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  <!ENTITY Thom.Castermans '<othercredit role="translator"><firstname>Thom</firstname><surname>Castermans</surname><affiliation><address><email></email></address></affiliation><contrib>Vertaler/Nalezer</contrib></othercredit>'>
  <!ENTITY vertaling.thom "<para>Dit document is vertaald in het Nederlands door &Thom.Castermans;.</para>">
  <!ENTITY ged.vertaald '<othercredit role="translator"><firstname>Dit document is nog maar gedeeltelijk vertaald.</firstname> <surname>Wilt u meehelpen, stuur een bericht naar:</surname><affiliation><address> <email></email></address></affiliation> <contrib>Nieuwe vertaler</contrib></othercredit>'>
<book lang="&language;">
>Het handboek van Amarok</title>
>Deze documentatie is geconverteerd uit de pagina in de KDE UserBase <ulink url=""
> <surname
> </personname>
>&amarok; is een vrije, veelzijdige en krachtige muziekspeler voor &Linux;. De laatste 2.x uitgave, vaak gerefereerd als <quote
>, is cross-platform (kan op veel platforms worden gebruikt, inclusief &Linux;, &MacOS; en &Microsoft; &Windows;) en implementeert een geheel herbewerkte codebasis die het mogelijk maakt om opwindende nieuwe functies in te voegen bij het volwassen worden van de uitgave. De huidige stabiele uitgave is versie 2.4.</para>
<!--userbase <timestamp

<chapter id="amarok--rediscover-your-music"
>Amarok: Herontdek uw muziek!</title
  <tgroup cols="1">
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4.png" format="PNG"/>
>Amarok 2.4, speelt Vrije muziek van Magnatunes</para
>&amarok; is de eerste Vrije, open-source muziektoepassing. Meer dan een eenvoudige muziekspeler, helpt &amarok; om u uw muziek opnieuw te ontdekken. Het innovatieve interface geeft u ongekende controle over uw verzameling en breidt uw bereik tot muziek uit tot overal. Gebruik onze <link linkend="quick-start-guide"
> om het snel aan de praat te krijgen of zoek voor diepere informatie in dit handboek. </para>
<chapter id="quick-start-guide"
>Gefeliciteerd, &amarok;, de meest geavanceerde software om muziek mee te ontdekken is geïnstalleerd op uw computer. &amarok; helpt u om muziek te ontdekken en er van te genieten als nooit tevoren. Ook is het mogelijk om verschillende online muziekbronnen te beluisteren, radiostations en luisterboeken. In dit handboek zal worden uitgelegd hoe u &amarok; uw muziekverzameling kunt laten vinden, muziek kunt laten afspelen en hoe u &amarok; kunt gebruiken om dingen online te vinden. We zullen niet aannemen dat u bekend bent met &amarok;, maar wel dat u al eerder met menu's, muis en toetsenbord heeft gewerkt. </para>
><link linkend="getting-started"
><link linkend="starting-amarok"
>Amarok opstarten</link
><link linkend="closing-amarok"
>Amarok afsluiten</link
><link linkend="the-amarok-window"
>Het venster van Amarok</link
><link linkend="default-layout-of-the-amarok-window"
>Standaard indeling van het venster van Amarok</link
><link linkend="using-the-amarok-window-to-manage-and-play-your-music"
>Het venster van Amarok gebruiken om uw muziek te beheren en af te spelen</link
><link linkend="the-music-collection"
>De muziekverzameling</link
><link linkend="the-media-sources-pane"
>Het paneel voor mediabronnen</link
><link linkend="setting-up-a-collection"
>Een verzameling opzetten</link
><link linkend="adding-media-devices-to-the-collection"
>Mediumapparaten aan de verzameling toevoegen</link
><link linkend="ripping-a-cd-into-the-collection"
>Een cd rippen in de verzameling</link
><link linkend="accessing-other-media-sources"
>Toegang krijgen tot andere mediabronnen</link
><link linkend="streams-and-podcasts"
>Streams en podcasts</link
><link linkend="using-the-content-browser"
>Het bladerprogramma voor de inhoud gebruiken</link
>&nbsp; <orderedlist>
><link linkend="hiding-or-expanding-information"
>Informatie verbergen of uitbreiden</link
><link linkend="changing-the-order-of-tracks-and-albums"
>De volgorde van tracks en albums veranderen</link
><link linkend="deleting-items-from-the-collection"
>Items uit de verzameling verwijderen</link
><link linkend="playlists"
><link linkend="the-playlist-pane"
>Het paneel Afspeellijst</link
><link linkend="adding-music-to-a-playlist"
>Muziek toevoegen aan een afspeellijst</link
><link linkend="using-the-toolbar"
>De werkbalk gebruiken</link
><link linkend="manipulating-playlists"
>Manipulating playlists</link
>&nbsp; <orderedlist>
><link linkend="removing-a-track"
>Een track verwijderen</link
><link linkend="using-the-playlist-tools-at-the-bottom"
>De hulpmiddelen voor de afspeellijst onderaan gebruiken</link
><link linkend="saving-and-retrieving-your-favorite-playlists"
>Uw favoriete afspeellijsten opslaan en ophalen</link
><link linkend="the-context-view"
>De contextweergave</link
><link linkend="default-layout"
>Standaard indeling</link
><link linkend="customizing-the-context-pane"
>Het contextpaneel aanpassen</link
><link linkend="how-to-deal-with-problems"
>Hoe problemen oplossen</link
><link linkend="glossary"
<sect1 id="getting-started"
>Hoe te beginnen</title
<sect2 id="starting-amarok"
>Amarok opstarten</title
>Als u al bekend bent met de manier van werken van uw besturingssysteem, dan weet u waarschijnlijk ook hoe &amarok; te starten en kunt u <link linkend="first-time"
>. Anders leest u verder. </para>
<sect3 id="from-plasma"
>Vanuit Plasma</title
>Als u de <ulink url=""
>Plasma werkruimte</ulink
> gebruikt, dan kunt u &amarok; starten door ofwel: </para>
>op <ulink url=""
> drukken en dan <menuchoice
><ulink url=""
> opstarten, standaard (<keycombo
>), en <userinput
> invoeren en op &Enter; drukken.</para
<sect3 id="from-the-file-manager"
>Vanuit de bestandsbeheerder</title
>Open een multimedia-bestand waarvan bekend is dat &amarok; deze afspeelt. </para>
<sect2 id="first-time"
>Eerste keer</title
>De eerste keer dat u &amarok;, gebruikt zal er een dialoogvenster opkomen die vraagt uw taalcode te specificeren: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_locale_selection.png" format="PNG"/>
>Vervolgens zal er een dialoogvenster Eerste keer getoond worden waarin u gevraagd wordt aan te wijzen waar uw muziekverzameling zich op uw computer bevindt. Als u al een map met muziek heeft en deze heeft <ulink url="help:/kcontrol/paths"
>, dan zou &amarok; dit moeten opmerken en u vragen of deze map gebruikt moet worden: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="firstruncollection2.png" format="PNG"/>
>Als u op <guilabel
> klikt in dit dialoogvenster, zal een ander dialoogvenster worden getoond dat u vraagt uw map met muziek te selecteren: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1configuredialogcollection.png" format="PNG"/>
>Zie ook <link linkend="setting-up-a-collection"
>Hoe installeer ik mijn muziekverzameling</link
> </para>
>Zodra u uw map met muziek heeft aangewezen, zal &amarok; deze scannen en uw muziekverzameling opbouwen. Afhankelijk van het aantal tracks en de snelheid van uw computer kan dit even duren. </para>
<sect2 id="closing-amarok"
>Amarok afsluiten</title
>Als u &amarok; wilt sluiten </para>
>Druk op <keycombo
> als u het &amarok; venster open heeft staan of</para
>Klik op <guilabel
> in het menu van &amarok; of</para
>Klik met de rechtermuisknop op het pictogram met een blauwe wolf in het <guilabel
> onderin uw scherm. Het volgende zal getoond worden:</para
      <imagedata fileref="amarokrightmenu.png" format="PNG"/>
>Als u &amarok; afsluit door op <guilabel
> te klikken aan de rand van het venster, zal &amarok; op de achtergrond blijven draaien en alleen een pictogram met een blauwe wolf tonen in het <guilabel
>: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amaroksystray.png" format="PNG"/>
>Als u afmeldt of afsluit zonder &amarok; af te sluiten, zullen sommige instellingen niet worden opgeslagen. </para>
<sect1 id="the-amarok-window"
>Het venster van Amarok</title
>Het &amarok;-venster is ontworpen om u uw muziek te laten herontdekken. Daarom geeft het u zoveel mogelijk informatie over uw muziek als mogelijk is. De meeste gebruikers zullen al genieten van het standaard uiterlijk van &amarok;, maar alles is aan te passen. </para>
<sect2 id="default-layout-of-the-amarok-window"
>Het standaard uiterlijk van het &amarok;-venster</title
>Na installatie zal &amarok; er als volgt uit zien: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amaroknew2-4.png" format="PNG"/>
>Amarok 2.5 net na de installatie</phrase>
>&amarok; 2.5 net na de installatie</para>
>Het venster van &amarok; heeft vier hoofddelen: </para>
>onder de menubalk bevindt zich de <emphasis
>, die weer boven drie panelen ligt:</para
