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                    <a href="../../../html/index.html">Home</a> &raquo; <a href="../../../html/developer.html">Developer Documentation</a> &raquo; Ubuntu Packaging Guide

<h1><a name="Ubuntu_Packaging_Guide"
>Ubuntu Packaging Guide</a></h1>

<p>This is a quick set of instructions for packaging Parrot for Ubuntu.
See the Ubuntu Packaging Guide ( and the guide to the Person Package Archive (PPA) ( for more details.</p>

<p>This guide assumes that you&#39;re running in a chroot environment set up as in: <a href=''></a>,
and also assumes that you&#39;ve already built the corresponding Debian package for the release as documented in <a href='TODO#project%2Fdebian_packaging_guide.pod'>&#34;project/debian_packaging_guide.pod&#34; in docs</a>.</p>

<p>To package Parrot for Ubuntu:</p>

<dt><a name="0."
Download the latest tarball.
<dt><a name="1."
Compile it and run the tests,
just to be sure the tarball is sound (especially useful if you&#39;re running in a chroot environment different than your usual dev environment).
<dt><a name="2."
Create a new directory.
(The name is irrelevant,
but we&#39;ll use <em>~/udeb/parrot</em> for the sake of illustration.)Create a fresh extract of the tarball in the <em>~/udeb/parrot</em> directory.
The directory should be named <em>parrot&#45;[version]</em> (it will be by default).Copy the original tarball into <em>~/udeb/parrot</em>,
naming it <em>parrot_[version].orig.tar.gz</em> (note the &#34;_&#34; in place of dash).
<dt><a name="3."
Integrate any new change entries from <em>ports/debian/changelog</em> into <em>ports/ubuntu/changelog</em>,
preserving chronological order.Copy the <em>ports/debian/</em> directory from the Parrot source tree into the fresh tarball extract.
<pre>  cp &#45;r &#60;path/to/parrot/git&#62;/ports/debian ~/udeb/parrot/parrot&#45;[version]/.</pre>
Then copy the unique Ubuntu files (<em>changelog</em> and <em></em>) from <em>ports/ubuntu/</em> into the new <em>debian/</em> directory.
<pre>  cp &#60;path/to/parrot/git&#62;/ports/ubuntu/* ~/udeb/parrot/parrot&#45;[version]/debian/.</pre>

<dt><a name="4."
Add a new entry to the <em>changelog</em> file in <em>~/udeb/parrot/parrot&#45;[version]/debian/</em> for the Ubuntu package. Copy the first line from the Debian changelog. Add <code>ubuntu#</code> after the Debian version to indicate the Ubuntu revision of the package, and for PPA uploads also add <code>~ppa#</code>. Instead of the Debian branch (&#39;unstable&#39;) use the target Ubuntu distribution (&#39;intrepid&#39;).
<pre>  parrot (0.5.1&#45;1ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low</pre>
The changelog entry for the Ubuntu release is generally:
<pre>  * Synchronize with Debian unstable.</pre>
Add any custom changes for Ubuntu packaging (rare). The final line gives the maintainer&#39;s name, email address, and the date. The date must be in RFC822 format, and can be generated by running <code>date &#45;R</code>. (Note that two spaces are required between the email and the date.)
<pre>   &#45;&#45; Your Name &#60;;  Sun, 30 Dec 2007 17:21:45 +0000</pre>

<dt><a name="5."
Install all dependencies:
<pre>  $ sudo /usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder&#45;satisfydepends</pre>

<dt><a name="6."
Build the source packages. From <em>~/udeb/parrot/parrot_[version]/</em>, run:
<pre>  $ debuild &#45;S &#45;sa</pre>

<dt><a name="7."
Update Parrot&#39;s PPA with the new release (configured in ChrootSetup). From <em>~/udeb/parrot/</em> run:
<pre>  $ dput parrot&#45;ppa parrot_[version]_source.changes</pre>

<dt><a name="8."
Commit the Ubuntu <em>changelog</em> file to the <em>ports/ubuntu/</em> directory in the repository. (At the moment, we&#39;re keeping the Debian packages as the primary.)</dl>
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