

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > e7b04062d3f82398ce728fc12e636146 > files > 3


                           AllegroOGG v1.0.3

                  AllegroOGG (c) 2002 Javier Gonzalez

          OGG Decoder part of Ogg Vorbis ( Foundation)

#include <std_disclaimer.h>

   "I do not accept responsibility for any effects, adverse or otherwise, 
    that this code may have on you, your computer, your sanity, your dog, 
    and anything else that you can think of. Use it at your own risk."

See README.txt for a general introduction, copyright details, and 
information about how to install AllegroOGG.

Using AllegroOGG

   To be able to use AllegroOGG with your program, you just need (once
   compiled the library) to link the generated lib with your program
   (remember that since this lib relies on allegro, you need to add
   alogg *before* alleg) and include the header "alogg.h", available in
   the lib and include directories respectively. 


   Note parameters are marked between ' ' markers.

   Differences between ALOGG_OGG and ALOGG_OGGSTREAM:
     There are three ways to open ogg data:
       1) Using ALOGG_OGG and alogg_create_ogg_from_file() has the pros
          that it won't need to load the whole file in mem and that will
          read chunks when needed, and also that you will be able to seek,
          get total length, but has the cons that only for work
          individual files containing only ogg data, this is, doesn't work
          for your own file format.
       2) Using ALOGG_OGG and alogg_create_ogg_from_buffer() has the pros
          that you will be able to seek, get the total length and use your
          own file format, but has the cons that you will need to load the
          whole ogg data into memory.
       3) Using ALOGG_OGGSTREAM has the pros that you won't need to load the
          whole file in mem and that will read chunks when needed, and also
          that you will be able to use your own file format (even get data
          on the fly, like for example from a network), but has the cons
          that you won't be able to seek or get the total length.
       All of them support getting the current position though.

   ALOGG_OGG *alogg_create_ogg_from_file(FILE *f);
      Creates an ALOGG_OGG which you'll have to pass to all the other
      functions, where 'f' is the file pointer that must be already opened.
      Note you aren't supposed to close this file until you have destroyed
      the ALOGG_OGG.

     return values:
      NULL if there ocurred an error (mostly an invalid ogg data was passed).
      Other value ( != NULL ) otherwise.

   ALOGG_OGG *alogg_create_ogg_from_buffer(void *data, int data_len);
      Creates an ALOGG_OGG which you'll have to pass to all the other
      functions, where 'data' will be a pointer to the buffer containing
      the ogg data and 'data_len' the size of this buffer. Note you aren't
      supposed to free this buffer until you have destroyed the ALOGG_OGG.

     return values:
      NULL if there ocurred an error (mostly an invalid ogg data was passed).
      Other value ( != NULL ) otherwise.

   void alogg_destroy_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg);
      Destroys the ALOGG_OGG automatically stopping it. Note this function
      check if the 'ogg' pointer is pointing to NULL, so for example this:
         ALOGG_OGG *ogg = NULL;
      won't crash the program.

   int alogg_play_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg, int buffer_len, int vol, int pan);
      Plays the 'ogg' ALOGG_OGG with the given volume 'vol' (from 0 to 255)
      and panning 'pan' (from 0 to 255, where 0 is full left and 255 is
      full right). 'buffer_len' is the desired size in bytes of the
      buffer where the decoded data will be stored. The bigger, the less
      you'll have to poll the OGG, but the more time you will have to wait
      in order to hear the song start playing. Note that due to some
      ogg format limitations, the internal (and real) buffer will be
      an aproximation to the 'buffer_len' given. A 'buffer_len' size between
      16384 and 32768 bytes (16kb and 32kb) will do in most cases.

     return values:
      ALOGG_OK if no problems.
      ALOGG_PLAY_BUFFERTOOSMALL if the given 'buffer_len' was not big enough.

     special note:
      This function also works like a "resume" function, since it
      won't rewind the ALOGG_OGG automatically. Note that once the ALOGG_OGG
      has reached the end when playing, it will rewind though, stoping the
      ALOGG_OGG if the loop flag was set at FALSE (see alogg_play_ex_ogg())
      or continuing playing it if it was set at TRUE. Also note that this
      automatically stops decoding.

   int alogg_play_ex_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg, int buffer_len, int vol, int pan, int speed, int loop);
      See alogg_play_ogg(). The only new is the 'speed' that will play the
      ALOGG_OGG at a given speed (being 1000 = normal speed, 2000 = twice
      fast, 500 = half speed and so on) and a loop flag that can be set to
      not stop the ALOGG_OGG when it has reached the end, but continue it
      playing from the start.

     return values:
      See alogg_play_ogg().

