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                                CBFlib ChangeLog

                             An API for CBF/imgCIF
                Crystallographic Binary Files with ASCII Support
                                 Version 0.9.2
                                12 February 2011

                                 Paul J. Ellis
                   Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory

                              Herbert J. Bernstein
                                Bernstein + Sons
                      yaya at bernstein-plus-sons dot com

           (c) Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011 Herbert J. Bernstein





                  Before using this software, please read the
for important disclaimers and the IUCr Policy on the Use of the Crystallographic
          Information File (CIF) and for other important information.

   Work on imgCIF and CBFlib supported in part by the U. S. Department of
   Energy (DOE) under grants ER63601-1021466-0009501 and
   ER64212-1027708-0011962, by the U. S. National Science Foundation (NSF)
   under grants DBI-0610407, DBI-0315281 and EF-0312612, the U. S. National
   Institutes of Health (NIH) under grants 1R15GM078077 from NIGMS and
   1R13RR023192 from NCRR and funding from the International Union for
   Crystallographyn (IUCr). The content is solely the responsibility of the
   authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of DOE, NSF,


                                Version History

   Version   Date            By        Description                            
     0.1       Apr. 1998       PJE       This was the first CBFlib release.   
                                       It supported binary CBF files using    
                                       binary strings.                        
     0.2       Aug. 1998       HJB       This release added ascii imgCIF      
                                       support using MIME-encoded binary      
                                       sections, added the option of MIME     
                                       headers for the binary strings was     
                                       well. MIME code adapted from mpack     
                                       1.5. Added hooks needed for DDL1-style 
                                       names without categories.              
     0.3       Sep. 1998       PJE       This release cleaned up the changes  
                                       made for version 0.2, allowing         
                                       multi-threaded use of the code, and    
                                       removing dependence on the mpack       
     0.4       Nov. 1998       HJB       This release merged much of the      
                                       message digest code into the general   
                                       file reading and writing to reduce the 
                                       number of passes. More consistency     
                                       checking between the MIME header and   
                                       the binary header was introduced. The  
                                       size in the MIME header was adjusted   
                                       to agree with the version 0.2          
     0.5       Dec. 1998       PJE       This release greatly increased the   
                                       speed of processing by allowing for    
                                       deferred digest evaluation.            
     0.6       Jan. 1999       HJB       This release removed the redundant   
                                       information (binary id, size,          
                                       compression id) from a binary header   
                                       when there is a MIME header, removed   
                                       the unused repeat argument, and made   
                                       the memory allocation for buffering    
                                       and tables with many rows sensitive to 
                                       the current memory allocation already  
     0.6.1     Feb. 2001       HP (per   This release fixed a memory leak due 
                             HJB)      to misallocation by size of cbf_handle 
                                       instead of cbf_handle_struct           
     0.7       Mar. 2001       PJE       This release added high-level        
                                       instructions based on the imgCIF       
                                       dictionary version 1.1.                
     0.7.1     Mar. 2001       PJE       The high-level functions were        
                                       revised to permit future expansion to  
                                       files with multiple images.            
     0.7.2     Apr. 2001       HJB       This release adjusted cbf_cimple.c   
                                       to conform to cif_img.dic version      
                                       1.1.3                                 May 2001        PJE       This release corrected an if nesting 
                                       error in the prior mod to              
     0.7.3     Oct. 2002       PJE       This release modified cbf_simple.c   
                                       to reorder image data on read so that  
                                       the indices are always increasing in   
                                       memory (this behavior was undefined    
     0.7.4     Jan 2004        HJB       This release fixes a parse error for 
                                       quoted strings, adds code to get and   
                                       set character string types, and        
                                       removes compiler warnings              
     0.7.5     Apr 2006        HJB       This release cleans up some compiler 
                                       warnings, corrects a parse error on    
                                       quoted strings with a leading blank as 
                                       adds the new routines for support of   
                                       aliases, dictionaries and real arrays, 
                                       higher level routines to get and set   
                                       pixel sizes, do cell computations, and 
                                       to set beam centers, improves support  
                                       for conversion of images, picking up   
                                       more data from headers.                
     0.7.6     Jul 2006        HJB       This release reorganizes the kit     
                                       into two pieces:                       
                                       CBFlib_0.7.6_Data_Files and            
                                       CBFlib_0.7.6. An optional local copy   
                                       of getopt is added. The 1.4 draft      
                                       dictionary has been added. cif2cbf     
                                       updated to support vcif2 validation.   
                                       convert_image and cif2cbf updated to   
                                       report text of error messages.         
                                       convert_image updated to support tag   
                                       and category aliases, default to adxv  
                                       images. convert_image and img updated  
                                       to support row-major images. Support   
                                       added for binning. API Support added   
                                       for validation, wide files and line    
                                       folding. Logic changed for beam center 
                                       reporting. Added new routines:         
                                       cbf_validate, cbf_get_bin_sizes,       
                                       cbf_make_widefile, cbf_read_anyfile,   
                                       cbf_write_widefile, cbf_column_number, 
                                       cbf_blockitem_number, cbf_log,         
     0.7.7     February 2007   HJB       This release reflects changes for    
                                       base 32K support developed by G.       
                                       Darakev, and changes for support of    
                                       reals, 3d arrays, byte_offset          
                                       compression and J. P. Abrahams packed  
                                       compression made in consultation with  
                                       (in alphabetic order) E. Eikenberry,   
                                       A. Hammerley, W. Kabsch, M. Kobas, J.  
                                       Wright and others at PSI and ESRF in   
                                       January 2007, as well accumulated      
                                       changes fixing problems in release     
                                       0.7.6.                                February 2007   HJB       This release is a patch to 0.7.7 to  
                                       change the treatment of the byteorder  
                                       parameter from strcpy semantics to     
                                       return of a pointer to a string        
                                       constant. Our thanks to E. Eikenberry  
                                       for pointing out the problem.         February 2007   HJB       This release is a patch to   
                                       to add testing for JPA packed          
                                       compression and to respect signs       
                                       declared in the MIME header.          April 2007      HJB       This release is a patch to   
                                       to add f90 support for reading of CBF  
                                       byte-offset and packed compression, to 
                                       fix problems with gcc 4.4.1 and to     
                                       correct errors in multidimensional     
                                       packed compression.                   May 2007        HJB       Corrects in handling SLS detector    
                                       mincbfs and reorder dimensions versus  
                                       arrays for some f90 compilers as per   
                                       H. Powell.                            May 2007        HJB       Fix to cbf_get_image for bug         
                                       reported by F. Remacle, fixes for      
                                       windows builds as per J. Wright and F. 
                                       Remacle.                              Jun 2007        HJB       Fix to CBF byte-offset compression   
                                       writes, fix to Makefiles and m4 for    
                                       f90 test programs to allow adjustable  
                                       record length.                         
     0.7.8     Jul 2007        HJB       Release for full support of SLS data 
                                       files with updated convert_minicbf,    
                                       and support for gfortran from gcc 4.2.   Jul 2007        HJB       Update to 0.7.8 release to fix       
                                       memory leaks reported by N. Sauter and 
                                       to update validation checks for recent 
                                       changes.                              Dec 2007        CN, HJB   Update to to add ADSC jiffie 
                                       by Chris Nielsen, and to add ..._fs    
                                       and ..._sf macros.                     
     0.7.9     Dec 2007        CN, HJB Identical to except for a      
                                       cleanup of deprecated examples, e.g.   
                                       diffrn_frame_data                     Jan 2008        CN, HJB   Update to to add inverse     
                                       ADSC jiffie by Chris Nielsen, to clean 
                                       up problems in handling maps for       
     0.8.0     Jul 2008        GT, HJB   Cleanup of to start 0.8      
     0.8.1     Jul 2009        EZ, CN,    Release with EZ's 2008 DDLm support 
                             PC, GW,   using JH's PyCifRW, also cbff f95      
                             JH, HJB   wrapper code, PC's java bindings.      
     0.9.1     Aug 2010        PC, EE,    Release with EE's Dectris template  
                             JLM, NS,  software, also with vcif3, new         
                             EZ, HJB   arvai_test, sequence_match.            
     0.9.2     Feb 2011        PC, EE,    New default release with updated    
                             JLM, NS,  pycbf, tiff support, removal of        
                             EZ, HJB   default use of PyCifRW to avoid Fedora 
                                       license issue.                         


