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 <TITLE>GTK v1.2 Tutorial: Scribble, A Simple Example Drawing Program</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="s23">23. Scribble, A Simple Example Drawing Program</A></H2>

<H2><A NAME="ss23.1">23.1 Overview</A>

<P>In this section, we will build a simple drawing program. In the
process, we will examine how to handle mouse events, how to draw in a
window, and how to do drawing better by using a backing pixmap. After
creating the simple drawing program, we will extend it by adding
support for XInput devices, such as drawing tablets. GTK provides
support routines which makes getting extended information, such as
pressure and tilt, from such devices quite easy.
<H2><A NAME="ss23.2">23.2 Event Handling</A>

<P>The GTK signals we have already discussed are for high-level actions,
such as a menu item being selected. However, sometimes it is useful to
learn about lower-level occurrences, such as the mouse being moved, or
a key being pressed. There are also GTK signals corresponding to these
low-level <EM>events</EM>. The handlers for these signals have an
extra parameter which is a pointer to a structure containing
information about the event. For instance, motion event handlers are
passed a pointer to a GdkEventMotion structure which looks (in part)
struct _GdkEventMotion
  GdkEventType type;
  GdkWindow *window;
  guint32 time;
  gdouble x;
  gdouble y;
  guint state;
<P><CODE>type</CODE> will be set to the event type, in this case
<CODE>GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY</CODE>, window is the window in which the event
occurred. <CODE>x</CODE> and <CODE>y</CODE> give the coordinates of the event.
<CODE>state</CODE> specifies the modifier state when the event
occurred (that is, it specifies which modifier keys and mouse buttons
were pressed). It is the bitwise OR of some of the following:
<P>As for other signals, to determine what happens when an event occurs
we call <CODE>gtk_signal_connect()</CODE>. But we also need let GTK
know which events we want to be notified about. To do this, we call
the function:
void gtk_widget_set_events (GtkWidget *widget,
                            gint      events);
<P>The second field specifies the events we are interested in. It
is the bitwise OR of constants that specify different types
of events. For future reference the event types are:
<P>There are a few subtle points that have to be observed when calling
<CODE>gtk_widget_set_events()</CODE>. First, it must be called before the X window
for a GTK widget is created. In practical terms, this means you
should call it immediately after creating the widget. Second, the
widget must have an associated X window. For efficiency, many widget
types do not have their own window, but draw in their parent's window.
These widgets are:
<P>To capture events for these widgets, you need to use an EventBox
widget. See the section on the 
<A HREF="gtk_tut-10.html#sec_EventBox">EventBox</A> widget for details.
<P>For our drawing program, we want to know when the mouse button is
pressed and when the mouse is moved, so we specify
want to know when we need to redraw our window, so we specify
<CODE>GDK_EXPOSURE_MASK</CODE>. Although we want to be notified via a
Configure event when our window size changes, we don't have to specify
the corresponding <CODE>GDK_STRUCTURE_MASK</CODE> flag, because it is
automatically specified for all windows.
<P>It turns out, however, that there is a problem with just specifying
<CODE>GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK</CODE>. This will cause the server to add a new
motion event to the event queue every time the user moves the mouse.
Imagine that it takes us 0.1 seconds to handle a motion event, but the
X server queues a new motion event every 0.05 seconds. We will soon
get way behind the users drawing. If the user draws for 5 seconds,
it will take us another 5 seconds to catch up after they release 
the mouse button! What we would like is to only get one motion
event for each event we process. The way to do this is to 
<P>When we specify <CODE>GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK</CODE>, the server sends
us a motion event the first time the pointer moves after entering
our window, or after a button press or release event. Subsequent 
motion events will be suppressed until we explicitly ask for
the position of the pointer using the function:
GdkWindow*    gdk_window_get_pointer     (GdkWindow       *window,
                                          gint            *x,
                                          gint            *y,
                                          GdkModifierType *mask);
<P>(There is another function, <CODE>gtk_widget_get_pointer()</CODE> which
has a simpler interface, but turns out not to be very useful, since
it only retrieves the position of the mouse, not whether the buttons
are pressed.)
<P>The code to set the events for our window then looks like:
  gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (drawing_area), "expose_event",
                      (GtkSignalFunc) expose_event, NULL);
  gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT(drawing_area),"configure_event",
                      (GtkSignalFunc) configure_event, NULL);
  gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (drawing_area), "motion_notify_event",
                      (GtkSignalFunc) motion_notify_event, NULL);
  gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (drawing_area), "button_press_event",
                      (GtkSignalFunc) button_press_event, NULL);

