

distrib > Fedora > 15 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 1e007a96761035f261351a68e7601417 > files > 449


# Copyright (C) 2007-2011, Parrot Foundation.

=head1 Release Manager Guide

To prepare a release:

=over 4

=item 0.

As soon as you become the release manager: review the goals for the release on
the Parrot roadmap (L<>) and
announce the tasks to the Parrot mailing list.  Make sure everyone knows what
they've committed to accomplish in time for the release.

Right after the release preceding your release, it is a good idea to start
tracking parrot news in NEWS. A good resource are the reports
in the weekly #parrotsketch IRC-meeting. A reliable log of these meetings
is available in L<>.

A couple of weeks in advance: Ask people to run C<make fulltest> and
report (and hopefully fix!) any problems they find. Check in with
language project leads for release blockers, to allow time to fix them.
Also ask people to review the tickets targeted for the upcoming release

Make sure your ssh key have been added to the FTP server
Without the key you won't be able to ship the release.

Set up your account on L<> and ask an previous release
manager to provide you with editor privileges if you don't already have them.
Any previous release manager should be able to help.

A couple of days in advance: announce the new release to and to the IRC channel #parrot. Ask whether
there are any showstopping bugs. Check in again with the language
project leads. It's also good to ask for updates to F<NEWS>, F<CREDITS>,

On the Saturday before a release you should notify other developers to stop
committing non-release related code to trunk.  This will help avoid
complications. They are of course free to commit to branches as much as
they like. You might also set the topic in #parrot, announcing the
time when you plan on starting the release procedure. This will help
the committers with timing their last minute commits.

You might also select a name (and optionally a quote) for your release.
For example, you could select a name from

NOTE: Build a recent version of Parrot to have available during the release
to help with bootstrapping. You must have a version of Parrot built and
available to you for some of the subsequent steps.

=item 1.

The day of the release has come.
Make sure you have the most recent version of the master branch:

    git checkout master && git pull --rebase

Also be sure you do not have any local commits that have not yet
been pushed out and tested thoroughly. You can check for this with

    git log origin/master..

If there is no output from that command, then your local master
and the master on origin are in sync.

=item 2.

Update files with version-specific information, but before doing this you
should have parrot configured and have run C<make> with the old version:

=over 4

=item a

=over 4

=item i

Use C<tools/release/> to update the version string in a
handful of files.  If you are running C<> in a directory with
an existing build, run C<make reconfig> to clear out any generated bytecode
that was invalidated by the version change.  Note that this script takes care
of modifying generated code, so C<make bootstrap-ops> is no longer necessary
for the release process.

  perl tools/release/ 1.4.1

=item ii

Also update the version number, date, and your name in the
the file: F<docs/parrothist.pod>.

=item iii

Update this file, that is F<release_manager_guide.pod>,
to remove the pending release you're in the middle of.


=item b

Update F<ChangeLog>, F<NEWS> with the new version number and any other
changes that have occurred since the last release: Hopefully these files
are being updated as committers work. If not, it's probably a good idea
to gather the updates weekly rather than waiting until the day of the
monthly release.

=item c

Update release-related information in F<tools/release/release.json>. This will
be used later when making release announcements.  There are a few essential
fields that must be updated at each release:

=over 4

=item C<release.*>

The date of the next release is in L<Appendix 1|"Appendix 1 - Upcoming releases">.

=item C<>

Enter the date of the Saturday before the next release.

=item C<wiki.bugday>

Update the date part of the link to the wiki page for the next bugday.

=item C<ftp.path>

The URL of the FTP directory where the Parrot tarball can be found.


=item d

Make sure F<RESPONSIBLE_PARTIES> is still accurate.

=item e

Give yourself credit for the release in F<CREDITS>.

=item f

Configure parrot and run C<make distro_tests>, and either fix
what those tests complain about, or fix them so they don't complain.

=item g

If this is a developer release, or there have been no new entries to the
F<PBC_COMPAT> file, skip this step.