>uw <guilabel
> (muziekverzameling en andere media) in het linker paneel,</para
>het <guilabel
> in het midden en</para
>de <guilabel
> in het rechtse paneel.</para
<sect2 id="using-the-amarok-window-to-manage-and-play-your-music"
>Het Amarok-venster gebruiken om uw muziek te beheren en af te laten spelen</title
>Het laten afspelen van muziek in &amarok; doet u meestal in twee stappen: </para>
>Maak een afspeellijst door enkele tracks te selecteren uit uw muziekverzameling, die u vind in het paneel met <guilabel
>. Sleep daarna deze tracks naar het paneel met de <guilabel
>Speel muziek in uw afspeellijst af door gebruik te maken van het paneel met de <guilabel
> en/of de <guilabel
>Als u muziek uit uw muziekverzameling op een muziekspeler wilt zetten, bijvoorbeeld een iPod, dan kan dat. In de volgende hoofdstukken leggen we uit hoe. </para>
<sect1 id="the-music-collection"
>De muziekverzameling</title
<sect2 id="the-media-sources-pane"
>Het paneel Mediabronnen</title
>In het paneel <guilabel
> kunt u uw volledige muziekverzameling bekijken en beheren. Onder uw muziekverzameling vallen de bestanden op uw computer, maar ook die op externe apparaten of media verbonden met uw computer, zoals een geluids-cd, USB-apparaat, muziekspeler, netwerkschijf of internetbron. </para>
<sect2 id="setting-up-a-collection"
>Hoe installeer ik mijn muziekverzameling</title
>Heeft u al muziekbestanden in bijvoorbeeld <emphasis
>-, <emphasis
>- of <emphasis
>-formaat op uw computer? Vertel &amarok; dan waar deze bestanden zich bevinden, zodat deze direct aan uw muziekverzameling kunnen worden toegevoegd. Dit doet u via het menu: <menuchoice
>Amarok instellen</guisubmenu
>. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1configuredialogcollection.png" format="PNG"/>
>Stel de muziekverzameling in in het dialoogvenster, sinds versie 2.5</phrase>
>Stel de muziekverzameling in in het dialoogvenster, sinds versie 2.5</para>
>Hierboven ziet u uw persoonlijke map in een boomstructuur. Vink hier de map(pen) aan waar uw muziekverzameling zich bevindt, meestal <menuchoice
>. Klik daarna op <guilabel
>De gehele verzameling opnieuw doorzoeken</guilabel
>. Dit duurt even, het is normaal dat &amarok; een tijdje wat traag zal zijn. Zodra het doorzoeken voltooid is, is het het beste om &amarok; af te sluiten via het menu of <keycombo
> en daarna opnieuw op te starten. De zojuist door u toegevoegde muziek zou dan in uw <guilabel
>Lokale verzameling</guilabel
> moeten staan. </para>
>Meer over het instellen van uw verzameling zit <link linkend="collection"
>. </para>
>De set door &amarok; herkende multimediaformaten is niet beperkt tot de boven genoemde; het wordt bestuurt door de <ulink url=""
> backend.</para
<sect2 id="adding-media-devices-to-the-collection"
>Externe media toevoegen aan uw verzameling</title
>Onder de zoekbalk bovenin het paneel <guilabel
> ziet u verschillende apparaten en/of categorieën in de <guilabel
>bladerprogramma voor de inhoud</guilabel
>. Als u bijvoorbeeld een muziek-cd in uw cdrom-drive stopt zal deze hier worden getoond in het paneel <guilabel
>, evenals mediaspelers en USB-sticks en andere USB-apparaten. Als een extern apparaat is aangekoppeld zal deze automatisch worden getoond in het paneel <guilabel
>. </para>
>In onderstaande schermafdruk ziet u drie aangekoppelde muziekbronnen: een geluids-cd-rom, mp3-speler en de <guilabel
>Lokale verzameling</guilabel
>. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="mediasources.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect2 id="ripping-a-cd-into-the-collection"
>Muziek van een cd aan uw verzameling toevoegen (rippen)</title
>Als u geen muziek op uw computer heeft, kunt u eenvoudig muziek van een cd <emphasis
> (de tracks kopiëren van uw cd's naar uw muziekverzameling). Stop de cd in uw cdrom-drive en klik met de rechtermuisknop op de banner van de cd in het <guilabel
>bladerprogramma voor de inhoud</guilabel
> om de muziek af te spelen of te kopiëren naar uw verzameling, die uw tracks ript en van een <emphasis
> voorziet (zie onderstaand plaatje). Als u muziek kopieert van een geluids-cd naar uw <guilabel
>Lokale muziekverzameling</guilabel
>, dan zal de <emphasis
> onderin het venster weergeven dat &amarok; bezig is met kopiëren. Het rippen kan enkele minuten duren. Zodra een rip is voltooid, zal het bericht uit de berichtbalk verdwijnen en de muziek verschijnen in het bladerprogramma van de inhoud in uw <guilabel
>Lokale verzameling</guilabel
>. Als de geripte muziek niet in het paneel <guilabel
> verschijnt, kunt u het beste &amarok; afsluiten via het hoofdmenu van &amarok; of <keycombo
> en daarna opnieuw starten. Nu zou de muziek zichtbaar moeten zijn in uw verzameling. Onderstaande schermafdruk toont hoe u tracks van uw geluids-cd, iPod of ander apparaat naar uw verzameling kunt verplaatsen via het contextmenu (rechts klikken). </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarokripcd.png" format="PNG"/>
>In bovenstaand contextmenu ziet u ook het menu-item <guilabel
>Trackdetails bewerken</guilabel
>. Gebruik deze optie als u een track heeft waarvan titel, artiest of ander label aangepast moet worden. Dit is bijvoorbeeld belangrijk wanneer u muziek ript naar het WAV-formaat, waarbij sommige labels verloren gaan. Als een groot deel van uw verzameling getagd moet worden, kunt u overwegen speciale label software te gebruiken, zoals </para>
><ulink url=""
><ulink url=""
><ulink url=""
>Goed labelen is belangrijk om &amarok; te helpen uw tracks in de goede volgorde in het goede album weer te laten geven. Lees meer over <link linkend="tags"
>rippen en labelen</link
>. </para>
<sect2 id="accessing-other-media-sources"
>Andere mediabronnen gebruiken</title
>U heeft zich misschien afgevraagd waarom het paneel <guilabel
> niet het paneel 'Verzamelingen' heet. Dit komt omdat &amarok; u toegang geeft tot veel meer muziek dan alleen uw verzameling -- internetwinkels, luisterboeken, podcasts, muziekbestanden buiten uw verzameling en eerder opgeslagen afspeellijsten. De <emphasis
> is de sleutel tot dit alles. Het startpunt voor de broodkruimelnavigatie is het startpagina-pictogram in de uiterste linkerbovenhoek van het paneel <guilabel
>. Dit pictogram wordt groter en kleiner terwijl u door het paneel <guilabel
> bladert. Het zorgt ervoor dat u eenvoudig door uw verzameling kunt navigeren door op de gewenste map in de broodkruimelbalk te klikken. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarokbreadcrumb.png" format="PNG"/>
>Als u op het &amarok; startpagina-pictogram klikt ziet u het paneel <guilabel
> links onder in beeld, waar pictogrammen voor verschillende bronnen in worden getoond. Klikt u op het pictogram <guilabel
> (linker plaatje hieronder, tweede pictogram van onderen), dan zult u iets gelijksoortig zien als de rechter afbeelding hieronder. Merk op dat de broodkruimelbalk groter is geworden en dat de inhoud van de geselecteerde map wordt weergegeven in het paneel <guilabel
> (rechter plaatje hieronder). Door te klikken op de symbolen <guilabel
> naast de broodkruimels kunt u de mappen op dat niveau in de mappenstructuur bekijken. Via de bestandsbeheerder van &amarok; kunt u bestanden in het gehele bestandssysteem benaderen, zelfs bestanden buiten uw <guilabel
>Lokale verzameling</guilabel
>. </para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Paneel Mediabronnen</entry>
>Aangeklikt pictogram Bestand</entry>
      <imagedata fileref="amarokmediasources-home.png" format="PNG"/>
      <imagedata fileref="amarokmediasources-files.png" format="PNG"/>
>De functies van de pictogrammen in de startpagina van &amarok; (linksboven) zijn: </para>
  <tgroup cols="3">
      <imagedata fileref="action-collection-amarok48.png" format="PNG"/>
>Lokale muziek</guilabel
>Uw &amarok; verzameling</para>
      <imagedata fileref="applications-internet.png" format="PNG"/>
>Internetwinkels zoals <emphasis
>, <emphasis
> en <emphasis
>. Configureer eerst uw internetbronnen met: <menuchoice
>Amarok instellen</guisubmenu
      <imagedata fileref="view-media-playlist.png" format="PNG"/>
>Opgeslagen afspeellijsten -- lees ook <link linkend="playlists"
>. Ook afspeellijsten op externe apparaten.</para>
      <imagedata fileref="folder-amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>Uw bestandssysteem</para>
      <imagedata fileref="hi48-action-podcast-amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>Toegang to podcasts via een RSS feed</para
>Als op <guilabel
>Lokale muziek</guilabel
> klikt aan het begin van <guilabel