  gtk_widget_set_events (drawing_area, GDK_EXPOSURE_MASK
                         | GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK
                         | GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK
                         | GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK
                         | GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK);
<P>We'll save the "expose_event" and "configure_event" handlers for
later. The "motion_notify_event" and "button_press_event" handlers
are pretty simple:
static gint
button_press_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event)
  if (event->button == 1 &amp;&amp; pixmap != NULL)
      draw_brush (widget, event->x, event->y);

  return TRUE;

static gint
motion_notify_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventMotion *event)
  int x, y;
  GdkModifierType state;

  if (event->is_hint)
    gdk_window_get_pointer (event->window, &amp;x, &amp;y, &amp;state);
      x = event->x;
      y = event->y;
      state = event->state;
  if (state &amp; GDK_BUTTON1_MASK &amp;&amp; pixmap != NULL)
    draw_brush (widget, x, y);
  return TRUE;
<H2><A NAME="ss23.3">23.3 The DrawingArea Widget, And Drawing</A>

<P>We now turn to the process of drawing on the screen. The 
widget we use for this is the DrawingArea widget. A drawing area
widget is essentially an X window and nothing more. It is a blank
canvas in which we can draw whatever we like. A drawing area
is created using the call:
GtkWidget* gtk_drawing_area_new        (void);
<P>A default size for the widget can be specified by calling:
void       gtk_drawing_area_size       (GtkDrawingArea      *darea,
                                        gint                 width,
                                        gint                 height);
<P>This default size can be overridden, as is true for all widgets,
by calling <CODE>gtk_widget_set_usize()</CODE>, and that, in turn, can
be overridden if the user manually resizes the the window containing
the drawing area.
<P>It should be noted that when we create a DrawingArea widget, we are
<EM>completely</EM> responsible for drawing the contents. If our
window is obscured then uncovered, we get an exposure event and must
redraw what was previously hidden.
<P>Having to remember everything that was drawn on the screen so we
can properly redraw it can, to say the least, be a nuisance. In
addition, it can be visually distracting if portions of the
window are cleared, then redrawn step by step. The solution to
this problem is to use an offscreen <EM>backing pixmap</EM>.
Instead of drawing directly to the screen, we draw to an image
stored in server memory but not displayed, then when the image
changes or new portions of the image are displayed, we copy the
relevant portions onto the screen.
<P>To create an offscreen pixmap, we call the function:
GdkPixmap* gdk_pixmap_new               (GdkWindow  *window,
                                         gint        width,
                                         gint        height,
                                         gint        depth);
<P>The <CODE>window</CODE> parameter specifies a GDK window that this pixmap
takes some of its properties from. <CODE>width</CODE> and <CODE>height</CODE>
specify the size of the pixmap. <CODE>depth</CODE> specifies the <EM>color
depth</EM>, that is the number of bits per pixel, for the new window.
If the depth is specified as <CODE>-1</CODE>, it will match the depth
of <CODE>window</CODE>.
<P>We create the pixmap in our "configure_event" handler. This event
is generated whenever the window changes size, including when it
is originally created.
/* Backing pixmap for drawing area */
static GdkPixmap *pixmap = NULL;

/* Create a new backing pixmap of the appropriate size */
static gint
configure_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventConfigure *event)
  if (pixmap)

  pixmap = gdk_pixmap_new(widget->window,
  gdk_draw_rectangle (pixmap,
                      0, 0,

  return TRUE;
<P>The call to <CODE>gdk_draw_rectangle()</CODE> clears the pixmap
initially to white. We'll say more about that in a moment.
<P>Our exposure event handler then simply copies the relevant portion
of the pixmap onto the screen (we determine the area we need
to redraw by using the event->area field of the exposure event):
/* Redraw the screen from the backing pixmap */
static gint
expose_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event)
                  widget->style->fg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE (widget)],
                  event->area.x, event->area.y,
                  event->area.x, event->area.y,
                  event->area.width, event->area.height);

