

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > ed9a89d1a661ae07d31ad6783ad92a57 > files > 277


#                                                                            #
#                             DDL CORE DICTIONARY                            #
#                                                                            #


    _dictionary_name            ddl_core.dic
    _dictionary_version         1.4.1
    _dictionary_update          2005-06-29
  1991-03-08 "Implementing SMD in STAR: Dictionary Definition Language"
                 A F P Cook, ORAC Ltd., 8 March 1991. AFPC
  1991-06-25  Adjustments and refinement for CIF applications. SRH
  1991-09-02  Further refinements prior to "cifdic.c91". SRH
  1993-05-10  Additions arising from discussions with Phil Bourne,
                 Tony Cook, Brian McMahon. SRH
  1993-05-11  Further adjustments and Cyclops tests. SRH
  1993-05-14  Proposed additional changes. PEB
  1993-05-17  Further adjustments. SRH
  1993-06-01  Refinements and additions. SRH
  1993-07-19  Some tidying up. SRH
  1993-08-10  Final checks before Beijing. SRH
  1993-12-12  Following the Cambridge meeting with FHA and AFPC. SRH
  1993-12-16  Following discussions with Brian McMahon in Chester. SRH
  1993-12-17  Further adjustments. SRH
  1994-02-18  Add _include_file provisions. SRH
  1994-08-08  Install _type_construct definitions and apply. SRH
  1994-08-24  Adjustments following Brian McMahon's comments. SRH
  1994-11-16  Changes following Brussels workshop. SRH
  1995-05-16  Changes to _units definitions. SRH
  2005-02-09  Minor corrections to spelling and punctuation. Reference
              to REGEX specifications updated. NJA
  2005-06-11  Structural change to rationalise DDL1 dictionary against
              specification documents in IT Vol. G. Initial global_ block
              removed, "_enumeration_default none" added to definition of
              _type_conditions and "_enumeration_default .*" to definition
              of _type_construct. BMcM
  2005-06-20  Minor corrections to reflect proof corrections for Chapter 
              4.9 of IT Vol. G. NJA
  2005-06-29  Allow use of 'su' as synonym for 'esd' in _type_conditions
              and describe 'esd' as 'deprecated'. BMcM

;              Character string which identifies the natural grouping of data
               items to which the specified data item belongs. If the data
               item belongs in a looped list, then it must be grouped only with
               items from the same category, but there may be more than one
               looped list of the same category provided that each loop has its
               own independent reference item (see _list_reference).
    _name                      '_category'
    _category                    category
    _type                        char

;              The text description of the defined item.
    _name                      '_definition'
    _category                    definition
    _type                        char

;              A chronological record of the changes to the dictionary file
               containing the definition. Normally this item is stored in the
               separate data block labelled data_on_this_dictionary.
    _name                      '_dictionary_history'
    _category                    dictionary
    _type                        char

;              The name string which identifies the generic identity of
               the dictionary. The standard construction for these names is
                       <application code>_<dictionary version>.dic
               Normally this item is stored in the separate data block
               labelled data_on_this_dictionary.
    _name                      '_dictionary_name'
    _category                    dictionary
    _type                        char
    loop_ _example               ddl_core.dic  cif_core.dic

;              The date that the dictionary was last updated.
               Normally this item is stored in the separate data block
               labelled data_on_this_dictionary.
    _name                      '_dictionary_update'
    _category                    dictionary
    _type                        char

;              The dictionary version number. Version numbers cannot decrease
               with updates. Normally this item is stored in the separate data
               block labelled data_on_this_dictionary.
    _name                      '_dictionary_version'
    _category                    dictionary
    _type                        numb

;              Permitted value(s) for the defined item.
    _name                      '_enumeration'
    _category                    enumeration
    _type                        char
    _list                        both
    _list_mandatory              yes

;              The default value for the defined item if it is not specified
               explicitly. If a data value is not declared, the default is
               assumed to be the "most likely" or "natural" value.
    _name                      '_enumeration_default'
    _category                    enumeration_default
    _type                        char

;              A description of the permitted value(s) for the defined item, as
               identified by _enumeration.
    _name                      '_enumeration_detail'
    _category                    enumeration
    _type                        char
    _list                        both
    _list_reference            '_enumeration'

