

distrib > Fedora > 15 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 1e007a96761035f261351a68e7601417 > files > 589


# Copyright (C) 2006-2010, Parrot Foundation.

=head1 NAME

examples/io/httpd.pir - HTTP server


  $ ./parrot examples/io/httpd.pir


A very tiny HTTP-Server. It currently only understands the GET method.
It's a nice way of testing pretty much all IO functions.
By default (and not yet configurable) it binds to localhost:1234.

=head2 Serving Parrot Docs

If no filename is given it serves the HTML documentation
in ./docs/html. Make sure you have built them with

  $ make html

After that you can browse the documentation with


which redirects to


=head2 Serving Other HTML Files

If a html file is present in the request, this file will be served:


This will sent F<./index.html> from the directory, where F<httpd.pir>
was started.

=head2 CGI

If the file extension is C<.pir> or C<.pbc>, this file will be loaded
below the directory F<cgi-pir> and the function C<cgi_main> will be
invoked with the query as an argument.
This functions should return a plain string, which will be sent to the

F<cgi_main> is called with 3 arguments: a todo/reserved PMC, a string
with the original query and a Hash, with C<key=value> items split by
C<'+'>. C<key> and C<value> are already C<urldecoded>.

  $ cat cgi-pir/foo.pir
  .sub cgi_main
    .param pmc reserved         # TODO
    .param string query		# all after '?':  "foo=1+bar=A"
    .param pmc query_hash       # Hash { foo=>'1', bar=>'A' }
    .return ("<p>foo</p>")      # in practice use a full <html>doc</html>
                                # unless serving XMLHttpRequest's

The browser request:


will serve, whatever the C<cgi_main> function returned.

=head1 TODO

make it work on W32/IE

Transcode the received string to ascii, in order to have access to an
implemented 'index' op. Or just use unicode instead.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Original author is Markus Amsler - <>
The code was heavily hacked by bernhard and leo.


.const string CRLF     = "\r\n"
.const string CRLFCRLF = "\r\n\r\n"
.const string LFLF     = "\n\n"
.const string CRCR     = "\r\r"

.const string SERVER_NAME = "Parrot-httpd/0.1"

.include "stat.pasm"
.include 'except_types.pasm'
.include 'socket.pasm'

.loadlib 'io_ops'
.loadlib 'sys_ops'

.sub main :main
    .local pmc listener, work, fp
    .local pmc fp               # read requested files from disk
    .local int port
    .local pmc address
    .local string host
    .local string buf, req, rep, temp
    .local string meth, url, file_content
    .local int ret
    .local int len, pos, occ1, occ2, dotdot

    .local string doc_root
    doc_root = "."
    host = "localhost"
    port = 1234

    # TODO provide sys/socket constants
    listener = new 'Socket'
    unless listener goto ERR_NO_SOCKET

    # Pack a sockaddr_in structure with IP and port
    address = listener.'sockaddr'(host, port)
    ret = listener.'bind'(address)
    if ret == -1 goto ERR_bind
    $S0 = port
    print "Running webserver on port "
    print $S0
    print " of "
    print host
    print ".\n"
    print "The Parrot documentation can now be accessed at http://"
    print host
    print ":"
    print $S0
    print "\n"
    print "Be sure that the HTML docs have been generated with 'make html'.\n"

    work = listener.'accept'()
    req = ""
    buf = work.'recv'()
    # encoding I0, buf
    # encodingname S1, I0
    # print "\nret: "
    # print ret
    # print "\nencoding of buf: "
    # print S1
    # print "\nbuf:"
    # print buf
    # print "\nafter buf"

    ret = length buf
    if ret <= 0 goto SERVE_REQ
    req = concat req, buf
    index pos, req, CRLFCRLF
    # print "\npos1:"
    # print pos
    if pos >= 0 goto SERVE_REQ
    index pos, req, LFLF
    # print "\npos2:"
    # print pos
    if pos >= 0 goto SERVE_REQ
    index pos, req, CRCR
    # print "\npos3:"
    # print pos
    if pos >= 0 goto SERVE_REQ
    goto MORE

#    print "Request:\n"
#    print req
#    print "*******\n"
    .local string response
    .local pmc headers
    response = '500 Internal Server Error'
    headers = new 'Hash'
    headers['Server'] = SERVER_NAME

# parse
# GET the_file HTTP*
    index occ1, req, " "
    substr meth, req, 0, occ1
    inc occ1
    index occ2, req, " ", occ1
    len = occ2 - occ1
    substr url, req, occ1, len

    if meth == "GET" goto SERVE_GET

    print "unknown method:'"
    print meth
    print "'\n"
    close work
    goto NEXT

    .local int is_cgi
    (is_cgi, file_content, len) = check_cgi(url)
    if is_cgi goto SERVE_blob