> (afbeelding hierboven) of in de broodkruimelbalk, dan gaat u terug naar uw verzameling, waarin u een lijst van beschikbare hulpbronnen, artiesten, albums en tracks te zien krijgt, die u eerder hebt gedefinieerd als onderdeel van uw verzameling. De broodkruimelbalk geeft aan dat u uw <guilabel
>Lokale muziek</guilabel
> bekijkt. </para>
<sect2 id="streams-and-podcasts"
>Radiostreams en podcasts</title
>Er zijn twee manieren waarop u naar streams kunt luisteren. </para>
>Als u een favoriet station hebt, zoek dan de stream-URL op en voeg het toe: <menuchoice
>Stream toevoegen</guimenuitem
>. Als u daarna uw afspeellijst opslaat, dan kunt u het later opnieuw vinden in <guilabel
>, als een <emphasis
>Opgeslagen afspeellijst</emphasis
>Blader door de scripts die beschikbaar zijn in uw <guilabel
>, <menuchoice
> tot en met Amarok 2.4.0 en na 2.4.1 <menuchoice
>Amarok instellen</guisubmenu
>. Er zijn een aantal uitstekende verzamelingen beschikbaar, die verschijnen in de sectie <guilabel
> van uw paneel <guilabel
>Podcasts worden in hun eigen sectie getoond in het paneel <guilabel
>, hierboven. Als u de URL van een RSS- of Atom-feed heeft, klik dan op de <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-list-add.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> en voeg deze daar in. Als u een opml-bestand heeft, kunt u deze daar importeren. Gebruik het contextmenu (rechts klikken) om een van de volgende acties uit te voeren: <guilabel
>Aan afspeellijst toevoegen</guilabel
>, <guilabel
>, <guilabel
>Abonnement verwijderen</guilabel
>, <guilabel
>Kanaal bijwerken</guilabel
> of een episode als  <emphasis
> aan te merken. Als u de mogelijkheid wilt hebben door een grote verzameling podcasts te bladeren, probeer dan <emphasis
>Podcast Directory</emphasis
> eens, beschikbaar via de hierboven genoemde <guilabel
>. </para>
>Meer over het instellen van <guilabel
> <guilabel
> <link linkend="internet-services"
>. </para>
<sect2 id="using-the-content-browser"
>Het bladerprogramma voor de inhoud gebruiken</title
>De harde schijf van uw computer, geluids-cd's, externe apparaten en het internet zijn de basisbronnen voor uw verzameling. Nadat u uw verzameling heeft opgezet, is het goed mogelijk dat uw verzameling zoveel albums en tracks bevat dat deze niet meer in een venster getoond kunnen worden. </para>
>Hoe kunt u de weergave van uw verzameling, hieronder, veranderen: </para>
<sect3 id="hiding-or-expanding-information"
>Informatie verbergen of tonen</title
>Het gebied van het paneel <guilabel
> onder de zoekbalk wordt het <emphasis
>Bladerprogramma voor de inhoud</emphasis
> genoemd. In onderstaand plaatje worden drie mediabronnen aangegeven: een cd, de lokale verzameling en een mediaspeler. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="cd_collection_sansa.png" format="PNG"/>
>Als u op een apparaat klikt (de blauwe balk voor de Sansa hierboven) wordt de inhoud van de apparaat getoond of verborgen. De richting van het pijltje rechts geeft aan of de inhoud van dat apparaat momenteel wordt verborgen of getoond. De inhoud van een specifiek apparaat kan, op zijn beurt, op dezelfde manier worden getoond of verborgen, door te klikken op de artiest of het album. Een neerwaartse pijl links van de artiest of het album geeft aan dat de inhoud getoond wordt. Een pijl naar rechts geeft aan dat meer inhoud voor die categorie beschikbaar is, maar nu verborgen wordt. In bovenstaand plaatje is de informatie voor de cd <emphasis
>Mike Oldfield - The Songs of Distant Earth</emphasis
> uitgeklapt en worden de individuele tracks getoond. Aan de andere kant worden de albums en tracks in de <guilabel
>Lokale verzameling</guilabel
> verborgen. Door op de pijlen te klikken kunt u informatie tonen of verbergen. </para>
<sect3 id="changing-the-order-of-tracks-and-albums"
>De volgorde van tracks en albums veranderen</title
>De volgorde waarin de tracks worden gesorteerd in het <guilabel
>Bladerprogramma voor de inhoud</guilabel
> kan aangepast worden met de knop<inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-preferences-other.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
>  bovenaan het paneel <guilabel
>: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4collectionsortingmenu.png" format="PNG"/>
>De sorteeropties van de verzameling</phrase>
>De sorteeropties van de verzameling</para>
>De sorteervolgorde wordt weergegeven bovenaan links in het paneel <guilabel
>, onder het tekstvak <guilabel
>. De standaard volgorde is <guilabel
>Artiest / jaar - album</guilabel
>. De weergegeven volgorde in de <guilabel
>Bladerprogramma voor de inhoud</guilabel
> kan tijdelijk worden omgewisseld tussen de door u gedefinieerde volgorde (hierboven beschreven) en een <emphasis
>samengevoegde weergave</emphasis
> waarin de artiesten alfabetisch gesorteerd worden, ongeacht het medium waar de muziek op staat. Om de <emphasis
>samengevoegde weergave</emphasis
> aan te zetten, klikt u op het pictogram <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-view-list-tree.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> in de rechterbovenhoek van het paneel <guilabel
>: </para>
>Om uw verzameling te doorzoeken typt u uw zoekterm in in de <guilabel
> bovenaan het paneel <guilabel
>Lokale muziek</guilabel
>. U kunt niet alleen zoeken op artiest, album en naam van een track, maar op elk deel. U kunt bijvoorbeeld een afspeellijst maken door te zoeken op <replaceable
> of een nummer terugvinden waarvan u nog maar één woord uit de titel weet. U kunt ook zoeken op beoordeling, aantal maal afgespeeld en zelfs bestandstype. Zie <link linkend="search-in-collection"
>Zoeken in uw verzameling</link
> voor meer details. </para>
<sect3 id="deleting-items-from-the-collection"
>Items uit de verzameling verwijderen</title
>Gebruik deze optie niet lichtzinnig; de tracks worden direct van uw harde schijf verwijderd, niet naar de Prullenbak verplaatst.</para
>U kunt elk item uit uw verzameling verwijderen door er met de rechtermuisknop op te klikken en het onderste item <guilabel
>Verwijder tracks</guilabel
> te kiezen. Er zal een bevestigingsvenster verschijnen, zodat u geen tracks per ongeluk verwijdert. U kunt meer dan een item selecteren met <keycombo
>. </para>
<sect1 id="playlists"
<sect2 id="the-playlist-pane"
>Het paneel Afspeellijsten</title
>Nu &amarok; uw muziek heeft gescand wilt u er naar luisteren. Gebruik daarvoor het paneel <guilabel
> om een afspeellijst samen te stellen met de tracks die u wilt horen. Hier speelt u uw muziek, streams en podcasts af. </para>
>U kunt uw afspeellijst sorteren op titel, album, artiest, genre en vele andere kenmerken. U kunt tracks bijvoorbeeld primair op jaar en secundair op artiest sorteren, enzovoort. </para>
>Het zoekvak laat u zoeken naar of uw tracks filteren. De <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-go-up.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> en <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-go-down.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> pictogrammen bij de top van het paneel <guilabel
> laten u springen naar de volgende of vorige track die de door u gekozen letters bevat. De knop <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-configure.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> laat u uw tracks filteren op artiest, album, &etc; </para>
>De indeling van de <guilabel
> kunt u aanpassen via het menu: <menuchoice
>. </para>
<sect2 id="adding-music-to-a-playlist"
>Muziek toevoegen aan een afspeellijst</title
>Er zijn vier manieren waarop u muziek kunt toevoegen aan de afspeellijst. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_addtoplaylist.png" format="PNG"/>
>Kies muziek in het bladerprogramma voor de inhoud en sleep dit naar rechts. Als u de tracks over het paneel <guilabel
> sleept zult u de <emphasis
> pop-up voor sleepbestemming</emphasis
>, ook wel afgekort tot <emphasis
>, zien. In bovenstaande afbeelding ziet u de SBP in actie. De SBP geeft drie opties: <guilabel
>Toevoegen aan afspeellijst</guilabel
>, <guilabel
>Afspeellijst vervangen</guilabel
> en <guilabel
>. De gemarkeerde optie in het grijze gebied (<guilabel
>Toevoegen aan afspeellijst</guilabel
> in dit plaatje) is de actieve optie. Als u het album daar loslaat wordt het toegevoegd aan de afspeellijst in het paneel <guilabel
>. Om iets anders met uw selectie te doen, kiest u een van de andere opties. Als u over <guilabel
> sleept zult u een nieuw menu met keuzes krijgen in de <emphasis
>Sleep uw selectie naar het paneel <guilabel
>, uiterst rechts in het &amarok; venster.</para
> op het album of de track die u aan de afspeellijst wilt toevoegen.</para