  return FALSE;
<P>We've now seen how to keep the screen up to date with our pixmap, but
how do we actually draw interesting stuff on our pixmap?  There are a
large number of calls in GTK's GDK library for drawing on
<EM>drawables</EM>. A drawable is simply something that can be drawn
upon. It can be a window, a pixmap, or a bitmap (a black and white
image).  We've already seen two such calls above,
<CODE>gdk_draw_rectangle()</CODE> and <CODE>gdk_draw_pixmap()</CODE>. The
complete list is:
gdk_draw_line ()
gdk_draw_rectangle ()
gdk_draw_arc ()
gdk_draw_polygon ()
gdk_draw_string ()
gdk_draw_text ()
gdk_draw_pixmap ()
gdk_draw_bitmap ()
gdk_draw_image ()
gdk_draw_points ()
gdk_draw_segments ()
<P>See the reference documentation or the header file
<CODE>&lt;gdk/gdk.h&gt;</CODE> for further details on these functions.
These functions all share the same first two arguments. The first
argument is the drawable to draw upon, the second argument is a
<EM>graphics context</EM> (GC). 
<P>A graphics context encapsulates information about things such as
foreground and background color and line width. GDK has a full set of
functions for creating and modifying graphics contexts, but to keep
things simple we'll just use predefined graphics contexts. Each widget
has an associated style. (Which can be modified in a gtkrc file, see
the section GTK's rc file.) This, among other things, stores a number
of graphics contexts. Some examples of accessing these graphics
contexts are:
<P>The fields <CODE>fg_gc</CODE>, <CODE>bg_gc</CODE>, <CODE>dark_gc</CODE>, and
<CODE>light_gc</CODE> are indexed by a parameter of type
<CODE>GtkStateType</CODE> which can take on the values:
<P>For instance, for <CODE>GTK_STATE_SELECTED</CODE> the default foreground
color is white and the default background color, dark blue.
<P>Our function <CODE>draw_brush()</CODE>, which does the actual drawing
on the screen, is then:
/* Draw a rectangle on the screen */
static void
draw_brush (GtkWidget *widget, gdouble x, gdouble y)
  GdkRectangle update_rect;

  update_rect.x = x - 5;
  update_rect.y = y - 5;
  update_rect.width = 10;
  update_rect.height = 10;
  gdk_draw_rectangle (pixmap,
                      update_rect.x, update_rect.y,
                      update_rect.width, update_rect.height);
  gtk_widget_draw (widget, &amp;update_rect);
<P>After we draw the rectangle representing the brush onto the pixmap,
we call the function:
void       gtk_widget_draw                (GtkWidget           *widget,
                                           GdkRectangle        *area);
<P>which notifies X that the area given by the <CODE>area</CODE> parameter
needs to be updated. X will eventually generate an expose event
(possibly combining the areas passed in several calls to
<CODE>gtk_widget_draw()</CODE>) which will cause our expose event handler
to copy the relevant portions to the screen.
<P>We have now covered the entire drawing program except for a few
mundane details like creating the main window.
<H2><A NAME="ss23.4">23.4 Adding XInput support</A>

<P>It is now possible to buy quite inexpensive input devices such 
as drawing tablets, which allow drawing with a much greater
ease of artistic expression than does a mouse. The simplest way
to use such devices is simply as a replacement for the mouse,
but that misses out many of the advantages of these devices,
such as:
<LI> Pressure sensitivity</LI>
<LI> Tilt reporting</LI>
<LI> Sub-pixel positioning</LI>
<LI> Multiple inputs (for example, a stylus with a point and eraser)</LI>
<P>For information about the XInput extension, see the 
<A HREF="">XInput-HOWTO</A>.
<P>If we examine the full definition of, for example, the GdkEventMotion
structure, we see that it has fields to support extended device
struct _GdkEventMotion
  GdkEventType type;
  GdkWindow *window;
  guint32 time;
  gdouble x;
  gdouble y;
  gdouble pressure;
  gdouble xtilt;
  gdouble ytilt;
  guint state;
  gint16 is_hint;
  GdkInputSource source;
  guint32 deviceid;
<P><CODE>pressure</CODE> gives the pressure as a floating point number between
0 and 1. <CODE>xtilt</CODE> and <CODE>ytilt</CODE> can take on values between 
-1 and 1, corresponding to the degree of tilt in each direction.
<CODE>source</CODE> and <CODE>deviceid</CODE> specify the device for which the
event occurred in two different ways. <CODE>source</CODE> gives some simple
information about the type of device. It can take the enumeration
<P><CODE>deviceid</CODE> specifies a unique numeric ID for the device. This can
be used to find out further information about the device using the
<CODE>gdk_input_list_devices()</CODE> call (see below). The special value
<CODE>GDK_CORE_POINTER</CODE> is used for the core pointer device. (Usually
the mouse.)
<H3>Enabling extended device information</H3>

