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<article lang="&language;">

>Efeitos do Ecrã</title>
>&Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail;</author>
<othercredit role="translator"

>&kde; 4.2</releaseinfo>

<sect1 id="desktop-effects">
>Efeitos do Ecrã</title>

<sect2 id="desktop-effects-intro">

>Este módulo é usado para configurar os efeitos do ecrã para o &kde;.</para>

>Este painel está dividido em três páginas: a <guilabel
>, a <guilabel
>Todos os Efeitos</guilabel
> e a <guilabel

<sect3 id="desktop-effects-general">
>Página <guilabel

>No topo desta página, existe uma opção chamada <guilabel
>Activar os efeitos do ecrã</guilabel
>. Se não estiver assinalada, então todos os efeitos visuais deste painel estarão desactivados. Para editar qualquer um destes efeitos, basta assinalar esta opção.</para>

>Por baixo dessa opção, existem mais algumas opções comuns para os efeitos do ecrã, como a gestão de janelas melhorada, as sombras, diversas animações, os efeitos do ecrã, a mudança de janelas e a velocidade de animação.</para>
<!-- outdated needs a rewrite
>Combobox effect:</guilabel
>This combobox has two options.  If this option is set to <guilabel
then when a combo box is selected, it will appear to scroll down.  If <guilabel
is selected, then the combobox list appears instantly.</para

>Tool tip effect:</guilabel
>This combobox has three options.  If this option is set to <guilabel
then when a tool tip appears, it will have a short animation.  If <guilabel
> is 
selected, the tool tip appears to fade from the background.  If <guilabel
is selected, then the tool tip appears instantly.</para

>Menu effect:</guilabel
>This combobox has four options.  If this option is set to <guilabel
then when a menu list appears, it will appear to scroll downward.  If <guilabel
> is 
selected, the menu list appears to fade from the background.  If <guilabel
>Make Transparent</guilabel
is selected, the menu list will have a transparent look to it.  The details of that transparency is 
configured in the next part of the dialog.  If <guilabel
is selected, then the menu list appears instantly.</para

>Menu tear-off handles:</guilabel
>If this option is set to <guilabel
>, then no menus can be separated 
from the application. If <guilabel
>Application Level</guilabel
> is selected, then it is left up 
to each individual application to determine which menus can be torn separated from the application.</para>
>Many applications do not have tear off menus.  You cannot tell &kde; to force an 
application to allow tear off menus.  This is determined by the authors of the application.</para

>The next checkbox, labeled <guilabel
>Menu drop shadow</guilabel
> is used to toggle the drop shadow behind all 
&kde; menus.  A drop shadow is a dark, soft line on the bottom and right sides of the menu, which give the menus the 
appearance that the menu is lifted off the application, and the menu is creating a shadow on the application.</para>

>The next section only applies if the combobox labeled <guilabel
>Menu Effect</guilabel
> is set to 
>Make Transparent</guilabel
>.  You can use the combo box labeled <guilabel
>Menu transparency type:</guilabel
to select the method &kde; uses to generate the transparency.  You can use the slider to determine the level of 
transparency in menus.  A preview is visible on the right side of this section.</para>

<sect3 id="desktop-alleffects">
>Página <guilabel
>Todos os Efeitos</guilabel

>A parte principal desta página é uma lista de todos os efeitos disponíveis, agrupados por <guilabel
>, <guilabel
>, <guilabel
>, <guilabel
> e <guilabel
>. Use a barra de pesquisa incremental acima da lista para descobrir itens na mesma.</para>

>Assinale um efeito da lista para o activar. Veja a janela <guilabel
>, carregando para tal no botão de informações do lado direito do item na lista. Alguns efeitos têm opções de configuração; nesse caso, existirá um botão de ferramentas do lado esquerdo do botão de informação. Carregue nele para abrir uma janela de configuração.</para>

>Highlight buttons under mouse.</guilabel
>If there is a mark in this checkbox, when the mouse pointer is above a toolbar 
button, that button will be highlighted with a square around the button.  This is a good visual 
indicator of which button will be selected with a mouse click.</para>

>Transparent toolbars when moving</guilabel
>As the title suggests, if this option is selected, the toolbars will be transparent when 
you are moving them around on the screen.</para>

>Text position</guilabel
>This combo box lets you determine where on the button the text name of the button will appear as the default.  
If <guilabel
>Icon Only</guilabel
> is selected, then there is no text on the toolbar buttons.  If  <guilabel
>Text Only</guilabel
> is selected, then the button's icon is replaced with a text name of  the button. If <guilabel
>Text Alongside Icons</guilabel
> is selected, then the name of the button will be placed to the <emphasis
> of the icon. If <guilabel
>Text Under Icons</guilabel
> is selected, the default will be to have the text of the button <emphasis
> the icon.</para>
>This option only specifies the <emphasis
> location.  Each application can override the setting used in this panel.</para


<sect3 id="desktop-advanced">
>Página <guilabel

>Nesta página, poderá seleccionar um <guilabel
>Tipo de composição</guilabel
> (<guilabel
> ou <guilabel
>) e definir algumas opções para o tipo seleccionado. </para>


