    throws_ok(sub {
        Net::Pcap::getnonblock(0, 0)
    }, '/^p is not of type pcap_tPtr/', 
       "calling getnonblock() with incorrect argument type");

    skip "must be run as root", 13 unless is_allowed_to_use_pcap();
    skip "no network device available", 13 unless find_network_device();

    # Find a device and open it
    $dev = find_network_device();
    $pcap = Net::Pcap::open_live($dev, 1024, 1, 0, \$err);
    isa_ok( $pcap, 'pcap_tPtr', "\$pcap" );

    for my $state (0, 1) {
        # Testing setnonblock()
        eval { $r = Net::Pcap::setnonblock($pcap, $state, \$err) };
        is( $@,   '', "setnonblock() state=$state" );
        is( $err, '', " - err must be null" );
        is( $r,    0, " - should return zero" );

        # Testing getnonblock()
        eval { $r = Net::Pcap::getnonblock($pcap, \$err) };
        is( $@,     '', "getnonblock()" );
        is( $err,   '', " - err must be null" );
        is( $r, $state, " - state must be $state" );


# Open a sample dump
$pcap = Net::Pcap::open_offline(File::Spec->catfile(qw(t samples ping-ietf-20pk-be.dmp)), \$err);
isa_ok( $pcap, 'pcap_tPtr', "\$pcap" );

# Testing error messages
    skip "Test::Exception not available", 2 unless $has_test_exception;

    throws_ok(sub {
        Net::Pcap::setnonblock($pcap, 0, 0)
    }, '/^arg3 not a reference/', 
       "calling setnonblock() with incorrect argument type for arg3");

    throws_ok(sub {
        Net::Pcap::getnonblock($pcap, 0)
    }, '/^arg2 not a reference/', 
       "calling getnonblock() with incorrect argument type for arg2");

# Testing getnonblock()
eval { $r = Net::Pcap::getnonblock($pcap, \$err) };
is( $@,   '', "getnonblock()" );
is( $err, '', " - err must be null" );
is( $r,    0, " - state must be 0 for savefile" );