<P>To let GTK know about our interest in the extended device information,
we merely have to add a single line to our program:
gtk_widget_set_extension_events (drawing_area, GDK_EXTENSION_EVENTS_CURSOR);
<P>By giving the value <CODE>GDK_EXTENSION_EVENTS_CURSOR</CODE> we say that
we are interested in extension events, but only if we don't have
to draw our own cursor. See the section 
<A HREF="#sec_Further_Sophistications">Further Sophistications</A> below
for more information about drawing the cursor. We could also 
give the values <CODE>GDK_EXTENSION_EVENTS_ALL</CODE> if we were willing 
to draw our own cursor, or <CODE>GDK_EXTENSION_EVENTS_NONE</CODE> to revert
back to the default condition.
<P>This is not completely the end of the story however. By default,
no extension devices are enabled. We need a mechanism to allow
users to enable and configure their extension devices. GTK provides
the InputDialog widget to automate this process. The following
procedure manages an InputDialog widget. It creates the dialog if
it isn't present, and raises it to the top otherwise.
input_dialog_destroy (GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
  *((GtkWidget **)data) = NULL;

create_input_dialog ()
  static GtkWidget *inputd = NULL;

  if (!inputd)
      inputd = gtk_input_dialog_new();

      gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT(inputd), "destroy",
                          (GtkSignalFunc)input_dialog_destroy, &amp;inputd);
      gtk_signal_connect_object (GTK_OBJECT(GTK_INPUT_DIALOG(inputd)->close_button),
      gtk_widget_hide ( GTK_INPUT_DIALOG(inputd)->save_button);

      gtk_widget_show (inputd);
      if (!GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED(inputd))
<P>(You might want to take note of the way we handle this dialog.  By
connecting to the "destroy" signal, we make sure that we don't keep a
pointer to dialog around after it is destroyed - that could lead to a
<P>The InputDialog has two buttons "Close" and "Save", which by default
have no actions assigned to them. In the above function we make
"Close" hide the dialog, hide the "Save" button, since we don't
implement saving of XInput options in this program.
<H3>Using extended device information</H3>

<P>Once we've enabled the device, we can just use the extended 
device information in the extra fields of the event structures.
In fact, it is always safe to use this information since these
fields will have reasonable default values even when extended
events are not enabled.
<P>Once change we do have to make is to call
<CODE>gdk_input_window_get_pointer()</CODE> instead of
<CODE>gdk_window_get_pointer</CODE>. This is necessary because
<CODE>gdk_window_get_pointer</CODE> doesn't return the extended device
void gdk_input_window_get_pointer( GdkWindow       *window,
                                   guint32         deviceid,
                                   gdouble         *x,
                                   gdouble         *y,
                                   gdouble         *pressure,
                                   gdouble         *xtilt,
                                   gdouble         *ytilt,
                                   GdkModifierType *mask);
<P>When calling this function, we need to specify the device ID as
well as the window. Usually, we'll get the device ID from the
<CODE>deviceid</CODE> field of an event structure. Again, this function
will return reasonable values when extension events are not
enabled. (In this case, <CODE>event->deviceid</CODE> will have the value
<P>So the basic structure of our button-press and motion event handlers
doesn't change much - we just need to add code to deal with the
extended information.
static gint
button_press_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event)
  print_button_press (event->deviceid);
  if (event->button == 1 &amp;&amp; pixmap != NULL)
    draw_brush (widget, event->source, event->x, event->y, event->pressure);

  return TRUE;

static gint
motion_notify_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventMotion *event)
  gdouble x, y;
  gdouble pressure;
  GdkModifierType state;

  if (event->is_hint)
    gdk_input_window_get_pointer (event->window, event->deviceid,
                                  &amp;x, &amp;y, &amp;pressure, NULL, NULL, &amp;state);
      x = event->x;
      y = event->y;
      pressure = event->pressure;
      state = event->state;
  if (state &amp; GDK_BUTTON1_MASK &amp;&amp; pixmap != NULL)
    draw_brush (widget, event->source, x, y, pressure);
  return TRUE;
<P>We also need to do something with the new information. Our new
<CODE>draw_brush()</CODE> function draws with a different color for
each <CODE>event->source</CODE> and changes the brush size depending
on the pressure.
/* Draw a rectangle on the screen, size depending on pressure,
   and color on the type of device */
static void
draw_brush (GtkWidget *widget, GdkInputSource source,
            gdouble x, gdouble y, gdouble pressure)
  GdkGC *gc;
  GdkRectangle update_rect;