  Release 0.9.2, Herbert J. Bernstein, 12 February 2011

   Source File                Change                                          
   Makefile.m4, Makefiles       Changes for libtiff and tiff2cbf. Create a    
                              separate for MINGW. Allow              
                              CBF_DONT_USE_LONG_LONG variable to control      
                              Makefiles. Disable default use of PyCifRW       
                              because of Fedora concerns about PyCifRW        
                              license issues. Force use of long long for      
                              SWIG. Update Makefiles to run                   
                              changtestcompression. Update pycbf build.       
   cbf_template_t.c             Don't use /tmp for dectris template code. Add 
                              EE's change for DLS signs                       
   cbf_copy.c                   Fix cbf_copy.c to handle not using long long  
   jcbf.i                       Move cbf.i to jcbf directory.                 
   cbf_canonical.h,             Implement P. Chang's fast byte-offset         
   cbf_compress.h,            decompress, but with hooks to run on machines   
   cbf_packed.h,              without long long support. Fix bad mask, fix    
   cbf_predictor.h,           sign extension for MINGW and other systems in   
   cbf_uncompressed.h, cbf.c, which long long is not used. Fix error in       
   cbf_binary.c,              mpint_shift logic causing erroneous sign Add    
   cbf_byte_offset.c,         changes in the compression infrastructure by P. 
   cbf_canonical.c,           Chang to make the compressed size available on  
   cbf_compress.c,            decompression. Extend cbf_canonical to support  
   cbf_packed.c,              long long and double. Correct cbf_packed for    
   cbf_predictor.c,           elsize 8 data.
   cbf_uncompressed.c, cbff.c 
   cbfdetectorwrappers.i,       Update pycbf for 0.9 release Add              
   cbfgenericwrappers.i,      cbf_get_detector_axis_slow,                     
   cbfgoniometerwrappers.i,   cbf_get_detector_axis_fast,                     
   cbfhandlewrappers.i,       cbf_get_detector_axes,                    ,,   cbf_get_detector_axes_fs, cbf_get_detector_sf,,            and changes for pycbf wrapper                   
   pycbf_wrap.c, cbf_simple.c 
   cbf2adscimg_sub.c            Fix buffer overflow                           
   Add variant category and   
   tags and                   


  Release 0.9.1, P. Chang, E. Eikenberry, J. Lewis Muir, N. Sauter, E. Zlateva,
  Herbert J. Bernstein, 15 August 2010

   Source File        Change                                                  
   cbf_simple.c         Fix nested axis handling.                             
   cbf_template_t.c     Add E.E.'s Dectris template software. Change to       
                      C-style comments.                                       
   Makefile.m4,         Add DMALLOC hooks.                                    
   sequence_match.c,    Add arvai_test and sequence_match examples. Transfer
   cbf_copy.h,        copy logic from cib2cbf into cbf_copy.c
   cbf_file.h,          As per request by J. Lewis Muir, direct all warning   
   cbf_write.h,       messages through cbf_log or new cbf_flog, so such       
   cbff.h, cbf.c,     messages can all be suppressed by setting the logfile
   cbf_ascii.c,       to NULL
   cbf_byte_offset.c,   Fix to byte-offset compression for 16 bit data with a 
   cbf_file.c         delta that looks like a flag. Fix to setting/getting    
                      file position when there is no stream. Fix incorrect    
                      sign extension test as per N. Sauter.                   
   convert_minicbf.c    Allow for changes in miniheader and report            
                      unrecognized lines but continue. Also allow S/N instead 
                      of SN                                                   
   Makefiles,           As per P. Chang, decouple CBF_UNDEFINED error return  
   Java.txt,          from CBF_UNDEFINED node type by defining CBF_UNDEFNODE,      (rather than PC's CBF_UNDEFINEDNODE)
   cbf.c        ,                                                        ,      
   cif2cbf.c, cbf.h,  
   cbf_ascii.c,         vcif 3 release.
   cbf.h, cbf.c         Add function cbf_set_column_name                      


  Release 0.8.1, E. Zlateva, C. Neilsen, P. Chang, G. Winter, J. Hester, Herbert
  J. Bernstein, 24 July 2009

   Source File        Change                                                  
   cbf.h, cbf_stx.h,                                                          
   cbf_tree.h, cbf.c,                                                         
   cbf.stx.y,           As per EZ, Add DDLm support, parsing of function      
   cbf_lex.c,         definitions. Add auto download of J. Hester's PyCifRW
   cbf_stx.c,         and PLY
   cbf_getopt.c         Correct a memory leak and ensure correct handling of  
                      unspecified options when a '-' is given on the option   
   CBFlib.html,         As per G. Winter correct documentation of byte-offset 
   CBFlib.txt         algorithm to refer to hex 80 not hex F0.                
   Makefiles,           Introduce cbf_getopt.h, cbf_getopt.c, remove use of
   cif2cbf.c,         getopt
   testcbf.c,           P. Chang's java bindings,      
   Makefile.m4, cbf.i 
   libtool directory    Add a libtool build directory for future use of       
                      shared libraries.                                       
   cif2cbf.c            Add test for construct_detector to cif2cbf. Fix       
                      getopt option string.                                   
   cif_tree.h           Add DDLm bracket types for nodes                      
   adscimg2cbf.c,       Apply mods to adscimg2cbf by C. Nielsen: Add new      
   adscimg2cbf_sub.c  command line options: --beam_center_from_header, Figure 
                      out beam center from ADSC header information (default); 
                      --beam_center_mosflm, Beam center in ADSC header:       
                      MOSFLM coordinates; --beam_center_ulhc, Beam center in  
                      ADSC header: origin: upper left hand corner of          
                      image.(HKL mm); --beam_center_llhc, Beam center in ADSC 
                      header: origin: lower left hand corner of image.(adxv   
   cbff.h, cbff.c       Add src/cbff.c and include/cbff.h as start of full    
                      f95 wrapper for C code                                  


  Release 0.8.0, G. Todorov, Herbert J. Bernstein, 21 July 2008

   Source File        Change                                                  
   adscimg2cbf_sub.c,   Patch to deal with gcc 4 optimization error in get_bo 
   adscimg2cbf_sub.c  Replaced with call to cbf_get_local_integer_byte_order. 
   cbf.c, cbf.h,        Clean up spacing; trim trailing blanks in text        
   cbf_ascii.c,       fields; validate DDLm types. Add MSG_DIGESTWARN. Update 
   cbf_file.c,        spacing. Fix includes for regex use. Fixes on achar and 
   cbf_lex.c,         anchar and element. Added cbf_check_type_contents       
   cbf_write.c        function that will verify ddlm types based on regular   
                      expressions. Fix handling for bracketed unquoted words  
                      and handle more DDLm tags. Fix scan of DDLm bracketed   
                      constructs with embedded quotes. Pick up item names in  
                      DDLm save frames. Fix cif2cbf handling of bracketed     
                      constructs in dictionaries. Updates to bracketed        
                      construct parse and output logic. Update write logic    
                      for bracketed constructs with folding.                  
                      cbf_set_tag_category() code fixed. Change internal      
                      routine cbf_read_anyfile and add new user routine       
                      cbf_read_buffered_file to support pre-read of input     
                      files and memory-only files. Add new routines           
                      cbf_io_buffersize and cbf_reset_in_bits and change read 
                      logic to allow buffered reads.                          


  Release, Chris Nielsen, Herbert J. Bernstein, 24 January 2008

   Source File        Change                                                  
   cbf2adscimg.c        Last minutes fixes on release: Put missing byte swap  
   cbf2adscimg_sub.c  in cbf2adscimg.c for when byte orders differ. Bypass    
                      problems with gcc optimization, and handle case then    
                      array header is there but invalid.                      
   .symlinks            Update version to 0.7.9                               
   Makefile.m4          Update for CN's jiffies, and testing with MD5         
   Makefile,          signatures only                                         
   Makefile_AIX ...   
   cbf2adscimg.c        New inverse jiffie by Chris Nielsen of ADSC to        
   cbf2adscimg_sub.c  convert CBF files created by convert_image or           
                      adscimg2cbf to ADSC detector images. This version       
                      depends on the header extract planted by convert_image  
                      or adscimg2cbf.                                         
   cbf_byte_offset.c    Fix handling of byte offset compression when the data 
                      does not compress.                                      
   cbf_codes.c          Fix 32K encoding big-endian test as per Ladislav      
                      Michnovic .                                             
   cbf_packed.c         Correct mishandling of 64 bit data.                   
   cbf_uncompressed.c   Remove redundant initialization of                    
   cbf_write.c.c        Fix conflicting uses of variable column by            
                      introducing separate variable xcol.                     
   README.html README   Update to version 0.7.9 directory structure and       
   cbf.c                Fix local sensitivity of cbf_get_doublevalue and      
                      cbf_set_doublevalue so "." will be accepted and written 
                      as the decimal point in locales that use ",".           


  Release 0.7.9, Chris Nielsen, Herbert J. Bernstein, 30 December 2007

   Source File             Change                                            
   Makefiles and test data   Change test cases to avoid deprecated features. 


