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<title>Flite: a small, fast speech synthesis engine: 3. Acknowledgements</title>

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<a name="Acknowledgements"></a>
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<a name="Acknowledgements-1"></a>
<h1 class="chapter">3. Acknowledgements</h1>

<p>The initial development of flite was primarily done by awb while
travelling, perhaps the name is doubly appropriate as a substantial
amount of the coding was done over 30,000ft).  During most of that
time awb was funded by the Language Technologies Institute at
Carnegie Mellon University.
<p>Kevin A. Lenzo was involved in the design, conversion techniques and
representations for the voice distributed with flite (as well as being
the actual voice itself).
<p>Other contributions are:
<li> David Huggins-Daines (
much of the clunits code, porting to multiple platforms, substantial
code tidy up and configure/autoconf guidance.
</li><li> Cepstral, LLC (<a href=""></a>):
For supporting DHD to spend time on flite and passing back the important
fixes and enhancements including SAPI support
</li><li> Willie Walker &lt;; and the Sun Speech Group:
lots of low level bugs (and fixes).
</li><li> Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) Praxis XXI program
The SAPI interface provided by Cepstral, LLC was partially funded by
the above program.
</li><li> Henry Spencer:
For the regex code
</li><li> University of Edinburgh:
for releasing Festival for free, making a companion runtime synthesizer
a practical project, much of the design of flite relies on the 
architecture decisions made in the Festival Speech Synthesis Systems and
the Edinburgh Speech Tools.

<p>The duration cart tree and intonation (accent and F0) models were
derived from the models in the Festival distribution. which in turn
were trained from the Boston University FM Radio Data Corpus.
</li><li> Carnegie Mellon University
The included lexicon is derived from CMULEX and the letter to sound
rules are constructed using the Lenzo and Black techniques for
building LTS decision graphs.
</li><li> Craig Reese: IDA/Supercomputing Research Center and Joe Campbell: Department of Defense
who wrote the ulaw conversion routines in src/speech/cst_wave_utils.c

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