;              The range of values permitted for a defined item. This can
               apply to 'numb' or 'char' items which have a preordained
               sequence (e.g. numbers or alphabetical characters).
               The minimum value 'min' and maximum value 'max' are separated 
               by a colon character. If 'max' is omitted, then the item can
               have any permitted value greater than or equal to 'min'.
    _name                      '_enumeration_range'
    _category                    enumeration_range
    _type                        char
    _type_construct            (_sequence_minimum):((_sequence_maximum)?)
    loop_ _example                -4:10   a:z    B:R   0:

;              An example value of the defined item.
    _name                      '_example'
    _category                    example
    _type                        char
    _list                        both
    _list_mandatory              yes

;              A description of an example value for the defined item.
    _name                      '_example_detail'
    _category                    example
    _type                        char
    _list                        both
    _list_reference            '_example'

;              Signals whether the defined item is declared in a looped list.
    _name                      '_list'
    _category                    list
    _type                        char
    loop_ _enumeration
          _enumeration_detail   yes   'can only be declared in a looped list'
                                no    'cannot be declared in a looped list'
                                both  'declaration in a looped list optional'
    _enumeration_default        no

;              Specifies the level of the loop structure in which a defined
               item with the attribute _list 'yes' or 'both' must be declared.
    _name                      '_list_level'
    _category                    list
    _type                        numb
    _enumeration_range           1:
    _enumeration_default         1

;              Identifies data item(s) by name which must have a value which
               matches that of the defined item. These items are referred to
               as "child" references because they depend on the existence
               of the defined item.
    _name                      '_list_link_child'
    _category                    list_link_child
    _type                        char
    _list                        both

;              Identifies a data item by name which must have a value which
               matches that of the defined item, and which must be present in
               the same data block as the defined item. This provides for a
               reference to the "parent" data item.
    _name                      '_list_link_parent'
    _category                    list_link_parent
    _type                        char
    _list                        both

;               Signals whether the defined item must be present in the loop
                structure containing other items of the designated _category.
                This property is transferrable to another data item which is
                identified by _related_item and has _related_function set as
    _name                      '_list_mandatory'
    _category                    list
    _type                        char
    loop_ _enumeration
                           yes  'required item in this category of looped list'
                           no   'optional item in this category of looped list'
    _enumeration_default         no

;              Identifies the data item, or items, which must be present
               (collectively) in a looped list with the defined data item
               for the loop structure to be valid. The data item(s)
               identified by _list_reference provide a unique access code
               to each loop packet. Note that this property may be
               transferred to another item with _related_function 'alternate'.
    _name                      '_list_reference'
    _category                    list_reference
    _type                        char
    _list                        both

;              Identifies data items which, collectively, must have unique
               values for the loop structure of the designated _category items
               to be valid. This attribute is specified in the
               definition of a data item with _list_mandatory set to 'yes'.
    _name                      '_list_uniqueness'
    _category                    list_uniqueness
    _type                        char
    _list                        both

;              The data name(s) of the defined item(s). If data items are
               closely related or represent an irreducible set, their names
               may be declared as a looped sequence in the same definition.
    _name                      '_name'
    _category                    name
    _type                        char
    _list                        both
    loop_ _example             '_atom_site_label'
                               '_atom_attach_all   _atom_attach_ring'
                               '_index_h   _index_k   _index_l'
                               '_matrix_11 _matrix_12 _matrix_21 _matrix_22'

;              Identifies data item(s) which have a classified relationship
               to the defined data item. The nature of this relationship is
               specified by _related_function.
    _name                      '_related_item'
    _category                    related
    _type                        char
    _list                        both
    _list_mandatory              yes

;              Specifies the relationship between the defined item and the
               item specified by _related_item. The following classifications
               are recognized.

               'alternate' signals that the item referred to in _related_item
               has attributes that permit it to be used as an alternative to the
               defined item for validation purposes.

               'convention' signals that the item referred to in _related_item
               is equivalent to the defined item except for a predefined
               convention which requires a different _enumeration set.