  Release, Chris Nielsen, Herbert J. Bernstein, 25 December 2007

 Source File                               Change                                
 adscimg2cbf.c adscimg2cbf_sub.c             New jiffie by Chris Nielsen of ADSC 
                                           to convert ADSC detector images to    
 cbf.h cbf_byte_offset.h, cbf_compress.h,    Add _fs and _sf versions of         
 cbf_read_mime.h, cbf_simple.h             cbf_get_arrayparameters_wdims,        
                                           cbf_compress, cbf_decompress,         
                                           cbf_get_image_size, cbf_get_image,    
                                           cbf_get_real_3d_image, cbf_set_image, 
                                           cbf_set_real_image, cbf_set_3d_image, 
                                           cbf_get_3d_array, cbf_set_3d_array,   
 cbf_alloc.h                                 Add prototype of cbf_free_text.     
 cbf_binary.h                                Add prototype of cbf_check_digest.  
 cbf_canonical.h                             Add definitions of                  
                                           cbf_compress_node and                 
                                           cbf_compress_data, and prototypes of  
                                           cbf_put_table, cbf_get_table,         
                                           cbf_put_stopcode, cbf_insert_node,    
                                           cbf_append_node, cbf_order_node,      
                                           cbf_create_list, cbf_reduce_list,     
                                           cbf_construct_tree, cbf_setup_decode, 
                                           cbf_count_bits, cbf_get_code,         
                                           cbf_put_code and cbf_count_values.    
 cbf_simple.h                                Add prototypes of                   
                                           cbf_get_detector_id and               
 cbf_string.c, cbf_string.h                  Add cbf_swab function for MS        
                                           windows and other machines that do    
                                           not provide swab.                     
 cbf.c, cbf_binary.c, cbf_byte_offset.c,     Change dim1, dim2, dim3 to dimfast, 
 cbf_canonical.c, cbf_compress.c,          dimmid, dimslow, ndim1, ndim2 to      
 cbf_lex.c, cbf_packed.c, cbf_predictor.c, ndimslow, ndimfast. machines that do  
 cbf_read_mime.c, cbf_simple.c,            not provide swab.                     
 cbf_uncompressed.c, cbf_write_binary.c    
 cif2c.c                                     Make declaration of xciftmp         
                                           conditional to avoid compiler         
 convert_image.c                             Add code to check variations on     
                                           pixel_size functions.                 
 convert_minicbf.c                           Add second quick exit option (-Q).  
                                           Improve error reporting. Update for   
                                           most recent SLS miniheader.           
 getopt.c                                    Fix some compiler warnings.         
 Makefile.m4                                 add adscimg2cbf support             
 template_pilatus6m_2463x2527.cbf            Update pilatus6m template for       
                                           correct detector axis definitions,    
                                           better comments and to list all       
                                           categories used by SLS.               
 template_adscquantum315_3072x3072_rev.cbf   New, corrected ADSC Quantum 315     


  Release, Chris Nielsen, Herbert J. Bernstein, 28 July 2007

   Source File        Change                                                  
   cbf.c                Rework cbf_free_handle to ensure release of memory    
                      from root, not current position. Rework                 
                      cbf_read_anyfile to ensure close of file stream on all  
                      exit cases. Fix save frame code in cbf_validate to      
                      restart counts on each save frame. Add name, idname and 
                      aliasname types from latest DDL2 dictionary.            
   cbf_alloc.c,         Add cbf_free_text to avoid type punning warnings from 
   cbf_alloc.h        gcc 4. Add memory debug based on adding                 
                      -DCBFLIB_MEM_DEBUG to CFLAGS.                           
   cbf_simple.c         Add code to ensure against memory leaks when working  
                      with a detector or positioner object.                   
   cbf.stx.y,           Add calls to cbf_undo_links and cbf_free_text to      
   cbf_stx.c          clean up memory leaks in parser. Add validation calls   
                      to mark end of save frames.                             
   cbf_tree.c,          Add cbf_undo_links to recover memory from links used  
   cbf_tree.h         to rotate among columns of a table. Rework              
                      cbf_free_node to avoid memory leaks.                    
   cbf_uncompressed.c   Add #define __USE_XOPEN to avoid a warning on use of  
                      swab on some systems.                                   
   sauter_test.C        Add sauter_test to stress test for memory leaks. On   
   Makefile.m4        make install, place cbf.h and cbf_simple.h into include 


  Release 0.7.8, Herbert J. Bernstein, 8 July 2007

   Source File       Change                                                   
   cbf_simple.c        Update handling of both beam center and reference beam 
                     center to allow for units and new dictionary.            
   convert_minicbf.c   Add code to handle data in                             
                     _array_data.header-contents. Clean up error handling,    
                     map all SLS tags. Add -Q option to convert old SLS       
                     comment format to new text field format.                 
   Makefile_AIX,       As per ND add Makefile_LINUX_gcc42 and                 
   Makefile_LINUX,   Makefile_OSX_gcc42 to handle gfortran 4.2 problems.


  Release, Herbert J. Bernstein, 30 June 2007

   Source File       Change                                                   
   cbf_codes.c         Fix memory leaks in base32k encoding by G. Darakev.    
   cbf_byte_offset.c   Fix in handling 32 bit offsets in the fast write code, 
                     which were incorrectly handled as 16 bit offsets.        
   Makefile,           Add M4FLAGS variable to control m4 expansion of f90    
   Makefile_AIX,     test programs with different record lengths. For g95,    
   Makefile_LINUX,   the record length must not be larger than the padding.   


  Release, Herbert J. Bernstein, 9 May 2007

   Source File        Change                                                  
   cbf_codes.c          Change from use of bzero to memset and remove include 
                      of strings.h                                            
   cbf_codes.c          Change from use of bzero to memset and remove include 
                      of strings.h                                            
   cbf_simple.c         Fix ordering of dimensions in cbf_get_3d_array_size   
                      and handling of non-zero binary ids to fix problems     
                      with cbf_get_image and cbf_get_image_size               
   cbf_uncompressed.c   Add include of unistd.h for use of swab on more       
   Makefile             Introduce $(TIME) variable for time command so it can 
                      be suppressed in windows                                
   fcb_read_bits.m4     Changes for g95 compatibility.                        
   cif2c.c,             Make use of mkstemp conditional on NOMKSTEMP. Make    
   cif2cbf.c, etc.    use of /tmp conditional on NOTMPDIR.                    


  Release, Herbert J. Bernstein, 6 May 2007

   Source File        Change                                                  
   cbf_simple.c         Fix ordering of dimensions in cbf_set_3d_array.       
   cbf_uncompressed.c   Add include of ctype.h to provide prototype for       
   convert_image.c      Enable -p option for non-standard templates; correct  
                      handling of seconds in timestamps.                      
   convert_minicbf.c    Enable code for timestamp, exposure time,             
                      comment-style header.                                   
   fcb_packed.m4        As per H. Powell, move declarations for dimensions    
                      before declarations of arrays.                          
   fcb_read_image.m4    As per H. Powell, move declarations for dimensions    
                      before declarations of arrays.                          
   fcblib_defines.m4    As per H. Powell, move declarations for dimensions    
                      before declarations of arrays.                          


  Release, Herbert J. Bernstein, 3 April 2007

   Source File             Change                                             
   Makefile                  Add m4 directory to build f90 sources. Add .f90  
                           routines to src and examples. Add libfcb.a to lib. 
                           Add tests for f90 routines to extra tests.         
   testflat.c                Add support for 3D test.                         
   testflatpacked.c          Add support for 3D test.                         
   cbf_binary.c              Correct dim2,dim2 to be dim1,dim2 in             
   cbf_packed.c              Correct JPA pointer logic for 3D case. Work      
                           around compiler problems with handling of sign     
   fcb_exit_binary.m4        New m4 macro file to build fcb_exit_binary.f90 a 
                           routine to skip from the end of a binary to the    
                           end of the text field.                             
   fcb_next_binary.m4        New m4 macro file to build fcb_next_binary.f90 a 
                           routine to skip to the start of the next binary.   
   fcb_open_cifin.m4         New m4 macro file to build fcb_open_cifin.f90 a  
                           routine to open a cbf file.                        
   fcb_packed.m4             New m4 macro file to build fcb_packed.f90 a      
                           routine to uncompress JPA packed binaries.         
   fcb_read_bits.m4          New m4 macro file to build fcb_read_bits.f90 a   
                           routine to read an arbitrary number of bits as an  
   fcb_read_image.m4         New m4 macro file to build fcb_read_image.f90 a  
                           set of routines to read a byte offset or packed    
   fcb_read_xds_i2.m4        New m4 macro file to build fcb_read_xds_i2.f90 a 
                           routine to read a single xds I2 image.             
   fcblib_define.m4          New m4 macro file of common definitions for all  
                           f90 code                                           
   test_fcb_read_image.m4    New m4 macro file of build                       
                           test_fcb_read_image.f90 a test program for the f90 
   test_xds_binary.m4        New m4 macro file of build test_xds_binary.f90 a 
                           test program for the f90 routines.                 
   fcb_atol_wcnt.f90         f90 code to convert a string to an integer.      
   fcb_ci_strncmparr.f90     f90 code to do a case-insensitive string         
   fcb_nblen.f90             f90 code to do test the non-blank length of a    
   fcb_read_byte.f90         f90 code to read a byte                          
   fcb_read_line.f90         f90 code to read a line                          
   fcb_skip_whitespace.f90   f90 code to skip MIME whitespace                 


