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 <title>GtkAda: Gtk.Widget</title>
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 <a href='tree.html'><img src='tree.png' alt='Tree' title='Widgets Inheritance Tree'/></a>
</div> <!--  objectName -->

<div id='leftSide'>
  <div id='classHierarchy'>
<ul class='top'>
  <li><img src='childtree.png' alt='_' /><a class='tree' onclick='treetoggle(this)'><img src='treeopen.png' alt='[-]' /></a><a href='glib-object.html'>GObject_Record</a></li><ul>
  <li><img src='childtree2.png' alt='  '/><img src='childtree.png' alt='_' /><a class='tree' onclick='treetoggle(this)'><img src='treeopen.png' alt='[-]' /></a><a href='gtk-object.html'>Gtk_Object_Record</a></li><ul>
  <li><img src='childtree2.png' alt='  '/><img src='childtree2.png' alt='  '/><img src='childtree.png' alt='_' /><a class='tree' onclick='treetoggle(this)'><img src='treeopen.png' alt='[-]' /></a>Gtk_Widget_Record</li><ul>
  <li><img src='childtree2.png' alt='  '/><img src='childtree2.png' alt='  '/><img src='childtree2.png' alt='  '/><img src='childtree.png' alt='_' />Widget_Type</li></ul>
  </div> <!--  classHierarchy -->

  <div id='navigation'>
     <li><a href='#Description' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Description</a></li>
     <li><a href='#Types' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Types</a></li>
     <li><a href='#Subprograms' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Subprograms</a>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__General' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>General</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__Widgets'_life_cycle' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Widgets' life cycle</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__Drawing_a_widget' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Drawing a widget</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__Size_and_position' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Size and position</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__Accelerators' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Accelerators</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__Events_and_signals' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Events and signals</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__Colors_and_colormaps' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Colors and colormaps</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__Styles' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Styles</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__Widgets'_tree' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Widgets' tree</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__Misc_functions' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Misc functions</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__Tooltips' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Tooltips</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__Creating_new_widgets' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Creating new widgets</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__Flags' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Flags</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__GValue_support' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>GValue support</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__Properties' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Properties</a></li>
     <li><a href='#Signals' onclick='return switchPage("page2")'>Signals</a></li>
     <li><a href='#Properties' onclick='return switchPage("page3")'>Properties</a></li>
     <li><a href='#StyleProperties' onclick='return switchPage("page3")'>Style Properties</a></li>
  </div> <!--  navigation -->

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<div id='documentation'>
  <ul id='notebook'>
   <li id='tab_page1' class='current'><a href='' onclick='return !switchPage("page1")'>Entities</a></li>
   <li id='tab_page2'><a href='#Signals' onclick='return !switchPage("page2")'>Signals</a></li>
   <li id='tab_page3'><a href='#Properties' onclick='return !switchPage("page3")'>Properties</a></li>
  </ul>  <!-- notebook --> 

  <div id='notebook_page1' class='notebookPage'>
  <a name='Description'></a>
  <div class='description'>

This widget is the base of the tree for displayable objects.
(A displayable object is one which takes up some amount
of screen real estate). It provides a common base and interface
which actual widgets must adhere to.
This package provides some services which might have been more appropriate
in some other packages, but could not because of dependency circularities
(there are for instance some functions relating to colors and colormaps).
We have tried to reference these functions in the other packages as well.
  </div> <!-- description -->

  <a name='Types'></a>
  <div id='types'>
     <li><a name='Expose_Event_Handler_'></a>
         <div class='profile'><b>type</b> Expose_Event_Handler <b>is</b> <b>access</b> <b>function</b>
     (Widget : System.Address; Event : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event</a>) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
         <div class='comment'></div></li>
     <li><a name='Gtk_Allocation_'></a>
         <div class='profile'><b>type</b> Gtk_Allocation <b>is</b> <b>record</b>
      X      : Gint;</div>
         <div class='comment'></div></li>
     <li><a name='Gtk_Allocation_Access_'></a>
         <div class='profile'><b>type</b> Gtk_Allocation_Access <b>is</b> <b>access</b> <b>all</b> Gtk_Allocation;</div>
         <div class='comment'></div></li>
     <li><a name='Gtk_Requisition_'></a>
         <div class='profile'><b>type</b> Gtk_Requisition <b>is</b> <b>record</b>
      Width  : Gint;</div>
         <div class='comment'></div></li>
     <li><a name='Gtk_Requisition_Access_'></a>
         <div class='profile'><b>type</b> Gtk_Requisition_Access <b>is</b> <b>access</b> <b>all</b> Gtk_Requisition;</div>
         <div class='comment'></div></li>
     <li><a name='Gtk_Widget_'></a>
         <div class='profile'><b>type</b> Gtk_Widget <b>is</b> <b>access</b> <b>all</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;</div>
         <div class='comment'></div></li>
     <li><a name='Gtk_Widget_Record_'></a>
         <div class='profile'><b>type</b> Gtk_Widget_Record <b>is</b> <b>new</b> Object.Gtk_Object_Record <b>with</b> <b>private</b>;</div>
         <div class='comment'></div></li>
     <li><a name='Size_Allocate_Handler_'></a>
         <div class='profile'><b>type</b> Size_Allocate_Handler <b>is</b> <b>access</b> <b>procedure</b>
     (Widget : System.Address; Allocation : Gtk_Allocation);</div>
         <div class='comment'></div></li>
     <li><a name='Widget_Type_'></a>
         <div class='profile'><b>type</b> Widget_Type <b>is</b> <b>new</b> Gtk_Widget_Record <b>with</b> <b>private</b>;</div>
         <div class='comment'></div></li>
  </div> <!-- types -->

  <a name='Subprograms'> </a>
  <a name='Subprograms__General'> </a>
  <div id='subprograms'>
     <li><a name='Get_Type_1_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Type</span> <b>return</b> <a href='glib.html'>Glib.GType</a>;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return the internal type associated with a <a href='gtk-widget.html'>Gtk_Widget</a>.
     <li><a name='Requisition_Get_Type_2_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Requisition_Get_Type</span> <b>return</b> <a href='glib.html'>Glib.GType</a>;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return the internal type for a <a href='gtk-widget.html'>Gtk_Requisition</a>
  <a name='Subprograms__Widgets'_life_cycle'></a>
  <h3>Widgets' life cycle</h3>
  <div class='description'></div>

     <li><a name='Destroy_Cb_3_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Destroy_Cb</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);</div>
<div class='comment'>This function should be used as a callback to destroy a widget.
All it does is call Destroy on its argument, but its profile is
compatible with the handlers found in <a href='gtk-handlers.html'>Gtk.Handlers</a>.
     <li><a name='Unparent_4_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Unparent</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);</div>
<div class='comment'>This function is only for use in widget implementations.
Should be called by implementations of the remove method
on Gtk_Container, to dissociate a child from the container.
Users should call Remove instead.
This function might be dangereous: it correctly updates widget to
reflect that it no longer belongs to its parent, however the parent
keeps an internal pointer to the widget, which will result in a
storage_error if you try to further access it.
     <li><a name='Show_5_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Show</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'>Schedule the widget to be displayed on the screen when its parent is
also shown (emits the "show" signal).
If its ancestors are already mapped to the screen, then the widget is
immediately displayed through a call to <a href='gtk-widget.html#Map_12_'>Map</a> below.
     <li><a name='Show_Now_6_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Show_Now</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'><a href='gtk-widget.html#Show_5_'>Show</a> the widget.
If it is an unmapped toplevel widget, wait for it to be mapped. This
creates a recursive main_loop.
     <li><a name='Hide_7_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Hide</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'><a href='gtk-widget.html#Hide_7_'>Hide</a> the widget from the screen (emits the "hide" signal).
If <tt>Widget</tt> was visible, it is immediately hidden.
If one of its ancestor is later shown on the screen, <tt>Widget</tt> won't
Note that on some window managers, including CDE, hiding an iconified
window will not do anything. You should in addition call
Gdk.Window.Withdraw to make sure the window is properly hidden.
     <li><a name='Show_All_8_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Show_All</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'><a href='gtk-widget.html#Show_5_'>Show</a> <tt>Widget</tt> and all its children recursively.
See also <a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Child_Visible_18_'>Set_Child_Visible</a> below
     <li><a name='Hide_All_9_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Hide_All</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'><a href='gtk-widget.html#Hide_7_'>Hide</a> <tt>Widget</tt> and all its children.
Note that if you simply want to delete <tt>Widget</tt> from the screen, you can
simply call the <a href='gtk-widget.html#Hide_7_'>Hide</a> subprogram on it. This procedure <a href='gtk-widget.html#Hide_All_9_'>Hide_All</a> should
only be used if you want to unschedule a widget to be displayed later,
not to remove an actual widget from the screen.
See also <a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Child_Visible_18_'>Set_Child_Visible</a> below.
     <li><a name='Set_No_Show_All_10_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_No_Show_All</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record; No_Show_All : Boolean);</div>
<a name='Get_No_Show_All_11_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_No_Show_All</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Sets the "no_show_all" property, which determines whether calls to
<a href='gtk-widget.html#Show_All_8_'>Show_All</a>() and <a href='gtk-widget.html#Hide_All_9_'>Hide_All</a>() will affect this widget.
This is mostly for use in constructing widget hierarchies with
externally controlled visibility.
     <li><a name='Map_12_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Map</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'><a href='gtk-widget.html#Map_12_'>Map</a> a widget to the screen.
A window is created for it on the screen (through a call to <a href='gtk-widget.html#Realize_14_'>Realize</a>) and
<tt>Widget</tt> is then drawn on the screen (if its ancestors are also mapped).
This function is recursive and will also map all the children of <tt>Widget</tt>.
It is recommended to use the higher-level <a href='gtk-widget.html#Show_5_'>Show</a> instead.
     <li><a name='Unmap_13_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Unmap</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'><a href='gtk-widget.html#Unmap_13_'>Unmap</a> a widget from the screen.
This results in the widget being hidden, but not destroyed. It can be
shown again any time through a call to <a href='gtk-widget.html#Map_12_'>Map</a> (provided its ancestors are
also mapped).
It is recommended to use the higher-level <a href='gtk-widget.html#Hide_7_'>Hide</a> instead.
     <li><a name='Realize_14_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Realize</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'>Create a window for <tt>Widget</tt> and its ancestors (emit the "realize" signal)
This does not mean that the widget will appear on the screen, but
resources such as colormaps, etc. become available.
Some routines require that the widget is realized before any call.
You must set the Event_Mask before calling this routine if you want to
change it from its default value.
     <li><a name='Unrealize_15_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Unrealize</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'><a href='gtk-widget.html#Hide_7_'>Hide</a> the widget from the screen and deletes the associated window.
This does not destroy the widget itself, only its server-side
     <li><a name='Set_Realize_16_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Realize</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);</div>
<div class='comment'>Set the realize handler at the low level.
This is needed to replace the default realize in new widgets.
     <li><a name='Hide_On_Delete_17_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Hide_On_Delete</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class)
   <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'><a href='gtk-widget.html#Hide_7_'>Hide</a> widget and return True.
This function is intended to be used as a callback.
     <li><a name='Set_Child_Visible_18_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Child_Visible</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record; Is_Visible : Boolean);</div>
<a name='Get_Child_Visible_19_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Child_Visible</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Sets whether <tt>Widget</tt> should be mapped along with its parent when its
parent is mapped and <tt>Widget</tt> has been shown with <a href='gtk-widget.html#Show_5_'>Show</a>.
"mapped" indicates the moment the window is actually shown on the
screen. <a href='gtk-widget.html#Show_5_'>Show</a> and <a href='gtk-widget.html#Hide_7_'>Hide</a> indicate your intention to show <tt>Widget</tt> on the
scree or not, but if the parent of <tt>Widget</tt> is itself not shown at that
time, the two commands <a href='gtk-widget.html#Show_5_'>Show</a> and <a href='gtk-widget.html#Hide_7_'>Hide</a> have no immediate effect, and just
set a flag to save your intent.
<a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Child_Visible_18_'>Set_Child_Visible</a> indicates that the widget shouldn't be part of the
recursive processing done by <a href='gtk-widget.html#Show_All_8_'>Show_All</a> and <a href='gtk-widget.html#Hide_All_9_'>Hide_All</a> on the parent. You
have decided once and for all what the behavior should be, and you don't
want it to be changed by future calls to <a href='gtk-widget.html#Show_All_8_'>Show_All</a> and <a href='gtk-widget.html#Hide_All_9_'>Hide_All</a>.
The child visibility can be set for widget before it is added to a
container with <a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Parent_89_'>Set_Parent</a>, to avoid mapping children unnecessary before
immediately unmapping them. However it will be reset to its default
state of True when the widget is removed from a container.
Note that changing the child visibility of a widget does not
queue a resize on the widget. Most of the time, the size of
a widget is computed from all visible children, whether or
not they are mapped. If this is not the case, the container
can queue a resize itself.
This function is only useful for container implementations and
should generally not be called by an application.
     <li><a name='Has_Screen_20_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Has_Screen</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Checks whether there is a Gdk_Screen is associated with
this widget. All toplevel widgets have an associated
screen, and all widgets added into a hierarchy with a toplevel
window at the top.
  <a name='Subprograms__Drawing_a_widget'></a>
  <h3>Drawing a widget</h3>
  <div class='description'></div>