> op het album of de track. In het contextmenu zult u gelijkaardige keuzes vinden. Onderstaand plaatje toont het contextmenu dat verschijnt nadat u met de rechtermuisknop op een item heeft geklikt. Selecteer hier <guilabel
>Toevoegen aan afspeellijst</guilabel
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_addtoplaylist1.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect2 id="using-the-toolbar"
>De werkbalk gebruiken</title
>De <guilabel
> bovenaan het scherm van &amarok; biedt een eenvoudig interface om control het afspelen van muziek in de <guilabel
> te besturen. </para>
>Klik op het ronde pictogram links om het afspelen van uw muziek te starten en klik er opnieuw op om te pauzeren. Rechts zit de besturing van het volume en geluid-uit; klik op het midden van het pictogram voor geluid-uit. Uw muiswiel bestuurt het volume of sleep/klik uw muis over de buitenste ring van het pictogram voor volume. </para>
>Nadat een track of stream begint te spelen, zullen de <emphasis
>Artiest- / Album- / Track-titel</emphasis
> langzaam afwisselen in het centrum. Rechts is de volgende track waarop u kunt klikken om het afspelen onmiddellijk te beginnen. Nadat een track is gespeeld zal deze links zijn, zodat u op de titel kunt klikken om er naar terug te gaan. De voortgangsbalk in het midden van de <guilabel
> geeft de verstreken tijd aan (links) en de resterende tijd (rechts) voor de nu spelende track. </para>
>Als u liever een meer traditionele werkbalk ziet, selecteer dan <guilabel
>Kleine werkbalk</guilabel
> uit het menu <guilabel
>. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="controlamarok.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect2 id="manipulating-playlists"
>Afspeellijsten manipuleren</title
>U wilt wellicht albums of tracks uit uw afspeellijst verwijderen, de weergegeven informatie voor iedere track wijzigen of de volgorde van de weergegeven items veranderen. </para>
<sect3 id="removing-a-track"
>Een track verwijderen</title
>U kunt elke track en elk album uit uw afspeellijst verwijderen door: </para>
> op het item in de afspeellijst en kies de optie <guilabel
>Uit afspeellijst verwijderen</guilabel
>Sleep het te verwijderen item over het paneel <guilabel
> om de <emphasis
> te activeren. Verschillende opties zullen in het paneel <guilabel
> verschijnen. Sleep het item naar het gebied met de tekst <guilabel
>Uit afspeellijst verwijderen</guilabel
>. Zie ook onderstaande afbeelding waarin een track op de optie <guilabel
> wordt gesleept in de <emphasis
>Selecteer de track of tracks en gebruik uw <keycap
> toets. U kunt meerdere tracks selecteren met de &Shift; en/of &Ctrl; toetsen.</para
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_removeformplaylist.png" format="PNG"/>
>U kunt het verwijderen ongedaan maken door op <keycombo
> te drukken of op het passende pijltje te klikken in de <guilabel
>Afspeellijst werkbalk</guilabel
> onderin het paneel <guilabel
> (zie hieronder). </para>
<sect3 id="using-the-playlist-tools-at-the-bottom"
>Het gebruik van de hulpmiddelen voor de afspeellijst onderin</title
>Onderaan het paneel <guilabel
> bevinden zich zeven pictogrammen: </para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
      <imagedata fileref="hi48-action-clear-playlist-amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>Wis de afspeellijst van albums en tracks.</para>
      <imagedata fileref="document-save.png" format="PNG"/>
>Sla uw afspeellijst op. Als u deze niet hernoemt, wordt de datum als naam gebruikt.</para>
      <imagedata fileref="edit-undo.png" format="PNG"/>
>Maak de laatste wijziging aan de afspeellijst ongedaan.</para>
      <imagedata fileref="edit-redo.png" format="PNG"/>
>Doe de laatste ongedaan gemaakte actie op de afspeellijst opnieuw.</para>
      <imagedata fileref="hi48-action-music-amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>Markeer de op dit moment spelende track. Dit is handig voor lange afspeellijsten.</para>
      <imagedata fileref="hi48-action-media-standard-track-progression-amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>Verander de afspeelmodus: herhaal tracks, willekeurige volgorde, voorkeur voor minst afgespeeld, &etc;</para>
      <imagedata fileref="hi48-action-edit-playlist-queue.png" format="PNG"/>
>Bewerk de afspeellijstwachtrij; deze tracks worden afgespeeld voor de afspeellijst verder gaat.</para
>Deze knoppen bieden een handig alternatief voor verschillende toetsenbordacties. </para>
<sect2 id="saving-and-retrieving-your-favorite-playlists"
>Opslaan en ophalen van uw favoriete afspeellijsten</title
>Het schijfpictogram (weergegeven in de tabel hierboven), onderin het paneel <guilabel
>, geeft u de mogelijkheid de huidige &amarok; afspeellijst op te slaan. Op die manier kunt u een bepaald deel van uw verzameling op ieder moment weer oproepen. Afspeellijst bevatten alleen verwijzingen naar de muziek die u selecteerde, niet de muziek zelf. Als uw afspeellijst dus muziek bevat van een extern apparaat, moet dit apparaat zijn aangesloten en aangekoppeld, anders kan de muziek niet worden afgespeeld. Er zijn drie plekken waar afspeellijsten opgeslagen kunnen worden: </para>
>buiten &amarok; op het bestandssysteem van uw computer,</para
>in uw &amarok; afspeellijst-database</para
>op een draagbaar media-apparaat.</para
>Als u klikt op het schijfpictogram onderaan het paneel <guilabel
> wordt de afspeellijst opgeslagen in de &amarok; afspeellijst-database. Om op te slaan op de harde schijf, klikt u en houdt de knop ingedrukt en scrolt u daarna naar uw keuze. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1saveplaylistchoices.png" format="PNG"/>
>Klik en hou de muis ingedrukt, scroll om de afspeellijst op te slaan</phrase>
>Klik en hou de muis ingedrukt, scroll om de afspeellijst op te slaan</para>
>Uw opgeslagen afspeellijst heeft standaard een naam die bestaat uit de datum en tijd toen u de lijst opsloeg (zie plaatje hieronder). Klik rechts op de naam van de afspeellijst om deze te hernoemen. Rechtsklikken op de naam van een afspeellijst geeft u ook de mogelijkheid deze toe te voegen aan de huidige afspeellijst in het paneel <guilabel
> en uw huidige afspeellijst te vervangen. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok-renameplaylist.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect1 id="the-context-view"
>De contextweergave</title
>De kracht van &amarok; ligt in het paneel <emphasis
> (in het midden van het standaard &amarok; venster), waar u verschillende <emphasis
> kunt installeren die u helpen van uw muziek te genieten en herontdekken. Veel van deze aanvullende informatie wordt van internet gehaald, dus een verbinding is belangrijk om het beste uit uw paneel <emphasis
> te halen. Er zijn standaard drie <emphasis
> aanwezig: <emphasis
>Huidige track</emphasis
>, <emphasis
> en <emphasis
>. </para>
<sect2 id="default-layout"
>Standaard indeling</title
>Het standaard paneel <emphasis
> zoekt naar de liedteksten van de song die u afspeelt. Als het de liedtekst vindt, wordt deze in de ondeste helft van het paneel <emphasis
> getoond, terwijl de topbalk van het paneel <emphasis
> de albumhoes en de informatie over de track voor de huidige muziek toont. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok-context.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect2 id="customizing-the-context-pane"
>Het paneel Context aanpassen</title
>Onderaan het paneel <emphasis
> zijn drie knoppen voor de standaard applets. Rechts van deze knoppen bevindt zich een <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-configure.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
>. Als u hier op klikt zal er een <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-application-exit.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> tevoorschijn komen waarmee u deze applets kunt verwijderen. Klik op de applets om ze aan het paneel toe te voegen. Sleep de gelabelde knoppen om de applets die u heeft te ordenen en klik opnieuw opnieuw op <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-configure.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> om uw selectie van applets op te slaan. </para>
>Dit maakt het paneel <emphasis
> extreem flexibel en zorgt ervoor dat u een weergave kan creëren die zo goed mogelijk bij uw behoefte past. Meer <link linkend="the-context-pane"
>. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="app.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect1 id="how-to-deal-with-problems"
>Omgaan met problemen</title
<sect2 id="some-of-the-music-is-being-rapidly-skipped-over"
>Soms wordt muziek snel overgeslagen</title