  Release, Herbert J. Bernstein, 27 February 2007

   Source File        Change                                                  
   Makefile             Add testflatpacked build to extra test dependencies.  
   testflat.c           Add more test cases.                                  
   testflatpacked.c     Add version of testflat for packed compression.       
   cbf_binary.c         Add recovery of sign from mime header.                
   cbf_byte_offset.c    Change limit logic to simple mask and remove overflow 
   cbf_packed.c         Change limit logic to simple mask and remove overflow 
   cbf_uncompressed.c   Change limit logic to simple mask and remove overflow 


  Release, Herbert J. Bernstein, 25 February 2007

   Source File         Change                                                 
   Makefile              Add testflat build to extra test dependencies.       
   CBFlib.html           Add descriptions of                                  
                       cbf_set_integerarray_wdims, cbf_set_realarray_wdims    
   cif2cbf.c             Change to use of byteorder as a pointer to a         
                       constant string, rather than as a local copy of a      
   testflat.c            Add report of byteorder, dim1, dim2, dim2, padding.  
   cbf.h,                Change prototypes for all functions that return      
   cbf_binary.h,       byteorder from char * byteorder to const char **       
   cbf_byte_offset.h,  byteorder. Change prototypes of all functions that set 
   cbf_canonical.h,    byteorder from char * byteorder to const char *        
   cbf_compress.h,     byteorder                                              
   cbf.c,                Change signatures for all functions that return      
   cbf_binary.c,       byteorder from char * byteorder to const char **       
   cbf_byte_offset.c,  byteorder. Change prototypes of all functions that set 
   cbf_canonical.c,    byteorder from char * byteorder to const char *        
   cbf_compress.c,     byteorder, and make the matching changes in all calls. 


  Release 0.7.7, Herbert J. Bernstein, 19 February 2007

   Source File        Change                                                  
   cif2cbf.c            Add support for byte offset, packed version 2 and     
                      flat compression, and binary section padding. Add       
                      support for base-32K encoding. Allow command line       
                      compression to override compression_type in the file    
                      and to set compression_type_flag.                       
   convert_image.c      Add support for new -R and -F flags, for use of       
                      reference beam center and flat packed compression       
   cbf.h                Add constants CBF_PACKED_V2 for packed version 2      
                      compression, CBF_UNCORRELATED_SECTIONS for uncorrelated 
                      sections in packed compression, CBF_FLAT_IMAGE for      
                      original CBFlib packed compression, PAD_1K, PAD_2K and  
                      PAD_4K for trailing pad on binary sections, ENC_BASE32K 
                      for base 32K encoding. Fix bad code in DEBUG mode for   
                      failnez macros. Add prototypes for                      
                      cbf_set_integerarray_wdims, cbf_set_realarray_wdims,    
                      cbf_mpint_load_acc, cbf_mpint_store_acc,                
                      cbf_mpint_clear_acc, cbf_mpint_increment_acc,           
                      cbf_mpint_decrement_acc, cbf_mpint_negate_acc,          
                      cbf_mpint_add_acc, cbf_mpint_rightshift_acc,            
   cbf_binary.h         Update prototypes for cbf_get_bintext,                
                      cbf_set_bintext, cbf_set_binary, cbf_binary_parameters, 
                      cbf_get_binary to carry byteorder, dimensions and       
   cbf_byte_offset.h    Update prototypes for cbf_compress_byte_offset,       
                      cbf_decompress_byte_offset to carry byteorder,          
                      dimensions and padding.                                 
   cbf_canonical.h      Update prototypes for cbf_compress_canonical,         
                      cbf_decompress_canonical to carry byteorder, dimensions 
                      and padding.                                            
   cbf_codes.h          Add prototypes for base 32K encoding: cbf_tobase32k,  
                      cbf_encode32k_bit_op, cbf_isBigEndian, cbf_endianFix,   
                      cbf_frombase32k, cbf_decode32k_bit_op.                  
   cbf_compress.h        Update prototypes for cbf_compress, cbf_decompress   
                      to carry byteorder, dimensions and padding.             
   cbf_packed.h         Update prototypes for cbf_compress_packed,            
                      cbf_decompress_packed to carry byteorder, dimensions    
                      and padding.                                            
   cbf_predictor.h      Update prototypes for cbf_compress_predictor,         
                      cbf_decompress_predictor to carry byteorder, dimensions 
                      and padding.                                            
   cbf_read_mime.h      Update prototype for cbf_parse_mimeheader to carry    
                      byteorder, dimensions and padding.                      
   cbf_simple.h         Add prototypes for cbf_get_3d_array_size,             
                      cbf_get_3d_array, cbf_get_3d_image_size,                
                      cbf_get_3d_image, cbf_get_map_array_id,                 
                      cbf_get_map_segment_mask, cbf_get_map_segment_size,     
                      cbf_get_map_segment, cbf_get_real_3d_image,             
                      cbf_get_real_map_segment_mask, cbf_set_3d_array,        
                      cbf_set_3d_image, cbf_set_map_segment,                  
                      cbf_set_map_segment_mask, cbf_set_real_3d_image,        
   cbf_uncompressed.h   Update prototypes for cbf_compress_none,              
                      cbf_decompress_none to carry byteorder, dimensions and  
   Makefile             Update version and tests to work against data files   
                      in CBFlib_0.7.7_Data_Files.                             
   cbf.c                 Remove compiler warnings on signedness and type      
                      punned pointers. Fix bug in detection of local real     
                      format. Add base32K support. Fix inverted test in value 
                      range checking. Add new routines                        
                      cbf_set_integerarray_wdims, cbf_set_realarray_wdims,    
                      cbf_mpint_load_acc, cbf_mpint_store_acc,                
                      cbf_mpint_clear_acc, cbf_mpint_increment_acc,           
                      cbf_mpint_decrement_acc, cbf_mpint_negate_acc,          
                      cbf_mpint_add_acc, cbf_mpint_rightshift_acc,            
   cbf.stx.y            Temporarily change to use of YYSTYPE argument type to 
                      remove an error when compiling under on MS Windows. A   
                      better solution is needed./                             
   cbf_binary.c         Update cbf_get_bintext, cbf_set_bintext,              
                      cbf_set_binary, cbf_binary_parameters, cbf_get_binary   
                      to carry byteorder, dimensions and padding.             
   cbf_byte_offset.c    Implement byte_offset compression and decompression   
                      as designed by A. Hammersley and modified by W. Kabsch. 
   cbf_canonical.c      Fix warnings from gcc 4 on punned pointers. Update    
                      cbf_compress_canonical, cbf_decompress_canonical to     
                      carry byteorder, dimensions and padding.                
   cbf_codes.c          Add support forr base 32K encoding: cbf_tobase32k,    
                      cbf_encode32k_bit_op, cbf_isBigEndian, cbf_endianFix,   
                      cbf_frombase32k, cbf_decode32k_bit_op.                  
   cbf_compress.c        Update cbf_compress, cbf_decompress carry byteorder, 
                      dimensions and padding.                                 
   cbf_file.c           Fix warnings from gcc 4 on punned pointers.           
   cbf_lex.c            Add support for byteorder, dimensions and padding and 
                      base 32K encoding.                                      
   cbf_packed.c         Update cbf_compress_packed, cbf_decompress_packed to  
                      carry byteorder, dimensions and padding. Add support    
                      for J. P. Abrahams packed compression, versions 1 and   
                      2, while preserving support for original CBFlib flat    
                      packed compression. Add support for 64 bit elements.    
   cbf_predictor.c      Update cbf_compress_predictor,                        
                      cbf_decompress_predictor to carry byteorder, dimensions 
                      and padding.                                            
   cbf_simple.c         Change logic of most image handling routines to work  
                      as special cases of 3d routines. Add new routines       
                      cbf_get_detector_id, cbf_get_real_map_segment,          
                      cbf_get_real_map_segment_mask, cbf_set_map_segment,     
                      cbf_set_map_segment_mask, cbf_set_real_map_segment,     
                      cbf_set_real_map_segment_mask, cbf_get_3d_array_size,   
                      cbf_get_3d_array, cbf_set_3d_array,                     
   cbf_read_mime.c      Update cbf_parse_mimeheader to read MIME headers for  
                      new compression types and flags and byteorder,          
                      dimensions and padding. Add support for base 32K        
   cbf_tree.c           Fix warnings from gcc 4 on punned pointers.           
   cbf_uncompressed.c   Fix handling of 64-bit reads and writes.              
   cbf_write_binary.c   Add code to write out base-32K encoded sections, to   
                      write byte order, dimensions and padding. Add code to   
                      write out MIME headers for packed compressions or       
                      packed version 2 compression with flags for             
                      uncorrelated sections and for flat packed images.       