     <li><a name='Queue_Draw_21_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Queue_Draw</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'>Add a drawing request to the event queue for the whole widget.
This is more efficient than calling Draw directly, since GtkAda groups
drawing requests as much as possible to speed up the drawing process.
The actual drawing will take place as soon as GtkAda is not busy
processing other events, but before idle events.
     <li><a name='Queue_Draw_Area_22_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Queue_Draw_Area</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   X      : Gint;
   Y      : Gint;
   Width  : Gint;
   Height : Gint);</div>
<div class='comment'>Add a drawing request to the event queue for part of the widget.
This is more efficient that calling Draw directly (see <a href='gtk-widget.html#Queue_Draw_21_'>Queue_Draw</a>).
     <li><a name='Queue_Resize_23_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Queue_Resize</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'>Queue drawing requests after a resizing of the widget.
This clears the widget, and its parent if any, so that everything is
correctly redrawn.
You should not have to call this function directly.
For a Gtk_Window, check the procedure <a href='gtk-window.html#Resize_57_'>Gtk.Window.Resize</a> instead.
     <li><a name='Queue_Resize_No_Redraw_24_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Queue_Resize_No_Redraw</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'>This function works like <a href='gtk-widget.html#Queue_Resize_23_'>Queue_Resize</a>(), except that the
widget is not invalidated (ie will not be redrawn)
     <li><a name='Create_Pango_Context_25_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Create_Pango_Context</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> Pango.Context.Pango_Context;</div>
<div class='comment'>Create a new Pango_Context with the appropriate colormap, font
description, and base direction for drawing text for this widget. See
also <a href='gtk-widget.html#Get_Pango_Context_72_'>Get_Pango_Context</a>.
The returned context must be freed by the caller.
     <li><a name='Create_Pango_Layout_26_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Create_Pango_Layout</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record; Text : UTF8_String := "")
   <b>return</b> <a href='pango-layout.html'>Pango.Layout.Pango_Layout</a>;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return a new pango_layout that displays <tt>Text</tt>. This fully handles
internationalization, and should be the preferred way to display text,
rather than <a href='gdk-drawable.html#Draw_Text_15_'>Gdk.Drawable.Draw_Text</a>
<tt>Text</tt> must be a valid Utf8 text, see <a href='glib-convert.html'>Glib.Convert</a>.
  <a name='Subprograms__Size_and_position'></a>
  <h3>Size and position</h3>
  <div class='description'></div>

     <li><a name='Size_Request_27_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Size_Request</span>
  (Widget      : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Requisition : <b>in</b> <b>out</b> Gtk_Requisition);</div>
<div class='comment'>Emit a "size_request" event for the widget
     <li><a name='Set_Size_Request_28_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Size_Request</span>
  (Widget      : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Width, Height : Gint := -1);</div>
<a name='Get_Size_Request_29_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Get_Size_Request</span>
  (Widget        : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Width, Height : <b>out</b> Gint);</div>
<div class='comment'>Sets the minimum size of a widget; that is, the widget's size request
will be Width by Height. You can use this function to force a widget to
be either larger or smaller than it normally would be.
In most cases, Set_Default_Size is a better choice for toplevel windows
than this function; setting the default size will still allow users to
shrink the window. Setting the size request will force them to leave the
window at least as large as the size request. When dealing with window
sizes, Gtk.Windo.Set_Geometry_Hints can be a useful function as well.
Note the inherent danger of setting any fixed size - themes,
translations into other languages, different fonts, and user action can
all change the appropriate size for a given widget. So, it's basically
impossible to hardcode a size that will always be correct.
The size request of a widget is the smallest size a widget can accept
while still functioning well and drawing itself correctly.  However in
some strange cases a widget may be allocated less than its requested
size, and in many cases a widget may be allocated more space than it
If the size request in a given direction is -1 (unset), then
the "natural" size request of the widget will be used instead.
Widgets can't actually be allocated a size less than 1 by 1, but
you can pass 0,0 to this function to mean "as small as possible."
     <li><a name='Size_Allocate_30_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Size_Allocate</span>
  (Widget     : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Allocation : Gtk_Allocation);</div>
<div class='comment'>Emit a "size_allocate" event for the widget.
<tt>Allocation</tt>'size is first constrained to a range between 1x1 and
A clear and draw request is also queued if required.
     <li><a name='Get_Child_Requisition_31_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Child_Requisition</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> Gtk_Requisition;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return the size requests by the widget.
This is the ideal size for the widget, not necessarily its actual size.
See the user guide's section on how to create new widgets for more
information on the size requisition and allocation.
     <li><a name='Get_Allocation_Width_32_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Allocation_Width</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> Allocation_Int;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return the current width of the widget.
     <li><a name='Get_Allocation_Height_33_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Allocation_Height</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> Allocation_Int;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return the current height of the widget.
     <li><a name='Get_Allocation_X_34_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Allocation_X</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> Gint;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return the current position of the widget, relative to its parent.
     <li><a name='Get_Allocation_Y_35_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Allocation_Y</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> Gint;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return the current position of the widget, relative to its parent.
     <li><a name='Set_Redraw_On_Allocate_36_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Redraw_On_Allocate</span>
  (Widget             : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Redraw_On_Allocate : Boolean);</div>
<div class='comment'>Sets whether the entire widget is queued for drawing when its size
allocation changes. By default, this setting is %TRUE and the entire
widget is redrawn on every size change. If your widget leaves the upper
left unchanged when made bigger, turning this setting on will improve
performance. Note that for %NO_WINDOW widgets setting this flag to
%FALSE turns off all allocation on resizing: the widget will not even
redraw if its position changes; this is to allow containers that don't
draw anything to avoid excess invalidations. If you set this flag on
%NO_WINDOW widget that *does* draw on <a href='gtk-widget.html#Get_Window_113_'>Get_Window</a> (<tt>Widget</tt>), you are
responsible for invalidating both the old and new allocation of the
widget when the widget is moved and responsible for invalidating regions
newly when the widget increases size.
  <a name='Subprograms__Accelerators'></a>
  <div class='description'></div>

