

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > f1d204c9597d95051bf48c1cf95db587 > files > 1


# drraw configuration template/sample
# $Id: drraw.conf 1557 2008-12-29 18:15:51Z kalt $
# This file should be installed in the same directory as drraw.cgi and
# edited as needed to customize your installation.
# ** QUICK START  : You need to edit variables which are not commented (below)
# ** ONCE IT WORKS: Take some time to go over this file again once you are
#                   more familiar with drraw to customize it in order to better
#                   suit your needs and preferences.

# this will help catch configuration mistakes
use strict;

# The title used as header for the index web pages
#$title = 'Draw Round Robin Archives on the Web';
# If you want to add a custom header for all pages, define this..
#$header =
# If you want to add a custom footer for all pages, define this..
#$footer =

# Directories where Round Robin Databases may be found
# They will be searched recursively for files matching *.rrd (Round Robin
# Database files) and *.evt (Event files).
# NOTE: Specify directory paths without any trailing slash
%datadirs = ('/here/are/some/files'  => '[Label1] ',
             '/here/are/other/files' => '[Label2] ',

# This function is used to sort *.rrd and *.evt filenames before displaying
# them for the user to choose from.  It is passed the two arguments that
# need to be compared.#sub mydatafnsort { return $_[0] cmp $_[1]; }

# Default DS filter when adding graph data sources from RRD files
#$dsfilter_def = '';

# Names of defined RRAs and the names to use on the graphs
# ** IMPORTANT: These MUST match with how your RRD files are setup!
@rranames = ( 'MIN', 'AVERAGE', 'MAX', 'LAST' );
%rranames = ( 'MIN'    => 'Min',
              'AVERAGE' => 'Avg',
              'MAX'     => 'Max',
              'LAST'    => 'Last'

# Viewer automatic refresh timer (seconds)
#$vrefresh = '900';
# Minimum dashboard automatic refresh timer (seconds)
#$drefresh = 1800;

# Default Views and their names
#@dv_def  = ( 'end - 28 hours', 'end - 1 week', 'end - 1 month', 'end - 1 year' );
#@dv_name = ( 'Past 28 Hours', 'Past Week', 'Past Month', 'Past Year' );
# How many seconds for each of the above views?
# (Ignored when using rrdtool 1.0.47 or later)
#@dv_secs = ( 100800, 604800, 2419200, 31536000 );

# Format used for the "Additional GPRINTs"
#$gformat = "%8.2lf";

# Graph Overlay (Requires RRDtool 1.0.36 or later)
#$overlay = '/somewhere/';

# Maximum time (seconds) CGI processes may be running (0 to disable)
#$maxtime = 60;

# Cache refresh time (seconds)
#$crefresh = 3600;

# Where to save data and store temporary files
# These directories MUST EXIST and the user running CGI scripts must have
# read AND write access to them.  It is entirely safe to delete any content
# found in the temporary directory.
$saved_dir = '/var/lib/drraw';
$tmp_dir = '/var/tmp';
# By default, critical errors are shown in the produced HTML pages produced
# and sent to standard error (which web servers typically write to some
# logfile).  If the following is defined, such errors will be written to
# file directly by drraw.
#$ERRLOG = '/somewhere/drraw/tmp/errors.log';
# By default (as long as the Digest::MD5 Perl module is available), drraw
# will cache images to avoid recomputing them needlessly.  The following
# sets how often drraw should purge expired images from the cache.
# (Expired images being are automatically purged when refreshed.)
# Setting this to 0 will disable caching altogether.
$clean_cache = 21600; # 6 hours
# Whether or not RCS will be used, this requires:
# (1) The Perl "Rcs" module to be installed
# (2) The $saved_dir/RCS directory to exist
#$use_rcs = 1;
# Whether or not to look for data source names in pnp4nagios' XML files.
# This requires the Perl "XML::Simple" module to be installed.
#$use_pnp4nagios = 1;

# Security Levels:
#       0 : Read-Only (e.g. graph viewing only)
#       1 : Limited Read-Write (such users can define/save new graphs,
#                               and delete saved graphs they saved)
#       2 : Read-Write
# User authentication/validation handling is left up to the web server.  In
# other words, for things to work, you will need to change the web server
# configuration.  If you don't, nothing will happen :-)
# Authenticated users automatically set the level to 2 unless the username
# is found in %users (below) in which case the level is set accordingly to
# what is defined.
# Unauthenticated users get the 'guest' username.
# If you don't care for authentication, set the following to 2.
#%users = ( 'guest' => 0 );

