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                    <a href="../../../html/index.html">Home</a> &raquo; <a href="../../../html/ops.html">Opcodes</a> &raquo; Variable Opcodes

<h1><a name="NAME"

<p>var.ops &#45; Variable Opcodes</p>

<h1><a name="DESCRIPTION"

<p>These operations deal with both lexical and global variables,
as well as the symbol tables that contain them.</p>

<p>When making changes to any ops file,
run <code>make bootstrap&#45;ops</code> to regenerate all generated ops files.</p>

<h2><a name="Lexical_variable_ops"
>Lexical variable ops</a></h2>

<p>Operations to create,
modify and delete lexical variables.</p>

<dt><a name="store_lex(in_STR,_invar_PMC)"
><b>store_lex</b>(in STR,
invar PMC)</a></dt>
Store object $2 as lexical symbol $1.
The opcode might succeed or throw an exception on unknown lexical names depending on the implementation of the LexPad PMC.
Requires that the lexical is stored in a PMC register.Parrot&#39;s LexPad throws an exception for unknown names.
<dt><a name="store_lex(in_STR,_in_STR)"
><b>store_lex</b>(in STR,
in STR)</a></dt>
Store object $2 as lexical symbol $1.
The opcode might succeed or throw an exception on unknown lexical names depending on the implementation of the LexPad PMC.
Requires that the lexical is stored in a STR register.Parrot&#39;s LexPad throws an exception for unknown names.
<dt><a name="store_lex(in_STR,_in_INT)"
><b>store_lex</b>(in STR,
in INT)</a></dt>
Store object $2 as lexical symbol $1.
The opcode might succeed or throw an exception on unknown lexical names depending on the implementation of the LexPad PMC.
Requires that the lexical is stored in an INT register.Parrot&#39;s LexPad throws an exception for unknown names.
<dt><a name="store_lex(in_STR,_in_NUM)"
><b>store_lex</b>(in STR,
in NUM)</a></dt>
Store object $2 as lexical symbol $1.
The opcode might succeed or throw an exception on unknown lexical names depending on the implementation of the LexPad PMC.
Requires that the lexical is stored in a NUM register.Parrot&#39;s LexPad throws an exception for unknown names.
<dt><a name="store_dynamic_lex(in_STR,_invar_PMC)"
><b>store_dynamic_lex</b>(in STR,
invar PMC)</a></dt>
Search caller lexpads for lexical symbol $1 and store object $2 there.
Throws an exception if no caller lexpad claims the lexical symbol.
(To store a value in the current lexpad,
use <code>store_lex</code> above.)
<dt><a name="find_lex(out_PMC,_in_STR)"
><b>find_lex</b>(out PMC,
in STR)</a></dt>
Find the lexical variable named $2 and store it in $1.
Return a Null PMC if the variable is not found.
Requires that the lexical be in a PMC register.
<dt><a name="find_lex(out_STR,_in_STR)"
><b>find_lex</b>(out STR,
in STR)</a></dt>
Find the lexical variable named $2 and store it in $1.
Requires that the lexical be in a STR register.
<dt><a name="find_lex(out_INT,_in_STR)"
><b>find_lex</b>(out INT,
in STR)</a></dt>
Find the lexical variable named $2 and store it in $1.
Requires that the lexical be in a INT register.
<dt><a name="find_lex(out_NUM,_in_STR)"
><b>find_lex</b>(out NUM,
in STR)</a></dt>
Find the lexical variable named $2 and store it in $1.
Requires that the lexical be in a NUM register.
<dt><a name="find_dynamic_lex(out_PMC,_in_STR)"
><b>find_dynamic_lex</b>(out PMC,
in STR)</a></dt>
Search through caller lexpads for a lexical variable named $2 and store it in $1.
Return a Null PMC if the lexical variable is not found.
(To search the current lexpad,
use <code>find_lex</code> above.)
<dt><a name="find_caller_lex(out_PMC,_in_STR)"
><b>find_caller_lex</b>(out PMC,
in STR)</a></dt>
Like find_dynamic_lex above,
but also searches caller&#39;s outer scopes in addition to the lexpads.</dl>

<h2><a name="Namespace_opcodes"
>Namespace opcodes</a></h2>

<dt><a name="get_namespace(out_PMC)"
><b>get_namespace</b>(out PMC)</a></dt>
Set $1 to the current namespace.
<dt><a name="get_namespace(out_PMC,_in_PMC)"
><b>get_namespace</b>(out PMC,
in PMC)</a></dt>
Set $1 to the namespace denoted by the key constant $2,
relative to the current namespace.
If the namespace doesn&#39;t exist,
$1 is set to null.
<dt><a name="get_hll_namespace(out_PMC)"
><b>get_hll_namespace</b>(out PMC)</a></dt>
Set $1 to the current HLL root namespace.
<dt><a name="get_hll_namespace(out_PMC,_in_PMC)"
><b>get_hll_namespace</b>(out PMC,
in PMC)</a></dt>
Set $1 to the namespace denoted by the key constant $2,
relative to the current HLL root namespace.
If the namespace doesn&#39;t exist,
$1 is set to null.
<dt><a name="get_root_namespace(out_PMC)"
><b>get_root_namespace</b>(out PMC)</a></dt>
Set $1 to the true root namespace.
<dt><a name="get_root_namespace(out_PMC,_in_PMC)"
><b>get_root_namespace</b>(out PMC,
in PMC)</a></dt>
Set $1 to the namespace denoted by the key constant $2,
relative to the true root namespace.
If the namespace doesn&#39;t exist,
$1 is set to null.</dl>

<h2><a name="Global_variable_&#39;get&#39;_opcodes"
>Global variable &#39;get&#39; opcodes</a></h2>

<dt><a name="get_global(out_PMC,_in_STR)"
><b>get_global</b>(out PMC,
in STR)</a></dt>
Set $1 to the global named $2 in current namespace.
If the global doesn&#39;t exist,
$1 is set to null.
<dt><a name="get_global(out_PMC,_in_PMC,_in_STR)"
><b>get_global</b>(out PMC,
in PMC,
in STR)</a></dt>
Set $1 to the global named $3 in the namespace denoted by the key constant $2,
relative to the current namespace.
If the namespace or the global doesn&#39;t exist,
$1 is set to null.
<dt><a name="get_hll_global(out_PMC,_in_STR)"
><b>get_hll_global</b>(out PMC,
in STR)</a></dt>
Set $1 to the global named $2 in the current HLL root namespace.
If the global doesn&#39;t exist,
$1 is set to null.
<dt><a name="get_hll_global(out_PMC,_in_PMC,_in_STR)"
><b>get_hll_global</b>(out PMC,
in PMC,
in STR)</a></dt>
Set $1 to the global named $3 in the namespace denoted by the key constant $2,
relative to the current HLL root namespace.
If the namespace or the global doesn&#39;t exist,
$1 is set to null.
<dt><a name="get_root_global(out_PMC,_in_STR)"
><b>get_root_global</b>(out PMC,
in STR)</a></dt>
Set $1 to the global named $2 in the true root namespace.
If the global doesn&#39;t exist,
$1 is set to null.
<dt><a name="get_root_global(out_PMC,_in_PMC,_in_STR)"
><b>get_root_global</b>(out PMC,
in PMC,
in STR)</a></dt>
Set $1 to the global named $3 in the namespace denoted by the key constant $2,
relative to the true root namespace.
If the namespace or the global doesn&#39;t exist,
$1 is set to null.</dl>

<h2><a name="Global_variable_&#39;set&#39;_opcodes"
>Global variable &#39;set&#39; opcodes</a></h2>

<dt><a name="set_global(in_STR,_invar_PMC)"
><b>set_global</b>(in STR,
invar PMC)</a></dt>
Set the global named $1 in the current namespace to $2.
<dt><a name="set_global(in_PMC,_in_STR,_invar_PMC)"
><b>set_global</b>(in PMC,
in STR,
invar PMC)</a></dt>
Set the global named $2 in the namespace denoted by the key constant $1,
relative to the current namespace,
to $3.
If the namespace does not exist,
it is created.
<dt><a name="set_hll_global(in_STR,_invar_PMC)"
><b>set_hll_global</b>(in STR,
invar PMC)</a></dt>
Set the global named $1 to $2 in the current HLL root namespace.
<dt><a name="set_hll_global(in_PMC,_in_STR,_invar_PMC)"
><b>set_hll_global</b>(in PMC,
in STR,
invar PMC)</a></dt>
Set the global named $2 in the namespace denoted by the key constant $1 (relative to the current HLL namespace) to $3.
If the namespace does not exist,
it is created.
<dt><a name="set_root_global(in_STR,_invar_PMC)"
><b>set_root_global</b>(in STR,
invar PMC)</a></dt>
Set the global named $1 in the true root namespace to $2.
<dt><a name="set_root_global(in_PMC,_in_STR,_invar_PMC)"
><b>set_root_global</b>(in PMC,
in STR,
invar PMC)</a></dt>
Set the global named $2 in the namespace denoted by the key constant $1 (relative to the true root namespace) to $3.
If the namespace does not exist,
it is created.</dl>

<h2><a name="Global_variable_ops"
>Global variable ops</a></h2>

<p>Operations to modify global variables</p>

<dt><a name="find_name(out_PMC,_in_STR)"
><b>find_name</b>(out PMC,
in STR)</a></dt>
Find the name <code>$2</code> in lexicals,
then the current namespace,
then the HLL root namespace,
and finally Parrot builtins.
These are checked in order and the first match is returned in <code>$1</code>.
If no matches are found,
either throws an exception or sets <code>$1</code> to PMCNULL,
depending on current errors settings.
See <b>errorson</b>.
<dt><a name="find_sub_not_null(out_PMC,_in_STR)"
><b>find_sub_not_null</b>(out PMC,
in STR)</a></dt>
Do the same thing as <code>find_name</code>,
but throw an exception if the name isn&#39;t found.</dl>

<h1><a name="COPYRIGHT"

<p>Copyright (C) 2001&#45;2011,
Parrot Foundation.</p>

<h1><a name="LICENSE"

<p>This program is free software.
It is subject to the same license as the Parrot interpreter itself.</p>
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