     <li><a name='Add_Accelerator_37_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Add_Accelerator</span>
  (Widget       : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Accel_Signal : <a href='glib.html'>Glib.Signal_Name</a>;
   Accel_Group  : <a href='gtk-accel_group.html'>Gtk.Accel_Group.Gtk_Accel_Group</a>;
   Accel_Key    : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
   Accel_Mods   : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type;
   Accel_Flags  : <a href='gtk-accel_group.html'>Gtk.Accel_Group.Gtk_Accel_Flags</a>);</div>
<div class='comment'>Add a new accelerator for the widget.
The signal <tt>Accel_Signal</tt> will be sent to <tt>Widget</tt> when the matching
key is pressed and the widget has the focus.
Consider using <a href='gtk-accel_map.html#Add_Entry_5_'>Gtk.Accel_Map.Add_Entry</a> instead, which is compatible with
interactive change of accelerators by the user.
     <li><a name='Remove_Accelerator_38_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Remove_Accelerator</span>
  (Widget       : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Accel_Group  : <a href='gtk-accel_group.html'>Gtk.Accel_Group.Gtk_Accel_Group</a>;
   Accel_Key    : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
   Accel_Mods   : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type);</div>
<div class='comment'>Remove an accelerator for the widget.
     <li><a name='Can_Activate_Accel_39_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Can_Activate_Accel</span>
  (Widget    : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Signal_Id : Gulong) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Determines whether an accelerator that activates the signal identified
by <tt>Signal_Id</tt> can currently be activated. This is done by emitting the
GtkWidget::can-activate-accel signal on <tt>Widget</tt>; if the signal isn't
overridden by handler or in a derived widget, then the default check is
that the widget must be sensitive, and the widget and all its ancestors
<tt>Signal_Id</tt> comes from the value returned by <a href='gtk-handlers.html#Connect_97_'>Gtk.Handlers.Connect</a>
     <li><a name='Set_Accel_Path_40_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Accel_Path</span>
  (Widget     : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Accel_Path : UTF8_String;
   Group      : <a href='gtk-accel_group.html'>Gtk.Accel_Group.Gtk_Accel_Group</a>);</div>
<div class='comment'>Set the path that will be used to reference the widget in calls to the
subprograms in <a href='gtk-accel_map.html'>Gtk.Accel_Map</a>. This means, for instance, that the widget
is fully setup for interactive modification of the shortcuts by the
user, should he choose to activate this possibility in his themes (see
<a href='gtk-accel_map.html'></a> for more information).
     <li><a name='List_Mnemonic_Labels_41_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>List_Mnemonic_Labels</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record)
   <b>return</b> Widget_List.Glist;</div>
<div class='comment'>Returns a newly allocated list of the widgets, normally labels, for
which this widget is a the target of a mnemonic (see for example,
The widgets in the list are not individually referenced. If you want to
iterate through the list and perform actions involving callbacks that
might destroy the widgets, you must call Ref first, and then unref all
the widgets afterwards.
The caller must free the returned list.
     <li><a name='Add_Mnemonic_Label_42_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Add_Mnemonic_Label</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Label  : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);</div>
<div class='comment'>Adds a widget to the list of mnemonic labels for this widget. (See
<a href='gtk-widget.html#List_Mnemonic_Labels_41_'>List_Mnemonic_Labels</a>). Note the list of mnemonic labels for the widget
is cleared when the widget is destroyed, so the caller must make sure to
update its internal state at this point as well, by using a connection
to the ::destroy signal or a weak notifier.
     <li><a name='Remove_Mnemonic_Label_43_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Remove_Mnemonic_Label</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Label  : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);</div>
<div class='comment'>Removes a widget from the list of mnemonic labels for this widget. The
widget must have previously been added to the list with
<a href='gtk-widget.html#Add_Mnemonic_Label_42_'>Add_Mnemonic_Label</a>.
     <li><a name='Mnemonic_Activate_44_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Mnemonic_Activate</span>
  (Widget        : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Group_Cycling : Boolean) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Emits the signal "mnemonic_activate".
In general (depending on what is connected to this signal), this results
in calling the "activate" signal on the widget, as if a mnemonic had
been used (when <tt>Group_Cycling</tt> if False), or to grab the focus on the
widget when <tt>Group_Cycling</tt> is True)
  <a name='Subprograms__Events_and_signals'></a>
  <h3>Events and signals</h3>
  <div class='description'></div>

     <li><a name='Event_45_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Event</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event</a>) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Emit a signal on the widget.
The exact signal depends on the event type (i.e. if the type is
Gdk_Button_Press, then a "button_press" signal is emitted).
     <li><a name='Send_Expose_46_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Send_Expose</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Expose</a>);</div>
<div class='comment'>Emit an expose event signals on a widget.
This function is not normally used directly. The only time it is used
is when propagating an expose event to a child No_Window widget, and
that is normally done using <a href='gtk-container.html#Propagate_Expose_9_'>Gtk.Container.Propagate_Expose</a>.
If you want to force an area of a window to be redrawn,
use Gdk.Window.Invalidate_Rect or Gdk.Window.Invalidate_Region.
To cause the redraw to be done immediately, follow that call
with a call to Gdk.Window.Process_Updates.
     <li><a name='Activate_47_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Activate</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'>Emit an activate signal on the widget.
The exact signal emitted depends on the widget type (i.e. for a
Gtk_Button this emits a "clicked" signal, for a Gtk_Editable this emits
the "activate" signal, ...).
     <li><a name='Grab_Focus_48_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Grab_Focus</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'>Emit the "grab_focus" signal for the widget.
This is sent when the widget gets the focus. Its visual aspect might
The "Can_Focus" flag must have been set first.
See also <a href='gtk-widget.html#Child_Focus_50_'>Gtk.Widget.Child_Focus</a>, which should be used instead when
writting new widgets in Ada
     <li><a name='Is_Focus_49_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Is_Focus</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Determines if the widget is the focus widget within its
toplevel. (This does not mean that the HAS_FOCUS flag is
necessarily set; HAS_FOCUS will only be set if the
toplevel widget additionally has the global input focus)
     <li><a name='Child_Focus_50_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Child_Focus</span>
  (Child     : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   Direction : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Direction_Type := Gtk.Enums.Dir_Tab_Forward)
   <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Used by custom widget implementations to indicate the focus child.
If you're writing an app, you'd use <a href='gtk-widget.html#Grab_Focus_48_'>Grab_Focus</a> to move the focus to a
particular widget, and <a href='gtk-container.html#Set_Focus_Chain_10_'>Gtk.Container.Set_Focus_Chain</a> to change the focus
tab order. So you may want to investigate those functions instead.
<a href='gtk-widget.html#Child_Focus_50_'>Child_Focus</a> is called by containers as the user moves around
the window using keyboard shortcuts. <tt>Direction</tt> indicates what kind of
motion is taking place (up, down, left, right, tab forward, tab
backward). <a href='gtk-widget.html#Child_Focus_50_'>Child_Focus</a> invokes the "focus" signal on <tt>Child</tt>;
widgets override the default handler for this signal in order to
implement appropriate focus behavior.
The "focus" default handler for a widget should return True if moving in
<tt>Direction</tt> left the focus on a focusable location inside that widget, and
False if moving in <tt>Direction</tt> moved the focus outside the widget. If
returning True, widgets normally call <a href='gtk-widget.html#Grab_Focus_48_'>Grab_Focus</a> to place the
focus accordingly; if returning False, they don't modify the current
focus location.
This function replaces Gtk.Container.Focus from GTK+ 1.2.  It was
necessary to check that the child was visible, sensitive, and focusable
before calling Gtk.Container.Focus. <a href='gtk-widget.html#Child_Focus_50_'>Child_Focus</a> returns False
if the widget is not currently in a focusable state, so there's no need
for those checks.
Return value: True if focus ended up inside <tt>Child</tt>
     <li><a name='Set_Events_51_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Events</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Events : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Mask</a>);</div>
<a name='Get_Events_52_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Events</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Mask</a>;</div>
<div class='comment'>Sets or gets the event mask for the widget.
<tt>Widget</tt> should not have been realized before, or nothing is done.
This is the only way you can explicitly get mouse or keyboards events on
widgets that do not automatically get them, as for instance in a
     <li><a name='Add_Events_53_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Add_Events</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Events : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Mask</a>);</div>
<div class='comment'>Add some events to the current event mask of the widget.
     <li><a name='Set_Extension_Events_54_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Extension_Events</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Mode   : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Extension_Mode);</div>
<a name='Get_Extension_Events_55_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Extension_Events</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> Gdk.Types.Gdk_Extension_Mode;</div>
<div class='comment'>Set the extension event mask for the widget.
This is used to activate some special input modes for other devices than
keyboard and mouse.
     <li><a name='Default_Motion_Notify_Event_56_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Default_Motion_Notify_Event</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
   Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event</a>) <b>return</b> Gint;</div>
<div class='comment'>Access to the standard default callback for motion events:
This is mainly used for rulers in <a href='gtk-ruler.html'>Gtk.Ruler</a> (See the example in
testgtk, with create_rulers.adb)
     <li><a name='Has_Default_Motion_Notify_Handler_57_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Has_Default_Motion_Notify_Handler</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return True if <tt>Widget</tt> has a default handler for motion_notify events.
Note that the function <a href='gtk-widget.html#Default_Motion_Notify_Event_56_'>Default_Motion_Notify_Event</a> should not be called
if this one returns False, since it would create a segmentation fault.
  <a name='Subprograms__Colors_and_colormaps'></a>
  <h3>Colors and colormaps</h3>
  <div class='description'></div>

     <li><a name='Set_Colormap_58_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Colormap</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Cmap   : <a href='gdk-color.html'>Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap</a>);</div>
<a name='Get_Colormap_59_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Colormap</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> <a href='gdk-color.html'>Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap</a>;</div>
<div class='comment'>Modify the colormap of the widget.
The widget must not have been realized when you set the colormap.
The colormap is generally the same one for all widget, but might be
different if for instance Gtk_Drawing_Area needs to display some
different colors on a screen that only has a limited amount of colors.
     <li><a name='Get_Visual_60_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Visual</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> Gdk.Visual.Gdk_Visual;</div>
<div class='comment'>Get the visual used for the widget.
I.e. the structure that indicates the depth of the widget (number of
bits per pixel), and some information used internally by GtkAda to
handle colors and colormaps.
     <li><a name='Push_Colormap_61_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Push_Colormap</span> (Cmap : <a href='gdk-color.html'>Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap</a>);</div>
<a name='Pop_Colormap_62_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Pop_Colormap</span>;</div>
<div class='comment'>Modify temporarily the default colormap set for newly created widgets.
You should use this in pair with <a href='gtk-widget.html#Pop_Colormap_62_'>Pop_Colormap</a> (Push the new value,
create the widget, and pop the value).
     <li><a name='Set_Default_Colormap_63_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Default_Colormap</span> (Cmap : <a href='gdk-color.html'>Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap</a>);</div>
<a name='Get_Default_Colormap_64_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Default_Colormap</span> <b>return</b> <a href='gdk-color.html'>Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap</a>;</div>
<div class='comment'>Modify permanently the default colormap used when a widget is created.
If you only want to modify this colormap temporarily for a few widgets,
you should consider using <a href='gtk-widget.html#Push_Colormap_61_'>Push_Colormap</a> and <a href='gtk-widget.html#Pop_Colormap_62_'>Pop_Colormap</a> instead.
See also <a href='gdk-screen.html#Get_Default_Colormap_9_'>Gdk.Screen.Get_Default_Colormap</a> for a multihead-aware version
     <li><a name='Get_Default_Visual_65_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Default_Visual</span> <b>return</b> Gdk.Visual.Gdk_Visual;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return the default visual used when a new widget is created.
  <a name='Subprograms__Styles'></a>
  <div class='description'></div>