     special note:
      See alogg_play_ogg(). Note that you can change speed, pan, volume, etc
      values to the ALOGG_OGG many times, but you will need to stop it first.

   void alogg_stop_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg);
      Stops the ALOGG_OGG if it was playing.

     special note:
      This function also works like a "pause" function, since it won't
      rewind it automatically.

   void alogg_adjust_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg, int vol, int pan, int speed, int loop);
      Adjust the ALOGG_OGG parameters when it is already playing.

   void alogg_rewind_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg);
      Rewinds the ALOGG_OGG to its start.

     special note:
      This function won't automatically stop the ALOGG_OGG if it was
      already playing.

   void alogg_seek_abs_msecs_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg, int msecs);
   void alogg_seek_abs_secs_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg, int secs);
   void alogg_seek_abs_bytes_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg, int bytes);
      Does an absolute seek (from start of the ogg), given the new
      position either in msecs, secs or bytes.

     special note:
      This function won't stop the ALOGG_OGG if it was already playing.

   void alogg_seek_rel_msecs_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg, int msec);
   void alogg_seek_rel_secs_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg, int sec);
   void alogg_seek_rel_bytes_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg, int bytes);
      Does a relative seek (from current position), given the new
      position either in msecs, secs or bytes.

     special note:
      This function won't stop the ALOGG_OGG if it was already playing.

   int alogg_poll_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg);
      This functions needs to be called in order to keep the ALOGG_OGG
      playing properly, since the oggs need to be decoded at real time
      (either that, or to a huge memory buffer).

     return values:
      ALOGG_OK if there were no error.
      ALOGG_POLL_PLAYJUSTFINISHED (only once) when the file has JUST
        finished playing.
      ALOGG_POLL_NOTPLAYING if the file is not playing.
      ALOGG_POLL_FRAMECORRUPT if one of the frames is corrupt.
      ALOGG_POLL_INTERNALERROR if an internal error happened.

    special note:
      If you don't want (or can't) poll all the time, you can use
      automatic polling (see below), but I don't recommend this since
      this can be very unstable, specially under DOS (altought I've
      never experienced such problems myself, but better warn ;).

   void alogg_start_autopoll_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg, int speed);
      Creates an allegro interrupt that will call poll for this ALOGG_OGG
      each 'speed' msecs. This frees you from calling polling yourself,
      but I recommend this only in the case you can't call poll (because
      of the nature of your program) yourself at regular intervals.

   void alogg_stop_autopoll_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg);
      Destroys the allegro interrupt for that ALOGG_OGG.

   int alogg_get_pos_msecs_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg);
   int alogg_get_pos_secs_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg);
   int alogg_get_pos_bytes_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg);
      Returns the ALOGG_OGG current position either in msecs, secs
      or bytes.

   int alogg_get_length_secs_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg);
   int alogg_get_length_msecs_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg);
   int alogg_get_length_bytes_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg);
      Returns the ALOGG_OGG length either in msecs, secs or bytes.

   int alogg_get_bitrate_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg);
      Returns the ALOGG_OGG bitrate in bits per second, NOT in kbits. That's
      for example 128000, 64000, 96000, etc.

   int alogg_get_wave_bits_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg);
   int alogg_get_wave_is_stereo_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg);
   int alogg_get_wave_freq_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg);
      Returns info about the wave.

   SAMPLE *alogg_create_sample_from_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg);
      Decodes the given ALOGG_OGG into an Allegro SAMPLE structure. Please
      note for big oggs this function could generate a HUGE SAMPLE, so it
      is only recommended for very small oggs like sound effects.

     return values:
      NULL on error.
      otherwise not NULL.

   void *alogg_get_output_wave_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg, int *buffer_size);
      Returns a pointer to the piece of wave decoded after each poll, and
      the size of this buffer as well in 'buffer_size' (in bytes). Note this
      function will NOT automatically convert from unsinged to signed 16 bit
      data using the Allegro format instead of the standard format, so this
      data cannot be saved directly into a WAV for example without
      modifications. Also note in order for this function to work, the
      ALOGG_OGG needs to BE playing.

     return values:
      NULL if there is no wave being decoded.
      Else the buffer with the wave data.

   int alogg_is_playing_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg);
      Returns TRUE if the ALOGG_OGG is currently being played or FALSE
      if it is not.

   int alogg_is_looping_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg);
   void alogg_set_loop_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg, int loop);
      Self explanatory. Note these functions only work when the ALOGG_OGG
      is playing.

   AUDIOSTREAM *alogg_get_audiostream_ogg(ALOGG_OGG *ogg);
      Returns the allegro AUDIOSTREAM currently being used by the ALOGG_OGG.

   ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *alogg_create_oggstream(void *first_data_buffer, int data_buffer_len, int last_block);
      See alogg_create_ogg(). The only difference is that 'first_data_buffer'
      contains the very first buffer of len 'data_buffer_len' that you will
      have to give to the OGGSTREAM periodically. If after this data, there
      won't be more (this is, this was the last buffer to be processed),
      pass TRUE to 'last_block'.

   void alogg_destroy_oggstream(ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *ogg);
      See alogg_destroy_ogg().

   int alogg_play_oggstream(ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *ogg, int buffer_len, int vol, int pan);
      See alogg_play_ex_oggstream().

   int alogg_play_ex_oggstream(ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *ogg, int buffer_len, int vol, int pan, int speed);
      See alogg_play_ex_ogg(). The only difference is that here is no 'loop'
      parameter. To loop an ALOGG_OGGSTREAM just destroy the ALOGG_OGGSTREAM
      and recreate it (or pass data continuosly).

   void alogg_stop_oggstream(ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *ogg);
      See alogg_stop_ogg().

   void alogg_adjust_oggstream(ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *ogg, int vol, int pan, int speed);
      Adjust the ALOGG_OGGSTREAM parameters when it is already playing.
      Note it doesn't include the parameter loop because ALOGG_OGGSTREAMs are
      always looping (or better said, they don't have two points to loop

   int alogg_poll_oggstream(ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *ogg);
      See alogg_poll_ogg().

     return values:
      ALOGG_OK if there were no error.
      ALOGG_POLL_PLAYJUSTFINISHED (only once) when the file has JUST
        finished playing.
      ALOGG_POLL_NOTPLAYING if the file is not playing.
      ALOGG_POLL_FRAMECORRUPT if one of the frames is corrupt.
      ALOGG_POLL_BUFFERUNDERUN if the buffer was exhausted.
      ALOGG_POLL_INTERNALERROR if an internal error happened.

   void alogg_start_autopoll_oggstream(ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *ogg, int speed);
      See alogg_start_autopoll_ogg(). Note I discourage the use of this
      function with ALOGG_OGGSTREAMs since in anyway you'll have to use
      alogg_get_oggstream_buffer() to send data periodically.

   void alogg_stop_autopoll_oggstream(ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *ogg);
      See alogg_stop_autopoll_ogg().

   void *alogg_get_oggstream_buffer(ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *ogg);
      If the return value is not NULL, it will return a buffer that you'll
      have to fill with 'buffer_data_len' (from create_oggstream) bytes MAX
      of new data. You will need to use free_oggstream_buffer() when you
      are finished with it.

     return values:
      NULL if it doesn't need any data yet.
      Else the buffer to be filled.

   void alogg_free_oggstream_buffer(ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *ogg, int bytes_used);
      Use whenever you are finished with the buffer returned by
      alogg_get_oggstream_buffer(). If 'bytes_used' is -1 it will use
      the full buffer and that will mean this is not the last block
      of data, else if 'bytes_used' is a number, it will indicate
      that this is the last buffer and the number of bytes to use from that
      last block. Once this buffer has been played and processed,
      alogg_poll_ogg_stream() will return ALOGG_POLL_JUSTFINISHED.

   int alogg_get_pos_msecs_oggstream(ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *ogg);
   int alogg_get_pos_secs_oggstream(ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *ogg);
   int alogg_get_pos_bytes_oggstream(ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *ogg);
   int alogg_get_bitrate_oggstream(ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *ogg);
      See their ALOGG_OGG equals.

   int alogg_get_wave_bits_oggstream(ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *ogg);
   int alogg_get_wave_is_stereo_oggstream(ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *ogg);
   int alogg_get_wave_freq_oggstream(ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *ogg);
      Returns info about the wave.

   void *alogg_get_output_wave_oggstream(ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *ogg, int *buffer_size);
      Returns a pointer to the piece of wave decoded after each poll, and
      the size of this buffer as well in 'buffer_size' (in bytes). Note this
      function will NOT automatically convert from unsinged to signed 16 bit
      data using the Allegro format instead of the standard format, so this
      data cannot be saved directly into a WAV for example without
      modifications. Also note in order for this function to work, the
      ALOGG_OGGSTREAM needs to BE playing.

     return values:
      NULL if there is no wave being decoded.
      Else the buffer with the wave data.

   int alogg_is_playing_oggstream(ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *ogg);
      Returns TRUE if the ALOGG_OGGSTREAM is currently being played or FALSE
      if it is not.

   AUDIOSTREAM *alogg_get_audiostream_oggstream(ALOGG_OGGSTREAM *ogg);
      Returns the allegro AUDIOSTREAM currently being used by the
      Note that when the ALOGG_OGGSTREAM isn't being played most probably
      it will return NULL.

   I hope these docs are useful to you.