

distrib > Fedora > 15 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 1e007a96761035f261351a68e7601417 > files > 394


# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Parrot Foundation.

=head1 NAME

Getting Started with the Parrot Compiler Tools


This document can be considered your Number One entry point for starting to use
the Parrot Compiler Tools (PCT). As there's a whole lot of acronyms flying
around (see Parrot's glossary at
this document will get you up and running within 10 minutes (that excludes
building Parrot). Once you begin, it's a matter of getting your hands dirty and
get experienced using the tools. Feel free to ask questions in
the #parrot channel on .


Getting started using the PCT is easy.  The steps are:

=over 4

=item * download and build Parrot

=item * generate a language stub

=item * customize your language


The acronyms you will encounter, are:

=over 4

=item * PASM

Stands for Parrot Assembly language, and is a textual form of the bytecodes
that Parrot is running. PASM's syntax is very primitive, which is a pain to
write, which is why Parrot has something called PIR.

=item * PIR

Stands for Parrot Intermediate Representation. This is a fancy layer of
syntactic sugar on top of PASM. If you program Parrot natively, you
write in PIR. Other documents discuss PIR syntax, for instance

=item * PGE

Stands for Parrot Grammar Engine, and is the regular expression engine of
Parrot. It is written in PIR. Regular expressions in Perl 6 are more powerful
than Perl 5's regexes, as you can write language grammars more easily. These
C<regular expressions> are written in Perl 6 C<rules>.  See Perl 6 synopsis 5
(S05, at L<>) for the syntax
of Perl 6 rules.  A grammar is processed by PGE to create a language parser.
The grammar can contain special tokens that look like C<{*}> and invoke a
subroutine by the same name as the current rule. These invoked subroutines are
commonly called C<actions>.

=item * NQP

Stands for Not Quite Perl, and is a I<subset> of Perl 6. Yeah, that's right,
you can already program in Perl 6 today (well, if you're happy with a simpler
version of the language). NQP is implemented in PIR. The reason for building
NQP was that it makes writing the parse actions (see C<PGE>) a whole lot
easier. Although PIR is a neat language, it's still quite primitive.

=item * PAST

PAST stands for Parrot Abstract Syntax Tree, and is a library of classes that
define the nodes for abstract syntax trees. Typical node types are C<PAST::Val>
representing literal values (such as 42, "Hello World", etc.) and C<PAST::Var>
which represents variables (for instance when writing C<my $var;> in Perl 6).
The parse actions discussed earlier can construct these PAST nodes, so that at
the end of the parse, you have a complete abstract syntax tree representing the
program you compiled.

=item * POST

Stands for Parrot Opcode Syntax Tree, and is another library of classes that
define the nodes for so-called opcode syntax trees. For this beginner's guide
you can forget about it, but at some point you'll see the term C<POST>.  Just
forget about it for now.


Now we discussed the most important acronyms, it's time to get up and running.

=head2 Download and Build Parrot

Get Parrot from L<> and build it. If
you're lucky and you have a fast computer, it should be done within 5 minutes.
It's always useful to run the test suite by typing:

 $ make test

=head2 Generate a Language Stub

There's a special script for newcomers: F<tools/dev/>.
Invoke it from Parrot's root directory:

 $ perl tools/dev/mk_language_shell I<language> I<location>

For instance, if you want to create a language called C<Foo> in the directory
C<languages/foo>, type:

 $ perl tools/dev/mk_language_shell Foo languages/foo

This will create a complete language that compiles out of the box.  You first 
need to run the C<Configure.PL> Perl script to generate the C<Makefile>.  Then
you can run C<make> and C<make test>.

 $ cd languages/foo
 $ perl
 $ make
 $ make test

Yes, that's right, there's even a test file already created for you. This makes
setting up the tests for your language very easy!

The generated directories and files have the following structure:

    /                # configuration script
    /config/makefiles/    # input for the Makefile generator
                                 # as long as you don't add source files,
                                 # there's no need to update this file.
               /       # the language's grammar rules; a file
               /       # containing the parse actions;
               /  # file containing a default operator table.

                 /say.pir        # a file containing a built-in function

                 /foo.pmc        # file defining vtable functions 

                 /foo.ops        # file defining opcodes 
                                 # TODO: add more "standard library" routines here
      /00-sanity.t               # a test file
      /harness                   # file to set up the test framework
                                 # more tests can be added here

    /foo.pir                     # file containing the main routine
    /README                      # an almost empty readme file
    /STATUS                      # an almost empty status file
    /MAINTAINER                  # a file for you to add your details to

When you want to run a script through your language's compiler, (assuming
you're in your language's directory, in this case F<languages/foo>) type:

 $ ../../parrot foo.pbc

You can give an command line option to your compiler which specifies what kind
of output you want. This is the C<target> option:

 $ ../../parrot foo.pbc --target=pir

this will print the generated PIR instructions to stdout. Other options for the
C<target> option are C<parse>, C<past>, and C<post>.

=head2 Customize Your Language

You probably have some language syntax in mind to implement.  Note that the
grammar defined in the file C<languages/foo/src/parser/> and the
parse actions in the file C<languages/foo/src/parser/> are closely
related (especially note the names of the action methods). It's very important
to update the methods accordingly if you change the grammar rules.


This section describes some common error messages and how to resolve them. This
is a work in progress, so you might not find your issue/solution here. If you
have anything new to add, please send a patch (or an email) to

=over 4

=item * no result object

This is the case when you try to retrieve the result object from a subrule, but
the subrule's action didn't set a result object using the C<make> command.
Check whether there's an action invocation token C<{*}> in the subrule and
whether that subrule's action has a C<make> command.



=head2 Documents

The following documents might be useful to learn more:

=over 4

=item * L<languages/squaak/doc/>

This directory contains the Parrot Compiler Toolkit Tutorial, describing the
implementation of a simple yet non-trivial language.

=item * L<docs/past_building_blocks.pod>

=item * L<docs/pdds/pdd26_past.pod>

=item * L<docs/pdds/pdd19_pir.pod>

=item * F<>


=head2 Other Languages

You can also have a look at some existing languages that are being developed
using the PCT, all located in the C<languages> subdirectory of Parrot. These
are: perl6 (commonly referred to as C<Rakudo>), lua (see the L<lua/pct>
directory), ecmascript (a standardized C<JavaScript>), punie (Perl 1 on
Parrot), pynie (Python on Parrot), and cardinal (Ruby on Parrot).

=head2 IRC

Everyday, a bunch of Parrot enthusiasts can be found on #parrot on You're welcome to ask questions.


If you have suggestions, improvements, tips or complaints about this document,
please send an email to C<>.