>U is mogelijk dat u niet de noodzakelijke <emphasis
> hebt geïnstalleerd. Meer hierover hier: </para>
><link linkend="what-media-types-does-amarok-support"
>FAQ: Welke mediatypes ondersteunt Amarok</link
>. </para>
>U wordt verwezen naar uw distributie. </para>
<sect2 id="after-my-ipod-has-been-mounted-it-is-not-shown-in-the-content-browser"
>Nadat ik mijn iPod heb aangekoppeld wordt deze niet weergegeven in het bladerprogramma voor de inhoud.</title
>Dit zou niet moeten gebeuren. Controleer of het apparaat goed is aangekoppeld. Typ in een console <userinput
> om alle aangekoppelde apparaten te zien. </para>
<sect2 id="amarok-cannot-see-the-predefined-playlists-on-my-portable-music-player"
>Amarok kan de voorgedefinieerde afspeellijsten op mijn draagbare muziekspeler niet zien</title
>Wacht op de volgende versie van &amarok;. </para>
<sect2 id="after-i-have-updated-my-collection-the-additions-are-not-shown-in-the-content-browser"
>Nadat ik mijn verzameling heb bijgewerkt worden de veranderingen niet weergegeven in het bladerprogramma voor de inhoud.</title
>Via het menu <menuchoice
>Verzameling bijwerken</guimenuitem
>. Als de veranderingen nog steeds niet zichtbaar zijn, sluit dan &amarok; af via het &amarok;-menu of gebruik <keycombo
> om af te sluiten. Nadat u &amarok; opnieuw heeft gestart zou uw verzameling bijgewerkt moeten zijn. </para>
<sect2 id="amarok-cannot-find-the-lyrics-of-the-songs-that-i-play"
>Amarok kan de liedtekst van de nummers die ik afspeel niet vinden</title
>Er zijn verschillende mogelijkheden: </para>
>De liedteksten zijn niet beschikbaar op de webpagina's die gecontroleerd worden. U kunt meer webpagina's toevoegen via het script menu (voor 2.4.1: <menuchoice
>Script beheerder</guimenuitem
>, 2.4.1 en later: <menuchoice
>Amarok instellen</guisubmenu
>De nummering van tracks op een album in uw verzameling is onjuist.</para
>De titel van het nummer bevat speciale tekens zoals een cedille, accent, &etc; die niet in uw tracktitel staan; daardoor vind de liedtekst applet geen resultaat voor uw titel. Controleer uw labels en nummering van tracks met een tagger zoals <ulink url=""
<sect2 id="my-question-isnt-answered-here"
>Mijn vraag staat hier niet bij</title
>Meer complexe zaken worden getoond in dit handboek, inclusief <link linkend="troubleshooting-and-common-problems"
>Problemen oplossen en algemene problemen</link
> en de <link linkend="frequently-asked-questions"
>Amarok FAQ</link
>. </para>
<sect1 id="glossary"
<sect2 id="breadcrumbs"
>Dit is een manier om te navigeren door een hiërarchische bestandsstructuur; in &amarok; aan de bovenkant van het paneel Mediabronnen. Beginnend bij de Persoonlijke map laat dit zien hoe diep u in het bestandssysteem bent gedoken. Als u naar een bepaalde plek in het bestandssysteem bent gegaan zult u alle mappen van hogere niveaus zien. In &amarok; geven de <guilabel
> links tussen map-niveaus u de mogelijkheid te kijken welke andere mappen zich op dat niveau bevinden. De broodkruimels is een efficiënt mechanisme om door het volledige bestandssysteem van uw computer te lopen. </para>
<sect2 id="collection"
>Alle geluidsbestanden die &amarok; in de database heeft gezet. Uw verzameling in grootte en compositie van muziektracks variëren, afhankelijk van de externe apparaten (zoals audio-cd's of draagbare spelers met muziek) er zijn verbonden en aangekoppeld op uw computer. </para>
<sect2 id="content-browser"
>Bladerprogramma voor de inhoud</title
>Dit is het centrale deel van het paneel <emphasis
> dat u in staat stelt om de muziek die u in uw verzameling hebt te tonen. Het 'Bladerprogramma voor de inhoud' stelt u in staat om de sortering van uw lijsten met tracks evenals het detail waarin u uw muziek wilt zien te selecteren. </para>
<sect2 id="playlist"
>Een selectie tracks uit uw verzameling die u wilt afspelen. Sommige draagbare muziekspelers hebben voorgedefinieerde afspeellijsten die zeer waarschijnlijk afwijken van uw afspeellijsten in &amarok;. </para>
<sect2 id="script"
>&amarok; plugin om bepaalde functionaliteit toe te voegen. U kunt scripts vinden via <menuchoice
> voor 2.4.1; na 2.4.1 via: <menuchoice
>Amarok instellen</guisubmenu
>). Voorbeelden van deze extra functionaliteit zijn meer bronnen van liedteksten toevoegen, meer streamstations, covers opslaan in de map van een album, cd-roms branden met de inhoud van de afspeellijst, &etc; </para>
<sect2 id="scrobble"
>'Scrobble a track' betekent dat terwijl u er naar luistert, wordt de titel van de track en de artiest verzonden naar een website zoals <emphasis
>, waar de informatie wordt toegevoegd aan uw profiel. </para>
<sect2 id="stream-streaming"
>Stream, streaming</title
>Net zoals 20ste eeuwse radiostations, zenden internetradiostations <quote
> met inhoud uit. U kunt muziek, nieuws, commentaar en opinies vinden. U kunt met &amarok; toegang krijgen tot veel streams, ofwel via scripts zoals <emphasis
>Cool Streams</emphasis
> of individueel toegevoegd met het menu (<menuchoice
>Stream toevoegen</guimenuitem
>). </para>
<sect2 id="tags"
>De informatie over elk van de tracks waarnaar u luistert, &eg; albumnaam, tracktitel, componist, artiest, jaar, &etc; Er is een standaard genaamd ID3 voor het invoegen van deze informatie op audio-cd's. U kunt de tags van individuele tracks in &amarok; bewerken als de bestandsrechten juist zijn. </para>
<chapter id="the-amarok-window0"
>Het venster van Amarok</title
>When you first open &amarok;, this is what you will see, once the splash screen disappears and &amarok; has fully loaded: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amaroknew2-4.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect1 id="window-layout"
>&amarok; is organized in four main areas, the toolbar and three panes: </para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_main_toolbar.png" format="PNG"/>
><link linkend="toolbar"
>The Toolbar</link
>    </entry>
      <imagedata fileref="amarokwindow_mediasources.png" format="PNG"/>
><link linkend="the-media-sources-pane"
>Het paneel voor mediabronnen</link
>    </entry>
      <imagedata fileref="amarokwindow_context.png" format="PNG"/>
><link linkend="the-context-pane"
>The Context pane</link
>    </entry>
      <imagedata fileref="amarokwindow_playlist.png" format="PNG"/>
><link linkend="the-playlist-pane"
>Het paneel Afspeellijst</link
<sect1 id="toolbar"
<sect2 id="introduction"
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1viewmenu.png" format="PNG"/>
>The <emphasis
> is used to manage the currently playing song. You can switch between the main and slim Toolbar using the <guilabel
> menu in the <emphasis
>. The Menubar can optionally be hidden; use <keycombo
> to hide or re-display. </para>
>The Toolbar can be undocked and moved anywhere on your screen, and even used without the rest of the &amarok; window displayed. To undock the Toolbar you should first make sure that the <menuchoice
>Lock Layout</guimenuitem
> menu item is unselected. Now you can grab the toolbar at its left edge and drag it anywhere. To get it back just drag it into its old position while the layout is still unlocked. </para>
<sect2 id="main-toolbar"
      <imagedata fileref="toolbar_main.png" format="PNG"/>
>This is the default Toolbar. It has a <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-media-playback-start.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> / <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-media-playback-pause.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> button on the left and displays the song title, album and artist in the center-top. </para>
>The previous and next track are shown on either side of the song title. Clicking one of them will make &amarok; skip to that track. </para>
>A <emphasis
> with the already played time on the left and remaining time on the right shows the current position in the song. If you have <emphasis
> enabled, and .mood files for your tracks, this is where they will be displayed. More about <link linkend="the-moodbar"
>the Moodbar</link
> later. </para>
>By using the slightly transparent <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-emblem-favorite.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> and <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-flag-green.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> buttons next to the text you can add the current song to your loved tracks on <ulink url=""
> or add a position marker. </para>
