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                    <a href="../../../../html/index.html">Home</a> &raquo; Classes and Objects

<h1><a name="Classes_and_Objects"
>Classes and Objects</a></h1>

<p>Many of Parrot&#39;s core classes &#45;&#45; such as <code>Integer</code>,
or <code>ResizablePMCArray</code> &#45;&#45; are written in C,
but you can also write your own classes in PIR.
PIR doesn&#39;t have the shiny syntax of high&#45;level object&#45;oriented languages,
but it provides the necessary features to construct well&#45;behaved objects every bit as powerful as those of high&#45;level object systems.</p>

	INDEX: objects
--> Parrot developers often use the word &#34;PMCs&#34; to refer to the objects defined in C classes and &#34;objects&#34; to refer to the objects defined in PIR.
In truth,
all PMCs are objects and all objects are PMCs,
so the distinction is a community tradition with no official meaning.</p>

<h2><a name="Class_Declaration"
>Class Declaration</a></h2>

	INDEX: classes
--> The <code>newclass</code><!--
	INDEX: newclass opcode
--> opcode defines a new class.
It takes a single argument,
the name of the class to define.</p>
<pre>    $P0 = newclass 'Foo'
<p>Just as with Parrot&#39;s core classes,
the <code>new</code><!--
	INDEX: new opcode
--> opcode instantiates a new object of a named class.</p>
<pre>  $P1 = new 'Foo'
<p>In addition to a string name for the class,
<code>new</code> can also instantiate an object from a class object or from a keyed namespace name.</p>
<pre>  $P0 = newclass 'Foo'
  $P1 = new $P0

  $P2 = new ['Bar';'Baz']
<h2><a name="Attributes"

	INDEX: attributes
--> <!--
	INDEX: classes;attributes
--> The <code>addattribute</code> opcode defines a named attribute &#45;&#45; or <i>instance variable</i> &#45;&#45; in the class:</p>
<pre>  $P0 = newclass 'Foo'
  addattribute $P0, 'bar'
<p>The <code>setattribute</code><!--
	INDEX: setattribute
--> opcode sets the value of a declared attribute.
You must declare an attribute before you may set it.
The value of an attribute is always a PMC,
never an integer,
or string.Though it can be an <code>Integer</code>,
or <code>String</code> PMC.</p>
<pre>    $P6 = box 42
    setattribute $P1, 'bar', $P6
<p>The <code>getattribute</code><!--
	INDEX: getattribute opcode
--> opcode fetches the value of a named attribute.
It takes an object and an attribute name as arguments and returns the attribute PMC:</p>
<pre>    $P10 = getattribute $P1, 'bar'
<p>Because PMCs are containers,
you may modify an object&#39;s attribute by retrieving the attribute PMC and modifying its value.
You don&#39;t need to call <code>setattribute</code> for the change to stick:</p>
<pre>    $P10 = getattribute $P1, 'bar'
    $P10 = 5
<h2><a name="Instantiation"

<p>With a created class,
we can use the <code>new</code> opcode to instantiate an object of that class in the same way we can instantiate a new PMC.</p>
<pre>    $P0 = newclass "Foo"
    $P1 = new $P0
if we don&#39;t have the class object handy,
we can do it by name too:</p>
<pre>    $P1 = new "Foo"
<p>PMCs have two VTABLE interface functions for dealing with instantiating a new object: <code>init</code> and <code>init_pmc</code>.
The former is called when a new PMC is created,
the later is called when a new PMC is created with an initialization argument.</p>
<pre>    .namespace ["Foo"]
    .sub 'init' :vtable
        say "Creating a new Foo"

    .sub 'init_pmc' :vtable
        .param pmc args
        print "Creating a new Foo with argument "
        say args

    .sub 'main' :main
        $P1 = new ['Foo']       # init
        $P2 = new ['Foo'], $P1  # init_pmc
<h2><a name="Methods"

	INDEX: methods
--> <!--
	INDEX: classes;methods
--> <!--
	INDEX: subroutines;methods
--> Methods in PIR are subroutines stored in the class object.
Define a method with the <code>.sub</code> directive and the <code>:method</code><!--
	INDEX: :method subroutine modifier
--> modifier:</p>
<pre>  .sub half :method
    $P0 = getattribute self, 'bar'
    $P1 = $P0 / 2
<p>This method returns the integer value of the <code>bar</code> attribute of the object divided by two.
Notice that the code never declares the named variable <code>self</code>.
Methods always make the invocant object &#45;&#45; the object on which the method was invoked &#45;&#45; available in a local variable called <code>self</code><!--
	INDEX: self variable

<p>The <code>:method</code> modifier adds the subroutine to the class object associated with the currently selected namespace,
so every class definition file must contain a <code>.namespace</code><!--
	INDEX: .namespace directive
--> declaration.
Class files for languages may also contain an <code>.HLL</code><!--
	INDEX: .HLL directive
--> declaration to associate the namespace with the appropriate high&#45;level language:</p>
<pre>  .HLL 'php'
  .namespace [ 'Foo' ]
<p>Method calls in PIR use a period (<code>.</code>) to separate the object from the method name.
The method name is either a literal string in quotes or a string variable.
The method call looks up the method in the invocant object using the string name:</p>
<pre>    $P0 = $P1.'half'()

    $S2 = 'double'
    $P0 = $P1.$S2()
<p>You can also pass a method object to the method call instead of looking it up by string name:</p>
<pre>    $P2 = get_global 'triple'
    $P0 = $P1.$P2()
<p>Parrot always treats a PMC used in the method position as a method object,
so you can&#39;t pass a <code>String</code> PMC as the method name.</p>

<p>Methods can have multiple arguments and multiple return values just like subroutines:</p>
<pre>  ($P0, $S1) = $P2.'method'($I3, $P4)
<p>The <code>can</code><!--
	INDEX: can opcode
--> opcode checks whether an object has a particular method.
It returns 0 (false) or 1 (true):</p>
<pre>    $I0 = can $P3, 'add'
<h2><a name="Inheritance"

	INDEX: inheritance
--> <!--
	INDEX: classes;inheritance
--> The <code>subclass</code><!--
	INDEX: subclass opcode
--> opcode creates a new class that inherits methods and attributes from another class.
It takes two arguments: the name of the parent class and the name of the new class:</p>
<pre>    $P3 = subclass 'Foo', 'Bar'
<p><code>subclass</code> can also take a class object as the parent class instead of a class name:</p>
<pre>    $P3 = subclass $P2, 'Bar'
	INDEX: multiple inheritance
--> The <code>addparent</code><!--
	INDEX: addparent opcode
--> opcode also adds a parent class to a subclass.
This is especially useful for multiple inheritance,
as the <code>subclass</code> opcode only accepts a single parent class:</p>
<pre>  $P4 = newclass 'Baz'
  addparent $P3, $P4
  addparent $P3, $P5
<p>To override an inherited method in the child class,
define a method with the same name in the subclass.
This example code overrides <code>Bar</code>&#39;s <code>who_am_i</code> method to return a more meaningful name:</p>
<pre>  .namespace [ 'Bar' ]

  .sub 'who_am_i' :method
    .return( 'I am proud to be a Bar' )
	INDEX: new opcode
--> Object creation for subclasses is the same as for ordinary classes:</p>
<pre>    $P5 = new 'Bar'
<p>Calls to inherited methods are just like calls to methods defined in the class:</p>
<pre>    $P1.'increment'()
<p>The <code>isa</code> opcode checks whether an object is an instance of or inherits from a particular class.
It returns 0 (false) or 1 (true):</p>
<pre>    $I0 = isa $P3, 'Foo'
    $I0 = isa $P3, 'Bar'
<h2><a name="Overriding_Vtable_Functions"
>Overriding Vtable Functions</a></h2>

	INDEX: overriding vtable functions
--> <!--
	INDEX: vtable functions;overriding
--> The <code>Object</code> PMC<!--
	INDEX: Object PMC
--> is a core PMC written in C that provides basic object&#45;like behavior.
Every object instantiated from a PIR class inherits a default set of vtable functions from <code>Object</code>,
but you can override them with your own PIR subroutines.</p>

<p>The <code>:vtable</code><!--
	INDEX: :vtable subroutine modifier
--> modifier marks a subroutine as a vtable override.
As it does with methods,
Parrot stores vtable overrides in the class associated with the currently selected namespace:</p>
<pre>  .sub 'init' :vtable
    $P6 = new 'Integer'
    setattribute self, 'bar', $P6
<p>Subroutines acting as vtable overrides must either have the name of an actual vtable function or include the vtable function name in the <code>:vtable</code> modifier:</p>
<pre>  .sub foozle :vtable('init')
    # ...
<p>You must call methods on objects explicitly,
but Parrot calls vtable functions implicitly in multiple contexts.
For example,
creating a new object with <code>$P3 = new &#39;Foo&#39;</code> will call <code>init</code> with the new <code>Foo</code> object.</p>

<p>As an example of some of the common vtable overrides,
the <code>=</code><!--
	INDEX: = operator
--> operator (or <code>set</code><!--
	INDEX: set opcode
--> opcode) calls <code>Foo</code>&#39;s vtable function <code>set_integer_native</code> when its left&#45;hand side is a <code>Foo</code> object and the argument is an integer literal or integer variable:</p>
<pre>    $P3 = 30
<p>The <code>+</code><!--
	INDEX: + operator
--> operator (or <code>add</code><!--
	INDEX: add opcode
--> opcode) calls <code>Foo</code>&#39;s <code>add</code> vtable function when it adds two <code>Foo</code> objects:</p>
<pre>    $P3 = new 'Foo'
    $P3 = 3
    $P4 = new 'Foo'
    $P4 = 1774

    $P5 = $P3 + $P4
    # or:
    add $P5, $P3, $P4
<p>The <code>inc</code><!--
	INDEX: inc opcode
--> opcode calls <code>Foo</code>&#39;s <code>increment</code> vtable function when it increments a <code>Foo</code> object:</p>
<pre>    inc $P3
<p>Parrot calls <code>Foo</code>&#39;s <code>get_integer</code> and <code>get_string</code> vtable functions to retrieve an integer or string value from a <code>Foo</code> object:</p>
<pre>    $I10 = $P5  # get_integer
    say $P5     # get_string
<h2><a name="Introspection"

	INDEX: introspection
--> <!--
	INDEX: classes;introspection
--> Classes defined in PIR using the <code>newclass</code> opcode are instances of the <code>Class</code> PMC<!--
This PMC contains all the meta&#45;information for the class,
such as attribute definitions,
vtable overrides,
and its inheritance hierarchy.
The opcode <code>inspect</code><!--
	INDEX: inspect opcode
--> provides a way to peek behind the curtain of encapsulation to see what makes a class tick.
When called with no arguments,
<code>inspect</code> returns an associative array containing data on all characteristics of the class that it chooses to reveal:</p>
<pre>  $P1 = inspect $P0
  $P2 = $P1['attributes']
<p>When called with a string argument,
<code>inspect</code> only returns the data for a specific characteristic of the class:</p>
<pre>  $P0 = inspect $P1, 'parents'
<p>Table 7&#45;1 shows the introspection characteristics supported by <code>inspect</code>.</p>
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