If this is a supported release, and new entries to F<PBC_COMPAT> have been
added since the last supported release, make a new entry with a new major
version number for this release at the top of the list.

  3.0     2007.10.17      coke    released 0.4.17

Delete all minor version numbers since the last major bytecode version number,
as these are only used in development and not relevant to the bytecode support
policy. (Those changes are all included within the major version number
increase for the supported release.)

Once you've updated PBC_COMPAT, running C<sh tools/dev/mk_packfile_pbc> if
necessary, then run C<sh tools/dev/mk_native_pbc> to update the pbc files used
in the native pbc tests.  Note that you must have Parrot already built for
this to work, and that this script will reconfigure and rebuild Parrot with
various primitive size options.

=item h

Make sure everything works:

    make realclean
    perl --test ...
    make world html 2>&1 | tee make_world_html.log
    make fulltest   2>&1 | tee make_fulltest.log

Note that running "make fulltest" takes a while and that separate
harnesses are being run.


=item 3.

When all is well, then commit your changes:

    git diff
    git add file1 file2 ...
    git commit -m "awesome and informative commit message"

Instead of adding files individually, you can also tell C<git commit> that you
want all modified and deleted files to be in your next commit via the C<-a>

    git commit -a -m "awesome and informative commit message"

Be carefult with C<git commit -a>, it could add files that you do not mean to
include. Verify that the contents of your most recent commit look sane with:

    git show

If you want you can note the SHA1 from this commit.

    git rev-parse master > SHA1_TO_REMEMBER

Update repository on github.

    git push origin master

=item 4.

Prepare the release tarball.

    make release VERSION=a.b.c

where a.b.c is the version number. This will create the tarball named
F<parrot-a.b.c.tar.gz>. This will automatically avoid including C<DEVELOPING>
in the release tarball.

=item 5.

Untar F<parrot-a.b.c.tar.gz> into another area.

=item 6.

Make sure everything works:

    make world html 2>&1 | tee make_world_html.log
    make fulltest   2>&1 | tee make_fulltest.log

Verify that the version is correct and doesn't contain the suffix C<devel>:

    ./parrot -V

=over 4

=item * C<make release_check>

As an alternative to steps 4, 5 and 6 above, you may wish to call:

    make release_check

This target (or, for short, C<make relcheck>), will prepare the tarballs, copy
the F<.gz> tarball to a temporary directory, and then reconfigure, rebuild,
retest (through C<make test>) and rerelease.


=item 7.

Tag the release as "RELEASE_a_b_c", where a.b.c is the version number.

    git tag RELEASE_a_b_c
    git push --tags

=item 8.

SSH to  Note that your ssh public key must be added to list
of authorized keys before you can log in.  Contact a previous release manager
to get your key added.


If the release is a monthly development release, create a new directory under

 mkdir ~/ftp/releases/devel/a.b.c

If the release is in the supported series (L<Appendix 1 - Upcoming releases>)
create the new directory in F<~/ftp/releases/supported> instead.

 mkdir ~/ftp/releases/supported/a.b.c

Copy the different compressed tarballs and the according checksum files from
your machine into the new directory.

 scp parrot-a.b.c.tar.gz parrot-a.b.c.tar.bz2 \
       parrot-a.b.c.tar.gz.sha256 parrot-a.b.c.tar.bz2.sha256 \

(Or use whatever tool you prefer.)

When you're finished making changes, run the trigger script to push the changes
out to the FTP mirrors.


Check your changes at F<>. It should
only take a few minutes for the mirrors to sync.

=item 9.

Compose the release announcement.  Use F<tools/release/crow.pir> to make
this part easier.  You can specify the format of your announcements like so:

  ./parrot tools/release/crow.pir --type=text
  ./parrot tools/release/crow.pir --type=html

Take the screen output and paste it into the application you need.  HTML works
well for use Perl and PerlMonks, and text for the rest.  It is not a bad idea
to add a "highlights" section to draw attention to major new features, just be
sure to say the same thing in both text and HTML versions.

