

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > e697fa2e96c5d09d32f67e2396838211 > files > 2


#This is the main, static ember config file. All of these values can be overridden by a "ember.conf" file placed in the ember home directory (i.e. ~/.ember/ember.conf on linux)

#sharedir = "/usr/local/share/forge"
#datadir = "/home/erik/opt/worldforge/share/games/ember"

#if true, all media will be preloaded upon startup, resulting in a longer startup time, but avoiding ingame stuttering when media is requested
#if true, all media catalogs will be searched recursive. This takes some time at startup, but is needed for media authoring
loadmediarecursive = true
#a list of extra resource locations to look in for resources. These will be added in addition to those found in resources.cfg
#The format is "<section name>|<path>;<section name>|<path>", i.e. each location is separated with a ";" sign, and each individual location
#needs to first specify the section the location should be added to (for most situations you would want to go with "General"), and then a "|" sign
#followed by the path to the resources.

output = surround
#determines whether the audio is enabled or not

#graphics level to use. Valid values are high, medium, low
level = medium
#if set to true, and your GPU can handle it, water will be shown using pixel shaders, making for a very realistic effect
fresnelwater = false
#if set to true, the ground will be covered with foliage. Note that this requires that your card supports vertex shaders.
foliage = true

#the path to the ogre plugin directory. Ember will try to find the plugins by itself, but if it fails you can set the path here yourself.
#the plugins to load. This will differ some on windows and unix
#if set to true, the config dialog won't be shown and the settings in ogre.cfg will be used instead
suppressconfigdialog = false
#if set to true, the application will be double buffered, which means that everything is rendered into a separate backbuffer, which is then copied to the main screen buffer when appropriate. This will in some cases reduce tearing.
doublebuffered = false

#The texture size of each of the shadow textures (we normally use 5 shadow textures).
#First three is for Parallel Split (PSSM) shadows from directional light (Sun usually).
#Others are for point lights
#Configure splitting scheme for PSSM shadows.
splitpoints="1 15 50 200"
#Set the padding to apply to the near & far distances when matching up splits to one another, to avoid 'cracks'.
#Adjust the parameter to produce optimal shadows.
optimaladjustfactors="1 1 1"
#Sets whether or not to use the more aggressive approach to deciding on the focus region or not.
#The max far distance of the shadows, in world units.

#the minimum log level to activate for CEGUI. Possible values are insane|informative|standard|warnings|errors
#"standard" is recommended, anything below will cause massive amounts of logging
#if you really want to see what's happening deep within CEGUI set it to "insane" and prepare for the deluge
#note that what's finally written to the ember.log is determined by the global log level setting as set in "general:logginglevel". "verbose" includes both "insane" and "informative", "info" is "standard", "warning" is "warnings" and "failure" is "errors"
minimumlogginglevel = standard

#sets how much to scale the alpha maps for the terrain, resulting in smoother terrain splatting, but requiring more memory
#must be an integer 1 or 2 or 4 or 8 or 16 etc.
scalealphamap = 1

#if true, debug LOD colours will be used on the terrain to better see how the LOD system works
usedebuglodcolors = false

#the preferred terrain technique. Available values are: ShaderNormalMapped, Shader, Base
preferredtechnique = Shader

#a colour value (rgba) for how much the ambient light should be multiplied
sunambientmultiplier="0.7 0.7 0.7 1"
#a colour value (rgba) for how much the diffuse light should be multiplied
sundiffusemultiplier="2 2 1.7 1"
#a colour value (rgba) for how much the specular light should be multiplied
sunspecularmultiplier="5 5 5 1"

cloudspeed="0.0005 -0.0009"

#shows authoring visualizations for entities
#allows you to automatically load and show a certain mesh in the asset manager at start. The main use would be for inspecting meshes as they are authored.
#This is normally not set here but instead injected at the command line when starting up Ember.

#how long the chat bubbles will be shown
timeshown = 30
#how far away the chat bubbles will be shown
distanceshown = 30

#if set to true, ember will autogenerate the trees
#the current implementation requires a very powerful GPU
#not currently used though
usedynamictrees = false

#how many degrees per second the camera should pitch and yaw
cameradegreespersecond = 180
#if true, the pitch of the camera will be inverted. Useful for people that are used to flight simulators
invertcamera = false
#sets the max speed. Note that the server ultimately places restrictions on how fast you are allowed to move. The walk speed would normally be half of the max speed.
maxspeed = 5
#if true, the camera will be adjusted to the terrain so that it never dips below the surface
adjusttoterrain = true
#when moving something on the terrain and the camera is moved, Ember only performs a new intersection check after a certain interval, as expressed here in milliseconds

#if true, the lua debug library will be loaded
debug = true

#if set to true, Ember will connect to the Meta Server at startup
#the hostname of the Meta Server
#If specified, Ember will connect to this server at startup automatically
#If set to something, the server browser will filter out all servers with versions lower than this. This is to prevent new users from connecting to old stale servers.

#if true, Ember will use wfut to download updated media at startup
#the path to the wfut repository
#the name of the media channel

#if true, the startup help window will be shown at startup
#determines how many milliseconds to wait between updates of the avatar's rotation is sent to the server
#this is not done instantly to prevent swamping of data to the server
#set this lower if you experience too jerky game play
#the level of logging, either verbose|info|warning|failure|critical
logginglevel = info
#the latest version
# default chat logging to on
#file name where server settings are stored. The path is relative to the Ember home directory.
#desired frames per second. If the hardware is fast enough to be able to provide higher fps Ember will sleep enough to make sure that the fps is kept around the desired number.
#setting this to 0 will disable the fps capping.
#the main advantage of this is to prevent Ember from completely starving the system, when most fps over 60 aren't recognizable by users

#these bindings apply all the time
f6 = "/toggle_cameraattached"
f7 = "/toggle_rendermode"
f8 = "/toggle_fullscreen"
f10 = "/toggle_gui"
print = "/screenshot"
caps = "/toggle_inputmode"
left_ctrl = "+snaptomovement"

#these bindings apply when in movement mode
s = "+movement_move_backward"
w = "+movement_move_forward"
a = "+movement_strafe_left"
d = "+movement_strafe_right"
r = "+movement_move_upwards"
f = "+movement_move_downwards"
tab = "/console_focus"
return = "/console_focus"
1 = "/actionbar_1"
2 = "/actionbar_2"
3 = "/actionbar_3"
4 = "/actionbar_4"
5 = "/actionbar_5"

i = "/show_inventory"

#down = "+camera_zoom_out"
#left = "+camera_rotate_left"
#page_down = "+camera_elevate_up"
#page_up = "+camera_elevate_down"
#right = "+camera_rotate_right"
#up = "+camera_zoom_in"

left_shift = "+run"
right_shift = "+run"

#these bindings apply when in gui mode
tab = "/console_focus"