               'conversion' signals that the item referred to in _related_item
               is equivalent to the defined item except that different scaling
               or conversion factors are applied.

               'replace' signals that the item referred to in _related_item
               may be used identically to replace the defined item.
    _name                      '_related_function'
    _category                    related
    _type                        char
    _list                        yes
    _list_reference            '_related_item'
    loop_ _enumeration
                         alternate  'used alternatively for validation tests'
                         convention 'equivalent except for defined convention'
                         conversion 'equivalent except for conversion factor'
                         replace    'new definition replaces the current one'

;              The type specification of the defined item.

               Type 'numb' identifies items which must have values that are
               identifiable numbers. The acceptable syntax for these numbers
               is application-dependent, but the formats illustrated by the
               following identical numbers are considered to be interchangeable:
               42   42.000  0.42E2  .42E+2  4.2E1  420000D-4  0.0000042D+07

               Type 'char' identifies items which need not be interpretable
               numbers. The specification of these items must comply with the
               STAR syntax specification of either a 'contiguous single-line
               string' bounded by blanks or blank-quotes, or a 'text string'
               bounded by semicolons as the first character of a line.

               Type 'null' identifies items which appear in the dictionary
               for data-definition and descriptive purposes. These items
               serve no function outside the dictionary files.
    _name                      '_type'
    _category                    type
    _type                        char
    loop_ _enumeration
          _enumeration_detail   numb  'numerically interpretable string'
                                char  'character or text string'
                                null  'for dictionary purposes only'

;              Codes defining conditions on the _type specification.

               'su' permits a number string to contain an appended standard
               uncertainty number enclosed within parentheses. E.g. 4.37(5)

               'esd' is a deprecated synonym for 'su', arising from the
               former use of the term 'estimated standard deviation'
               for 'standard uncertainty', and permitting a number string to
               contain an appended standard deviation within parentheses.
               E.g. 4.37(5)

               'seq' permits data to be declared as a sequence of values
               separated by a comma <,> or a colon <:>.
                  * The sequence v1,v2,v3,. signals that v1, v2, v3, etc.
                    are alternative values.
                  * The sequence v1:v2 signals that v1 and v2 are the boundary
                    values of a continuous range of values satisfying the
                    requirements of _enumeration for the defined item.
               Combinations of alternative and range sequences are permitted.
    _name                      '_type_conditions'
    _category                    type_conditions
    _type                        char
    _list                        both
    _enumeration_default         none
    loop_ _enumeration

                none   'no extra conditions apply to the defined _type'
                esd    'synonym for su'
                seq    'data may be declared as a permitted sequence'
                su     'numbers *may* have s.u.'s appended within parentheses'

;              String of characters specifying the construction of the data
               value for the defined data item. The construction is composed
               of two entities:
                  (1) data names
                  (2) construction characters
               The rules of construction conform to the regular expression
               (REGEX) specifications detailed in IEEE (1991) and International
               Tables for Crystallography Volume G, Chapter 2.5.

               Ref: IEEE (1991). IEEE Standard for Information Technology -
               Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 2: Shell
               and Utilities, Vol. 1, IEEE Standard 1003.2-1992. New York:
               The Institute of Electrical Engineers. International Tables for
               Crystallography (2005). Vol. G, Definition and Exchange of
               Crystallographic Data, edited by S. R. Hall and B. McMahon.
               Heidelberg: Springer.
    _name                      '_type_construct'
    _category                    type_construct
    _type                        char
    _enumeration_default         .*
    _example                   (_year)-(_month)-(_day)
    _example_detail            'a typical construction for _date'

;              A unique code which identifies the units of the defined data
               item. A description of the units is provided in _units_detail.
    _name                      '_units'
    _category                    units
    _type                        char
    loop_ _example
          _example_detail         K    'kelvins'
                                  C    'degrees Celsius'
                                  rad  'radians'
                                  e    'electrons'
                                  V    'volts'
                                  Dal  'daltons'
                                  m    'metres'
                                  kg   'kilograms'
                                  s    'seconds'

;              A description of the numerical units applicable to the defined
               item and identified by the code _units.
    _name                      '_units_detail'
    _category                    units
    _type                        char