  Release 0.7.6, Herbert J. Bernstein, 15 July 2006

   Source File     Change                                                     
   cbf.h             Add include of stdio.h; change CBF_LINELENGTH into       
                   CBF_LINELENGTH_10 and CBF_LINELENGTH_11; add new symbols   
                   CBF_LOGWARNING, CBF_LOGWOLINE, CBF_LOGWOCOLUMN,            
                   CBF_LOGSTARTLOC, CBF_LOGCURRENTLOC; add information on     
                   input file and log file to cbf handle struct; and          
                   prototypes for cbf_read_widefile, cbf_write_local_file,    
                   cbf_write_widefile, cbf_column_number,                     
                   cbf_blockitem_number, cbf_warning, cbf_error, cbf_log,     
                   cbf_increment_column, cbf_reset_column,                    
                   cbf_reset_refcounts, cbf_validate; added valuerow argument 
                   to cbf_set_hashedvalue and caseinsensitive to              
   cbf.c             In cbf_make_handle, added include of cbf_ascii.h,        
                   initialized handle->logfile, handle->warnings,             
                   handle->errors, handle->startline, handle->startcolumn;    
                   added new routine cbf_set_logfile; in cbf_free_handle      
                   removed gcc4 warning; broke up cbf_read_file into          
                   cbf_read_anyfile, cbf_read_file, added two more entries to 
                   parse array, one for the cbf handle and one to carry an    
                   auxillary node, such as a parent category; in              
                   cbf_write_file, reset reference counts; added new routine  
                   cbf_write_local_file to allow writing of a local portion   
                   of a cbf instead of the whole thing; added new routines    
                   cbf_column_number and cbf_blockitem_number; added new      
                   routine cbf_log to report parse errors with line numbers;  
                   fixed cbf_require_category when dealing with null          
                   datablocks; fixed cbf_require_column to preserve current   
                   row number; fixed inverted logic in                        
                   cbf_require_dictionary; rewrote cbf_set_hashed_value to    
                   deal with insertions correctly; revised                    
                   cbf_find_hashedvalue to survive commong errors; revised    
                   cbf_convert_dictionary_definition to recover category      
                   information properly and top deal with more complex        
                   loop-singleton interactions; added new routines            
                   cbf_increment_column, cbf_reset_column,                    
                   cbf_reset_refcounts; updated cbf_convert_dictionary to     
                   align database with changes in                             
                   cbf_convert_dictionary_definition and to distribute        
                   unspecified items from parents to children; fixed          
                   cbf_find_local_tag for DDL1 names and categories; updated  
                   cbf_find_category_root and cbf_require_category_root to    
                   allow for DDL1 categories drawn from dictionaries; changed 
                   cbf_find_tag_root and cbf_set_tag_root to use              
                   cbf_find_hashedvalue and cbf_set_hashedvalue; added        
                   routines cbf_check_category_tags, cbf_validate.            
   cbf.stx.y         To facilitate validation, changed save frame logic to    
                   append partial save frame to the base cif from the         
                   beginning instead of waiting for the end of the save       
                   frame; added cbf_validate calls at all levels and provided 
                   detailed parse form common errors with reports via cbf_log 
   cbf_ascii.h       Add prototype for cbf_foldtextline.                      
   cbf_ascii.c       Added new routine cbf_foldtextline; in cbf_write_ascii   
                   changed logic to no longer backslash-quote individual      
                   embedded semicolons in text fields and to use full         
                   line-folding spec;                                         
   cbf_canonical.c   fixed gcc4 warning.                                      
   cbf_cantext.c     fixed gcc4 warnings.                                     
   cbf_file.h        Add columnlimit to strcut; add prototype for             
   cbf_file.c        In cbf_make_file added intialization of line length;     
                   added new routine cbf_make_widefile; in cbf_read_character 
                   do not increment column number at EOF; in cbf_read_line    
                   report lines over the limit                                
   cbf_lex.c         Added lexical validation for line length, illegal        
                   characters, long data block names, long save frame names,  
                   failure to provide whitespace after loop_, unterminated    
                   quoted strings.                                            
   cbf_packed.c      Fix gcc4 warnings                                        
   cbf_read_mime.c   Pick up corrections to parse of types from work by GD    
                   for X-BASE32K.                                             
   cbf_simple.h      Add prototypes for cbf_get_bin_sizes, cbf_set_bin_sizes  
   cbf_simple.c      Changed cbf_read_template to use cbf_read_widefile;      
                   added new routines cbf_get_bin_sizes and                   
                   cbf_set_bin_sizes; changed cbf_set_gain, cbf_set_overload, 
                   cbf_set_integration_time, cbf_set_datestamp,               
                   cbf_set_axis_setting to force in intervening categories    
                   and columns; in cbf_free_positioner, cbf_free_detector,    
                   fixed gcc4 warnings; revised cbf_set_beam_center to adjust 
                   the displacement rather than the offset.                   
   cbf_tree.h        Add symbol for CBF_VALUE as a node type to use for       
                   validation; add prototype for cbf_find_last_typed_child.   
   cbf_tree.c        In cbf_free_node fixed gcc4 warning; added new routine   
                   cbf_find_last_typed_child; changed cbf_make_child to use   
                   cbf_find_last_typed_child instead of cbf_fid_last_child to 
                   avoid confusion between categories and save frames when    
                   the same name is used for both; changed                    
                   cbf_compute_hashcode to return values between 0 and 255.   
   cbf_write.d       Add prototype for cbf_compose_itemname.                  
   cbf_write.c       In cbf_set_value fold text fields that contain the text  
                   field terminator; add new routine cbf_compose_itemname,    
                   int cbf_write_itemname catch names that are too long;      
   cif2cbf.c         Add "-v dictionary" command line argument and suppress   
                   output to /dev/null and "-w" to process a wide file; add   
                   hooks (based on symbol GNUGETOPT) to use a local copy of   
                   getopt; add text for error exits; add code to load layered 
   convert_image.c   Add text for error exits; add logic for binning; alias   
                   support with command line arguments "-c                    
                   category_alias=category_root" and "-t tag_alias=tag_root", 
                   change from _diffrn_detector.sample_detector_distance to   
                   _diffrn_measurement.sample_detector_distance; change to    
                   support row-major images to agree with adxv; remove most   
                   advisory messages to stdout.                               
   img.h             Added rowmajor to struct; redefined img_pixel to be      
                   conditional on rowmajor; added img_pixelptr to get the     
                   pointers to the image.                                     
   img.c             Added recognition of ADSC QUANTUM315; added row major    
   img2cif.c         Changed to use to new img.h macros                       
   makecbf.c         Changed to use to new img.h macros                       


