

distrib > Fedora > 15 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 1e007a96761035f261351a68e7601417 > files > 664


# Copyright (C) 2008, Parrot Foundation.

=head1 TITLE

xlib.pir - Test NCI with libX11



This is an initial version, be careful and not expect too much.

=head1 BUGS

Note that the Event structure is platform dependent.
The nci declaration attempts to be platform independent,
but depends of the size of some X11 types and struct



.include 'datatypes.pasm'

.sub fail
    .param string msg
    new $P0, 'Exception'
    new $P1, 'String'
    set $P1, msg
    setattribute $P0, 'message', $P1
    throw $P0
    # Just in case...
    exit 1


.namespace ['Xlib']

# xlib handle
.const string xlib_handle = 'xlib_handle'

# attributes used for xlib types
.const string attr_XDisplay = 'x_Display'
.const string attr_XDrawable = 'x_Drawable'
.const string attr_XWindow = 'x_Window'

# attributes used for parrot objects
.const string attr_display = 'obj_display'
.const string attr_atoms = 'atoms'
.const string attr_atom_names = 'atom_names'

.sub get_xlib_handle
    .local pmc xlib
    xlib = get_global xlib_handle
    $I0 = defined xlib
    if $I0 goto done

# Load library and store handler
    xlib = loadlib 'libX11'
    $I0 = defined xlib
    unless $I0 goto check2
    if xlib goto store
    xlib = loadlib ''
    $I0 = defined xlib
    unless $I0 goto check3
    if xlib goto store
    xlib = loadlib ''
    $I0 = defined xlib
    unless $I0 goto check4
    if xlib goto store
    xlib = loadlib 'cygX11-6'
    $I0 = defined xlib
    unless $I0 goto failed
    unless xlib goto failed
    set_global xlib_handle, xlib
    fail('No xlib')

.sub get_xlib_function
    .param string name
    .param string signature

    .local pmc xlib
    xlib = get_xlib_handle()
    .local pmc func
    func = get_global name
    $I0 = defined func
    if $I0 goto done

    func = dlfunc xlib, name, signature
    set_global name, func

.sub get_Display_class
    .local pmc Display
    Display = get_global 'Display_class'
    $I0 = defined Display
    if $I0 goto done

    Display = newclass ['Xlib'; 'Display']
    addattribute Display, attr_XDisplay
    addattribute Display, attr_atoms
    addattribute Display, attr_atom_names
    set_global 'Display_class', Display

# export functions to be used from Display methods
    .local pmc ns, nsDisplay, nsWindow
    ns = get_namespace
    nsDisplay = get_namespace ['Display']
    .local pmc explist
    explist = new 'ResizablePMCArray'
    explist[0] = 'get_xlib_handle'
    explist[1] = 'get_xlib_function'
    explist[2] = 'get_Window_class'
    ns.'export_to'(nsDisplay, explist)
    nsWindow = get_namespace ['Window']
    ns.'export_to'(nsWindow, explist)


.sub get_Event_class
    .local pmc Event
    Event = get_global 'Event_class'
    $I0 = defined Event
    if $I0 goto done

    Event = newclass ['Xlib'; 'Event']
    addattribute Event, 'xEvent'
    set_global 'Event_class', Event

.sub get_Drawable_class
    .local pmc Drawable
    Drawable = get_global 'Drawable_class'
    $I0 = defined Drawable
    if $I0 goto done

    Drawable = newclass ['Xlib'; 'Drawable']
    addattribute Drawable, attr_XDisplay
    addattribute Drawable, attr_XWindow
    addattribute Drawable, attr_display

    set_global 'Drawable_class', Drawable

# export functions to be used from Drawable methods
    .local pmc nsmain, ns
    nsmain = get_namespace
    ns = get_namespace ['Drawable']
    .local pmc explist
    explist = new 'ResizablePMCArray'
    explist[0] = 'get_xlib_handle'
    explist[1] = 'get_xlib_function'
    explist[2] = 'get_Pixmap_class'
    nsmain.'export_to'(ns, explist)


.sub get_Window_class
    .local pmc Window
    Window = get_global 'Window_class'
    $I0 = defined Window
    if $I0 goto done

    .local pmc Drawable
    Drawable = get_Drawable_class()
    Window = subclass Drawable, ['Xlib'; 'Window']
#    addattribute Window, attr_display
#    addattribute Window, attr_XWindow
    set_global 'Window_class', Window

# export functions to be used from Window methods
    .local pmc ns, nsWindow
    ns = get_namespace
    nsWindow = get_namespace ['Window']
    .local pmc explist
    explist = new 'ResizablePMCArray'
    explist[0] = 'get_xlib_handle'
    explist[1] = 'get_xlib_function'
    ns.'export_to'(nsWindow, explist)


.sub get_Pixmap_class
    .local pmc Pixmap
    Pixmap = get_global 'Pixmap_class'
    $I0 = defined Pixmap
    if $I0 goto done

    .local pmc Drawable
    Drawable = get_Drawable_class()
    Pixmap = subclass Drawable, ['Xlib'; 'Pixmap']
    set_global 'Pixmap_class', Pixmap

# export functions to be used from Pixmap methods
    .local pmc ns, nsPixmap
    ns = get_namespace
    nsPixmap = get_namespace ['Pixmap']
    .local pmc explist
    explist = new 'ResizablePMCArray'
    explist[0] = 'get_xlib_handle'
    explist[1] = 'get_xlib_function'
    ns.'export_to'(nsPixmap, explist)

.sub OpenDisplay
    .param string displayname :optional

    .local pmc opendisplay
    opendisplay = get_xlib_function('XOpenDisplay', 'pt')

    .local pmc xdisplay
    xdisplay = opendisplay(displayname)
    $I0 = defined xdisplay
    unless $I0 goto failed

    .local pmc Display
    Display = get_Display_class()
    .local pmc display
    display = new Display

    setattribute display, attr_XDisplay, xdisplay

    fail('Cannot open display')

.sub DisplayName
    .param string name :optional

    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XDisplayName', 'tt')

    if name goto getit
    name = ''
    .local string dispname
    dispname = func(name)

.sub newEvent
    .local pmc Event
    Event = get_Event_class()
    .local pmc event
    event = new Event

.sub KeysymToString
    .param int keysym

    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XKeysymToString', 'ti')
    .local string r
    r = func(keysym)

.sub StringToKeysym
    .param string keystring

    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XStringToKeysym', 'it')
    .local int keysym
    keysym = func(keystring)


.namespace ['Xlib';'Display']

.sub createfunc
    .param pmc handler
    .param string name
    .param string ncisig

    .local pmc func
    func = dlfunc handler, name, ncisig
    set_global name, func

.sub destroy :vtable
    say 'Destroying xlib;Display'

.sub hello :method
    say 'Hello'

.sub Close :method
    .local pmc closedisplay
    closedisplay = get_xlib_function('XCloseDisplay', 'ip')

    $P0 = getattribute self, attr_XDisplay
    $I0 = closedisplay($P0)

.sub DefaultScreen :method
    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XDefaultScreen', 'ip')
    $P0 = getattribute self, attr_XDisplay
    $I0 = func($P0)

.sub DefaultDepth :method
    .param int screen :optional
    .param int has_screen :opt_flag

    if has_screen goto doit
    screen = self.'DefaultScreen'()
    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XDefaultDepth', 'ipi')
    $P0 = getattribute self, attr_XDisplay
    $I0 = func($P0, screen)

.sub DefaultGC :method
    .local int screen
    screen = self.'DefaultScreen'()
    .local pmc xdisp
    xdisp = getattribute self, attr_XDisplay
    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XDefaultGC','ppi')
    $P1 = func(xdisp, screen)

.sub BlackPixel :method
    .param int screen :optional
    .param int has :opt_flag

    if has goto doit
    screen = self.'DefaultScreen'()
    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XBlackPixel','ipi')
    $P0 = getattribute self, attr_XDisplay
    $I0 = func($P0, screen)

.sub WhitePixel :method
    .param int screen :optional
    .param int has :opt_flag
    if has goto doit
    screen = self.'DefaultScreen'()
    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XWhitePixel', 'ipi')
    $P0 = getattribute self, attr_XDisplay
    $I0 = func($P0, screen)

.sub InternAtom :method
    .param string name
    .param int only_if_exists :optional

#    say name
#    say only_if_exists

    .local int atom
    .local pmc namestore
    namestore = getattribute self, attr_atom_names
    .local int has_store
    has_store = defined namestore
    unless has_store goto get_from_lib
    atom = namestore[name]
    if atom goto gotit
#    say 'Get Atom from lib'
    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XInternAtom', 'ipti')
    $P0 = getattribute self, attr_XDisplay
    atom = func($P0, name, only_if_exists)
    if has_store goto saveit
    namestore = new 'Hash'
    setattribute self, attr_atom_names, namestore
    namestore[name] = atom
#    say atom

.sub GetAtomName :method
    .param int atom

    .local string name
    .local pmc atomstore
    atomstore = getattribute self, attr_atoms
    .local int has_store
    has_store = defined atomstore
    unless has_store goto get_from_lib
    name = atomstore[atom]
    if name goto gotit
#    say 'Get Atom name from lib'
    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XGetAtomName', 'tpi')
    $P0 = getattribute self, attr_XDisplay
    name = func($P0, atom)
    if has_store goto saveit
    atomstore = new 'Hash'
    setattribute self, attr_atoms, atomstore
    atomstore[atom] = name

.sub RootWindow :method
    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XRootWindow', 'ppi')
    $P0 = getattribute self, attr_XDisplay
    .local pmc window
    $I0 = self.'DefaultScreen'()
    $P1 = func($P0, $I0)

    .local pmc arg
    arg = new 'Hash'
    arg [attr_display] = self
    arg [attr_XWindow] = $P1
    .local pmc Window
    Window = get_Window_class()
    window = new Window, arg

.sub CreateSimpleWindow :method
    .param pmc parent
    .param int x
    .param int y
    .param int width
    .param int height
    .param int border_width
    .param int border
    .param int background

    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XCreateSimpleWindow', 'pppiiiiiii')

    $P0 = getattribute self, attr_XDisplay
    .local pmc parent_w
    parent_w = getattribute parent, attr_XWindow
    .local pmc new_window
    new_window = func($P0, parent_w, x, y, width, height, border_width, border, background)
    if null new_window goto failed
    $I0 = defined new_window
    unless $I0 goto failed

    .local pmc arg
    arg = new 'Hash'
    arg [attr_display] = self
    arg [attr_XWindow] = new_window

    .local pmc window
    window = new ['Xlib';'Window'], arg
    fail("Can't create window")

.sub NextEvent :method
    .param pmc event

    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XNextEvent', 'ipp')
    .local pmc disp
    disp = getattribute self, attr_XDisplay
    .local pmc xevent
    xevent = getattribute event, 'xEvent'
    $I0 = func(disp, xevent)

.sub KeycodeToKeysym :method
    .param int keysym

    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XKeycodeToKeysym', 'ipii')
    .local pmc disp
    disp = getattribute self, attr_XDisplay
    .local int keycode
    keycode = func(disp, keysym, 0)

.sub KeysymToKeycode :method
    .param int keysym

    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XKeysymToKeycode', 'ipi')
    .local pmc disp
    disp = getattribute self, attr_XDisplay
    .local int keycode
    keycode = func(disp, keysym)


.namespace ['Xlib';'Event']

.sub get_event_struct
    .local pmc arg
    arg = get_global 'st_xevent'
    $I0 = defined arg
    if $I0 goto done

    # Check native type sizes
    .include 'iglobals.pasm'
    .local pmc config_hash, interp
    interp = getinterp
    config_hash = interp[.IGLOBALS_CONFIG_HASH]
    .local int intsize
    intsize = config_hash['intsize']
#    say intsize
    .local int longsize
    longsize = config_hash['longsize']
#    say longsize
    .local int ptrsize
    ptrsize = config_hash['ptrsize']
#    say ptrsize
    .local int timesize
    timesize = 4
    .local int aligned
    aligned = intsize

# If size of long is 8, assume that padding in the struct
    eq longsize, 8, adjust8
    goto doit
    aligned = 8

    .local int char_t
    .local int int_t
    .local int long_t
    .local int ptr_t
    .local int time_t
    char_t = .DATATYPE_CHAR
    int_t = .DATATYPE_INT
    long_t = .DATATYPE_LONG
    ptr_t = .DATATYPE_PTR
    time_t = .DATATYPE_UINT32

    arg = new 'FixedIntegerArray'
    set arg, 45

#    say 'Event struct'
    .local int offs
    offs = 0
# type
    arg[0] = int_t
    arg[1] = 1
    arg[2] = offs
#    say offs
    add offs, aligned
    arg[3] = long_t
    arg[4] = 1
    arg[5] = offs
#    say offs
    add offs, longsize
# send_event
    arg[6] = int_t
    arg[7] = 1
    arg[8] = offs
#    say offs
    add offs, aligned
# display
    arg[9] = ptr_t
    arg[10] = 1
    arg[11] = offs
#    say offs
    add offs, ptrsize
# window
    arg[12] = ptr_t
    arg[13] = 1
    arg[14] = offs
#    say offs
    add offs, ptrsize
# root
    arg[15] = ptr_t
    arg[16] = 1
    arg[17] = offs
#    say offs
    add offs, ptrsize
# subwindow
    arg[18] = ptr_t
    arg[19] = 1
    arg[20] = offs
#    say offs
    add offs, ptrsize
# time
    arg[21] = time_t
    arg[22] = 1
    arg[23] = offs
#    say offs
    add offs, aligned
# x
    arg[24] = int_t
    arg[25] = 1
    arg[26] = offs
#    say offs
    add offs, intsize
# y
    arg[27] = int_t
    arg[28] = 1
    arg[29] = offs
#    say offs
    add offs, intsize
# x_root
    arg[30] = int_t
    arg[31] = 1
    arg[32] = offs
#    say offs
    add offs, intsize
# y_root
    arg[33] = int_t
    arg[34] = 1
    arg[35] = offs
#    say offs
    add offs, intsize
# state
    arg[36] = int_t
    arg[37] = 1
    arg[38] = offs
#    say offs
    add offs, intsize
# keycode
    arg[39] = int_t
    arg[40] = 1
    arg[41] = offs
#    say offs
    add offs, intsize
#    say offs
# filler
    arg[42] = char_t
    arg[43] = 128
    arg[44] = offs

    set_global 'st_xevent', arg

.sub init :vtable

    .local pmc arg
    arg = get_event_struct()
    .local pmc xevent
    xevent = new 'ManagedStruct', arg
    xevent[0] = 0
    setattribute self, 'xEvent', xevent

.sub type :method
    .local pmc xevent
    xevent = getattribute self, 'xEvent'
    $I0 = xevent[0]

.sub serial :method
    .local pmc xevent
    xevent = getattribute self, 'xEvent'
    $I0 = xevent[1]

.sub time :method
    .local pmc xevent
    xevent = getattribute self, 'xEvent'
    $I0 = xevent[7]

.sub x :method
    .local pmc xevent
    xevent = getattribute self, 'xEvent'
    $I0 = xevent[8]

.sub y :method
    .local pmc xevent
    xevent = getattribute self, 'xEvent'
    $I0 = xevent[9]

.sub keycode :method
    .local pmc xevent
    xevent = getattribute self, 'xEvent'
    $I0 = xevent[13]


.namespace ['Xlib';'Drawable']

.sub DrawPoint :method
    .param int x
    .param int y

    .local pmc disp
    disp = getattribute self, attr_display
    .local pmc xdisp
    xdisp = self.'getdisplay'()
    .local pmc gc
    gc = disp.'DefaultGC'()
    .local pmc xwin
    xwin = getattribute self, attr_XWindow

    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XDrawPoint', 'ipppii')
    $I0 = func(xdisp, xwin, gc, x, y)

.sub DrawLine :method
    .param int x1
    .param int y1
    .param int x2
    .param int y2

    .local pmc disp
    disp = getattribute self, attr_display
    .local pmc xdisp
    xdisp = self.'getdisplay'()
    .local pmc gc
    gc = disp.'DefaultGC'()
    .local pmc xwin
    xwin = getattribute self, attr_XWindow

    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XDrawLine', 'ipppiiii')
    $I0 = func(xdisp, xwin, gc, x1, y1, x2, y2)

.sub CopyArea :method
    .param pmc source
    .param int src_x
    .param int src_y
    .param int width
    .param int height
    .param int dest_x
    .param int dest_y

    .local pmc disp, xdisp, src_xdraw, dest_xdraw, gc
    disp = getattribute self, attr_display
    gc = disp.'DefaultGC'()
    xdisp = self.'getdisplay'()
    src_xdraw = getattribute source, attr_XWindow
    dest_xdraw = getattribute self, attr_XWindow

