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<title>Flite: a small, fast speech synthesis engine: 6. Structure</title>

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<a name="Structure"></a>
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<h1 class="chapter">6. Structure</h1>

<p>The flite distribution consists of two distinct parts:
<li> The flite library containing the core synthesis code
</li><li> Voice(s) for flite.  These contain three sub-parts
<li> Language models:
text processing, prosody models etc.
</li><li> Lexicon and letter to sound rules
</li><li> Unit database and voice definition

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<a name="cst_005fval"></a>
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<h2 class="section">6.1 cst_val</h2>

<p>This is a basic simple object which can contain ints, floats, strings
and other objects.  It also allows for lists using the Scheme/Lisp,
car/cdr architecture (as that is the most efficient way to represent
arbitrary trees and lists).
<p>The <code>cst_val</code> structure is carefully designed to take up only 8 bytes (or
16 on a 64-bit machine).  The multiple union structure that it can
contain is designed so there are no conflicts.  However it depends on
the fact that a pointer to a <code>cst_val</code> is guaranteed to lie on a even
address boundary (which is true for all architectures I know of).  Thus
the distinction between between cons (i.e. list) objects and atomic
values can be determined by the odd/evenness of the least significant bits
of the first address in a <code>cst_val</code>.  In some circles this is considered
hacky, in others elegant. This was done in flite to ensure that the most
common structure is 8 bytes rather than 12 which saves significantly on
<p>All <code>cst_val</code>&rsquo;s except those of type cons are reference counted.  A
few functions generate new lists of <code>cst_val</code>&rsquo;s which the user
should be careful about as they need to explicitly delete them (notably
the lexicon lookup function that returns a list of phonemes).
Everything that is added to an utterance will be deleted (and/or
dereferenced) when the utterance is deleted.
<p>Like Festival user types can be added to the <code>cst_val</code>s.  In
Festival this can be done on the fly but because this requires the
updating of some list when each new type is added, this wouldn&rsquo;t be
thread safe.  Thus an explicit method of defining user types is done in
&lsquo;<tt>src/utils/cst_val_user.c</tt>&rsquo;.  This is not as neat as defining on the
fly or using a registration function but it is thread safe and these
user types wont changes often.
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