  Release 0.7.5, Herbert J. Bernstein, 15 April 2006

   Source File        Change                                                  
   cbf.c                Revised header for open source licenses; added        
                      support for aliases, dictionaries and real arrays;      
                      added convenience routines to do searches with default  
                      creation of what is being searched for; added reference 
                      count and dictionary link for cbf handles; added        
                      cbf_new_saveframe, cbf_force_new_saveframe,             
                      cbf_set_saveframename, cbf_reset_saveframe,             
                      cbf_remove_saveframe, cbf_rewind_saveframe,             
                      cbf_rewind_blockitem, cbf_next_saveframe,               
                      cbf_next_blockitem, cbf_select_saveframe,               
                      cbf_select_blockitem, cbf_find_saveframe,               
                      cbf_require_row, cbf_require_nextrow,                   
                      cbf_count_saveframes, cbf_count_blockitems,             
                      cbf_saveframe_name, cbf_require_value,                  
                      cbf_require_integervalue, cbf_require_doublevalue,      
                      cbf_get_realarrayparameters, cbf_get_realarray,         
                      cbf_set_realarray, cbf_require_datablock,               
                      cbf_require_category, cbf_require_column,               
                      cbf_get_local_real_format, cbf_get_dictionary,          
                      cbf_set_dictionary, cbf_require_dictionary,             
                      cbf_set_hashedvalue, cbf_find_hashedvalue,              
                      cbf_convert_dictionary, cbf_find_tag,                   
                      cbf_find_local_tag, cbf_srch_tag,                       
                      cbf_find_category_root, cbf_require_category_root,      
                      cbf_set_category_root, cbf_find_tag_root,               
                      cbf_require_tag_root, cbf_set_tag_root,                 
                      cbf_find_tag_category, cbf_set_tag_category.            
   cbf.h                Revised header for open source licenses; added        
                      definitions of CBF_API_VERSION and CBF_DIC_VERSION;     
                      changed the debug versions of cbf_failnez and           
                      cbf_onfailnez to stringfy the argument; added           
                      dictionary and reference count to cbf_handle            
                      definition; added prototypes for cbf_new_saveframe,     
                      cbf_force_new_saveframe, cbf_set_saveframename,         
                      cbf_remove_saveframe, cbf_rewind_saveframe,             
                      cbf_rewind_blockitem, cbf_next_saveframe,               
                      cbf_next_blockitem, cbf_saveframe_name,                 
                      cbf_select_saveframe, cbf_select_blockitem,             
                      cbf_find_saveframe, cbf_require_row,                    
                      cbf_require_nextrow, cbf_count_saveframes,              
                      cbf_count_blockitems, cbf_require_value,                
                      cbf_require_integervalue, cbf_require_doublevalue,      
                      cbf_get_realarrayparameters, cbf_get_realarray,         
                      cbf_set_realarray, cbf_require_datablock,               
                      cbf_require_category, cbf_require_column,               
                      cbf_get_local_real_format, cbf_get_dictionary,          
                      cbf_set_dictionary, cbf_require_dictionary,             
                      cbf_set_hashedvalue, cbf_find_hashedvalue,              
                      cbf_convert_dictionary, cbf_find_tag,                   
                      cbf_find_local_tag, cbf_srch_tag,                       
                      cbf_find_category_root, cbf_require_category_root,      
                      cbf_set_category_root, cbf_find_tag_root,               
                      cbf_require_tag_root, cbf_set_tag_root,                 
                      cbf_find_tag_category, cbf_set_tag_category,            
   cbf_alloc.c          Revised header for open source licenses.              
   cbf_alloc.h          Revised header for open source licenses.              
   cbf_ascii.c          Revised header for open source licenses.              
   cbf_ascii.h          Revised header for open source licenses.              
   cbf_binary.c         Revised header for open source licenses; added        
                      support of real arrays.                                 
   cbf_binary.h         Revised header for open source licenses; added        
                      support of real arrays.                                 
   cbf_byte_offset.c    Revised header for open source licenses; changed      
                      signature for support of real arrays; no actual changes 
                      to the code.                                            
   cbf_byte_offset.h    Revised header for open source licenses; changed      
                      signature for support of real arrays; no actual changes 
                      to the code.                                            
   cbf_canonical.c      Revised header for open source licenses; changed      
                      signatures for support of real arrays; no actual        
                      changes to the code.                                    
   cbf_canonical.h      Revised header for open source licenses; changed      
                      signatures for support of real arrays; no actual        
                      changes to the code.                                    
   cbf_codes.c          Revised header for open source licenses.              
   cbf_codes.h          Revised header for open source licenses.              
   cbf_compress.c       Revised header for open source licenses; added        
                      support of real arrays.                                 
   cbf_compress.h       Revised header for open source licenses; added        
                      support of real arrays.                                 
   cbf_context.c        Revised header for open source licenses.              
   cbf_context.h        Revised header for open source licenses.              
   cbf_file.c           Revised header for open source licenses; added        
                      support of real arrays, making extensive changes to the 
                      handling of integers to get past 32 bit limits.         
   cbf_file.h           Revised header for open source licenses..             
   cbf_lex.c            Revised header for open source licenses; added save   
                      frame support; required whitespace before a comment;    
                      changed WORD to CBFWORD; corrected quoted string parse  
                      to allow for a blank immediately after the opening      
                      quote mark.                                             
   cbf_lex.h            Revised header for open source licenses.              
   cbf_packed.c         Revised header for open source licenses; changed      
                      signatures for support of real arrays; no actual        
                      changes to the code.                                    
   cbf_packed.h         Revised header for open source licenses; changed      
                      signatures for support of real arrays; no actual        
                      changes to the code.                                    
   cbf_predictor.c      Revised header for open source licenses; changed      
                      signatures for support of real arrays; no actual        
                      changes to the code.                                    
   cbf_predictor.h      Revised header for open source licenses; changed      
                      signatures for support of real arrays; no actual        
                      changes to the code.                                    
   cbf_read_binary.c    Revised header for open source licenses.              
   cbf_read_binary.h    Revised header for open source licenses.              
   cbf_read_mime.c      Revised header for open source licenses; added        
                      support for real arrays.                                
   cbf_read_mime.h      Revised header for open source licenses; added        
                      support for real arrays.                                
   cbf_simple.c         Revised header for open source licenses; increased    
                      precision of all numbers to 15 digits; added support    
                      for cells and orientation matrices; built in support    
                      for diffrn_frame_data as an alternative to              
                      diffrn_data_frame; added new routines                   
                      cbf_require_diffrn_id, cbf_get_pixel_size,              
                      cbf_set_pixel_size, cbf_get_real_image,                 
                      cbf_set_real_image, int cbf_require_detector,           
                      cbf_set_beam_center, cbf_get_inferred_pixel_size,       
                      cbf_get_unit_cell, cbf_set_unit_cell,                   
                      cbf_get_reciprocal_cell, cbf_set_reciprocal_cell,       
                      cbf_compute_cell_volume, cbf_compute_reciprocal_cell,   
                      cbf_get_orientation_matrix, cbf_set_orientation_matrix; 
                      added braces to deal with compiler warnings on dangling 
   cbf_simple.h         Revised header for open source licenses; added        
                      prototypes for cbf_require_diffrn_id, cbf_get_array_id, 
                      cbf_get_pixel_size, cbf_set_pixel_size,                 
                      cbf_get_real_image, cbf_set_real_image,                 
                      cbf_require_detector, cbf_set_beam_center,              
                      cbf_get_inferred_pixel_size, cbf_get_unit_cell,         
                      cbf_set_unit_cell, cbf_get_reciprocal_cell,             
                      cbf_set_reciprocal_cell, cbf_compute_cell_volume,       
                      cbf_get_orientation_matrix, cbf_set_orientation_matrix. 
   cbf_string.c         Revised header for open source licenses.              
   cbf_string.h         Revised header for open source licenses.              
   cbf_stx.c            Rebuilt from new cbf.stx.y.                           
   cbf_stx.h            Changed WORD to CBFWORD; added SAVE and SAVEEND.      
   cbf.stx.y            Revised header for open source licenses; Revised      
                      grammar to support save frames and to be more           
                      comprehensible; changed name from cbf.stx               
   cbf_tree.c           Revised header for open source licenses; added code   
                      to support save frames, allowing typed searches for     
                      children; added new routines cbf_find_typed_child,      
                      cbf_count_typed_children, cbf_compute_hashcode.         
   cbf_tree.c           Revised header for open source licenses; added        
                      definition of CBF_SAVEFRAME as node type; added         
                      prototypes for cbf_find_typed_child,                    
                      cbf_count_typed_children, cbf_compute_hashcode.         
   cbf.uncompressed.c   Revised header for open source licenses; Added        
                      support for real arrays, and to remove 32 bit limits.   
   cbf.uncompressed.h   Revised header for open source licenses; Added        
                      support for real arrays.                                
   cbf.write.c          Revised header for open source licenses; added        
                      support for save frames and aliases; changed logic for  
                      single row categories to present item-by-item, instead  
                      of as a loop except for vectors and matrices, present   
                      matrices row by row; carried cbf handle through nest of 
   cbf.write.h          Revised header for open source licenses; adjusted     
                      prototype of cbf_write_node to carry the cbf handle as  
                      the first argument.                                     
   cbf.write_binary.c   Revised header for open source licenses; added        
                      support for real arrays.                                
   cbf.write_binary.h   Revised header for open source licenses.              
   Makefile             Revised header for open source licenses; defined C++; 
                      added symbol RANLIB for use on systems that require a   
                      ranlib pass after creating a library with ar; added     
                      build and tests of testcell and cif2c; added ADSC test  
                      case to tests of convert_image; updated list of         
                      contents of tar;changed cbf.stx to cbf.stx.y.           
   connvert_image.c     Revised header for open source licenses; added        
                      command line arguments for detector name, detector      
                      distance, rotation and reflection of the image; added   
                      usage report on errors; added code for axis transforms; 
                      added code to report image header fields; cleaned up    
                      PHI reporting; recovered pixel size and beam center     
                      from header; commented out most debug code.             
   cif2cbf.c            Revised header for open source licenses; renamed      
                      BUFSIZ as C2CBUFSIZ to remove a compiler warning;       
                      process save frames.                                    
   img2cif.c            Revised header for open source licenses; renamed      
                      BUFSIZ as I2CBUFSIZ to remove a compiler warning.       
   testcell.C           New program to test cell functions.                   
   cif2c.c              New program to test cell functions.                   


  Release 0.7.4, Herbert J. Bernstein, 12 January 2004

   Source File        Change                                                  
   cbf.c                added cbf_set_typeofvalue, cbf_get_typeofvalue; added 
                      braces for nested if-else to remove a compiler warning. 
   cbf_ascii.c          added braces to remove a compiler warnings.           
   cbf_binary.c         added braces to remove a compiler warnings.           
   cbf_canonical.c      added braces to remove a compiler warnings.           
   cbf_compress.c       added braces to remove a compiler warnings.           
   cbf_file.c           simplied dynamic array logic and went to straight     
                      doubling; added braces to remove a compiler warnings.   
   cbf_lex.c            changed parse of quoted strings to allow for embedded 
                      quote marks; removed unused variables; fixed mismatch   
                      of formats; added braces to remove a compiler warnings. 
   cbf_packed.c         added braces to remove a compiler warnings;           
                      intialized variables.                                   
   cbf_simple.c         typed default typed variable; removed unused          
                      variables; added braces to remove a compiler warnings;  
                      intialized variables.                                   
   cbf_uncompressed.c   added braces to remove a compiler warnings.           
   cbf_write.c          added internal functions cbf_get_value_type and       
                      cbf_set_value_type for typeofvalue functions; updated   
                      magic number and set magic number to match dictionary,  
                      not CBFlib version; initialized variable.               
   cbf.h                added new external typeofvalue function prototypes;   
                      added notices.                                          
   cbf_write.h          added new value_type function prototypes.             
   cif2cbf.c            added code to transfer typeofvalue from input to      
                      output to fix handling of nulls; increased buffer to    
                      8192 and called it BUFSIZ; changed from tmpnam to       
                      mkstemp to remove warning; unlinked temporary file;     
                      added braces to remove compiler warnings.               
   img2cif.c            added code to transfer typeofvalue from input to      
                      output to fix handling of nulls; increased buffer to    
                      8192 and called it BUFSIZ; changed from tmpnam to       
                      mkstemp to remove warning; unlinked temporary file;     
                      removed unused variables.                               


  Release 0.7.3, Paul J. Ellis, 2 October 2002

   Source File  Change                                                        
   cbf_simple.c   modified cbf_get_image to reorder the image data on read so 
                that the indices are always increasing in memory (this        
                behavior was undefined previously).                           

   Note: Early versions of Release 0.7.3 carried the version number
   Other than the change in number on 7 Nov 2002, there is no difference
   between these versions.


  Release, Paul J. Ellis, 7 May 2001

   Source File  Change                                                        
   cbf_simple.c   corrected nesting in if statements introduced for the prior 


  Release 0.7.2, Herbert J. Bernstein, 22 April 2001

   Source File  Change                                                        
   cbf_simple.c   changed (now deprecated) to     
                _diffrn_measurement_axis.measurement_id and                   
       (now deprecated) to                  
                _diffrn_detector_axis.detector_id, but allowed old forms as   


  Release 0.7.1, Paul J. Ellis, 30 March 2001

   Source File  Change                                                        
   cbf_simple.c   add reserved argument to various routines; in               
                cbf_update_pixel use index2 instead of index1; add new        
                routine cbf_get_pixel_normal; in cbf_get_pixel_area, shift by 


  Release 0.7.1, Paul J. Ellis, 13 March 2001

   Source File        Change                                                  
   cbf.c                remove unused declaration of little.                  
   cbf.h                add definitions of CBF_UNDEFINED and                  
   cbf_binary.c         cast type argument to (char) in cbf_copy-string call. 
   cbf_compress.c       remove unused declaration of compression_file.        
   cbf_simple.c         add this new routine for higher level calls.          
   cbf_simple.h         add this new header for higher level calls.           
   cbf_uncompressed.c   remove unused declaration of bit.                     


  Release 0.6.1, H. Powell (per Herbert J. Bernstein), 23 February 2001

   Source File   Change                                                 
   cbf.c           fix memory leak as corrected by H. Powell            


  Release 0.6, Herbert J. Bernstein, 13 January 1999

   Source File        Change                                                  
   cbf.c                remove argument repeat from cbf_set_integerarray      
   cbf.h                remove argument repeat from cbf_set_integerarray      
   cbf_binary.h         carry compression id in text as argument to           
                      cbf_get/set_bintext, remove repeat as argument to       
   cbf_binary.c         carry compression id in text, rather than header, as  
                      an argument to cbf_get/set_bintext, remove repeat as    
                      argument to cbf_set_binary                              
   cbf_byte_offset.h    remove argument repeat from cbf_compress_byte_offset  
   cbf_byte_offset.c    remove argument repeat from cbf_compress_byte_offset  
   cbf_canonical.       remove argument repeat from cbf_compress_canonical    
   cbf_canonical.c      remove argument repeat from cbf_compress_canonical    
   cbf_compress.h       remove argument repeat from cbf_compress, change      
                      argument compression from pointer to value in           
   cbf_compress.c       remove argument repeat from cbf_compress, use         
                      compression as an input argument in                     
                      cbf_decompress_parameters, do not write compression id  
   cbf_file.c           tune buffer size allocations to current size          
   cbf_lex.c            carry compression in text, not header, suppress       
                      binary header when there is a MIME header               
   cbf_packed.h         remove argument repeat from cbf_compress_packed       
   cbf_packed.c         remove argument repeat from cbf_compress_packed       
   cbf_predictor.h      remove argument repeat from cbf_compress_predictor    
   cbf_predictor.c      remove argument repeat from cbf_compress_predictor    
   cbf_read_binary.h    make pointer to compression an argument to            
   cbf_read_binary.c    carry compression in text, not header, suppress       
                      binary header when there is a MIME header               
   cbf_read_mime.h      add prototype for cbf_nblen                           
   cbf_read_mime.c      carry compression in text, not header, suppress       
                      binary header when there is a MIME header, allow        
                      trailing blanks on header lines, test for early         
                      terminations, allow arbitrary spacing on element type,  
                      add cbf_nblen                                           
   cbf_stx.c            rebuilt from cbf.stx with bison 1.25                  
   cbf_tree.c           tune allocation of memory for extra children to       
                      current use levels                                      
   cbf_uncompressed.h   remove argument repeat from cbf_compress_none         
   cbf_uncompressed.c   remove argument repeat from cbf_compress_none         
   cbf_write.c          update version numbers in file headers                
   cbf_write_binary.c   carry compression in text, not header, suppress       
                      binary header when there is a MIME header, quote        


  Release 0.5, Paul J. Ellis, 5 December 1998

   Source File        Change                                                  
   cbf.c                Add option for immediate digest evaluation            
                      (MSG_DIGESTNOW) or deferred digest evaluation           
                      (MSG_DIGEST); adjust layout of error messages; remove   
                      unused repeat.                                          
   cbf.stx              Add new argument for cbf_set_columnrow.               
   cbf_ascii.c          Add buffer flush.                                     
   cbf_binary.c         Add call to cbf_codes.h; convert to use of            
                      cbf_get/set_bintext; digests saved in the text for      
                      deferred evaluation.                                    
   cbf_byte_offset.c    Add storedbits argument on compression; remove repeat 
                      on decompression.                                       
   cbf_canonical.c      Stylistic cleanup; add storedbits argument on         
                      compression; remove repeat on decompression.            
   cbf_codes.c          Add routines cbf_is_base64digest, cbf_md5digest_to64, 
                      flush buffers when done, general cleanup                
   cbf_compress.c       Add argument bits to cbf_compress and each actual     
                      compression routine, add bits and remove repeat on      
   cbf_file.c           Reorganize digest logic; remove nblen argument from   
   cbf_lex.c            Argument type and stylisic cleanup; allow for         
                      deferred digest evaluation, adjust binary size to agree 
                      with MIME size.                                         
   cbf_packed.c         Stylistic cleanup; add storedbits argument on         
                      compression; remove repeat on decompression.            
   cbf_predictor.c      Add storedbits argument on compression; remove repeat 
                      on decompression.                                       
   cbf_read_mime.c      Add binary element type logic; cleanup header scan;   
                      allow for deferred digest evaluation.                   
   cbf_tree.c           Add argument free to cbf_set_columnrow. If free is    
                      true, free the old value, otherwise a user              
   cbf_uncompressed.c   Add storedbits argument on compression; remove repeat 
                      on decompression.                                       
   cbf_write.c          Add buffer flush.                                     
   cbf_write_binary.c   Reorganize digest calculation, adjust binary size by  
                      8, add X-Binary-E;ement-Type.                           
   global.h             Change definition of UINT4 from unsigned long int to  
                      unsigned int.                                           
   md5.c                Mask 32 bits for longer words.                        


  Release 0.4, Herbert J. Bernstein, 15 November 1998

   Source File        Change                                                  
   cbf_stx.c            rebuilt from cbf.stx with bison 1.25                  
   cbf_binary.c         add digest, elsize, elsign to text                    
   cbf_canonical.c      remove write of compression id                        
   cbf_codes.h          add argument *digest to cbf_fromqp, cbf_frombase64,   
   cbf_codes.c          add mpack notice, add cbf_md5context_to64, add digest 
                      to cbf_from...                                          
   cbf_compress.h       add argument *digest to cbf_compress                  
   cbf_compress.c       add digest to cbf_compress                            
   cbf_file.h           add nscolumn, digest_buffer, digest_bpoint, context   
                      to cbf_file struct, add argument *nblen to              
   cbf_file.c           add file->nscolumn, file->digest_buffer,              
                      file->digest_bpoint, update digest when writing         
   cbf_lex.c            add notices, compute digests on intial read           
   cbf_packed.c         do not write compression id                           
   cbf_read_mime.h      add prototype for cbf_skip_whitespace, add argument   
                      *compression to cbf_parse_mimeheader                    
   cbf_read_mime.c      add notices, remove redundant digest calculation,     
                      adjust handling of compression id, add                  
                      cbf_skip_whitespace, have cbf_parse_mimeheader return   
                      compression id, add checks for garbled files, allow     
                      more general headers                                    
   cbf_uncompressed.c   make uncompressed section free of headers             
   cbf_write.c          update version in headers                             
   cbf_write_binary.c   carry digest, elsize, elsign in text rather than      


  Release, Paul J. Ellis, 21 September 1998

   Source File        Change                                                  
   cbf.h                remove globals, add tolen CBF_TOKEN_MIME_BIN, change  
                      MIME_NOHEADERS to PLAIN_HEADERS, add HDR_DEFAULT, add   
                      arguments ciforcbf, headers, encoding to                
                      cbf_write_file, add argument headers to cbf_read_file,  
                      restore const in several places, merge int              
                      cbf_get_integerarrayparams into                         
   cbf.c                 add notices, add argument headers to cbf_read_file   
                      to replace use of globals in release 0.2, add arguments 
                      ciforcbf, headers, encoding to cbf_write_file to        
                      replace use of globals in release 0.2, restore some     
                      uses of const, remove integerarrayparams and merge      
                      arguments into cbf_get_integerparameters, replace       
                      cbf_binary_params with cbf_binary_parameters with       
                      extended argument list                                  
   cbf.stx              add notices, remove gcc use of malloc, define         
                      alloca(x) as NULL, and set large inital depth, adopts   
                      mods from cbf.stx.y in release 0.2                      
   cbf_alloc.c          add notices                                           
   cbf_ascii.c          change use of range of token values to explicit       
                      symbolic tokens                                         
   cbf_binary.h         merge cbf_binary_params into cbf_binary_parameters,   
                      remove cbf_write_binary                                 
   cbf_binary.c         add cbf_read_mime.h, and CBF_TOKEN_MIME_BIN token,    
                      use cbf_set/get_fileposition, merge cbf_binary_params   
                      into cbf_binary_parameters, restore some uses of const, 
                      use cbf_decompress_parameters with extended argument    
                      list, use cbf_mime_temp, move cbf_write_binary to its   
                      own file.                                               
   cbf_canonical.h      add argument binsize to cbf_compress_canonical, add   
                      argument repeat to cbf_decompress_canonical             
   cbf_canonical.c      add notices, remove binbitcount, handle binsize as an 
   cbf_codes.h          new header                                            
   cbf_codes.c          revise notices, major cleanup.                        
   cbf_compress.c       add notices, add compressedsize argument, add repeat  
                      to decompression calls                                  
   cbf_context.c        add notices                                           
   cbf_compress.h       add argument compressedsize to cbf_compress, repeat   
                      to cbf_decompress                                       
   cbf_file.h           map "text..." to "buffer..." in cbf_file, remove      
                      CBFbytedir, change cbf_set_textsize to                  
                      cbf_set_buffersize, add cbf_reset_buffer, add           
                      cbf_get_buffer, change cbf_get/put_text to              
                      cbf_get/put_block, add cbf_get/set_position             
   cbf_file.c           add notices, change file->text to file->buffer,       
                      file->text_size to file->buffer_size, file->text_used   
                      to file->buffer_used, file->read_headers,               
                      file->write_headers, file->write_encoding, remove       
                      file->fpos, file->fend, add cbf_get/set_fileposition    
   cbf_lex.c            read by buffers, move MIME processing later in the    
   cbf_packed.h         add compressedsize argument to cbf-compress-packed,   
                      repeat to cbf_decompress_packed, remove ..none,         
                      ..byte_off, ..predict                                   
   cbf_packed.c         add notices, add bitcount argument to cbf_pack_chunk  
   cbf_predictor.h      new header                                            
   cbf_predictor.c      New routine                                           
   cbf_read_binary.h    new header                                            
   cbf_read_binary.c    New routine                                           
   cbf_read_mime.h      new header                                            
   cbf_string.h         new header                                            
   cbf_string.c         New routine, replacing string.c                       
   cbf_stx.c            Rebuild of cbf.stx with bison A2.6                    
   cbf_tree.h           remove CBF_INDEX, cbf_init_index, cbf_add_index,      
                      cleanup, add const                                      
   cbf_tree.c           add notices, general cleanup, restore const, remove   
                      cbf_init_index, cbf_add_index                           
   cbf_uncompressed.h   new header                                            
   cbf_uncompressed.c   New routine                                           
   cbf_write.c          add notices, change tests for "?" and ".", change     
                      range test on tokens to explicit list                   
   cbf_write_binary.h   new header                                            
   cbf_write_binary.c   New routine                                           
   global.h             new routine with part of md5.h                        
   md5c.c               use global.h                                          
   md5.h                move portion of this header to global.h, from whence  
                      it came                                                 


  Release 0.2, Herbert J. Bernstein, 27 August 1998

   Source File     Change                                                     
   cbf.h             Define CBF and CIF, add cbf_force_new_datablock,         
                   cbf_force_new_category, remove some uses of const, add,    
                   cbf_get_integerarrayparams, add globals CBForCIF,          
                   CIFCRterm, CIFNLterm, CBFbinsize, CBFmime, CBFdigest,      
                   CBFencoding, CBFelsize, CBFbytedir                         
   cbf.c             Define CBF and CIF, add cbf_force_new_datablock,         
                   cbf_force_new_category, remove some uses of const, add,    
                   cbf_get_integerarrayparams, add globals CBForCIF,          
                   CIFCRterm, CIFNLterm, CBFbinsize, CBFmime, CBFdigest,      
                   CBFencoding, CBFelsize, CBFbytedir                         
   cbf.stx           Add malloc.h when using gcc                              
   cbf.stx.y         Version of cbf.stx with changes to allow DDL1            
   cbf_ascii.c       Use symbols for tokens                                   
   cbf_binary.h      Add cbf_binary_params                                    
   cbf_binary.c      Add digest logic, change file position tracking          
   cbf_canonical.c   Make writing repeat consistent; track binbitcount add    
                   cbf_binary_params, use cbf_decompress_params; allow MIME   
   cbf_codes.c       New routine adapted from mpack                           
   cbf_compress.h    Add cbf_decompress_params                                
   cbf_compress.c    Add hooks for CBF_NONE, CBF_BYTE_OFFSET, CBF_PREDICTOR,  
                   add cbf_decompress_params                                  
   cbf_context.h     Remove const from cbf_copy_string                        
   cbf_context.c     Remove const from cbf_copy_string                        
   cbf_decode.c      New routine adapted from mpack                           
   cbf_file.h        Add files to record file position                        
   cbf_file.c        Track file position; allow writing CIFs and CBFs         
   cbf_lex.c         Add mime processing; add DDL1 support; process "."       
   cbf_mime.c        New routine                                              
   cbf_packed.h      Add cbf_compress_none, cbf_decompress_none,              
                   cbf_compress_byte_off, cbf_decompress_byte_off,            
                   cbf_compress_predict, cbf_decompress_predict               
   cbf_packed.c      Add cbf_compress_none, cbf_decompress_none, dummy        
                   cbf_compress_byte_off, dummy cbf_decompress_byte_off,      
                   dummy cbf_compress_predict, dummy cbf_decompress_predict;  
                   ensure consistent writing of repeat                        
   cbf_part.h        New header adapted from mpack                            
   cbf_part.c        New routine adapted from pack                            
   cbf_stx.c         rebuilt with correct bison parser from cbf.stx.y         
   cbf_tree.c        added cbf_make_new_node, cbf_find_last_child,            
                   cbf_name_new_node, cbf_add_new_child, cbf_make_new_child,  
                   cbf_init_index, cbf_add_index; report CBF_ARGUMENT for     
                   cbf_make_child for type CBF_LINK; removed some uses of     
   cbf_write.c       Added symbols for parse tokens; recognize "."; adjusted  
                   file header line to conform to documentation; removed some 
                   uses of const                                              
   cif2cbf.c         New program                                              
   common.h          New header from mpack                                    
   img2cif.c         New program                                              
   makecbf.c         Add local_exit and change cbf_failnez to facilitate      
                   debugging, add _array_intensities.binary_id,               
   md5.h             New header from mpack                                    
   md5c.c            New routine from mpack                                   
   string.c          New routine from mpack                                   
   uudecode.c        New routine from mpack                                   


  Release 0.1, Paul J. Ellis, 17 April 1998

   This was the first CBFlib release. It supported binary CBF files using
   binary strings.



   Updated 13 February 2011.  yaya at bernstein-plus-sons dot com