>On the right is the volume-control button. A blue circle around the button shows the current volume. The volume is 0 at the bottom and increases clockwise. Change volume by clicking on the volume circle or by using the scroll wheel while the mouse hovers the button. The sound can also be completely muted by clicking on the speaker in the center. </para>
<sect2 id="slim-toolbar"
>Kleine werkbalk</title
      <imagedata fileref="toolbar_slim.png" format="PNG"/>
>The <emphasis
>Slim Toolbar</emphasis
> has the same functionality as the <emphasis
>Main Toolbar</emphasis
>, but is more compact. Additionally the <emphasis
>Slim Toolbar</emphasis
> has a <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-media-playback-stop.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> button to stop playing so the current song will be restarted when you press <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-media-playback-start.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> again. All buttons concerning the current track are on the left and only the volume control on the right side. Here the volume is controlled by clicking on the button and dragging the slider or using the scroll wheel while the mouse is hovering the button. </para>
<sect1 id="the-media-sources-pane1"
>Het paneel Mediabronnen</title
>The <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> pane on the left by default is where you access your local collection as well as other services: <emphasis
>Local Music</emphasis
> on top, which is the primary interface to your local collection and connected media such as mp3 players and CDs. </para>
>There is a section for all <emphasis
>Internet Services</emphasis
> that you have enabled. Here, you can browse listings of radio stations and podcasts; listen and/or subscribe to them, interact with your <ulink url=""
> account, purchase music from online stores such as <ulink url=""
> and download independent artists' music from <ulink url=""
> and more. </para>
>The <emphasis
> section allows you to create and manage <emphasis
>Dynamic Playlists</emphasis
>, access your <emphasis
>Saved Playlists</emphasis
> as well as the <emphasis
>Automatic Playlist Generator</emphasis
>. </para>
>The <emphasis
> section displays an integrated file browser and the <emphasis
> section offers you access to your podcast subscriptions. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="media_sources1.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect2 id="menu-interface"
>The <emphasis
>Navigation menu</emphasis
> consists of the <emphasis
>Filter bar</emphasis
>, <emphasis
>Bookmark button</emphasis
> and <emphasis
>Breadcrumbs navigation bar</emphasis
>. </para>
<sect3 id="the-filter-bar"
>The Filter Bar</title
      <imagedata fileref="mediasources8.png" format="PNG"/>
>The <emphasis
>Filter Bar</emphasis
> filters the content according to the text in the box. </para>
<sect3 id="bookmarks"
>To access this feature, click on the <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-bookmark-new-list.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> icon above the <emphasis
>Filter bar</emphasis
>. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="mediasources10.png" format="PNG"/>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Weergave van bladwijzers van mediabronnen</guilabel
>Voegt de huidige instellingen van de weergave van <emphasis
> toe aan de lijst met bladwijzers.</para>
>Huidige weergave van bladwijzers naar klembord kopiëren</guilabel
>Copies bookmark to the KDE clipboard.</para>
>Displays a list of all available bookmarks in a new window, with options to edit them.</para>
>Bookmark List</emphasis
>Lists all your bookmarks for faster selection.</para
<sect3 id="local-music"
>Lokale muziek</title
>Displays the music from your default collection folder, sorted as specified. Both the regular (non-merged) view and <emphasis
> view of the same collection are shown, with the same sorting. Click the icon <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-view-list-tree.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> to toggle between views. </para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1non-mergedviewcollection.png" format="PNG"/>
>Regular non-merged view</phrase>
>Regular non-merged view</para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1mergedviewcollection.png" format="PNG"/>
>Samengestelde weergave</phrase>
>Samengestelde weergave</para>
>Click the icon <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-preferences-other.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> to change the sorting criteria, using the following menu: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="media_sources3.png" format="PNG"/>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Shows the collection sorted by artists and album names. If two entries have the same artist they will be sorted by album.</para>
>Shows the collection sorted by album and artist names.</para>
>Shows the collection sorted by genre and artist. If two entries have the same genre they will be sorted by artist.</para>
>Shows the collection sorted by genre, artist and album. If two entries have the same artist they will be sorted by album.</para>
>Designate the window cascade order of your elements.</para>
>Jaren tonen</guilabel
>Check if you want years to be displayed.</para>
>Tracknummers tonen</guilabel
>Check if you want track numbers to be displayed.</para>
>Hoesillustratie tonen</guilabel
>Check if you want cover art to be displayed.</para
<sect2 id="internet"
>Shows your internet collection, added and configured in <menuchoice
>Configure Amarok...</guisubmenu
>(before Amarok 2.4.1, it was: <menuchoice
>Configure Amarok...</guisubmenu
>Internet Services</guimenuitem
>). More <link linkend="internet-services"
>about configuring Internet Services</link
>. There are some scripts which add Internet Services; see <link linkend="scripts"
> for more information. </para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Cool Streams</guilabel
>Lists quality radio streams.</para>
>Connects with <guilabel
>, a growing free music database.</para>
>Connects with <guilabel
>; embedding the site experience in &amarok;.</para>
>Connects with <guilabel
> an extensive collection of free audio books.</para>
>Maakt verbinding met <guilabel
> een geweldige online muziekwinkel.</para>
>MP3 Music-store</guilabel
>Maakt verbinding met <guilabel
>Amazon MP3 winkel</guilabel
> een geweldige online muziekwinkel.</para>
>Shows a large list of podcasts. If you choose to subscribe, the podcast menu will be automatically updated.</para
<sect2 id="playlist2"
>Menu van afspeellijsten van mediabronnen: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="mediasources5.png" format="PNG"/>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Dynamische afspeellijsten</guilabel
>Dynamically updating parameter-based playlist; more on this <link linkend="dynamic-playlists"
>Opgeslagen afspeellijsten</guilabel
>Saved and imported playlists; more on this <link linkend="saved-playlists"
>Geautomatiseerde afspeellijstgenerator</guilabel
>Creates playlists by specific criteria; more on this <link linkend="automatic-playlist-generator"
<sect2 id="files"
>The &amarok; <emphasis
>file browser</emphasis
> helps you add music to your collection, or simply play tracks from your hard drive. </para>
>Navigate through your files using the icon buttons: <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-go-previous.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> (previous), <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-go-next.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> (next), <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-go-up.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> (up), <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-go-home.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> (home), or <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-folder-remote.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> (places), very similar to a web browser menu; or click on anywhere in the <emphasis
> to go directly to that level. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="mediasources6.png" format="PNG"/>
>If you would rather search or filter for something rather than navigating to it, use the <emphasis
>filter field</emphasis
> to find the desired content. Just partially write the name of the file and it will be displayed as in this example. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="mediasourcesex.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect2 id="podcasts"