     <li><a name='Set_Style_66_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Style</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Style  : <a href='gtk-style.html'>Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style</a>);</div>
<a name='Get_Style_67_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Style</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record)
  <b>return</b> <a href='gtk-style.html'>Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style</a>;</div>
<div class='comment'>Set or get the style for a given widget.
See also <a href='gtk-rc.html#Modify_Style_20_'>Gtk.Rc.Modify_Style</a>
     <li><a name='Get_Default_Style_68_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Default_Style</span> <b>return</b> <a href='gtk-style.html'>Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style</a>;</div>
<div class='comment'>Get the default global style.
     <li><a name='Ensure_Style_69_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Ensure_Style</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'>Make sure that the widget has a style associated to it.
Either the default one as set by Set_Default_Style above or one set by
the user with <a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Style_66_'>Set_Style</a>.
     <li><a name='Restore_Default_Style_70_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Restore_Default_Style</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'>Restore the default style that was set for the widget.
The default style is the first one that was set either by a call
to <a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Style_66_'>Set_Style</a> or Set_Default_Style.
     <li><a name='Reset_Rc_Styles_71_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Reset_Rc_Styles</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'>Restore the Rc style recursively for widget and its children.
     <li><a name='Get_Pango_Context_72_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Pango_Context</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record)
   <b>return</b> Pango.Context.Pango_Context;</div>
<div class='comment'>Get a Pango_Context with the appropriate colormap, font description and
base direction for this widget. Unlike the context returned by
<a href='gtk-widget.html#Create_Pango_Context_25_'>Create_Pango_Context</a>, this context is owned by the widget (it can be
used as long as widget exists), and will be updated to match any changes
to the widget's attributes.
If you create and keep a Pango_Layout using this context, you must deal
with changes to the context by calling Pango_Layout.Context_Changed on
the layout in response to the ::style_set and ::direction_set signals
for the widget.
     <li><a name='Modify_Fg_73_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Modify_Fg</span>
  (Widget     : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   State_Type : Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
   Color      : <a href='gdk-color.html'>Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color</a>);</div>
<div class='comment'>Sets the foreground color for a widget in a particular state.  All
other style values are left untouched.
     <li><a name='Modify_Bg_74_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Modify_Bg</span>
  (Widget     : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   State_Type : Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
   Color      : <a href='gdk-color.html'>Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color</a>);</div>
<div class='comment'>Sets the background color for a widget in a particular state.  All
other style values are left untouched. This procedure has no effect
when <tt>Widget</tt> has no physical window associated to it (for instance
a Gtk_Label). In such cases, you must put widget inside a
Gtk_Event_Box, and set the background color of the box itself.
     <li><a name='Modify_Text_75_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Modify_Text</span>
  (Widget     : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   State_Type : Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
   Color      : <a href='gdk-color.html'>Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color</a>);</div>
<div class='comment'>Sets the text color for a widget in a particular state.  All other
style values are left untouched. The text color is the foreground
color used along with the base color (see <a href='gtk-widget.html#Modify_Base_76_'>Modify_Base</a>)
for widgets such as Gtk_Entry and Gtk_Text_View.
Note that this will not work with a Gtk_Button. <a href='gtk-widget.html#Modify_Fg_73_'>Modify_Fg</a> should be
called on the button's label in order to set the color of its label.
For example, assuming a simple button with a label attached to it:
   <a href='gtk-widget.html#Modify_Fg_73_'>Modify_Fg</a> (Get_Child (My_Button), My_State, My_New_Color);
     <li><a name='Modify_Base_76_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Modify_Base</span>
  (Widget     : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   State_Type : Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
   Color      : <a href='gdk-color.html'>Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color</a>);</div>
<div class='comment'>Sets the base color for a widget in a particular state.
All other style values are left untouched. The base color
is the background color used along with the text color
(see <a href='gtk-widget.html#Modify_Text_75_'>Modify_Text</a>) for widgets such as Gtk_Entry and Gtk_Text_View.
     <li><a name='Modify_Font_77_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Modify_Font</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Desc   : <a href='pango-font.html'>Pango.Font.Pango_Font_Description</a>);</div>
<div class='comment'>Modify the font used for the widget.
<tt>Desc</tt> must be freed by the caller to avoid memory leaks
     <li><a name='Set_Default_Direction_78_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Default_Direction</span> (Dir : <a href='gtk-enums.html'>Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Text_Direction</a>);</div>
<a name='Get_Default_Direction_79_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Default_Direction</span> <b>return</b> <a href='gtk-enums.html'>Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Text_Direction</a>;</div>
<div class='comment'>Obtains the current default reading direction. See
<a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Default_Direction_78_'>Set_Default_Direction</a>().
     <li><a name='Set_Direction_80_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Direction</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record; Dir : <a href='gtk-enums.html'>Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Text_Direction</a>);</div>
<a name='Get_Direction_81_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Direction</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> <a href='gtk-enums.html'>Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Text_Direction</a>;</div>
<div class='comment'>Sets the reading direction on a particular widget. This direction
controls the primary direction for widgets containing text,
and also the direction in which the children of a container are
packed. The ability to set the direction is present in order
so that correct localization into languages with right-to-left
reading directions can be done. Generally, applications will
let the default reading direction present, except for containers
where the containers are arranged in an order that is explicitely
visual rather than logical (such as buttons for text justification).
If the direction is set to TEXT_DIR_NONE, then the value
set by <a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Default_Direction_78_'>Set_Default_Direction</a> will be used.
  <a name='Subprograms__Widgets'_tree'></a>
  <h3>Widgets' tree</h3>
  <div class='description'></div>

     <li><a name='Set_Name_82_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Name</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Name   : UTF8_String);</div>
<div class='comment'>Set the name for the widget.
This name is used purely internally to identify the widget, and does not
give any visual clue.
     <li><a name='Get_Name_83_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Name</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> UTF8_String;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return the name of the widget if it was set by <a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Name_82_'>Set_Name</a>.
Return the name of its class otherwise.
     <li><a name='Path_84_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Path</span>          (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> String;</div>
<a name='Path_Reversed_85_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Path_Reversed</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> String;</div>
<div class='comment'>Obtains the full path to <tt>Widget</tt>. The path is simply the name of a
widget and all its parents in the container hierarchy, separated by
periods. The name of a widget comes from
<a href='gtk-widget.html#Get_Name_83_'>Get_Name</a>. Paths are used to apply styles to a widget
in gtkrc configuration files.  <tt>Widget</tt> names are the type of the
widget by default (e.g. "GtkButton") or can be set to an
application-specific value with <a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Name_82_'>Set_Name</a>.  By setting
the name of a widget, you allow users or theme authors to apply
styles to that specific widget in their gtkrc
Path_Reverse fills in the path in reverse order, starting with widget's
name instead of starting with the name of the outermost ancestor.
     <li><a name='Class_Path_86_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Class_Path</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> String;</div>
<a name='Class_Path_Reversed_87_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Class_Path_Reversed</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> String;</div>
<div class='comment'>Same as <a href='gtk-widget.html#Path_84_'>Path</a>(), but always uses the name of a widget's type,
never uses a custom name set with <a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Name_82_'>Set_Name</a>.
     <li><a name='Get_Ancestor_88_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Ancestor</span>
  (Widget        : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Ancestor_Type : Gtk_Type) <b>return</b> Gtk_Widget;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return the closest ancestor of <tt>Widget</tt> which is of type <tt>Ancestor_Type</tt>.
Return null if there is none.
     <li><a name='Set_Parent_89_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Parent</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Parent : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);</div>
<a name='Get_Parent_90_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Parent</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> Gtk_Widget;</div>
<div class='comment'>Modify the parent for the widget.
This is not the recommended way to do this, you should use
<a href='gtk-container.html#Add_4_'>Gtk.Container.Add</a> or <a href='gtk-box.html#Pack_Start_8_'>Gtk.Box.Pack_Start</a> instead.
     <li><a name='Set_Parent_Window_91_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Parent_Window</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Window : Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window);</div>
<a name='Get_Parent_Window_92_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Parent_Window</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;</div>
<div class='comment'>Set the parent window for the actual Gdk_Window of the widget. This sets
up required internal fields, and should be used only when you implement
your own container, as opposed to using one of the standard containers.
     <li><a name='Get_Toplevel_93_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Toplevel</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> Gtk_Widget;</div>
<div class='comment'>This function returns the topmost widget in the container hierarchy
<tt>Widget</tt> is a part of. If <tt>Widget</tt> has no parent widgets, it will be
returned as the topmost widget.
Note the difference in behavior vs. <a href='gtk-widget.html#Get_Ancestor_88_'>Get_Ancestor</a>:
<a href='gtk-widget.html#Get_Ancestor_88_'>Get_Ancestor</a> (<tt>Widget</tt>, GTK_TYPE_WINDOW) would return null
if <tt>Widget</tt> wasn't inside a toplevel window, and if the
window was inside a Gtk_Window-derived widget which was in turn
inside the toplevel Gtk_Window. While the second case may
seem unlikely, it actually happens when a Gtk_Plug is embedded
inside a Gtk_Socket within the same application.
To reliably find the toplevel Gtk_Window, use
<a href='gtk-widget.html#Get_Toplevel_93_'>Get_Toplevel</a> and check if the "toplevel" flag
is set on the result:
Toplevel := <a href='gtk-widget.html#Get_Toplevel_93_'>Get_Toplevel</a> (<tt>Widget</tt>);
if Top_Level_Is_Set (Toplevel) then
   [ Perform some action on Toplevel. ]
end if;
     <li><a name='Is_Ancestor_94_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Is_Ancestor</span>
  (Widget   : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Ancestor : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return True if <tt>Ancestor</tt> is in the ancestor tree for <tt>Widget</tt>.
I.e. if <tt>Widget</tt> is contained within <tt>Ancestor</tt>.
     <li><a name='Reparent_95_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Reparent</span>
  (Widget     : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   New_Parent : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);</div>
<div class='comment'>Change the parent of the widget dynamically.
If both the new parent and the widget are shown, then the widget is
visually redrawn in its new parent.
     <li><a name='Translate_Coordinates_96_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Translate_Coordinates</span>
  (Src_Widget  : Gtk_Widget;
   Dest_Widget : Gtk_Widget;
   Src_X       : Gint;
   Src_Y       : Gint;
   Dest_X      : <b>out</b> Gint;
   Dest_Y      : <b>out</b> Gint;
   Result      : <b>out</b> Boolean);</div>
<div class='comment'>Translate coordinates relative to <tt>Src_Widget</tt>'s allocation to coordinates
relative to <tt>Dest_Widget</tt>'s allocations. In order to perform this
operation, both widgets must be realized, and must share a common
<tt>Result</tt> is set to False if either widget was not realized, or there
was no common ancestor. In this case, nothing is stored in <tt>Dest_X</tt> and
<tt>Dest_Y</tt>. Otherwise True.
     <li><a name='Get_Root_Window_97_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Root_Window</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;</div>
<div class='comment'>Get the root window where this widget is located. This function can only
be called after the widget has been added to a widget hierarchy.
The root window is useful for such purposes as creating a popup
Gdk_Window associated with the window. In general, you should only
create display specific resources when a widget has been realized, and
you should free those resources when the widget is unrealized.
     <li><a name='Set_Composite_Name_98_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Composite_Name</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record; Name : String);</div>
<a name='Get_Composite_Name_99_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Composite_Name</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> String;</div>
<div class='comment'>Sets or gets a widgets composite name. The widget must be
a composite child of its parent; see <a href='gtk-widget.html#Push_Composite_Child_100_'>Push_Composite_Child</a>.
     <li><a name='Push_Composite_Child_100_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Push_Composite_Child</span>;</div>
<a name='Pop_Composite_Child_101_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Pop_Composite_Child</span>;</div>
<div class='comment'>Makes all newly-created widgets as composite children until
the corresponding <a href='gtk-widget.html#Pop_Composite_Child_101_'>Pop_Composite_Child</a> call.
A composite child is a child that's an implementation detail of the
container it's inside and should not be visible to people using the
container. Composite children aren't treated differently by GTK (but
see gtk.container.foreach() vs. gtk.container.forall()), but e.g. GUI
builders might want to treat them in a different way.
Here is a simple example:
    <a href='gtk-widget.html#Push_Composite_Child_100_'>Push_Composite_Child</a>;
    Gtk_New (Scrolled_Window.Hscrollbar, Hadjustment);
    <a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Composite_Name_98_'>Set_Composite_Name</a> (Scrolled_Window.Hscrollbar, "hscrollbar");
    <a href='gtk-widget.html#Pop_Composite_Child_101_'>Pop_Composite_Child</a>;
    <a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Parent_89_'>Set_Parent</a> (Scrolled_Window.Hscrollbar, Scrolled_Window);
    Ref (Scrolled_Window.Hscrollbar);
  <a name='Subprograms__Misc_functions'></a>
  <h3>Misc functions</h3>
  <div class='description'></div>

