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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Manpage of glutInitDisplayString</TITLE>
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<A NAME="lbAB">&nbsp;</A>

glutInitDisplayString - sets the initial display mode via a string. 
<A NAME="lbAC">&nbsp;</A>


void glutInitDisplayString(char *string);

<A NAME="lbAD">&nbsp;</A>

Display mode description string, see below.
<A NAME="lbAE">&nbsp;</A>

The initial display mode description string is used when creating top-level windows,
subwindows, and overlays to determine the OpenGL display mode for
the to-be-created window or overlay. 

The string is a list of zero or more capability descriptions separated by
spaces and tabs.  Each capability description is a capability name that
is optionally followed by a comparator and a numeric value.  For
example, &quot;double&quot; and &quot;depth&gt;=12&quot; are both valid criteria.

The capability descriptions are translated into a set of criteria
used to select the appropriate frame buffer configuration.

The criteria are matched in
strict left to right order of precdence.  That is, the first specified
criteria (leftmost) takes precedence over the later criteria for non-exact
criteria (greater than, less than, etc. comparators).  Exact
criteria (equal, not equal compartors) must match exactly so precedence is
not relevant.

The numeric value is an integer that is parsed according to ANSI C's
strtol(str, strptr, 0) behavior.  This means that decimal, octal
(leading 0), and hexidecimal values (leading 0x) are accepeted.

The valid compartors are:


Not equal.

Less than and preferring larger difference (the least is best).

Greeater than and preferring larger differences (the most is best).

Less than or equal and preferring larger difference (the least is best).

Greater than or equal and preferring more instead of less.
This comparator is useful for allocating resources like color
precsion or depth buffer precision where the maximum precison
is generally preferred.  Contrast with the tilde (~) comprator.

Greater than or equal but preferring less instead of more.  This
compartor is useful for allocating resources such as stencil bits or
auxillary color buffers where you would rather not over allocate.

When the compartor and numeric value are not specified, each
capability name has a different default (one default is to require
a a compartor and numeric value).


The valid capability names are:
<DT><B>alpha </B>

Alpha color buffer precision in bits.
Default is &quot;&gt;=1&quot;.

Red, green, blue, and alpha accumulation buffer precision in bits.
Default is &quot;&gt;=1&quot; for red, green, blue, and alpha capabilities.

Red, green, and green accumulation buffer precision in bits and zero
bits of alpha accumulation buffer precision.
Default is &quot;&gt;=1&quot; for red, green, and blue capabilities, and 
&quot;~0&quot; for the alpha capability.

Blue color buffer precision in bits.
Default is &quot;&gt;=1&quot;.

Number of bits in the color index color buffer.
Default is &quot;&gt;=1&quot;.

Boolean indicating if the frame buffer configuration is conformant or
not.  Conformance information is based on GLX's EXT_visual_rating
extension if supported.  If the extension is not supported, all visuals
are assumed conformat.
Default is &quot;=1&quot;.

Number of bits of precsion in the depth buffer.
Default is &quot;&gt;=12&quot;.

Boolean indicating if the color buffer is double buffered.
Default is &quot;=1&quot;.

Green color buffer precision in bits.
Default is &quot;&gt;=1&quot;.

Boolean if the color model is color index or not.  True is color index.
Default is &quot;&gt;=1&quot;.

A special capability name indicating where the value represents the
Nth frame buffer configuration matching the description string.
When not specified, glutInitDisplayString also returns the first
(best matching) configuration.  num requires a compartor and
numeric value.

Red color buffer precision in bits.
Default is &quot;&gt;=1&quot;.

Number of bits of red, green, blue, and alpha in the RGBA color buffer.
Default is &quot;&gt;=1&quot; for red, green, blue, and alpha capabilities,
and &quot;=1&quot; for the RGBA color model capability.

Number of bits of red, green, and blue in the RGBA color buffer and
zero bits of alpha color buffer precision.
Default is &quot;&gt;=1&quot; for the red, green, and blue capabilities, and &quot;~0&quot; for 
alpha capability, and &quot;=1&quot; for the RGBA color model capability.

Number of bits of red in the RGBA and zero bits of green, blue (alpha
not specified) of color buffer precision.
Default is &quot;&gt;=1&quot; for the red capabilitis, and &quot;=0&quot; for the
green and blue capabilities, and &quot;=1&quot; for the RGBA color model
capability, and, for X11, &quot;=1&quot; for the StaticGray (&quot;xstaticgray&quot;)

SGI InfiniteReality (and other future machines) support a 16-bit
luminance (single channel) display mode (an additional 16-bit alpha
channel can also be requested).  The red channel maps to gray scale and
green and blue channels are not available.  A 16-bit precision
luminance display mode is often appropriate for medical imaging
applications.  Do not expect many machines to support extended
precision luminance display modes.

Number of bits in the stencil buffer.

Boolean indicate the color buffer is single buffered.
Double buffer capability &quot;=1&quot;.

Boolean indicating the color buffer is supports OpenGL-style stereo.
Default is &quot;=1&quot;.

Indicates the number of multisamples to use based on GLX's
SGIS_multisample extension (for antialiasing).
Default is &quot;&lt;=4&quot;.  This default means that a GLUT application can
request multipsampling if available by simply specifying &quot;samples&quot;.

Boolean indicating if the frame buffer configuration is slow or
not.  Slowness information is based on GLX's EXT_visual_rating
extension if supported.  If the extension is not supported, all visuals
are assumed fast.  Note that slowness is a relative designation relative
to other frame buffer configurations available.  The intent of the
slow capability is to help programs avoid frame buffer configurations
that are slower (but perhaps higher precision) for the current machine.
Default is &quot;&gt;=0&quot;.  This default means that slow visuals are used in
preference to fast visuals, but fast visuals will still be allowed.

Only recognized on GLUT implementations for Win32, this capability
name matches the Win32 Pixel Format Descriptor by numer.  win32pfd
requires a compartor and numeric value.

Only recongized on GLUT implementations for the X Window System, this
capability name matches the X visual ID by number.
xvisual requires a compartor and numeric value.

Only recongized on GLUT implementations for the X Window System,
boolean indicating if the frame buffer configuration's X visual is
of type StaticGray.
Default is &quot;=1&quot;.

Only recongized on GLUT implementations for the X Window System,
boolean indicating if the frame buffer configuration's X visual is
of type GrayScale.
Default is &quot;=1&quot;.

Only recongized on GLUT implementations for the X Window System,
boolean indicating if the frame buffer configuration's X visual is
of type StaticColor.
Default is &quot;=1&quot;.

Only recongized on GLUT implementations for the X Window System,
boolean indicating if the frame buffer configuration's X visual is
of type PsuedoColor.
Default is &quot;=1&quot;.

Only recongized on GLUT implementations for the X Window System,
boolean indicating if the frame buffer configuration's X visual is
of type TrueColor.
Default is &quot;=1&quot;.

Only recongized on GLUT implementations for the X Window System,
boolean indicating if the frame buffer configuration's X visual is
of type DirectColor.
Default is &quot;=1&quot;.

Unspecifed capability descriptions will result in unspecified
criteria being generated.  These unspecified criteria help
glutInitDisplayString behave sensibly with terse
display mode description strings.
<A NAME="lbAF">&nbsp;</A>

Here is an examples using glutInitDisplayString:

  glutInitDisplayString(&quot;stencil~2 rgb double depth&gt;=16 samples&quot;);


The above call requests a window with an RGBA color model (but requesting
no bits of alpha), a depth buffer with at least 16 bits of precsion but
preferring more, mutlisampling
if available, and at least 2 bits of stencil (favoring less stencil
to more as long as 2 bits are available).
<A NAME="lbAG">&nbsp;</A>

glutInit, glutCreateWindow, glutInitDisplayMode
<A NAME="lbAH">&nbsp;</A>

Mark J. Kilgard (<A HREF=""></A>)

<A NAME="index">&nbsp;</A><H2>Index</H2>
<DT><A HREF="#lbAB">NAME</A><DD>
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Time: 19:05:09 GMT, September 15, 2003