    # decode the url
    url = urldecode(url)

    # Security: Don't allow access to the parent dir
    index dotdot, url, ".."
    if dotdot >= 0 goto SERVE_404

    # redirect instead of serving index.html
    if url == "/" goto SERVE_docroot

    # Those little pics in the URL field or in tabs
    if url == "/favicon.ico" goto SERVE_favicon

    # try to serve a file
    goto SERVE_file

    # try to open the file in url
    concat url, doc_root, url
    .local pmc eh
    eh = new 'ExceptionHandler'
    set_addr eh, handle_404_exception
    push_eh eh
    fp = open url, 'r'
    unless fp goto SERVE_404
    len = stat url, .STAT_FILESIZE
    read file_content, fp, len

    response = '200 OK'
    send_response(work, response, headers, file_content)
    # TODO provide a log method
    print "served file '"
    print url
    print "'\n"
    goto NEXT

    response = '301 Moved Permanently'
    headers['Location'] = '/docs/html/index.html'
    file_content = "Please go to <a href='docs/html/index.html'>Parrot Documentation</a>."
    send_response(work, response, headers, file_content)
    print "Redirect to 'docs/html/index.html'\n"
    goto NEXT

    url = urldecode( '/docs/resources/favicon.ico')
    goto SERVE_file

    .local pmc ex
    .get_results (ex)
    say "Trapped file not found exception."
    # fall through

    response = '404 Not found'
    file_content = response
    send_response(work, response, headers, file_content)
    print "File not found: '"
    print url
    print "'\n"
    goto NEXT

    print "Could not open socket.\n"
    print "bind failed\n"
    # fall through
    close listener

# send_response(socket, response_code, headers, body)
# sends HTTP response to the socket and closes the socket afterwards.
.sub send_response
    .param pmc sock
    .param string code
    .param pmc headers
    .param string body
    .local string rep, temp, headername
    .local int len, ret
    .local pmc headers_iter
    rep = "HTTP/1.1 "
    rep .= code
    rep .= CRLF
    rep .= "Connection: close"
    rep .= CRLF
    ret = exists headers['Content-Length']
    if ret goto SKIP_CONTENT_LENGTH
    len = length body
    temp = to_string (len)
    headers['Content-Length'] = temp

    headers_iter = iter headers
    headername = shift headers_iter
    rep .= headername
    rep .= ': '
    temp = headers[headername]
    rep .= temp
    rep .= CRLF
    if headers_iter goto HEADER_LOOP

    rep .= CRLF
    rep .= body
    ret = sock.'send'(rep)

.sub to_string
    .param pmc args :slurpy

    .local string ret
    ret = sprintf "%d", args
    .return( ret )

# convert %xx to char
.sub urldecode
    .param string in

    .local string out, char_in, char_out
    .local int    c_out, pos_in, len
    .local string hex

    len = length in
    pos_in = 0
    out = ""
    if pos_in >= len goto END
    substr char_in, in, pos_in, 1
    char_out = char_in
    if char_in != "%" goto INC_IN
    # OK this was a escape character, next two are hexadecimal
    inc pos_in
    substr hex, in, pos_in, 2
    c_out = hex_to_int (hex)
    chr char_out, c_out
    inc pos_in

    out = concat out, char_out
    inc pos_in
    goto START
    .return( out )

.sub hex_to_int
    .param pmc hex
    .tailcall hex.'to_int'(16)

# if file is *.pir or *.pbc run it as CGI
.sub check_cgi
    .param string url
    $I0 = index url, ".pir"
    if $I0 > 0 goto cgi_1
    $I0 = index url, ".pbc"
    if $I0 > 0 goto cgi_1
    .return (0, '', 0)
    # file.pir?foo=1+bar=2
    $I0 = index url, '?'
    if $I0 == -1 goto no_query
    .local string file, query
    .local pmc query_hash
    file = substr url, 0, $I0
    inc $I0
    query = substr url, $I0
    # TODO split into a hash, then decode parts
    query_hash = make_query_hash(query)
    query = urldecode(query)
    goto have_query
    file = url
    query = ''
    query_hash = new 'Hash'
    # escape %
    file = urldecode(file)

    # Security: Don't allow access to the parent dir
    .local int dotdot
    index dotdot, file, ".."
    if dotdot < 0 goto cgi_file
    .return (0, '', 0)

    print "CGI: '"
    print file
    print "' Q: '"
    print query
    print "'\n"
    file = "cgi-pir/" . file
    # TODO stat the file
    load_bytecode file
    .local string result
    null $P0	# not yet
    # TODO catch ex
    result = 'cgi_main'($P0, query, query_hash)
    $I0 = length result
    .return (1, result, $I0)

# split query at '+', make hash from foo=bar items
.sub make_query_hash
    .param string query		# the unescapced one
    .local pmc query_hash, items
    .local string kv, k, v
    query_hash = new 'Hash'
    items = split '+', query
    .local int i, n
    i = 0
    n = elements items
    kv = items[i]
    $I0 = index kv, "="
    if $I0 == -1 goto no_val
    k = substr kv, 0, $I0
    inc $I0
    v = substr kv, $I0
    v = urldecode(v)
    goto set_val
    k = kv
    v = 1
    k = urldecode(k)
    query_hash[k] = v

    inc i
    if i < n goto lp_items
    .return (query_hash)

# Local Variables:
#   mode: pir
#   fill-column: 100
# End:
# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 ft=pir: