

distrib > Fedora > 15 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 1e007a96761035f261351a68e7601417 > files > 846


#! parrot

=head1 NAME

pgegrep - A simple grep using PGE for matching


B<pgegrep> [I<OPTIONS>] B<PATTERN> [I<FILE...>]


pgegrep aims to be a small and easy to use program in replacement of the
standard grep utility.  Regex support is whatever PGE will allow.  It
searches through files line by line and tests if the given pattern matches.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item -v

=item --invert-match

print lines not matching PATTERN

=item -V

=item --version

print the version and exit

=item --help

show this help and exit

=item -r

=item --recursive

recursively descend into directories

=item -L

=item --files-without-matches

print a list of files that do not match PATTERN

=item -l

=item --files-with-matches

print a list of files that do match PATTERN

=item -a

=item --text

treat binary files as text.

This uses a basic heuristic to discover if a file is binary or not.  Files are
read line by line, and it keeps processing "normally" until a control character
is found, and then stops and goes onto the next file is that line matches.

=item -n

=item --line-number

print the line number for each match

=item -H

=item --with-filename

print the filename for each match



# Readability improved!
.include 'hllmacros.pir'

# for getstdin and friends
.loadlib 'io_ops'

.sub main :main
	.param pmc argv # the script name, then our options.
	.local string progname
	progname = shift argv
	load_bytecode 'Getopt/Obj.pbc'
	load_bytecode 'PGE.pbc'
	.local pmc getopts
	getopts = new [ 'Getopt';'Obj' ]
	push getopts, 'with-filename|H'
	push getopts, 'files-with-matches|l'
	push getopts, 'files-without-matches|L'
	push getopts, 'line-number|n'
	push getopts, 'text|a'
	push getopts, 'recursive|r'
	push getopts, 'invert-match|v'
	push getopts, 'version|V'
	push getopts, 'help'
	push_eh handler
	.local pmc opts
	opts = getopts.'get_options'(argv)
	$I0 = defined opts['help']
	.If($I0, {
	$I0 = defined opts['version']
	.If($I0, {

        .local int argc
        argc = elements argv
        .Unless(argc>1, { showhelp() }) # need rule and at least one file

	.local string rule
	.local pmc p6rule_compile, matchsub
	rule = shift argv
	p6rule_compile = compreg 'PGE::Perl6Regex'
	matchsub = p6rule_compile(rule)
	.If(null matchsub, { die 'Unable to compile regex' })

	.local int i, filecount
	.local string filename
	.local pmc File, OS, files, handle
	files = new 'ResizableStringArray'
	files = argv
	filecount = files
	# define with-filename if there's more than one file
	.If(filecount >= 2, { opts['with-filename'] = 1 })
        $P0 = loadlib 'file'
	File = new 'File'
        $P0 = loadlib 'os'
	OS = new 'OS'
	# This must be here, or else it'll get filled with junk data we use stdin...
	i = 0

	.Unless(filecount, {
		# no args, use stdin
		handle = getstdin
		filename = '(standard input)'
		goto stdinhack
	.For(, i < filecount, inc i, {
		filename = files[i]
		.If(filename == '-', {
			goto stdindashhack
		$I1 = File.'is_file'(filename)
		.IfElse($I1, {
			# Is a file
			handle = open filename, 'r'
			# Not a file, hopefully a directory
			$I1 = File.'is_dir'(filename)
			$I0 = defined opts['recursive']
			$I1 &= $I0
			.Unless($I1, {
				printerr "pgegrep: '"
				printerr filename
				printerr "': Operation not supported.\n"
				goto nextfor_0
			$P0 = OS.'readdir'(filename)
			.Foreach($S0, $P0, {
				.If($S0 != '.', {
				.If($S0 != '..', {
					$S1 = filename . '/'
					$S0 = $S1 . $S0
					$P1 = new 'ResizableStringArray'
					$P1[0] = $S0
					$I0 = i + 1
					splice files, $P1, $I0, 0
				}) })
			filecount = files
			goto nextfor_0
		checkfile(handle, filename, matchsub, opts)
		close handle

	.local pmc exception, pmcmsg
	.local string message
	.get_results (exception)
	pmcmsg = getattribute exception, 'message'
        message = pmcmsg
        message  = "pgegrep: " . message
        die message

.sub checkfile
	.param pmc handle
	.param string filename
	.param pmc matchsub
	.param pmc opts

	.local pmc match
	.local string line
	.local int lineno, linelen, matched
	lineno = 1
	matched = 0 # Only used for --files-without-matches
	line = readline handle
	linelen = length line

	.local pmc p6rule_compile, cntrlchar
	$S0 = '<+cntrl-[\t\r\n]>'
	p6rule_compile = compreg 'PGE::Perl6Regex'
	cntrlchar = p6rule_compile($S0)

	.For(, linelen, {
                line = readline handle
                linelen = length line
                inc lineno
        }, {
		match = matchsub(line)
                $I1 = istrue match
		match = cntrlchar(line)

                $I2 = istrue match
		$I0 = defined opts['files-without-matches']
		.If($I0, {
			.If($I1, { matched = 1 })
			goto next
		$I0 = defined opts['files-with-matches']
		$I0 = $I0 && $I1
		.If($I0, {
			say filename

		$I0 = defined opts['invert-match']
		not $I0
		$I1 = xor $I1, $I0
		.Unless($I1, {
			$I0 = defined opts['text']
			$I0 = xor $I0, $I2
			.If($I0, {
				print 'Binary file '
				print filename
				say   ' matches'
			$I0 = defined opts['with-filename']
			$I1 = defined opts['recursive']
			$I0 = $I0 || $I1
			.If($I0, {
                                print filename
                                print ':'
			$I0 = defined opts['line-number']
			.If($I0, {
                                print lineno
                                print ':'
			print line
	$I0 = defined opts['files-without-matches']
	.If($I0, { say filename })

.sub showhelp
	print <<'HELP'
Usage: pgegrep [OPTIONS] PATTERN [FILE...]
Search for the Perl 6 Rule PATTERN in each file.

  -v --invert-match          print lines not matching PATTERN
  -V --version               print the version and exit
     --help                  show this help and exit
  -r --recursive             recursively descend into directories
  -L --files-without-matches print a list of files that do not match PATTERN
  -l --files-with-matches    print a list of files that do match PATTERN
  -a --text                  treat binary files as text
  -n --line-number           print the line number for each match
  -H --with-filename         print the filename for each match


.sub showversion
	print <<'VERSION'
pgegrep v0.0.1

# Local Variables:
#   mode: pir
#   fill-column: 100
# End:
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