# By default, drraw will use the REMOTE_USER environment variable to find
# the user's username.  If you wish to use something else, simply define
# the following subroutine.
# NOTES: (1) drraw will fall back to using the REMOTE_USER environment variable
#            if this subroutine returns 'undef': use 'guest' if you wish to
#            leave the user unauthenticated.
#        (2) this subroutine may manipulate the %users array based on external
#            data allowing to process authentication entirely out of this
#            configuration file.
#sub mygetuser { return $ENV{'SSL_CLIENT_EMAIL'}; }

# If you want to override your system's default timezone, you may do so here.
#$ENV{'TZ'} = 'UCT';

# If you have many RRD files and templates, indexes can become extremely
# big and slow to load.  This variable allows you to prevent all templates
# choices from being displayed in the indexes based on how many choices
# are available per template.
#$IndexMax = 100;

# Custom Index Definition
# Custom Indexes are defined as a HASH:
#  - Each key is the name that will be presented to the user
#  - Keys are sorted when the index is built
#  - If a key matches ^\d+\s+(\S.*)$ then only $1 will be shown
#    (This allows for keys to be sorted independently of what is shown.)
#  - The value for a given key must be one of the following:
#    - A  HASH   (for nested indexes)
#    - A  SCALAR (for leaves) which will be matched as a regular expression
#      against the Graph titles, Template titles and Dashboard titles.
#      Matching titles will be presented to the user.
#    - An ARRAY  (for leaves) containing 3 elements.  Each element will be
#      matched as a regular expression against the Graph titles, Template
#      titles and Dashboard titles (respectively).  Matching titles will
#      be presented to the user.
# For example:
# %Index = ( '1 Network' => { 'Cisco' => [ undef, 'Cisco', 'Cisco' ],
#                             'Interfaces Statistics' => 'Interface',
#                             'Miscellaneous' => [ 'Traffic', '(DMZ Traffic|Firewall)', undef ],
#                             'VPN' => 'VPN' },
#            '2 Storage' => [ undef, '(Disk|SAN)', '(Disk|SAN)' ],
#            '3 UNIX' => [ '(Solaris|BSD)', '(Solaris|BSD)', 'UNIX' ],
#            '4 Windows => [ 'Windows', 'Windows', 'Windows' ],
#            '5 Environmental' => [ 'Datacenter', undef, 'Datacenter' ] );
# IMPORTANT NOTE #1: Nested indexes are implemented using JavaScript.
# IMPORTANT NOTE #2: The above feature trigges a bug in the module
#                    from version 2.92 to version 3.04

# Icons used in the browser
# These may be copied from the drraw distribution if they are missing from
# your web server installation.
#$icon_new = '/icons/generic.gif';
#$icon_closed = '/icons/folder.gif';
#$icon_open = '/icons/';
#$icon_text = '/icons/text.gif';
#$icon_help = '/icons/unknown.gif';
#$icon_bug = '/icons/bomb.gif';
#$icon_link = '/icons/link.gif';

# Available colors
# Note:  You should never remove colors from the configured list as it will
#        break any saved graph/template using the colors you remove.
#%colors = ( 'Black'  => '#000000',
#            'Silver' => '#C0C0C0',
#            'Gray'   => '#808080',
#            'White'  => '#FFFFFF',
#            'Maroon' => '#800000',
#            'Red'    => '#FF0000',
#            'Purple' => '#800080',
#            'Green'  => '#008000',
#            'Lime'   => '#00FF00',
#            'Olive'  => '#808000',
#            'Yellow' => '#FFFF00',
#            'Orange' => '#FFA500',
#            'Pink'   => '#FFC0CB',
#            'Navy'   => '#000080',
#            'Blue'   => '#0000FF',
#            'Teal'   => '#008080',
#            'Aqua'   => '#00FFFF',
#            'Invisible' => '',
#            'Aquamarine' => '#7FFFD4',
#            'BlueViolet' => '#8A2BE2',
#            'Brown' => '#A52A2A',
#            'BurlyWood' => '#DEB887',
#            'CadetBlue' => '#5F9EA0',
#            'Chocolate' => '#D2691E',
#            'Coral' => '#FF7F50',
#            'CornflowerBlue' => '#6495ED',
#            'Crimson' => '#DC143C',
#            'DarkGoldenRod' => '#B8860B',
#            'DarkGray' => '#A9A9A9',
#            'DarkKhaki' => '#BDB76B',
#            'DarkMagenta' => '#8B008B',
#            'DarkOliveGreen' => '#556B2F',
#            'Darkorange' => '#FF8C00',
#            'DarkOrchid' => '#9932CC',
#            'DarkRed' => '#8B0000',
#            'DarkSalmon' => '#E9967A',
#            'DarkSeaGreen' => '#8FBC8F',
#            'DarkSlateBlue' => '#483D8B',
#            'DarkSlateGray' => '#2F4F4F',
#            'DarkViolet' => '#9400D3',
#            'DeepPink' => '#FF1493',
#            'DeepSkyBlue' => '#00BFFF',
#            'DimGray' => '#696969',
#            'DodgerBlue' => '#1E90FF',
#            'Feldspar' => '#D19275',
#            'FireBrick' => '#B22222',
#            'ForestGreen' => '#228B22',
#            'Fuchsia' => '#FF00FF',
#            'Gainsboro' => '#DCDCDC',
#            'Gold' => '#FFD700',
#            'GoldenRod' => '#DAA520',
#            'GreenYellow' => '#ADFF2F',
#            'HotPink' => '#FF69B4',
#            'IndianRed' => '#CD5C5C',
#            'Indigo' => '#4B0082',
#            'Khaki' => '#F0E68C',
#            'LightBlue' => '#ADD8E6',
#            'LightCoral' => '#F08080',
#            'LightGrey' => '#D3D3D3',
#            'LightGreen' => '#90EE90',
#            'LightPink' => '#FFB6C1',
#            'LightSalmon' => '#FFA07A',
#            'LightSeaGreen' => '#20B2AA',
#            'LightSlateBlue' => '#8470FF',
#            'LimeGreen' => '#32CD32',
#            'Magenta' => '#FF00FF',
#            'Maroon' => '#800000',
#            'MediumAquaMarine' => '#66CDAA',
#            'MediumBlue' => '#0000CD',
#            'MediumOrchid' => '#BA55D3',
#            'MediumPurple' => '#9370D8',
#            'MediumSeaGreen' => '#3CB371',
#            'MediumSlateBlue' => '#7B68EE',
#            'MediumSpringGreen' => '#00FA9A',
#            'MediumTurquoise' => '#48D1CC',
#            'MediumVioletRed' => '#C71585',
#            'MidnightBlue' => '#191970',
#            'Moccasin' => '#FFE4B5',
#            'OliveDrab' => '#6B8E23',
#            'OrangeRed' => '#FF4500',
#            'Orchid' => '#DA70D6',
#            'PaleGreen' => '#98FB98',
#            'PaleVioletRed' => '#D87093',
#            'Peru' => '#CD853F',
#            'Plum' => '#DDA0DD',
#            'RosyBrown' => '#BC8F8F',
#            'RoyalBlue' => '#4169E1',
#            'SaddleBrown' => '#8B4513',
#            'Salmon' => '#FA8072',
#            'SeaGreen' => '#2E8B57',
#            'Sienna' => '#A0522D',
#            'SkyBlue' => '#87CEEB',
#            'SlateBlue' => '#6A5ACD',
#            'SlateGray' => '#708090',
#            'SpringGreen' => '#00FF7F',
#            'SteelBlue' => '#4682B4',
#            'Tan' => '#D2B48C',
#            'Teal' => '#008080',
#            'Thistle' => '#D8BFD8',
#            'Tomato' => '#FF6347',
#            'Turquoise' => '#40E0D0',
#            'Violet' => '#EE82EE',
#            'VioletRed' => '#D02090',
#            'Wheat' => '#F5DEB3',
#            'White' => '#FFFFFF',
#            'Yellow' => '#FFFF00',
#            'YellowGreen' => '#9ACD32',
#          );

# Custom Style Sheet
# $CSS


# Local Variables:
# mode: perl
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# tab-width: 4
# cperl-indent-level: 4
# End: