

distrib > Fedora > 15 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 1e007a96761035f261351a68e7601417 > files > 724


1 rem Copyright (C) 2008, Parrot Foundation.
3 rem
10 rem +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
20 rem + mysqltest.bas                                                        +
30 rem + A test of the pirric basic interpreter                               +
40 rem + First build the Mysql module in examples/nci                         +
50 rem + Then do:                                                             +
60 rem + ../../parrot -L /yourparrotdir/examples/nci pirric.pir mysqltest.bas +
70 rem +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
80 rem
90 on error goto 10100
100 load "Mysql.pbc",b
110 on error goto 10200
120 my = new("Mysql")
130 a = my.connect("localhost","parrot","baDworD","parrot")
140 q = my.query("select * from hello")
150 result = my.use_result()
160 e = result.field_count()
170 print "Fields: "; e
1000 rows = 0
1010 row = result.fetch_row()
1020 if row then goto 1100
1030 print "Rows: "; rows
1040 exit
1100 rows = rows + 1
1140 for i= 1 to e
1160 print "'"; row.get(i - 1); "'";
1180 if i < e then print ", ";
1190 next
2000 print
2010 goto 1010
10000 rem Errors
10100 print "Cannot load mysql client library"
10110 exit 1
10200 print "Error in mysql usage"
10210 exit 1