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        <li><a href='#Subprograms__General' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>General</a></li>
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  <a name='Description'></a>
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This package provides definitions for string conversions and i18n.
See also <a href='glib-unicode.html'>Glib.Unicode</a>.
  </div> <!-- description -->

  <a name='Subprograms'> </a>
  <a name='Subprograms__General'> </a>
  <div id='subprograms'>
     <li><a name='Convert_Error_Domain_1_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Convert_Error_Domain</span> <b>return</b> GQuark;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return the error domain associated with <a href='glib-convert.html'>Glib.Convert</a>.
     <li><a name='Convert_2_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Convert</span>
  (Str           : String;
   To_Codeset    : String;
   From_Codeset  : String;
   Bytes_Read    : <b>out</b> Natural;
   Bytes_Written : <b>out</b> Natural;
   Error         : GError_Access := <b>null</b>;
   Result        : <b>out</b> String);</div>
<div class='comment'><a href='glib-convert.html#Convert_6_'>Convert</a> a string from one character set to another.
<tt>Str</tt>:           String to convert
<tt>Result</tt>:        String converted, if no error.
<tt>To_Codeset</tt>:    Name of character set into which to convert <tt>Str</tt>
<tt>From_Codeset</tt>:  Character set of <tt>Str</tt>.
<tt>Bytes_Read</tt>:    Number of bytes in the input string that were
               successfully converted.
               Even if the conversion was successful, this may be
               less than Len if there were partial characters
               at the end of the input. If the error
               Illegal_Sequence occurs, the value
               stored will the byte offset after the last valid
               input sequence.
<tt>Bytes_Written</tt>: Number of bytes stored in the output buffer.
<tt>Error</tt>:         Location to store the error occuring, ignored if null.
               Any of the errors in <a href='glib-convert.html#Convert_Error_Domain_1_'>Convert_Error_Domain</a> may occur.
     <li><a name='Convert_3_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Convert</span>
  (Str           : String;
   To_Codeset    : String;
   From_Codeset  : String;
   Error         : GError_Access := <b>null</b>) <b>return</b> String;</div>
<div class='comment'>Same as above, but return a String directly.
     <li><a name='Convert_4_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Convert</span>
  (Str           : chars_ptr;
   Len           : Natural;
   To_Codeset    : String;
   From_Codeset  : String;
   Bytes_Read    : <b>out</b> Natural;
   Bytes_Written : <b>out</b> Natural;
   Error         : GError_Access := <b>null</b>;
   Result        : <b>out</b> String);</div>
<div class='comment'>Same as <a href='glib-convert.html#Convert_6_'>Convert</a> procedure, but take a C string as input.
     <li><a name='Convert_5_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Convert</span>
  (Str           : String;
   To_Codeset    : String;
   From_Codeset  : String;
   Bytes_Read    : <b>access</b> Natural;
   Bytes_Written : <b>access</b> Natural;
   Error         : GError_Access := <b>null</b>) <b>return</b> chars_ptr;</div>
<div class='comment'>Same as <a href='glib-convert.html#Convert_6_'>Convert</a> procedure, but return the result as a C string.
     <li><a name='Convert_6_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Convert</span>
  (Str           : chars_ptr;
   Len           : Natural;
   To_Codeset    : String;
   From_Codeset  : String;
   Bytes_Read    : <b>access</b> Natural;
   Bytes_Written : <b>access</b> Natural;
   Error         : GError_Access := <b>null</b>) <b>return</b> chars_ptr;</div>
<div class='comment'>Same as <a href='glib-convert.html#Convert_6_'>Convert</a> procedure, but take and return the result as a C string.
     <li><a name='Locale_To_UTF8_7_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Locale_To_UTF8</span>
  (OS_String     : String;
   Bytes_Read    : <b>out</b> Natural;
   Bytes_Written : <b>out</b> Natural;
   Error         : GError_Access := <b>null</b>;
   Result        : <b>out</b> String);</div>
<div class='comment'><a href='glib-convert.html#Convert_6_'>Convert</a> a string which is in the encoding used for strings by
the C runtime (usually the same as that used by the operating
system) in the current locale into a UTF-8 string.
<tt>OS_String</tt>:     A string in the encoding of the current locale
<tt>Bytes_Read</tt>:    Number of bytes in the input string that were
               successfully converted.
               Even if the conversion was successful, this may be
               less than Len if there were partial characters
               at the end of the input. If the error
               Illegal_Sequence occurs, the value
               stored will the byte offset after the last valid
               input sequence.
<tt>Bytes_Written</tt>: Number of bytes stored in <tt>Result</tt>.
<tt>Error</tt>:         Location to store the error occuring, ignored if null.
               Any of the errors in <a href='glib-convert.html#Convert_Error_Domain_1_'>Convert_Error_Domain</a> may occur.
     <li><a name='Locale_To_UTF8_8_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Locale_To_UTF8</span>
  (OS_String     : String;
   Bytes_Read    : <b>access</b> Natural;
   Bytes_Written : <b>access</b> Natural;
   Error         : GError_Access := <b>null</b>) <b>return</b> chars_ptr;</div>
<div class='comment'>Same as procedure <a href='glib-convert.html#Locale_To_UTF8_9_'>Locale_To_UTF8</a>, but return the raw C string for
efficiency. The caller is responsible for freeing the resulting string.
     <li><a name='Locale_To_UTF8_9_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Locale_To_UTF8</span> (OS_String : String) <b>return</b> String;</div>
<div class='comment'>Same as procedure <a href='glib-convert.html#Locale_To_UTF8_9_'>Locale_To_UTF8</a>, but return only the String.
     <li><a name='Locale_From_UTF8_10_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Locale_From_UTF8</span>
  (UTF8_String   : String;
   Bytes_Read    : <b>out</b> Natural;
   Bytes_Written : <b>out</b> Natural;
   Error         : GError_Access := <b>null</b>;
   Result        : <b>out</b> String);</div>
<div class='comment'><a href='glib-convert.html#Convert_6_'>Convert</a> a string from UTF-8 to the encoding used for strings by
the C runtime (usually the same as that used by the operating
system) in the current locale.
<tt>UTF8_String</tt>:   A UTF-8 encoded string
<tt>Bytes_Read</tt>:    Number of bytes in the input string that were
               successfully converted.
               Even if the conversion was successful, this may be
               less than Len if there were partial characters
               at the end of the input. If the error
               Illegal_Sequence occurs, the value
               stored will the byte offset after the last valid
               input sequence.
<tt>Bytes_Written</tt>: Number of bytes stored in the output buffer.
<tt>Error</tt>:         Location to store the error occuring, ignored if null.
               Any of the errors in <a href='glib-convert.html#Convert_Error_Domain_1_'>Convert_Error_Domain</a> may occur.
     <li><a name='Locale_From_UTF8_11_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Locale_From_UTF8</span>
  (UTF8_String   : String;
   Bytes_Read    : <b>access</b> Natural;
   Bytes_Written : <b>access</b> Natural;
   Error         : GError_Access := <b>null</b>) <b>return</b> chars_ptr;</div>
<div class='comment'>Same as procedure <a href='glib-convert.html#Locale_From_UTF8_12_'>Locale_From_UTF8</a>, but return the raw C string for
efficiency. The caller is responsible for freeing the resulting string.
Use the C "free" function to free this.
     <li><a name='Locale_From_UTF8_12_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Locale_From_UTF8</span> (UTF8_String : String) <b>return</b> String;</div>
<div class='comment'>Same as procedure <a href='glib-convert.html#Locale_From_UTF8_12_'>Locale_From_UTF8</a>, but return only the String.
     <li><a name='Filename_To_UTF8_13_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Filename_To_UTF8</span>
  (OS_String : String;
   Error     : GError_Access := <b>null</b>) <b>return</b> String;</div>
<div class='comment'><a href='glib-convert.html#Convert_6_'>Convert</a> a string which is in the encoding used for filenames
into a UTF-8 string.
     <li><a name='Filename_From_UTF8_14_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Filename_From_UTF8</span>
  (UTF8_String : String;
   Error       : GError_Access := <b>null</b>) <b>return</b> String;</div>
<div class='comment'><a href='glib-convert.html#Convert_6_'>Convert</a> a string from UTF-8 to the encoding used for filenames.
     <li><a name='Filename_From_URI_15_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Filename_From_URI</span>
  (URI      : String;
   Hostname : <b>access</b> chars_ptr;
   Error    : GError_Access := <b>null</b>) <b>return</b> String;</div>
<div class='comment'><a href='glib-convert.html#Convert_6_'>Convert</a> an escaped UTF-8 encoded <tt>URI</tt> to a local filename in the
encoding used for filenames.
<tt>URI</tt>:      A uri describing a filename (escaped, encoded in UTF-8).
<tt>Hostname</tt>: Location to store hostname for the <tt>URI</tt>.
          If there is no hostname in the <tt>URI</tt>, null will be
          stored in this location.
<tt>Error</tt>:    Location to store the error occuring, ignored if null.
          Any of the errors in <a href='glib-convert.html#Convert_Error_Domain_1_'>Convert_Error_Domain</a> may occur.
     <li><a name='Filename_To_URI_16_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Filename_To_URI</span>
  (Filename : String;
   Hostname : String := "";
   Error    : GError_Access := <b>null</b>) <b>return</b> String;</div>
<div class='comment'><a href='glib-convert.html#Convert_6_'>Convert</a> an absolute filename to an escaped UTF-8 encoded URI.
<tt>Filename</tt>: An absolute filename specified in the encoding
          used for filenames by the operating system.
<tt>Hostname</tt>: A UTF-8 encoded hostname, or "" for none.
<tt>Error</tt>:    Location to store the error occuring, ignored if null.
          Any of the errors in Convert_Error may occur.
     <li><a name='Escape_Text_17_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Escape_Text</span> (S : String) <b>return</b> String;</div>
<div class='comment'>Escape the text so that it is interpreted as-is by the <a href='pango.html'>Pango</a> markup
   </div> <!--  subprograms -->

  </div> <!--  notebook_page1 --> 
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<div id='rightSide'>
 <div id='Index'>
  <h2>Alphabetical Index</h2>
   <li><a href='#Convert_2_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Convert</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Convert_3_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Convert</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Convert_4_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Convert</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Convert_5_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Convert</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Convert_6_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Convert</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Convert_Error_Domain_1_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Convert_Error_Domain</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Escape_Text_17_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Escape_Text</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Filename_From_URI_15_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Filename_From_URI</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Filename_From_UTF8_14_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Filename_From_UTF8</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Filename_To_URI_16_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Filename_To_URI</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Filename_To_UTF8_13_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Filename_To_UTF8</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Locale_From_UTF8_10_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Locale_From_UTF8</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Locale_From_UTF8_11_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Locale_From_UTF8</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Locale_From_UTF8_12_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Locale_From_UTF8</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Locale_To_UTF8_7_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Locale_To_UTF8</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Locale_To_UTF8_8_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Locale_To_UTF8</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Locale_To_UTF8_9_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Locale_To_UTF8</a></li>
 </div> <!-- Index -->
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