     <li><a name='Set_Scroll_Adjustments_102_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Scroll_Adjustments</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Hadj   : <a href='gtk-adjustment.html'>Gtk.Adjustment.Gtk_Adjustment</a>;
   Vadj   : <a href='gtk-adjustment.html'>Gtk.Adjustment.Gtk_Adjustment</a>);</div>
<div class='comment'>Emit the "set_scroll_adjustments" signal.
The exact signal emitted depends on the widget type (see
The handler creates the adjustments if null is passed as argument, and
makes sure both adjustments are in the correct range.
     <li><a name='Intersect_103_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Intersect</span>
  (Widget       : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Area         : Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle;
   Intersection : <b>access</b> Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return True if the widget intersects the screen area <tt>Area</tt>.
The intersection area is returned in <tt>Intersection</tt>.
     <li><a name='Region_Intersect_104_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Region_Intersect</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Region : Gdk.Region.Gdk_Region)
   <b>return</b> Gdk.Region.Gdk_Region;</div>
<div class='comment'><tt>Region</tt> must be in the same coordinate system as the widget's allocation,
ie relative to the widget's window, or to the parent's window for
No_Window widgets.
Returns a newly allocated region. The coordinats are in the same system
as described above.
Computes the intersection of a <tt>Widget</tt>'s area and <tt>Region</tt>, returning
the intersection. The result may be empty, use gdk.region.empty to
     <li><a name='Grab_Default_105_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Grab_Default</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'>The widget becomes the default widget for its parent window or dialog.
All keyboard events will be sent to it if no other widget has the focus.
Note that the "Can_Default" flag must have been set first on WIDGET.
     <li><a name='Set_State_106_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_State</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   State  : Enums.Gtk_State_Type);</div>
<a name='Get_State_107_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_State</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> Enums.Gtk_State_Type;</div>
<div class='comment'>Modify the state of the widget.
This modifies its visual aspect, and thus should be used only if you
change its behavior at the same time, so as not to confuse the user.
     <li><a name='Set_Sensitive_108_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Sensitive</span>
  (Widget    : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Sensitive : Boolean := True);</div>
<div class='comment'>Modify the sensitivity of the widget.
An insensitive widget is generally grayed out, and can not be activated.
For instance, an insensitive menu item is grayed, and can never be
     <li><a name='Set_App_Paintable_109_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_App_Paintable</span>
  (Widget        : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   App_Paintable : Boolean);</div>
<div class='comment'>Modify the "<tt>App_Paintable</tt>" flag for the widget.
     <li><a name='Set_Double_Buffered_110_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Double_Buffered</span>
  (Widget          : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Double_Buffered : Boolean := True);</div>
<div class='comment'>Modify the "<tt>Double_Buffered</tt>" flag for the widget.
     <li><a name='Get_Pointer_111_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Get_Pointer</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   X      : <b>out</b> Gint;
   Y      : <b>out</b> Gint);</div>
<div class='comment'>Return the coordinates of the pointer (i.e. mouse) relative to <tt>Widget</tt>.
     <li><a name='Set_Window_112_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Window</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Window : Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window);</div>
<a name='Get_Window_113_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Window</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;</div>
<div class='comment'>Set the <a href='gdk.html'>Gdk</a> window associated with the widget.
You can use this window if you need to draw directly on the widget using
the functions found in the <a href='gdk.html'>Gdk</a> hierarchy.
These functions are rarely used except when you implement your own own
widget types. Predefined widgets takes care of that automatically.
     <li><a name='Shape_Combine_Mask_114_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Shape_Combine_Mask</span>
  (Widget     : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Shape_Mask : <a href='gdk-bitmap.html'>Gdk.Bitmap.Gdk_Bitmap</a>;
   Offset_X   : Gint;
   Offset_Y   : Gint);</div>
<div class='comment'>Modify the shape of the window that contains the widget.
This allows for transparent windows, and requires the Xext library to be
available on your system. If this library is not available, your program
will still work.
See the manual page for XShapeCombineMask(3x) for more information.
     <li><a name='Reset_Shapes_115_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Reset_Shapes</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'>Recursively resets the shape on this widget and its descendants.
     <li><a name='Render_Icon_116_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Render_Icon</span>
  (Widget   : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Stock_Id : String;
   Size     : <a href='gtk-enums.html'>Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Icon_Size</a>;
   Detail   : UTF8_String := "") <b>return</b> <a href='gdk-pixbuf.html'>Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf</a>;</div>
<div class='comment'>A convenience function that uses the theme engine for <tt>Widget</tt>, to lookup
a <tt>Stock_Id</tt> (see <a href='gtk-stock.html'>Gtk.Stock</a>) and render it to a pixbuf (see <a href='gdk-pixbuf.html'>Gdk.Pixbuf</a>).
<tt>Detail</tt> should be a string that identifies the widget or code doing the
rendering, so that the theme engine can special-case rendering for that
widget or code. It can be left to the empty stirng to get the default
Null is returned if <tt>Stock_Id</tt> wasn't known.
  <a name='Subprograms__Tooltips'></a>
  <div class='description'></div>

     <li><a name='Set_Tooltip_Text_117_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Tooltip_Text</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Text   : UTF8_String);</div>
<div class='comment'>Sets text as the contents of the tooltip. This function will take care
of setting GtkWidget::has-tooltip to TRUE and of the default handler for
the GtkWidget::query-tooltip signal.
See also the GtkWidget:tooltip-text property and Gtk_Tooltips.Set_Text.
     <li><a name='Set_Tooltip_Markup_118_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Tooltip_Markup</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Text   : UTF8_String);</div>
<div class='comment'>Sets markup as the contents of the tooltip, which is marked up with the
<a href='pango.html'>Pango</a> text markup language.
This function will take care of setting GtkWidget:has-tooltip to TRUE
and of the default handler for the GtkWidget::query-tooltip signal.
See also the GtkWidget::tooltip-markup property and
     <li><a name='Set_Tooltip_Window_119_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Tooltip_Window</span>
  (Widget        : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Custom_Window : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);</div>
<div class='comment'> <tt>Custom_Window</tt> : access <a href='gtk-window.html'>Gtk.Window.Gtk_Window_Record</a>'Class);
Replaces the default, usually yellow, window used for displaying
tooltips with custom_window. GTK+ will take care of showing and hiding
<tt>Custom_Window</tt> at the right moment, to behave likewise as the default
tooltip window. If <tt>Custom_Window</tt> is NULL, the default tooltip window
will be used.
     <li><a name='Get_Tooltip_Window_120_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Tooltip_Window</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record) <b>return</b> Gtk_Widget;</div>
<div class='comment'>  return <a href='gtk-window.html'>Gtk.Window.Gtk_Window</a>;
Returns the GtkWindow of the current tooltip. This can be the GtkWindow
created by default, or the custom tooltip window set using
<a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Tooltip_Window_119_'>Gtk.Widget.Set_Tooltip_Window</a>.
  <a name='Subprograms__Creating_new_widgets'></a>
  <h3>Creating new widgets</h3>
  <div class='description'>Although the core subprogram for creating new widgets is
Glib.Gobjects.Initialize_Class_Record, it is often useful to override
some internal pointers to functions.
The functions below are not needed unless you are writting your own
widgets, and should be reserved for advanced customization of the
standard widgets.

     <li><a name='Set_Scroll_Adjustments_Signal_121_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Scroll_Adjustments_Signal</span>
  (Widget : <a href='glib-object.html'>Glib.Object.GObject_Class</a>; Signal : String);</div>
<div class='comment'>Modify the signal to be sent when the adjustments are modified.
This is only useful when you are rewritting your own widget that can be
embedded directly in a Gtk_Scrolled_Window, without any Gtk_Viewport.
<tt>Signal</tt> is the name of the signal that will be emitted when <tt>Widget</tt> is
put inside a Gtk_Scrolled_Window.
Note that the handlers for this signal must take two arguments in
addition to the widget (the horizontal and vertical adjustments to be
used). See <a href='gtk-scrolled_window.html'>Gtk.Scrolled_Window</a> and Gtk.Widget.Set_Scroll_Adjustment for
more information on this signal.
     <li><a name='Set_Default_Size_Allocate_Handler_122_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Default_Size_Allocate_Handler</span>
  (Klass   : <a href='glib-object.html'>Glib.Object.GObject_Class</a>;
   Handler : Size_Allocate_Handler);</div>
<div class='comment'>Override the default size_allocate handler for this class. This handler
is automatically called in several cases (when a widget is dynamically
resized for instance), not through a signal. Thus, if you need to
override the default behavior provided by one of the standard
containers, you can not simply use <a href='gtk-handlers.html#Emit_Stop_By_Name_113_'>Gtk.Handlers.Emit_Stop_By_Name</a>, and
you must override the default handler. Note also that this handler
is automatically inherited by children of this class.
     <li><a name='Set_Allocation_123_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Allocation</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Alloc : Gtk_Allocation);</div>
<div class='comment'>Modifies directly the internal field of <tt>Widget</tt> to register the new
Beware that the only use of this method is inside a callback set
by <a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Default_Size_Allocate_Handler_122_'>Set_Default_Size_Allocate_Handler</a>. If you simply want to resize
or reposition a widget, use <a href='gtk-widget.html#Size_Allocate_30_'>Size_Allocate</a> instead.
     <li><a name='Default_Expose_Event_Handler_124_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Default_Expose_Event_Handler</span> (Klass : GObject_Class)
   <b>return</b> Expose_Event_Handler;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return the default expose event handler for the widget class <tt>Klass</tt>. The
typical use for this function is when you are writting your own
container class. You should then, from your own handler for
expose_event, call the one of the parent class, so that all the children
are automatically redrawn.
  <a name='Subprograms__Flags'></a>
  <div class='description'>Some additional flags are defined for all the visual objects (widgets).
They are defined in addition to the ones defined in <a href='gtk-object.html'>Gtk.Object</a>.
These flags are important in that they define exactly the different
states a widget can be in.

     <li><a name='Toplevel_Is_Set_125_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Toplevel_Is_Set</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Test whether the Toplevel flag is set.
     <li><a name='No_Window_Is_Set_126_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>No_Window_Is_Set</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Test whether the No_Window flag is set.
     <li><a name='Realized_Is_Set_127_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Realized_Is_Set</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Test whether the Realized flag is set.
     <li><a name='Mapped_Is_Set_128_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Mapped_Is_Set</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Test whether the Mapped flag is set.
     <li><a name='Visible_Is_Set_129_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Visible_Is_Set</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Test whether the Visible flag is set.
     <li><a name='Drawable_Is_Set_130_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Drawable_Is_Set</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>True if the widget is both visible and mapped.
In other words, if it does appear on the screen.
     <li><a name='Is_Sensitive_131_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Is_Sensitive</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Test whether the widget is Sensitive.
     <li><a name='Can_Focus_Is_Set_132_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Can_Focus_Is_Set</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Test whether the Can_Focus flag is set.
     <li><a name='Has_Focus_Is_Set_133_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Has_Focus_Is_Set</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Test whether the Has_Focus flag is set.
     <li><a name='Has_Default_Is_Set_134_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Has_Default_Is_Set</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Test whether the Has_Default flag is set.
     <li><a name='Has_Grab_Is_Set_135_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Has_Grab_Is_Set</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Test whether the Has_Grab flag is set.
     <li><a name='Rc_Style_Is_Set_136_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Rc_Style_Is_Set</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Test whether the Rc_Style flag is set.
     <li><a name='Double_Buffered_Is_Set_137_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Double_Buffered_Is_Set</span>
  (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Test whether the Double_Buffered flag is set.
  <a name='Subprograms__GValue_support'></a>
  <h3>GValue support</h3>
  <div class='description'></div>

     <li><a name='Get_Requisition_138_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Requisition</span>
  (Value : Glib.Values.GValue) <b>return</b> Gtk_Requisition_Access;</div>
<div class='comment'>Convert a value into a <a href='gtk-widget.html'>Gtk_Requisition_Access</a>.
     <li><a name='Get_Allocation_139_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Allocation</span>
  (Value : Glib.Values.GValue) <b>return</b> Gtk_Allocation_Access;</div>
<div class='comment'>Convert a value into a <a href='gtk-widget.html'>Gtk_Allocation_Access</a>.
  <a name='Subprograms__Properties'></a>
  <div class='description'>The following properties are defined for this widget. See
<a href='glib-properties.html'>Glib.Properties</a> for more information on properties.

     <li><a name='Child_Notify_140_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Child_Notify</span>
  (Widget         : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Child_Property : String);</div>
<div class='comment'>Emits a "child-notify" signal for the child property on <tt>Widget</tt>.
This signal indicates the the value of the child property has changed on
the parent, and thus that <tt>Widget</tt> should refresh itself if needed.
<tt>Child_Property</tt> is the name of a child property installed on <tt>Widget</tt>'s
parent. You should use Glib.Propert_Name to get the name from the
property declaration in each of the GtkAda packages
     <li><a name='Freeze_Child_Notify_141_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Freeze_Child_Notify</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'>Stops emission of "child-notify" signals on <tt>Widget</tt>. The signals are
queued until <a href='gtk-widget.html#Thaw_Child_Notify_142_'>Thaw_Child_Notify</a>() is called on Wwidget.
     <li><a name='Thaw_Child_Notify_142_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Thaw_Child_Notify</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'>Reverts the effect of a previous call to <a href='gtk-widget.html#Freeze_Child_Notify_141_'>Freeze_Child_Notify</a>.
This causes all queued "child-notify" signals on <tt>Widget</tt> to be emitted.
     <li><a name='Class_Install_Style_Property_143_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Class_Install_Style_Property</span>
  (Klass : <a href='glib-object.html'>Glib.Object.GObject_Class</a>;
   Pspec : <a href='glib.html'>Glib.Param_Spec</a>);</div>
<div class='comment'>Installs a style property on a widget class. The parser for the
style property is determined by the value type of <tt>Pspec</tt>.
A style property configures the look-and-feel of a widget class. They
are generally modified by the current gtk+ theme, although users can
also modify them in their own configuration file.
     <li><a name='Class_List_Style_Properties_144_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Class_List_Style_Properties</span>
  (Klass : <a href='glib-object.html'>Glib.Object.GObject_Class</a>) <b>return</b> <a href='glib.html'>Glib.Param_Spec_Array</a>;</div>
<div class='comment'>Returns all style properties of a widget class.
     <li><a name='Class_Find_Style_Property_145_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Class_Find_Style_Property</span>
  (Klass         : <a href='glib-object.html'>Glib.Object.GObject_Class</a>;
   Property_Name : String) <b>return</b> <a href='glib.html'>Glib.Param_Spec</a>;</div>
<div class='comment'>Finds a style property of a widget class by name.
<tt>Klass</tt> must be a descendent of <a href='gtk-widget.html'>Gtk_Widget</a>.
You should use <a href='glib.html#Property_Name_6_'>Glib.Property_Name</a> to get the name from the property
declaration in each of the GtkAda packages
     <li><a name='Style_Get_Property_146_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Style_Get_Property</span>
  (Widget        : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record;
   Property_Name : String;
   Value         : <b>out</b> Glib.Values.GValue);</div>
<div class='comment'>Gets the value of a style property of <tt>Widget</tt>.
You should use <a href='glib.html#Property_Name_6_'>Glib.Property_Name</a> to get the name from the property
declaration in each of the GtkAda packages
   </div> <!--  subprograms -->

  </div> <!--  notebook_page1 --> 
  <div id='notebook_page2' class='notebookPage'>
    <a name='Signals'></a>
    <div id='signals'>
    <li><div class='name'>button_press_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Button</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  A button was pressed while the pointer was inside the widget.
  To get this signal, some widgets by have to use the <a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Events_51_'>Set_Events</a>
  subprogram first to get this event.
  If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
  of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
    <li><div class='name'>button_release_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Button</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  A button was released while the pointer was inside the widget.
  Note that in some cases (Gtk_Buttons for instance), another "clicked"
  signal could be emitted). This "button_release_event" should mainly
  be used for widgets that don't already have specific signals to cover
  that case (Gtk_Drawing_Area for instance).
    <li><div class='name'>child_notify</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);</div>
        <div class='comment'>  This signal is emitted when the value of one of the child properties
  for the widget has been changed. If you are only interested in the
  changes for a specific property, you can also connect directly to
  "child_notify::<property>", for instance "child_notify:right_attach"
  for a child of <a href='gtk-menu.html'>Gtk.Menu.Gtk_Menu</a>.
    <li><div class='name'>configure_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Configure</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  Some configuration of the window has changed (it has been
  moved or resized).
  If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
  of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
    <li><div class='name'>delete_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  The user has clicked on the "close" button in the window's frame
  (the button that is automatically set by the window manager). If the
  handler returns False, the widget will be destroyed (and the window
  closed), but if the handler returns True, nothing will be done.
  This is a good way to prevent the user from closing your application's
  window if there should be some clean ups first (like saving the
    <li><div class='name'>destroy_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  This signal is apparently never emitted by <a href='gtk.html'>Gtk</a>+. You might want to
  use "destroy" instead, which is documented in <a href='gtk-object.html'>Gtk.Object</a>.
    <li><div class='name'>draw</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                       Area   : Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle);</div>
        <div class='comment'>  Emitted when a widget needs to be drawn. The default handler emits
  the "expose" event.
    <li><div class='name'>draw_default</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);</div>
        <div class='comment'>  Emitted when a widget needs to be drawn and it does not have the
  focus. This is never called if the widget can not have the focus
  (ie the "Can_Focus" flag is unset).
    <li><div class='name'>draw_focus</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);</div>
        <div class='comment'>  Emitted when a widget needs to be drawn and it has the focus. Some
  widgets might want to provide visual clues that they have the focus,
  like a black border. This is never called if the widget can not have
  the focus (ie the "Can_Focus" flag is unset).
    <li><div class='name'>enter_notify_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Crossing</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  The pointer has just entered the widget. If the "Can_Focus" flag is
  set, Widget will gain the focus, and the widget might be drawn
  If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
  of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
    <li><div class='name'>event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  Some event was sent to the widget. This covers all the cases
  below, and acts as a general handler. This is called in addition to
  the relevant specific handler below.
  If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
  of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
    <li><div class='name'>expose_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Expose</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  The widget needs to be partly redrawn. The exact area to redraw is
  found in <a href='gtk-widget.html#Event_45_'>Event</a>. For some widgets, you should rather connect to the
  "draw" signal. However, for instance for Gtk_Drawing_Area widgets,
  you have to use this, after setting the correct event mask with
  <a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Events_51_'>Set_Events</a>.
  If the handler returns False, the event might be passed to the parent
  of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
    <li><div class='name'>focus_in_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Focus</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  The widget has just gained the focus.
  If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
  of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
  This event is only emitted if you called <a href='gtk-widget.html#Add_Events_53_'>Add_Events</a> with a
  Enter_Notify_Mask parameter
    <li><div class='name'>focus_out_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Focus</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  The widget has just lost the focus.
  If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
  of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
  This event is only emitted if you called <a href='gtk-widget.html#Add_Events_53_'>Add_Events</a> with a
  Leave_Notify_Mask parameter
    <li><div class='name'>grab_focus</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);</div>
        <div class='comment'>  The widget has got the focus, ie will now get the keyboard events
  sent to a window. This is only called if the "Can_Focus" flag is
  set. The "Has_Focus" flag might not be set when this signal is
    <li><div class='name'>hide</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);</div>
        <div class='comment'>  Emitted when a widget is to be hidden (see explanation for the <a href='gtk-widget.html#Hide_7_'>Hide</a>
  subprogram). Hides the widget from the screen, and if its parent is
  shown, the widget will not appear on the screen again.
    <li><div class='name'>key_press_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Key</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  A key has been pressed while Widget had the focus. Note that some
  widgets like Gtk_Editable provide some higher-level signals to handle
  If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
  of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
    <li><div class='name'>key_release_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Key</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  A key has been released while Widget had the focus.
  If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
  of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
    <li><div class='name'>leave_notify_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Crossing</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  The pointer has just leaved the widget. If the "Can_Focus" flag is
  set, Widget will gain the focus, and the widget might be drawn
  If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
  of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
    <li><div class='name'>map</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);</div>
        <div class='comment'>  Emitted when a widget is mapped on the screen (the default handler
  simply emits the "show" signal).
    <li><div class='name'>map_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  The widget has just been mapped. This is different from the "map"
  signal, which is called *before* the widget is actually mapped.
  If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
  of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
    <li><div class='name'>motion_notify_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Motion</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  The pointer has moved while remaining inside the widget.
  The <a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Events_51_'>Set_Events</a> subprogram has to be called first to get this event.
    <li><div class='name'>no_expose_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  ???
    <li><div class='name'>parent_set</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                       Previous_Parent : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);</div>
        <div class='comment'>  A new parent has been set for the widget. The previous parent is
  given in arguments (if there was none,
  Gdk.Is_Created (Previous_Parent) returns False).
    <li><div class='name'>property_notify_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Property</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  ???
    <li><div class='name'>proximity_in_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Proximity</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  Used for special input devices. See the description of
  <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Proximity</a>.
  If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
  of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
    <li><div class='name'>proximity_out_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Proximity</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  Used for special input devices. See the description of
  <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Proximity</a>.
  If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
  of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
    <li><div class='name'>realize</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);</div>
        <div class='comment'>  Emitted when a widget is realized. The default handler creates the
  <a href='gdk.html'>Gdk</a> window associated with the widget, and its ancestors.
    <li><div class='name'>selection_clear_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Selection</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  ???
    <li><div class='name'>selection_notify_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Selection</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  ???
    <li><div class='name'>selection_request_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Selection</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  ???
    <li><div class='name'>show</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);</div>
        <div class='comment'>  Emitted when a widget is to be shown (see explanation for the <a href='gtk-widget.html#Show_5_'>Show</a>
  subprogam). This schedules the widget to be displayed on the screen,
  and if this is a toplevel widget it actually appears on the screen
  and all its children that have been shown.
    <li><div class='name'>size_allocate</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget     : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                       Allocation : Gtk_Allocation);</div>
        <div class='comment'>  A size and position were assigned to the widget. This is called every
  time the size of the widget changes.
  The default handler takes care of resizing and moving the widget.
    <li><div class='name'>size_request</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget      : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                       Requisition : <b>access</b> Gtk_Requisition);</div>
        <div class='comment'>  Should return (in Requisition) the ideal size the widget would like to
  have. It is not sure this is the size that will be assigned to it,
  since it depends on the size of its parent).
    <li><div class='name'>state_changed</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget         : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                       Previous_State : <a href='gtk-enums.html'>Gtk.Enums.Gtk_State_Type</a>);</div>
        <div class='comment'>  The state of the widget has changed.
    <li><div class='name'>style_set</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);</div>
        <div class='comment'>                     Previous_Style : <a href='gtk-style.html'>Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style</a>);
  The widget's style has been changed (this is not call when some
  settings in the style are changed, only when the style itself is
  completely changed with a call to <a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Style_66_'>Set_Style</a> or Set_Default_Style).
    <li><div class='name'>unmap</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);</div>
        <div class='comment'>  Emitted when a widget needs to be unmapped on the screen (the default
  handler simply emits the "hide" signal).
    <li><div class='name'>unmap_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  The widget has just been unmapped. This is different from the "unmap"
  signal, which is called *before* the widget is actually unmapped.
  If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
  of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
    <li><div class='name'>unrealize</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);</div>
        <div class='comment'>  Emitted when a widget is unrealized. The default handler destroys the
  <a href='gdk.html'>Gdk</a> windows of the widget and all its children.
    <li><div class='name'>visibility_notify_event</div>
        <div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Handler</span> (Widget : <b>access</b> Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
                      Event  : <a href='gdk-event.html'>Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Visibility</a>)
                     <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
        <div class='comment'>  The visibility state of the widget has changed (partially visible,
  fully visible, ...). You might want to use the "expose" signal
  If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
  of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
    </div> <!-- signals -->
  </div> <!--  notebook_page2 -->

  <div id='notebook_page3' class='notebookPage'>
    <a name='Properties'></a>
    <div class='properties'>
        <li><div class='name'>App_Paintable_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Boolean</div>
            <div class='comment'>Whether the application will paint directly on the widget
<br><b>See:</b> <a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_App_Paintable_109_'>Set_App_Paintable</a></div></li>
        <li><div class='name'>Can_Default_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Boolean</div>
            <div class='comment'>Whether the widget can be the default widget
<br><b>See:</b> Set or unset the flag Can_Default</div></li>
        <li><div class='name'>Can_Focus_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Boolean</div>
            <div class='comment'>Whether the widget can accept the input focus (keyboard)
<br><b>See:</b> Set or unset the flag Can_Focus</div></li>
        <li><div class='name'>Composite_Child_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Boolean</div>
            <div class='comment'>Whether the widget is composed of other widgets
<br><b>See:</b> Set or unset the flag Composite_Child</div></li>
        <li><div class='name'>Events_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>flags</div>
            <div class='comment'>The event mask that decides what kind of GdkEvents this widget
        <li><div class='name'>Extension_Events_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Enum</div>
            <div class='comment'>The mask that decides what kind of extension events this widget
        <li><div class='name'>Has_Default_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Boolean</div>
            <div class='comment'>Whether the widget is the default widget
<br><b>See:</b> <a href='gtk-widget.html#Grab_Default_105_'>Grab_Default</a></div></li>
        <li><div class='name'>Has_Focus_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Boolean</div>
            <div class='comment'>Whether the widget has the input focus
<br><b>See:</b> <a href='gtk-widget.html#Grab_Focus_48_'>Grab_Focus</a></div></li>
        <li><div class='name'>Has_Tooltip</div>
            <div class='profile'>Boolean</div>
            <div class='comment'>Enables or disables the emission of "query-tooltip" on widget. A
        <li><div class='name'>Height_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Gint</div>
            <div class='comment'>The height of the widget or -1 if not set
<br><b>See:</b> Set_USize</div></li>
        <li><div class='name'>Height_Request_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Int</div>
            <div class='comment'>Override for height request of the widget, or -1 if natural
        <li><div class='name'>Is_Focus_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Boolean</div>
            <div class='comment'>Whether the widget is the focus widget within the toplevel
        <li><div class='name'>Name_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>UTF8_String</div>
            <div class='comment'>The name of the widget
<br><b>See:</b> <a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Name_82_'>Set_Name</a> procedure</div></li>
        <li><div class='name'>No_Show_All_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Boolean</div>
            <div class='comment'>Whether gtk_widget_show_all() should not affect this widget
        <li><div class='name'>Parent_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Gtk_Container'Class</div>
            <div class='comment'>The parent widget of this widget.
<br><b>See:</b> <a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Parent_89_'>Set_Parent</a> or Add procecures</div></li>
        <li><div class='name'>Prop_Extensions_Events_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>flags</div>
            <div class='comment'>The mask that decides what kind of extension events this widget
        <li><div class='name'>Receives_Default_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Boolean</div>
            <div class='comment'>If True, the widget will receive the default action when
        <li><div class='name'>Sensitive_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Boolean</div>
            <div class='comment'>Whether the widget responds to input
<br><b>See:</b> <a href='gtk-widget.html#Set_Sensitive_108_'>Set_Sensitive</a></div></li>
        <li><div class='name'>Style_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Gtk_Style</div>
            <div class='comment'>The style of the widget, which contains information about how
        <li><div class='name'>Visible_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Boolean</div>
            <div class='comment'>Whether the widget is visible
<br><b>See:</b> <a href='gtk-widget.html#Hide_7_'>Hide</a> and <a href='gtk-widget.html#Show_5_'>Show</a> procedures</div></li>
        <li><div class='name'>Width_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Gint</div>
            <div class='comment'>The width of the widget or -1 if not set
<br><b>See:</b> Set_USize</div></li>
        <li><div class='name'>Width_Request_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Int</div>
            <div class='comment'>Override for width request of the widget, or -1 if natural
        <li><div class='name'>X_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Gint</div>
            <div class='comment'>The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the widget,
        <li><div class='name'>Y_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Gint</div>
            <div class='comment'>The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the widget,
    </div> <!-- properties -->
    <a name='Style Properties'></a>
    <div class='properties'>
      <h2>Style Properties</h2>
        <li><div class='name'>Cursor_Aspect_Ratio_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Float</div>
            <div class='comment'>Aspect ratio with which to draw insertion cursor
        <li><div class='name'>Cursor_Color_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Boxed</div>
            <div class='comment'>Color with which to draw insertion cursor
        <li><div class='name'>Draw_Border_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Boxed</div>
            <div class='comment'>Size of areas outside the widget's allocation to draw
        <li><div class='name'>Focus_Line_Pattern_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>String</div>
            <div class='comment'>Dash pattern used to draw the focus indicator
        <li><div class='name'>Focus_Line_Width_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Int</div>
            <div class='comment'>Width, in pixels, of the focus indicator line
        <li><div class='name'>Focus_Padding_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Int</div>
            <div class='comment'>Width, in pixels, between focus indicator and the widget 'box'
        <li><div class='name'>Interior_Focus_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Boolean</div>
            <div class='comment'>Whether to draw the focus indicator inside widgets
        <li><div class='name'>Secondary_Cursor_Color_Property</div>
            <div class='profile'>Boxed</div>
            <div class='comment'>Color with which to draw the secondary insertion cursor when
    </div> <!-- properties -->
  </div> <!-- notebook_page3 -->

</div> <!-- documentation -->

<div id='rightSide'>
 <div id='Index'>
  <h2>Alphabetical Index</h2>
   <li><a href='#Activate_47_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Activate</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Add_Accelerator_37_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Add_Accelerator</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Add_Events_53_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Add_Events</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Add_Mnemonic_Label_42_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Add_Mnemonic_Label</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Can_Activate_Accel_39_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Can_Activate_Accel</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Can_Focus_Is_Set_132_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Can_Focus_Is_Set</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Child_Focus_50_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Child_Focus</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Child_Notify_140_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Child_Notify</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Class_Find_Style_Property_145_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Class_Find_Style_Property</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Class_Install_Style_Property_143_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Class_Install_Style_Property</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Class_List_Style_Properties_144_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Class_List_Style_Properties</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Class_Path_86_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Class_Path</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Class_Path_Reversed_87_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Class_Path_Reversed</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Create_Pango_Context_25_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Create_Pango_Context</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Create_Pango_Layout_26_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Create_Pango_Layout</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Default_Expose_Event_Handler_124_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Default_Expose_Event_Handler</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Default_Motion_Notify_Event_56_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Default_Motion_Notify_Event</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Destroy_Cb_3_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Destroy_Cb</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Double_Buffered_Is_Set_137_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Double_Buffered_Is_Set</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Drawable_Is_Set_130_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Drawable_Is_Set</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Ensure_Style_69_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Ensure_Style</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Event_45_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Event</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Freeze_Child_Notify_141_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Freeze_Child_Notify</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Allocation_139_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Allocation</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Allocation_Height_33_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Allocation_Height</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Allocation_Width_32_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Allocation_Width</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Allocation_X_34_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Allocation_X</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Allocation_Y_35_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Allocation_Y</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Ancestor_88_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Ancestor</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Child_Requisition_31_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Child_Requisition</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Child_Visible_19_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Child_Visible</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Colormap_59_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Colormap</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Composite_Name_99_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Composite_Name</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Default_Colormap_64_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Default_Colormap</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Default_Direction_79_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Default_Direction</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Default_Style_68_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Default_Style</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Default_Visual_65_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Default_Visual</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Direction_81_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Direction</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Events_52_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Events</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Extension_Events_55_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Extension_Events</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Name_83_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Name</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_No_Show_All_11_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_No_Show_All</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Pango_Context_72_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Pango_Context</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Parent_90_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Parent</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Parent_Window_92_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Parent_Window</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Pointer_111_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Pointer</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Requisition_138_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Requisition</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Root_Window_97_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Root_Window</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Size_Request_29_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Size_Request</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_State_107_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_State</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Style_67_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Style</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Tooltip_Window_120_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Tooltip_Window</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Toplevel_93_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Toplevel</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Type_1_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Type</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Visual_60_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Visual</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Window_113_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Window</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Grab_Default_105_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Grab_Default</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Grab_Focus_48_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Grab_Focus</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Has_Default_Is_Set_134_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Has_Default_Is_Set</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Has_Default_Motion_Notify_Handler_57_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Has_Default_Motion_Notify_Handler</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Has_Focus_Is_Set_133_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Has_Focus_Is_Set</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Has_Grab_Is_Set_135_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Has_Grab_Is_Set</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Has_Screen_20_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Has_Screen</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Hide_7_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Hide</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Hide_All_9_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Hide_All</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Hide_On_Delete_17_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Hide_On_Delete</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Intersect_103_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Intersect</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Is_Ancestor_94_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Is_Ancestor</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Is_Focus_49_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Is_Focus</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Is_Sensitive_131_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Is_Sensitive</a></li>
   <li><a href='#List_Mnemonic_Labels_41_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>List_Mnemonic_Labels</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Map_12_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Map</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Mapped_Is_Set_128_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Mapped_Is_Set</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Mnemonic_Activate_44_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Mnemonic_Activate</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Modify_Base_76_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Modify_Base</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Modify_Bg_74_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Modify_Bg</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Modify_Fg_73_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Modify_Fg</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Modify_Font_77_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Modify_Font</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Modify_Text_75_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Modify_Text</a></li>
   <li><a href='#No_Window_Is_Set_126_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>No_Window_Is_Set</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Path_84_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Path</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Path_Reversed_85_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Path_Reversed</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Pop_Colormap_62_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Pop_Colormap</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Pop_Composite_Child_101_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Pop_Composite_Child</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Push_Colormap_61_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Push_Colormap</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Push_Composite_Child_100_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Push_Composite_Child</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Queue_Draw_21_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Queue_Draw</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Queue_Draw_Area_22_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Queue_Draw_Area</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Queue_Resize_23_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Queue_Resize</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Queue_Resize_No_Redraw_24_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Queue_Resize_No_Redraw</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Rc_Style_Is_Set_136_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Rc_Style_Is_Set</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Realize_14_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Realize</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Realized_Is_Set_127_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Realized_Is_Set</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Region_Intersect_104_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Region_Intersect</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Remove_Accelerator_38_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Remove_Accelerator</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Remove_Mnemonic_Label_43_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Remove_Mnemonic_Label</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Render_Icon_116_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Render_Icon</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Reparent_95_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Reparent</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Requisition_Get_Type_2_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Requisition_Get_Type</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Reset_Rc_Styles_71_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Reset_Rc_Styles</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Reset_Shapes_115_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Reset_Shapes</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Restore_Default_Style_70_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Restore_Default_Style</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Send_Expose_46_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Send_Expose</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Accel_Path_40_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Accel_Path</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Allocation_123_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Allocation</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_App_Paintable_109_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_App_Paintable</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Child_Visible_18_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Child_Visible</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Colormap_58_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Colormap</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Composite_Name_98_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Composite_Name</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Default_Colormap_63_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Default_Colormap</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Default_Direction_78_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Default_Direction</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Default_Size_Allocate_Handler_122_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Default_Size_Allocate_Handler</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Direction_80_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Direction</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Double_Buffered_110_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Double_Buffered</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Events_51_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Events</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Extension_Events_54_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Extension_Events</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Name_82_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Name</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_No_Show_All_10_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_No_Show_All</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Parent_89_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Parent</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Parent_Window_91_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Parent_Window</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Realize_16_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Realize</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Redraw_On_Allocate_36_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Redraw_On_Allocate</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Scroll_Adjustments_102_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Scroll_Adjustments</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Scroll_Adjustments_Signal_121_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Scroll_Adjustments_Signal</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Sensitive_108_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Sensitive</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Size_Request_28_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Size_Request</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_State_106_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_State</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Style_66_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Style</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Tooltip_Markup_118_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Tooltip_Markup</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Tooltip_Text_117_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Tooltip_Text</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Tooltip_Window_119_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Tooltip_Window</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Window_112_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Window</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Shape_Combine_Mask_114_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Shape_Combine_Mask</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Show_5_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Show</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Show_All_8_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Show_All</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Show_Now_6_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Show_Now</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Size_Allocate_30_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Size_Allocate</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Size_Request_27_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Size_Request</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Style_Get_Property_146_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Style_Get_Property</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Thaw_Child_Notify_142_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Thaw_Child_Notify</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Toplevel_Is_Set_125_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Toplevel_Is_Set</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Translate_Coordinates_96_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Translate_Coordinates</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Unmap_13_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Unmap</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Unparent_4_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Unparent</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Unrealize_15_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Unrealize</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Visible_Is_Set_129_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Visible_Is_Set</a></li>
 </div> <!-- Index -->
</div> <!-- rightSide -->

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