>Lists your subscribed podcasts; from here you can listen, organize, add, import or unsubscribe podcasts. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="mediasources7.png" format="PNG"/>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Podcast toevoegen</guilabel
>Add a podcast URL: <emphasis
>RSS 1.0/2.0</emphasis
> or <emphasis
>Atom feed</emphasis
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-folder-new.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
>Add a folder to the podcast navigation menu.</para>
>Zichtbare bronnen</guilabel
>Selects what category of podcasts you can view.</para>
>Weergave samenvoegen</guilabel
>Displays the podcasts in a merged or unmerged view.</para>
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-view-refresh.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
>Checks all podcasts for updates and downloads any available.</para>
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-document-import.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
>Imports an OPML file from your hard drive.</para
<sect1 id="the-context-pane"
>De paneel Context</title
>The <emphasis
> pane is a panel to which you can add various applets which offer information and media on the current music. A connection to the Internet is required for the most useful use of these little applications, which will fetch lyrics, information, photos, videos, and even guitar or bass tabs, depending on which applets you choose to display. </para>
<sect2 id="using-the-context-pane"
>Het paneel Context gebruiken</title
      <imagedata fileref="contextpanestopped.png" format="PNG"/>
>Context pane with Current Track, Lyrics and Tabs applets</phrase>
>Context pane with Current Track, Lyrics and Tabs applets</para>
>Pictured is the <emphasis
> pane when no track is playing. If it is hidden, use <menuchoice
> to display it. The pane is divided in two parts: </para>
>The applet panel itself, where you can interact with some of the applets, such as editing lyrics or changing settings.</para
>The lower portion of the panel, where you can expand and collapse applets and manipulate them in various ways once you click the <emphasis
>Configure Applets</emphasis
> icon (the wrench icon).</para
<sect3 id="configuring-applets"
>Applets instellen</title
      <imagedata fileref="app.png" format="PNG"/>
>Once you click <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-configure.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> in the lower portion of the <emphasis
> pane changes slightly; each applet tab gets an <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-application-exit.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> icon that you can click to remove it, and a list of applets appear. To add new applet, simply click on the applet, and it will appear in the pane, ready to be used. To change the applet display order, click the tabs and drag them around the bar. </para>
<sect2 id="applets"
      <imagedata fileref="contextpane.png" format="PNG"/>
>Context pane in action showing lyrics and song information</phrase>
>Context pane in action showing lyrics and song information</para>
>There are several applets available to dock in your <emphasis
> pane; below is a description of each. </para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Huidige track</guilabel
>Information about the current track. You may rate it by clicking on the stars, add a position marker, or edit track metadata.</para>
>Vergelijkbare artiesten</guilabel
>Fetches artists similar to the currently playing one, with a short description and options to find them in your collection, or on <emphasis
>, and add to your current playlist.</para>
>Komende evenementen</guilabel
>Displays upcoming events that involve the current artist or group. You can set a venue locale to be watched by entering the applet settings and narrowing it down under the Favorites section.</para>
> page for the track or artist. Also browse other <emphasis
> links, and use the back button to go back to the starting page.</para>
>View, add and edit Labels for the current song. To add a Label just type it in the text box and press &Enter;. Suggested Labels are user-contributed tags from <emphasis
>Shows several videoclip matches from <emphasis
> for the current track.</para>
>Fetches and displays guitar and bass tabs (if available). Not editable.</para>
>Displays the lyrics of the song that is currently playing. Add or change lyrics scripts in the <link linkend="scripts"
>Script Manager</link
>View albums from the current artist or band that are available in your local Collection.</para>
>This applet queries <emphasis
> for pictures of the band you're listening to. Open the settings to add more keywords to your query (&eg;: live in tokyo).</para>
>Information about the current media source. Allows you to navigate through internet services such as <emphasis
<sect1 id="the-playlist-pane3"
>Het paneel Afspeellijsten</title
>&amarok; offers excellent playlist management for all of your songs and other audio files. Here you see a short playlist, sorted by album. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="playlist2.png" format="PNG"/>
>&amarok; het paneel Afspeellijst</phrase>
>&amarok; het paneel Afspeellijst</para>
<sect2 id="basic-playlist-manipulation"
>Eenvoudige handelingen in Afspeellijst</title
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_playlist_manipulation.png" format="PNG"/>
>Context-menu in Afspeellijst</phrase>
>Context-menu in Afspeellijst</para>
>Adding music to your playlist is a simple drag-and-drop, right-click or double-click operation. </para>
>Two playlist-related options will be shown in the <emphasis
> pane in the center (the <emphasis
>Pop-Up Dropper</emphasis
>, or <emphasis
>) when performing a drag-and-drop operation to add music to your current playlist. You can either use <guilabel
>Add to Playlist</guilabel
>, which will append the songs you have selected, or <guilabel
>Replace Playlist</guilabel
>, which will replace all the contents of the playlist with your selection. </para>
>Het slepen en laten vallen van uw selectie in een positie in het paneel <emphasis
> werkt ook. </para>
>Right-clicking on a track, album, or selected group will bring up a context menu from which you can <guilabel
>Add to Playlist</guilabel
>, or <guilabel
>Replace Playlist</guilabel
>. </para>
>Double-clicking a selection in the <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> pane will perform the same as <guilabel
>Add to Playlist</guilabel
>. </para>
>If you tell the file browser to open a supported multimedia file, &amarok; will append the selected file to the current playlist. Some multimedia files contain playlists themselves or may have playlist files associated by name (&eg; <emphasis
> with <emphasis
>). If &amarok; detects such an association, it may add several items to the playlist. </para>
<sect2 id="context-menu"
>Right-clicking on any song or album in the playlist will bring up the <emphasis
> context menu. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="context_menu.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="queue-dequeue-track"
>Queue/Dequeue Track</title
>Queuing a track will temporarily modify the play order without modifying the actual playlist order by setting the user-selected track as the next track. </para>
>As many tracks as required can be queued, and the order of queuing is indicated by a green circle with the determined order. Choose the tracks by <keycombo
> for a block of tracks, or <keycombo
> for individual tracks. The order in which the tracks are selected is the determined order. </para>
>Tracks can be dequeued by opening the context menu and selecting the <guilabel
>Dequeue Track</guilabel
> option. </para>
>More about the <link linkend="queue-manager"
>Queue Manager</link
> later. </para>
<sect3 id="stop-playing-after-this-track"
>Afspelen stoppen na deze track</title
>Choosing this option allows a track to finish, after which &amarok; will stop playing . It will be indicated by the stop icon in place of the track number. Selecting this option on a track already marked will unmark it. Only one track in the playlist may be so marked. </para>
<sect3 id="remove-from-playlist"
>Uit afspeellijst verwijderen</title
>This removes the selected track from the current playlist. </para>
<sect3 id="add-position-marker"
>Positiemarkering toevoegen</title
>Adding a position marker is only available for the currently playing track. This will add a bookmark in the seek bar at the top of the &amarok; interface. </para>
<sect3 id="show-in-media-sources"
>In mediabronnen tonen</title
>This displays the track selected in the <link linkend="the-media-sources-pane"
