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 <title>GtkAda: Pango.Layout</title>
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<div id='leftSide'>
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<ul class='top'>
  <li><img src='childtree.png' alt='_' /><a class='tree' onclick='treetoggle(this)'><img src='treeopen.png' alt='[-]' /></a><a href='glib-object.html'>GObject_Record</a></li><ul>
  <li><img src='childtree2.png' alt='  '/><img src='childtree.png' alt='_' />Pango_Layout_Record</li></ul>
  </div> <!--  classHierarchy -->

  <div id='navigation'>
     <li><a href='#Description' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Description</a></li>
     <li><a href='#Types' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Types</a></li>
     <li><a href='#Subprograms' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Subprograms</a>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__General' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>General</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__Creating_a_layout' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Creating a layout</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__Contexts' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Contexts</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__Lines' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Lines</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__Getting_the_size' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Getting the size</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__Manipulating_the_text' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Manipulating the text</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__Layouting_the_text' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Layouting the text</a></li>
        <li><a href='#Subprograms__Attributes' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Attributes</a></li>
  </div> <!--  navigation -->

</div>  <!--  leftSide -->

<div id='documentation'>
  <ul id='notebook'>
   <li id='tab_page1' class='current'><a href='' onclick='return !switchPage("page1")'>Entities</a></li>
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  <div id='notebook_page1' class='notebookPage'>
  <a name='Description'></a>
  <div class='description'>

This package provides a high-level object that is capable of arranging text
in a visually correct manner. It supports international character sets,
although all strings should be Utf8, supports left-to-right and
right-to-left writing systems, is capable of handling multi-line texts, and
properly aligns tab characters in the text.
This is the base type that is used in the standard gtk+ widget for all the
widgets that display some text on the screen.
Since it works directly with <a href='pango-font.html'>Pango.Font.Pango_Font_Description</a> fonts, it is
also much better at handling resizing of text, wrapping,... than direct
calls to <a href='gdk-drawable.html#Draw_Text_15_'>Gdk.Drawable.Draw_Text</a>.
The idea is that this widget is used to compute the layout of the
characters (ie their screen position). It doesn't do any rendering,
however, and should be used in conjonction with <a href='gdk-drawable.html#Draw_Layout_17_'>Gdk.Drawable.Draw_Layout</a> to
actually display something on the screen.
This widget is independent from any specific drawing systems, and might for
instance be used to create postscript documents, for direct access to the
win32 API,...
This widget represents one of the fundamental additions to gtk+ 2.0 over
what previously existed in the gtk+ 1.x series. It obsoletes the package
<a href='gdk-font.html'>Gdk.Font</a>, which should only be used for legacy applications.
  </div> <!-- description -->

  <a name='Types'></a>
  <div id='types'>
     <li><a name='Pango_Alignment_'></a>
         <div class='profile'><b>type</b> Pango_Alignment <b>is</b>
         <div class='comment'></div></li>
     <li><a name='Pango_Ellipsize_Mode_'></a>
         <div class='profile'><b>type</b> Pango_Ellipsize_Mode <b>is</b>
         <div class='comment'>This type describes what sort of (if any) ellipsization should be
applied to a line of text. In the ellipsization process characters are
removed from the text in order to make it fit to a given width and
replaced with an ellipsis.
     <li><a name='Pango_Layout_'></a>
         <div class='profile'><b>type</b> Pango_Layout <b>is</b> <b>access</b> <b>all</b> Pango_Layout_Record'Class;</div>
         <div class='comment'>A widget that allows you to easily display text, including handling of
internationalization, right-to-left writing,...
See the function <a href='gtk-widget.html#Create_Pango_Layout_26_'>Gtk.Widget.Create_Pango_Layout</a> for more information on
how to create layouts
Use <a href='glib-object.html#Unref_6_'>Glib.Object.Unref</a> to destroy a <a href='pango-layout.html'>Pango_Layout</a>
See <a href='gdk-drawable.html#Draw_Layout_17_'>Gdk.Drawable.Draw_Layout</a> for how to actually display the layout on
the screen.
     <li><a name='Pango_Layout_Line_'></a>
         <div class='profile'><b>type</b> Pango_Layout_Line <b>is</b> <b>new</b> <a href='glib.html'>Glib.C_Proxy</a>;</div>
         <div class='comment'></div></li>
     <li><a name='Pango_Layout_Record_'></a>
         <div class='profile'><b>type</b> Pango_Layout_Record <b>is</b> <b>new</b> <a href='glib-object.html'>Glib.Object.GObject_Record</a> <b>with</b> <b>private</b>;</div>
         <div class='comment'></div></li>
     <li><a name='Pango_Wrap_Mode_'></a>
         <div class='profile'><b>type</b> Pango_Wrap_Mode <b>is</b>
         <div class='comment'></div></li>
     <li><a name='that_'></a>
         <div class='profile'><b>type</b> that <b>is</b> used <b>in</b> the standard gtk+ widget <b>for</b> <b>all</b> the
<i>--  widgets that display some text on the screen.</i>
<i>--  Since it works directly with Pango.Font.Pango_Font_Description fonts, it is</i>
<i>--  also much better at handling resizing of text, wrapping,... than direct</i>
<i>--  calls to Gdk.Drawable.Draw_Text.</i>
<i>--  The idea is that this widget is used to compute the layout of the</i>
<i>--  characters (ie their screen position). It doesn't do any rendering,</i>
<i>--  however, and should be used in conjonction with Gdk.Drawable.Draw_Layout to</i>
<i>--  actually display something on the screen.</i>
<i>--  This widget is independent from any specific drawing systems, and might for</i>
<i>--  instance be used to create postscript documents, for direct access to the</i>
<i>--  win32 API,...</i>
<i>--  This widget represents one of the fundamental additions to gtk+ 2.0 over</i>
<i>--  what previously existed in the gtk+ 1.x series. It obsoletes the package</i>
<i>--  Gdk.Font, which should only be used for legacy applications.</i>
<i>--  &lt;/description&gt;</i>
<i>--  &lt;group&gt;Pango, font handling&lt;/group&gt;</i>
<b>with</b> Glib;</div>
         <div class='comment'></div></li>
  </div> <!-- types -->

  <a name='Subprograms'> </a>
  <a name='Subprograms__General'> </a>
  <div id='subprograms'>
  <a name='Subprograms__Creating_a_layout'></a>
  <h3>Creating a layout</h3>
  <div class='description'>A layout can be created in two ways: either from a widget
(<a href='gtk-widget.html#Create_Pango_Layout_26_'>Gtk.Widget.Create_Pango_Layout</a>), from which it will inherit the font
and various other attributes, or directly from a Pango_Context.

     <li><a name='Gdk_New_1_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Gdk_New</span>
  (Layout : <b>out</b> Pango_Layout;
   Context : <b>access</b> Pango.Context.Pango_Context_Record'Class);</div>
<div class='comment'>Create a new layout, based on context.
  <a name='Subprograms__Contexts'></a>
  <div class='description'></div>

     <li><a name='Get_Context_2_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Context</span> (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record)
   <b>return</b> Pango.Context.Pango_Context;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return the context of the layout. The returned value is the internal
context itself, so you must <a href='glib-object.html#Ref_5_'>Glib.Object.Ref</a> it if you need to keep a
reference. You shouldn't Unref it.
     <li><a name='Set_Font_Description_3_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Font_Description</span>
  (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record;
   Font   : <a href='pango-font.html'>Pango.Font.Pango_Font_Description</a>);</div>
<div class='comment'>Change the font used in the layout.
If not font description is set for the layout, the font description from
the layout's context is used.
     <li><a name='Context_Changed_4_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Context_Changed</span> (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record);</div>
<div class='comment'>Forces recomputation of any state in <tt>Layout</tt> that might depend
on the layout's context. This function should be called if you make
changes to the context subsequent to creating the layout.
  <a name='Subprograms__Lines'></a>
  <div class='description'></div>

     <li><a name='Get_Line_5_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Line</span>
  (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record;
   Line   : Natural) <b>return</b> Pango_Layout_Line;</div>
<div class='comment'>Retrieve a particular line from <tt>Layout</tt>.
<tt>Line</tt> must be between 0 and <a href='pango-layout.html#Get_Line_Count_17_'>Get_Line_Count</a> (<tt>Layout</tt>) - 1. null is returned
if the index is out of range.
The layout line can be Ref'ed and retained, but will become invalid if
changes are made to <tt>Layout</tt>.
     <li><a name='Line_Ref_6_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Line_Ref</span> (Line : Pango_Layout_Line);</div>
<div class='comment'>Increase the reference count of <tt>Line</tt> by 1.
     <li><a name='Line_Unref_7_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Line_Unref</span> (Line : Pango_Layout_Line);</div>
<div class='comment'>Decrease the reference count of <tt>Line</tt> by 1. If the result is 0, the line
and all associated memory will be destroyed.
     <li><a name='Line_Index_To_X_8_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Line_Index_To_X</span>
  (Line     : Pango_Layout_Line;
   Index    : Integer;
   Trailing : Integer) <b>return</b> Glib.Gint;</div>
<div class='comment'>Convert an index within a line to an X position.
<tt>Index</tt> is the byte offset of a graphem within the layout.
<tt>Trailing</tt> is an integer indicating the edge of the grapheme to retrieve
the position of. If 0, the trailing edge of the grapheme, otherwise, the
leading of the grapheme.
The returned value is in pango units.
  <a name='Subprograms__Getting_the_size'></a>
  <h3>Getting the size</h3>
  <div class='description'><a href='pango.html'>Pango</a> internally stores its sizes in pango units, which are a number of
pixels (device units, when not drawing on the screen) multiplied by
Pango_Scale. There are generally equivalent subprograms to get the sizes
directly in pixels.

     <li><a name='Get_Extents_9_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Get_Extents</span>
  (Layout       : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record;
   Ink_Rect     : <b>out</b> Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle;
   Logical_Rect : <b>out</b> Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle);</div>
<div class='comment'>Compute the logical and ink extents of <tt>Layout</tt>. Logical extents
are usually what you want for positioning things. The extents
are given in pango units; layout coordinates begin at the
top left corner of the layout.
<tt>Logical_Rect</tt> is the overall size of the layout, ie it includes <tt>Ink_Rect</tt>
(where the text is actually drawn) and a small border around it.
     <li><a name='Get_Size_10_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Get_Size</span>
  (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record;
   Width  : <b>out</b> Glib.Gint;
   Height : <b>out</b> Glib.Gint);</div>
<div class='comment'>Return the logical size, in pango units, of the layout. This is a
convenience function around <a href='pango-layout.html#Get_Extents_9_'>Get_Extents</a>.
     <li><a name='Get_Pixel_Extents_11_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Get_Pixel_Extents</span>
  (Layout       : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record;
   Ink_Rect     : <b>out</b> Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle;
   Logical_Rect : <b>out</b> Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle);</div>
<div class='comment'>Same as <a href='pango-layout.html#Get_Extents_9_'>Get_Extents</a>, but the returned values are in pixels (or device
units when not drawing on the screen).
     <li><a name='Get_Pixel_Size_12_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Get_Pixel_Size</span>
  (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record;
   Width  : <b>out</b> Glib.Gint;
   Height : <b>out</b> Glib.Gint);</div>
<div class='comment'>Same as <a href='pango-layout.html#Get_Size_10_'>Get_Size</a>, but the returned values are in pixels.
     <li><a name='XY_To_Index_13_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>XY_To_Index</span>
  (Layout           : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record;
   X_Pango, Y_Pango : Glib.Gint;
   Byte_Index       : <b>out</b> Integer;
   Trailing         : <b>out</b> Integer;
   Exact            : <b>out</b> Boolean);</div>
<div class='comment'>Convert from X and Y positions within a layout to the byte index of the
character at that logical position.
X and Y are given in pango units, not pixels.
If the position is not inside the layout, the closest position is
chosen, and <tt>Exact</tt> is set to False.
<tt>Trailing</tt> is the position in the grapheme where the user clicked. It will
either be 0 (left side) or the number of characters in the grapheme. In
some character sets, a given character can be represented by multiple
signs on the screen, which is what <tt>Trailing</tt> relates to.
  <a name='Subprograms__Manipulating_the_text'></a>
  <h3>Manipulating the text</h3>
  <div class='description'>When initially created with <a href='gtk-widget.html#Create_Pango_Layout_26_'>Gtk.Widget.Create_Pango_Layout</a>, the layout
contains some text. Of course, this text may also be changed later in
the life of the layout.

     <li><a name='Set_Text_14_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Text</span> (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record; Text : String);</div>
<div class='comment'>Change the text that the layout displays
<tt>Text</tt> must be a valid UTF8 string. See <a href='glib-convert.html'>Glib.Convert</a> for useful conversion
     <li><a name='Get_Text_15_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Text</span> (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record) <b>return</b> String;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return the text currently displayed in the layout.
It is more efficient to use the iterators on the layout than get text if
you do not need Ada-specific subprograms to act on the text.
     <li><a name='Get_Text_16_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Text</span> (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record)
   <b>return</b> <a href='gtkada-types.html'>Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr</a>;</div>
<div class='comment'>Same a <a href='pango-layout.html#Get_Text_16_'>Get_Text</a>, but return directly the C string, which is more
efficient. The returned value should not be freed or modified.
     <li><a name='Get_Line_Count_17_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Line_Count</span> (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record)
   <b>return</b> Glib.Gint;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return the number of lines in <tt>Layout</tt>
     <li><a name='Set_Markup_18_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Markup</span>
  (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record;
   Markup : <a href='glib.html'>Glib.UTF8_String</a>);</div>
<div class='comment'>Change the text that layout displays.
<tt>Markup</tt> must be a valid UTF8 String, and might contain markups as
defined in the pango markup language.
  <a name='Subprograms__Layouting_the_text'></a>
  <h3>Layouting the text</h3>
  <div class='description'></div>

     <li><a name='Set_Justify_19_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Justify</span>
  (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record; Justify : Boolean);</div>
<div class='comment'>Set whether or not each complete line should be stretched to fill the
entire width of the layout. This stretching is typically done by adding
whitespace, but for some scripts (such as Arabic), the justification is
done by extending the characters.
     <li><a name='Get_Justify_20_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Justify</span> (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record) <b>return</b> Boolean;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return True if each complete line should be stretched to fill the entire
width of the layout.
     <li><a name='Set_Alignment_21_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Alignment</span>
  (Layout    : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record'Class;
   Alignment : Pango_Alignment);</div>
<div class='comment'>Set the alignment for the layout (how partial lines are positioned
within the horizontal space available).
     <li><a name='Get_Alignment_22_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Alignment</span> (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record)
  <b>return</b> Pango_Alignment;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return the alignment for the layout.
     <li><a name='Set_Width_23_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Width</span>
  (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record; Width : Glib.Gint);</div>
<div class='comment'>Set the width to which the lines of <tt>Layout</tt> should be wrapped. No
wrapping will be performed if <tt>Width</tt> is -1.
<tt>Width</tt> is given in pango units.
     <li><a name='Get_Width_24_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Width</span> (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record) <b>return</b> Glib.Gint;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return the wrapping width of <tt>Layout</tt>
     <li><a name='Set_Wrap_25_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Wrap</span>
  (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record; Mode : Pango_Wrap_Mode);</div>
<div class='comment'>Sets the wrap style; the wrap style only has an effect if a width is set
on the layout with pango_layout_set_width(). To turn off wrapping, set
the width to -1.
     <li><a name='Get_Wrap_26_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Wrap</span> (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record)
   <b>return</b> Pango_Wrap_Mode;</div>
<div class='comment'>Return the current wrap style
     <li><a name='Set_Tabs_27_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Tabs</span>
  (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record;
   Tabs   : Pango.Tabs.Pango_Tab_Array);</div>
<div class='comment'>Sets the tabs to use for <tt>Layout</tt>, overriding the default tabs (by
default, tabs are every 8 spaces). If <tt>Tabs</tt> is Null_Tab_Array, the
default tabs are reinstated. tabs is copied into the layout; you must
free your copy of <tt>Tabs</tt> yourself.
     <li><a name='Get_Tabs_28_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Tabs</span>
  (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record) <b>return</b> Pango.Tabs.Pango_Tab_Array;</div>
<div class='comment'>Get the current tab array used by <tt>Layout</tt>. If no tab array
has been set, then the default tabs are in use and Null_Tab_Array is
Default tabs are every 8 spaces. The return value should be freed with
  <a name='Subprograms__Attributes'></a>
  <div class='description'></div>

     <li><a name='Set_Attributes_29_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>procedure</b> <span class='name'>Set_Attributes</span>
  (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record;
   Attributes : <a href='pango-attributes.html'>Pango.Attributes.Pango_Attr_List</a>);</div>
<div class='comment'>Set the text attributes for a layout object.
Passing null removes the current list of attributes
     <li><a name='Get_Attributes_30_'></a>
<div class='profile'><b>function</b> <span class='name'>Get_Attributes</span> (Layout : <b>access</b> Pango_Layout_Record)
   <b>return</b> <a href='pango-attributes.html'>Pango.Attributes.Pango_Attr_List</a>;</div>
<div class='comment'>Get the text attributes from a layout object
   </div> <!--  subprograms -->

  </div> <!--  notebook_page1 --> 
  <div id='notebook_page3' class='notebookPage'>
  </div> <!-- notebook_page3 -->

</div> <!-- documentation -->

<div id='rightSide'>
 <div id='Index'>
  <h2>Alphabetical Index</h2>
   <li><a href='#Context_Changed_4_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Context_Changed</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Gdk_New_1_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Gdk_New</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Alignment_22_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Alignment</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Attributes_30_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Attributes</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Context_2_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Context</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Extents_9_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Extents</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Justify_20_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Justify</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Line_5_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Line</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Line_Count_17_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Line_Count</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Pixel_Extents_11_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Pixel_Extents</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Pixel_Size_12_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Pixel_Size</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Size_10_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Size</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Tabs_28_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Tabs</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Text_15_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Text</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Text_16_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Text</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Width_24_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Width</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Get_Wrap_26_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Get_Wrap</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Line_Index_To_X_8_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Line_Index_To_X</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Line_Ref_6_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Line_Ref</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Line_Unref_7_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Line_Unref</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Alignment_21_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Alignment</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Attributes_29_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Attributes</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Font_Description_3_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Font_Description</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Justify_19_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Justify</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Markup_18_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Markup</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Tabs_27_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Tabs</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Text_14_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Text</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Width_23_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Width</a></li>
   <li><a href='#Set_Wrap_25_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>Set_Wrap</a></li>
   <li><a href='#XY_To_Index_13_' onclick='return switchPage("page1")'>XY_To_Index</a></li>
 </div> <!-- Index -->
</div> <!-- rightSide -->

   <script language='javascript'>switchPage('page1');