    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XCopyArea', 'ippppiiiiii')
    $I0 = func(xdisp, src_xdraw, dest_xdraw, gc, src_x, src_y, width, height, dest_x, dest_y)

.sub CreatePixmap :method
    .param int width
    .param int height
    .param int depth :optional
    .param int has_depth :opt_flag

# Create a pixmap for the screen that contains this drawable
    .local pmc disp
    disp = getattribute self, attr_display
    .local pmc xdisp
    xdisp = self.'getdisplay'()
    .local pmc xwin
    xwin = getattribute self, attr_XWindow

    if has_depth goto doit
    depth = disp.'DefaultDepth'()

    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XCreatePixmap', 'pppiii')
    .local pmc xpixmap
    xpixmap = func(xdisp, xwin, width, height, depth)
    .local pmc arg
    arg = new 'Hash'
    arg [attr_display] = disp
    arg [attr_XDisplay] = xdisp
    arg [attr_XWindow] = xpixmap
    .local pmc Pixmap
    Pixmap = get_Pixmap_class()
    .local pmc pixmap
    pixmap = new Pixmap, arg


.namespace ['Xlib';'Window']

.sub getdisplay :method
    .local pmc disp
    disp = getattribute self, attr_display
    .local pmc xdisp
    xdisp = getattribute disp, attr_XDisplay

.sub Destroy :method
    .local pmc xdisp
    xdisp = self.'getdisplay'()
    .local pmc xwin
    xwin = getattribute self, attr_XWindow
    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XDestroyWindow', 'ipp')
    $I0 = func(xdisp, xwin)

.sub SelectInput :method
    .param int mask

    .local pmc xdisp
    xdisp = self.'getdisplay'()
    .local pmc xwin
    xwin = getattribute self, attr_XWindow

    .local pmc protocols
    protocols = get_xlib_function('XSetWMProtocols', 'ipppi')
    .local pmc disp
    disp = getattribute self, attr_display
    $I0 = disp.'InternAtom'('WM_DELETE_WINDOW')
    $P0 = new 'ResizableIntegerArray'
    $P0[0] = .DATATYPE_INT
    $P0[1] = 1
    $P0[2] = 0
    $P1 = new 'ManagedStruct', $P0
    $P1[0] = $I0
    protocols(xdisp, xwin, $P1, 1)

    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XSelectInput', 'ippi')
    $I0 = func(xdisp, xwin, mask)

.sub Map :method
    .local pmc xdisp
    xdisp = self.'getdisplay'()
    .local pmc xwin
    xwin = getattribute self, attr_XWindow
    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XMapWindow', 'ipp')
    $I0 = func(xdisp, xwin)

.sub Unmap :method
    .local pmc xdisp
    xdisp = self.'getdisplay'()
    .local pmc xwin
    xwin = getattribute self, attr_XWindow
    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XUnmapWindow', 'ipp')
    $I0 = func(xdisp, xwin)

.sub ClearArea :method
    .param int x
    .param int y
    .param int width
    .param int height
    .param int exposures
    .local pmc xdisp
    xdisp = self.'getdisplay'()
    .local pmc xwin
    xwin = getattribute self, attr_XWindow
    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XClearArea', 'ippiiiii')
    $I0 = func(xdisp, xwin, x, y, width, height, exposures)

.sub StoreName :method
    .param string name

    .local pmc xdisp
    xdisp = self.'getdisplay'()
    .local pmc xwin
    xwin = getattribute self, attr_XWindow

    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XStoreName', 'ippt')
    $I0 = func(xdisp, xwin, name)


.namespace ['Xlib';'Pixmap']

.sub getdisplay :method
    .local pmc disp
    disp = getattribute self, attr_display
    .local pmc xdisp
    xdisp = getattribute disp, attr_XDisplay

.sub destroy :vtable
    .local pmc drawable
    drawable = getattribute self, attr_XWindow
    $I0 = defined drawable
    unless $I0 goto done
    .local pmc xdisp
    xdisp = self.'getdisplay'()
    .local pmc func
    func = get_xlib_function('XFreePixmap', 'ipp')
    $I0 = func(xdisp, drawable)
    null drawable
    setattribute self, attr_XWindow, drawable

# Local Variables:
#   mode: pir
#   fill-column: 100
# End:
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