

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > eee00533ac83fd7ebbf9846dc6d3b77b > files > 137


	  <STRONG>glPixelStoref,</STRONG> <STRONG>glPixelStorei</STRONG> - set pixel storage modes

	  void <STRONG>glPixelStoref</STRONG>( GLenum <EM>pname</EM>,
			      GLfloat <EM>param</EM> )
	  void <STRONG>glPixelStorei</STRONG>( GLenum <EM>pname</EM>,
			      GLint <EM>param</EM> )

	  <EM>pname</EM>	 Specifies the symbolic	name of	the parameter to be
		 set.  Six values affect the packing of	pixel data
		 affect	the unpacking of pixel data <EM>from</EM> memory:

	  <EM>param</EM>	 Specifies the value that <EM>pname</EM>	is set to.

	  <STRONG>glPixelStore</STRONG> sets pixel storage modes	that affect the
	  operation of subsequent <STRONG>glDrawPixels</STRONG> and <STRONG>glReadPixels</STRONG>	as
	  well as the unpacking	of polygon stipple patterns (see
	  <STRONG>glPolygonStipple</STRONG>), bitmaps (see <STRONG>glBitmap</STRONG>), and texture
	  patterns (see	<STRONG>glTexImage1D</STRONG>, <STRONG>glTexImage2D</STRONG>, <STRONG>glTexSubImage1D</STRONG>,
	  and <STRONG>glTexSubImage2D</STRONG>).

	  <EM>pname</EM>	is a symbolic constant indicating the parameter	to be
	  set, and <EM>param</EM> is the	new value.  Six	of the twelve storage
	  parameters affect how	pixel data is returned to client
	  memory, and are therefore significant	only for <STRONG>glReadPixels</STRONG>
	  commands.  They are as follows:

		    If true, byte ordering for multibyte color
		    components,	depth components, color	indices, or
		    stencil indices is reversed.  That is, if a	four-
		    byte component consists of bytes b , b , b , b ,
		    it is stored in memory as b	, b , <STRONG>b</STRONG>	, <STRONG>b</STRONG>  i<STRONG>f</STRONG>	  3
		    has	no effect on the memory	order of components
		    within a pixel, only on the	order of bytes within
		    components or indices.  For	example, the three
		    components of a <STRONG>GL_RGB</STRONG> format pixel	are always
		    stored with	red first, green second, and blue
		    third, regardless of the value of

		    If true, bits are ordered within a byte from least
		    significant	to most	significant; otherwise,	the
		    first bit in each byte is the most significant
		    one.  This parameter is significant	for bitmap
		    data only.

		    If greater than 0, <STRONG>GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH</STRONG> defines the
		    number of pixels in	a row.	If the first pixel of
		    a row is placed at location	p in memory, then the
		    location of	the first pixel	of the next row	is
		    obtained by	skipping

					 |nl	  s<EM>&gt;</EM>a
				     k = |<STRONG>_</STRONG>|<STRONG>___</STRONG>|  s&lt;a
					 |s| a |
		    components or indices, where n is the number of
		    components or indices in a pixel, l	is the number
		    of pixels in a row (<STRONG>GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH</STRONG> if it is
		    greater than 0, the	width argument to the pixel
		    routine otherwise),	a is the value of
		    <STRONG>GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT</STRONG>, and s is	the size, in bytes, of
		    a single component (if a&lt;s,	then it	is as if a=s).
		    In the case	of 1-bit values, the location of the
		    next row is	obtained by skipping

					k = 8a|<STRONG>__</STRONG>|
		    components or indices.

		    The	word <EM>component</EM> in this description refers to
		    the	nonindex values	red, green, blue, alpha, and
		    depth.  Storage format <STRONG>GL_RGB</STRONG>, for example,	has
		    three components per pixel:	 first red, then
		    green, and finally blue.

		    These values are provided as a convenience to the
		    programmer;	they provide no	functionality that
		    cannot be duplicated simply	by incrementing	the
		    pointer passed to <STRONG>glReadPixels</STRONG>.  Setting
		    <STRONG>GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS</STRONG>	to i is	equivalent to
		    incrementing the pointer by	in components or
		    indices, where n is	the number of components or
		    indices in each pixel.  Setting <STRONG>GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS</STRONG>
		    to j is equivalent to incrementing the pointer by
		    jk components or indices, where k is the number of
		    components or indices per row, as just computed in
		    the	<STRONG>GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH</STRONG> section.

		    Specifies the alignment requirements for the start
		    of each pixel row in memory.  The allowable	values
		    are	1 (byte-alignment), 2 (rows aligned to even-
		    numbered bytes), 4 (word-alignment), and 8 (rows
		    start on double-word boundaries).

	  The other six	of the twelve storage parameters affect	how
	  pixel	data is	read from client memory.  These	values are
	  significant for <STRONG>glDrawPixels</STRONG>,	<STRONG>glTexImage1D</STRONG>, <STRONG>glTexImage2D</STRONG>,
	  <STRONG>glTexSubImage1D</STRONG>, <STRONG>glTexSubImage2D</STRONG>, <STRONG>glBitmap</STRONG>, and
	  <STRONG>glPolygonStipple</STRONG>.  They are as follows:

	       If true,	byte ordering for multibyte color components,
	       depth components, color indices,	or stencil indices is
	       reversed.  That is, if a	four-byte component consists
	       of bytes	b , b ,	b , b ,	it is taken from memory	as b ,
	       b , b , b 0if <STRONG>GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES</STRONG> is true.	    3
	       <STRONG>GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES</STRONG> has	no effect on the memory	order
	       of components within a pixel, only on the order of
	       bytes within components or indices.  For	example, the
	       three components	of a <STRONG>GL_RGB</STRONG> format pixel are always
	       stored with red first, green second, and	blue third,
	       regardless of the value of <STRONG>GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES</STRONG>.

	       If true,	bits are ordered within	a byte from least
	       significant to most significant;	otherwise, the first
	       bit in each byte	is the most significant	one.  This is
	       relevant	only for bitmap	data.

	       If greater than 0, <STRONG>GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH</STRONG> defines the
	       number of pixels	in a row.  If the first	pixel of a row
	       is placed at location p in memory, then the location of
	       the first pixel of the next row is obtained by skipping

				      |nl      s<EM>&gt;</EM>a
				  k = |<STRONG>_</STRONG>|<STRONG>___</STRONG>|  s&lt;a
				      |s| a |
	       components or indices, where n is the number of
	       components or indices in	a pixel, l is the number of
	       pixels in a row (<STRONG>GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH</STRONG> if	it is greater
	       than 0, the width argument to the pixel routine
	       otherwise), a is	the value of <STRONG>GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT</STRONG>, and
	       s is the	size, in bytes,	of a single component (if a&lt;s,
	       then it is as if	a=s).  In the case of 1-bit values,
	       the location of the next	row is obtained	by skipping

				     k = 8a|<STRONG>__</STRONG>|
	       components or indices.

	       The word	<EM>component</EM> in this description refers to	the
	       nonindex	values red, green, blue, alpha,	and depth.
	       Storage format <STRONG>GL_RGB</STRONG>, for example, has three
	       components per pixel:  first red, then green, and
	       finally blue.

	       These values are	provided as a convenience to the
	       programmer; they	provide	no functionality that cannot
	       be duplicated by	incrementing the pointer passed	to
	       <STRONG>glDrawPixels</STRONG>, <STRONG>glTexImage1D</STRONG>, <STRONG>glTexImage2D</STRONG>,
	       <STRONG>glTexSubImage1D</STRONG>,	<STRONG>glTexSubImage2D</STRONG>, <STRONG>glBitmap</STRONG>, or
	       <STRONG>glPolygonStipple</STRONG>.  Setting <STRONG>GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS</STRONG>	to i
	       is equivalent to	incrementing the pointer by in
	       components or indices, where n is the number of
	       components or indices in	each pixel.  Setting
	       <STRONG>GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS</STRONG> to j	is equivalent to incrementing
	       the pointer by jk components or indices,	where k	is the
	       number of components or indices per row,	as just
	       computed	in the <STRONG>GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH</STRONG> section.

	       Specifies the alignment requirements for	the start of
	       each pixel row in memory.  The allowable	values are 1
	       (byte-alignment), 2 (rows aligned to even-numbered
	       bytes), 4 (word-alignment), and 8 (rows start on
	       double-word boundaries).

	  The following	table gives the	type, initial value, and range
	  of valid values for each storage parameter that can be set
	  with <STRONG>glPixelStore</STRONG>.

       |	<EM>pname</EM>	      |	 <EM>type</EM>	| <EM>initial</EM> <EM>value</EM>	|  <EM>valid</EM> <EM>range</EM>	|
       | <STRONG>GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES</STRONG>   |	boolean	|     false	| true or false	|
       |  <STRONG>GL_PACK_LSB_FIRST</STRONG>   |	boolean	|     false	| true or false	|
       | <STRONG>GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH</STRONG>   |	integer	|	0	|    [0,oo)	|
       |  <STRONG>GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS</STRONG>   |	integer	|	0	|    [0,oo)	|
       | <STRONG>GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS</STRONG>  |	integer	|	0	|    [0,oo)	|
       |  <STRONG>GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT</STRONG>   |	integer	|	4	| 1, 2,	4, or 8	|
       |<STRONG>GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES</STRONG>  |	boolean	|     false	| true or false	|
       | <STRONG>GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST</STRONG>  |	boolean	|     false	| true or false	|
       |<STRONG>GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH</STRONG>  |	integer	|	0	|    [0,oo)	|
       | <STRONG>GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS</STRONG>  |	integer	|	0	|    [0,oo)	|

       |<STRONG>GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS</STRONG> |	integer	|	0	|    [0,oo)	|
       | <STRONG>GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT</STRONG>  |	integer	|	4	| 1, 2,	4, or 8	|

	  <STRONG>glPixelStoref</STRONG>	can be used to set any pixel store parameter.
	  If the parameter type	is boolean, then if <EM>param</EM> is 0,	the
	  parameter is false; otherwise	it is set to true.  If <EM>pname</EM>
	  is a integer type parameter, <EM>param</EM> is	rounded	to the nearest

	  Likewise, <STRONG>glPixelStorei</STRONG> can also be used to set any of the
	  pixel	store parameters.  Boolean parameters are set to false
	  if <EM>param</EM> is 0	and true otherwise.

	  The pixel storage modes in effect when <STRONG>glDrawPixels</STRONG>,
	  <STRONG>glReadPixels</STRONG>,	<STRONG>glTexImage1D</STRONG>, <STRONG>glTexImage2D</STRONG>, <STRONG>glTexSubImage1D</STRONG>,
	  <STRONG>glTexSubImage2D</STRONG>, <STRONG>glBitmap</STRONG>, or	<STRONG>glPolygonStipple</STRONG> is placed in
	  a display list control the interpretation of memory data.
	  The pixel storage modes in effect when a display list	is
	  executed are not significant.

	  Pixel	storage	modes are client state and must	be pushed and
	  restored using
	  <STRONG>glPushClientAttrib</STRONG> and <STRONG>glPopClientAttrib</STRONG>.

	  <STRONG>GL_INVALID_ENUM</STRONG> is generated if <EM>pname</EM>	is not an accepted

	  <STRONG>GL_INVALID_VALUE</STRONG> is generated	if a negative row length,
	  pixel	skip, or row skip value	is specified, or if alignment
	  is specified as other	than 1,	2, 4, or 8.

	  <STRONG>GL_INVALID_OPERATION</STRONG> is generated if <STRONG>glPixelStore</STRONG> is
	  executed between the execution of <STRONG>glBegin</STRONG> and	the
	  corresponding	execution of <STRONG>glEnd</STRONG>.


	  <STRONG>glBitmap</STRONG>, <STRONG>glDrawPixels</STRONG>, <STRONG>glPixelMap</STRONG>, <STRONG>glPixelTransfer</STRONG>,
	  <STRONG>glPolygonStipple</STRONG>, <STRONG>glPushClientAttrib</STRONG>,	<STRONG>glReadPixels</STRONG>,
	  <STRONG>glTexImage1D</STRONG>,	<STRONG>glTexImage2D</STRONG>, <STRONG>glTexSubImage1D</STRONG>, <STRONG>glTexSubImage2D</STRONG>
