

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > eee00533ac83fd7ebbf9846dc6d3b77b > files > 204


	  <STRONG>gluPerspective</STRONG> - set up a perspective	projection matrix

	  void <STRONG>gluPerspective</STRONG>( GLdouble	<EM>fovy</EM>,
			       GLdouble	<EM>aspect</EM>,
			       GLdouble	<EM>zNear</EM>,
			       GLdouble	<EM>zFar</EM> )

	  <EM>fovy</EM>	  Specifies the	field of view angle, in	degrees, in
		  the <EM>y</EM>	direction.

	  <EM>aspect</EM>  Specifies the	aspect ratio that determines the field
		  of view in the <EM>x</EM> direction.  The aspect ratio	is the
		  ratio	of <EM>x</EM> (width) to	<EM>y</EM> (height).

	  <EM>zNear</EM>	  Specifies the	distance from the viewer to the	near
		  clipping plane (always positive).

	  <EM>zFar</EM>	  Specifies the	distance from the viewer to the	far
		  clipping plane (always positive).

	  <STRONG>gluPerspective</STRONG> specifies a viewing frustum into the world
	  coordinate system.  In general, the aspect ratio in
	  <STRONG>gluPerspective</STRONG> should	match the aspect ratio of the
	  associated viewport. For example, aspect=2.0 means the
	  viewer's angle of view is twice as wide in <EM>x</EM> as it is	in <EM>y</EM>.
	  If the viewport is twice as wide as it is tall, it displays
	  the image without distortion.

	  The matrix generated by <STRONG>gluPerspective</STRONG> is multipled by the
	  current matrix, just as if <STRONG>glMultMatrix</STRONG> were called with the
	  generated matrix.  To	load the perspective matrix onto the
	  current matrix stack instead,	precede	the call to
	  <STRONG>gluPerspective</STRONG> with a	call to	<STRONG>glLoadIdentity</STRONG>.

	  Given	<EM>f</EM> defined as follows:

			      f	= cotangent(<STRONG>____</STRONG>)
	  The generated	matrix is

		   (					    )
		   |  ___<STRONG>_</STRONG>__				    |
		   |  aspect  0	     0		  0	    |
		   |					    |
		   |	0     f	     0		  0	    |
		   |		 <STRONG>__________</STRONG>  <STRONG>____________</STRONG>   |
		   |	0     0	 zNear-zFar   zNear-zFar    |
		   (					    )
			0     0	     -1		  0
	  Depth	buffer precision is affected by	the values specified
	  for <EM>zNear</EM> and	<EM>zFar</EM>.  The greater the ratio of	<EM>zFar</EM> to	<EM>zNear</EM>
	  is, the less effective the depth buffer will be at
	  distinguishing between surfaces that are near	each other.

				   r = _<STRONG>____</STRONG>

	  roughly log r	bits of	depth buffer precision are lost.
	  Because r a<STRONG>p</STRONG>proaches infinity	as <EM>zNear</EM> approaches 0, <EM>zNear</EM>
	  must never be	set to 0.

	  <STRONG>glFrustum</STRONG>, <STRONG>glLoadIdentity</STRONG>, <STRONG>glMultMatrix</STRONG>, <STRONG>gluOrtho2D</STRONG>