  switch (source)
      gc = widget->style->dark_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE (widget)];
    case GDK_SOURCE_PEN:
      gc = widget->style->black_gc;
      gc = widget->style->white_gc;
      gc = widget->style->light_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE (widget)];

  update_rect.x = x - 10 * pressure;
  update_rect.y = y - 10 * pressure;
  update_rect.width = 20 * pressure;
  update_rect.height = 20 * pressure;
  gdk_draw_rectangle (pixmap, gc, TRUE,
                      update_rect.x, update_rect.y,
                      update_rect.width, update_rect.height);
  gtk_widget_draw (widget, &amp;update_rect);
<H3>Finding out more about a device</H3>

<P>As an example of how to find out more about a device, our program
will print the name of the device that generates each button
press. To find out the name of a device, we call the function:
GList *gdk_input_list_devices               (void);
<P>which returns a GList (a linked list type from the GLib library)
of GdkDeviceInfo structures. The GdkDeviceInfo structure is defined
struct _GdkDeviceInfo
  guint32 deviceid;
  gchar *name;
  GdkInputSource source;
  GdkInputMode mode;
  gint has_cursor;
  gint num_axes;
  GdkAxisUse *axes;
  gint num_keys;
  GdkDeviceKey *keys;
<P>Most of these fields are configuration information that you can ignore
unless you are implementing XInput configuration saving. The fieldwe
are interested in here is <CODE>name</CODE> which is simply the name that X
assigns to the device. The other field that isn't configuration
information is <CODE>has_cursor</CODE>. If <CODE>has_cursor</CODE> is false, then we
we need to draw our own cursor. But since we've specified
<CODE>GDK_EXTENSION_EVENTS_CURSOR</CODE>, we don't have to worry about this.
<P>Our <CODE>print_button_press()</CODE> function simply iterates through
the returned list until it finds a match, then prints out
the name of the device.
static void
print_button_press (guint32 deviceid)
  GList *tmp_list;

  /* gdk_input_list_devices returns an internal list, so we shouldn't
     free it afterwards */
  tmp_list = gdk_input_list_devices();

  while (tmp_list)
      GdkDeviceInfo *info = (GdkDeviceInfo *)tmp_list->data;

      if (info->deviceid == deviceid)
          printf("Button press on device '%s'\n", info->name);

      tmp_list = tmp_list->next;
<P>That completes the changes to "XInputize" our program.
<H3><A NAME="sec_Further_Sophistications"></A> Further sophistications </H3>

<P>Although our program now supports XInput quite well, it lacks some
features we would want in a full-featured application. First, the user
probably doesn't want to have to configure their device each time they
run the program, so we should allow them to save the device
configuration. This is done by iterating through the return of
<CODE>gdk_input_list_devices()</CODE> and writing out the configuration to a
<P>To restore the state next time the program is run, GDK provides
functions to change device configuration:
<P>(The list returned from <CODE>gdk_input_list_devices()</CODE> should not be
modified directly.) An example of doing this can be found in the
drawing program gsumi. (Available from 
<A HREF=""></A>) Eventually, it
would be nice to have a standard way of doing this for all
applications. This probably belongs at a slightly higher level than
GTK, perhaps in the GNOME library.
<P>Another major omission that we have mentioned above is the lack of
cursor drawing. Platforms other than XFree86 currently do not allow
simultaneously using a device as both the core pointer and directly by
an application. See the 
<A HREF="">XInput-HOWTO</A> for more information about this. This means that
applications that want to support the widest audience need to draw
their own cursor.
<P>An application that draws its own cursor needs to do two things:
determine if the current device needs a cursor drawn or not, and
determine if the current device is in proximity. (If the current
device is a drawing tablet, it's a nice touch to make the cursor 
disappear when the stylus is lifted from the tablet. When the
device is touching the stylus, that is called "in proximity.")
The first is done by searching the device list, as we did
to find out the device name. The second is achieved by selecting
"proximity_out" events. An example of drawing one's own cursor is
found in the "testinput" program found in the GTK distribution.
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