Be sure to include the SHA1 sums of the tarballs in the release announcement;
They're automatically generated by C<make release>.

=item 10.

Update the website. You will need an account with editor rights
on L<>.

=over 4

=item a

Add a new page for the release announcement with "Create content" -> "Story".
There's some additional stuff needed at the top of the page; use one of the
old announcements as a guide.

The "<!--break-->" line marks the end of the text that will appear on the
front page.

=item b

For the "News" category, select both "Releases" and "News".

Add tags to the page for significant changes in this release (e.g. "rakudo"
for significant Rakudo language updates, or "gc" for significant garbage
collection subsystem updates).

=item c

Under "URL path settings" uncheck "Automatic alias" and set the path to
news/[year]/Parrot-[release number].

=item d

Under "Publishing options" make sure "Published" and "Promoted to front page"
are checked.

=item e

Under "Administer" -> "Site building" -> "URL Redirects", change the URL for
"release/current" to the FTP file for the new release (for example,
Also update the URL for "release/developer" or "release/supported" depending
on which type of release this is.

=item f

Update Run "make html" in a release copy of parrot, and save
the resources/ and html/ directories created in docs/.  ssh into the parrotvm,
and in the webroot for, expand these into a release directory
(e.g.  1.4.0). in <webroot>/parrot, there are symbolic links for latest,
supported, and devel. Update the C<latest> symlink to point to your new
directory.  If this is a supported release, also update the C<supported>
symlink.  Do not delete any old copies of the docs, don't update the other


Preview the new page, and submit it.

(The old release announcement may be edited to uncheck "Promoted to front page"
to keep the main page fresh.)

=item 11.

Publicize the release by publishing the announcement through the
following channels (and any others you can think of):

=over 4

=item a

Send a text email to parrot-dev, parrot-users, perl6-language, perl6-announce,
perl5-porters, etc.  (Note: perl6-internals is no longer in use, so you don't
need to mail that list.)  You should also include in this mailing;
email to C<lwn> at that domain.

=item b

Submit the use Perl announcement story to use Perl, Perl Monks, Slashdot,
Newsforge, etc.  Don't forget to set a Reply-To: or Followup-To: header, if
your mail client lets you.

=item c

Modify the topic on #parrot, e.g.:

 /topic #parrot Parrot 0.4.8 Released |

=item d

Update the wiki frontpage at L<>.

=item e

Update the Wikipedia entry at

=item f

Update the C2 wiki entry at L<>.


=item 12.

Review the milestone for the current release in Trac at
L<>. Close any completed
release-related tickets. Edit the milestone to mark it as "Completed".
Marking a milestone as completed will migrate all open tickets to a
selected milestone (generally the next milestone). Non-critical tickets
can have their milestone unset.

=item 13.

Add the version to Trac so new bug reports can be filed against the release.

Make the latest released version the default version for new reports.

Remove any sufficiently old versions listed there.

=item 14.

You're done! Help yourself to a beer, cola, or other celebratory drink.



This document was written after a couple of subtly incorrectly assembled
releases--usually when someone forgot to delete F<DEVELOPING> (which is now
automated!), but at least once where the F<MANIFEST> check failed. The intent
of this file is to document what must be done to release so that such mistakes
won't happen again.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 Appendix 1 - Upcoming releases

To make a monthly release schedule possible, we spread the burden of
releases across multiple release managers. Releases are scheduled for
the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

The starred releases are Parrot's quarterly supported releases, see

The calendar of releases is available at the comp.lang.parrot google calendar,
visible at

Versions with a asterisk (*) are supported releases.

 - Aug 16, 2011 - 3.7   - coke
 - Sep 20, 2011 - 3.8   - soh_cah_toa
 - Oct 18, 2011 - 3.9*  - dukeleto
 - Nov 15, 2011 - 3.10  - ??
 - Dec 20, 2011 - 3.11  - cotto


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