>Media Sources</link
> pane, which is on the left by default. </para>
<sect3 id="album"
      <imagedata fileref="album.png" format="PNG"/>
>Album-menu in Afspeellijst</phrase>
>Album-menu in Afspeellijst</para>
>These are per-album options which will affect the entire album the track belongs to, rather than the track itself. The options are largely the same as the album menu in the <link linkend="the-media-sources-pane"
>Media Sources</link
> pane. </para>
<sect3 id="edit-track-details"
>Trackdetails bewerken</title
>This option brings up the <link linkend="tag-editor"
>Edit Track Details</link
> dialog for the selected tracks. </para>
<sect2 id="searching-the-playlist"
>De Afspeellijst doorzoeken</title
      <imagedata fileref="playlistsearch.png" format="PNG"/>
>Playlist searching options</phrase>
>Playlist searching options</para>
>&amarok; offers powerful searching capabilities for playlists. Simply enter your query for a song into the text box labelled <guilabel
>Search playlist</guilabel
> and it will match your keywords up against the match criteria you specify in the options menu &mdash; for instance, you can choose to search only by <guilabel
> and not <guilabel
>, or choose to match both of them. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4searchplaylist.png" format="PNG"/>
>Playlist search bar</phrase>
>Playlist search bar</para>
>Pressing the <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-go-up.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> icon moves the selection to the previous search result, and <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-go-down.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> moves to the next result, all without losing focus on the search input box. </para>
>The <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-edit-clear-locationbar-rtl.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> icon in the search field will clear your query. </para>
>Enabling <guilabel
>Show only matches</guilabel
> from the menu will cause your playlist to display only the tracks matching the query. </para>
>More about <link linkend="playlist-filtering"
>Playlist filtering here</link
>. </para>
<sect2 id="sorting-levels-and-bookmarking"
>Sorting Levels and Bookmarking</title
      <imagedata fileref="sorting.png" format="PNG"/>
>Playlist sorting and bookmarking toolbar</phrase>
>Playlist sorting and bookmarking toolbar</para>
<sect3 id="sorting-levels"
>Sorting Levels</title
      <imagedata fileref="sorting2.png" format="PNG"/>
>Menu for adding a sorting level</phrase>
>Menu for adding a sorting level</para>
>&amarok;'s robust sorting abilities offer the ability to sort not only by one field of a track, but by many combined in a series of levels. </para>
>There are many different modes by which a sorting level can act. For instance, songs can be sorted by their <guilabel
> and then their <guilabel
>. </para>
>A sorting level can be added by clicking the right-pointing triangle, which will bring up the menu for adding another sorting level. </para>
>Clicking the small triangle on the right of the sorting level's name will cause items in the playlist to switch between ascending and descending order, which is indicated by the direction in which the triangle is pointing &mdash; up or down, respectively. </para>
>To remove a sorting level, click the name of the sorting level that precedes the one you wish to remove. Multiple sorting levels can be removed &mdash; provided that they are all lower in the hierarchy &mdash; by clicking on the ancestor of all of them. If you wish to clear all sorting levels, you can click the playlist icon to the left of the first right-pointing arrow. </para>
<sect3 id="bookmarking"
      <imagedata fileref="bookmarking_menu.png" format="PNG"/>
>Menu voor bladwijzers</phrase>
>Menu voor bladwijzers</para>
>The bookmarking menu provides options to save your <link linkend="changing-the-playlist-layout"
>current playlist layout</link
>. Clicking <guilabel
>Bookmark Playlist Setup</guilabel
> will add your playlist layout to the layout bookmarks, which can be viewed in <link linkend="bookmark-manager"
>Bookmark Manager</link
>. </para>
>Copy Current View Bookmark to Clipboard</guilabel
> copies an &amarok; playlist layout URL to the clipboard, which can be used for backing up your playlist layout. </para>
<sect2 id="playlist-functions"
>Functies van Afspeellijst</title
      <imagedata fileref="albumbar.png" format="PNG"/>
>Playlist bottom bar</phrase>
>Playlist bottom bar</para>
>The bottom bar of the <emphasis
> pane provides various additional options for manipulation of your playlist. </para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
      <imagedata fileref="hi48-action-clear-playlist-amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>Wis de afspeellijst van alle afspeellijsten, albums en tracks.</para>
      <imagedata fileref="document-save.png" format="PNG"/>
>Save your playlist. Right-click to rename it, default is the date as a name. Left-click to bring up the <emphasis
>Save Playlist</emphasis
> menu, to save your playlist file onto the hard drive instead of the database.</para>
      <imagedata fileref="edit-undo.png" format="PNG"/>
>Maak de laatste wijziging aan de afspeellijst ongedaan.</para>
      <imagedata fileref="edit-redo.png" format="PNG"/>
>Doe de laatste ongedaan gemaakte actie op de afspeellijst opnieuw.</para>
      <imagedata fileref="hi48-action-music-amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>Schuift de afspeellijst op naar de op dit moment spelende track en accentueert deze &mdash; dit is handig voor lange afspeellijsten.</para>
      <imagedata fileref="hi48-action-media-standard-track-progression-amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>Verander de afspeelmodus: herhaal tracks, willekeurige volgorde, voorkeur voor minst afgespeeld, &etc;</para>
      <imagedata fileref="hi48-action-edit-playlist-queue.png" format="PNG"/>
>Bewerk the afspeellijstwachtrij; deze tracks worden afgespeeld voor de afspeellijst verder gaat. Meer over de <link linkend="queue-manager"
<sect3 id="save-playlist-menu"
>Menu voor opslaan van afspeellijsten</title
      <imagedata fileref="playlist_save.png" format="PNG"/>
>Menu voor opslaan van afspeellijsten</phrase>
>Menu voor opslaan van afspeellijsten</para>
>Left-click <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-document-save.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> to bring up the <guilabel
>Save Playlist</guilabel
> menu, to save your playlist file onto the hard drive instead of the database. </para>
<sect3 id="track-progression"
      <imagedata fileref="track_progression.png" format="PNG"/>
>Track progression menu</phrase>
>Track progression menu</para>
>The <guilabel
>Track Progression</guilabel
> menu enables you to modify the order in which &amarok; progresses through the tracks in your playlist. </para>
>The top half of the menu specifies repeat options &mdash; whether songs should be repeated by track, by album or by playlist; whereas the bottom half specifies the order in which the tracks play in &mdash; in random order or by favor. Only one type of progression may be selected, &eg; you cannot select both random track and repeat playlist. </para>
<sect4 id="favor"
      <imagedata fileref="favor.png" format="PNG"/>
>Voorkeurmenu van Afspeellijst</phrase>
>Menu van Afspeellijstvoorkeuren</para>
>Favor is an innovative method to determine the next track to be played when using the random selection mode. The next track to be played can be determined depending on their score (a measure of how often they are played), their user-given rating, or if they have not been recently played. </para>
<chapter id="configuring-amarok"
>Amarok instellen</title
>On first start, some basic configuration is done; see also <link linkend="getting-started"
>Quick Start Guide: Getting Started</link
>. But there is more under the hood. </para>
>Voor toegang tot het <emphasis
>Menu Instellingen</emphasis
> gaat u naar <menuchoice
>&amarok; instellen...</guimenuitem
> en ziet u de volgende dialoog: </para>
  <tgroup cols="1">
>Amarok Configuration dialog</entry>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1configuredialog.png" format="PNG"/>
>vanaf Amarok 2.4.1</phrase>
>vanaf Amarok 2.4.1</para>
      <imagedata fileref="new_amarok_configuration_options_general_edit.png" format="PNG"/>
>vanaf Amarok 2.5</phrase>
>vanaf Amarok 2.5</para>
<sect1 id="general"
>In the screenshot above, see some <emphasis
>General Options</emphasis
> you can set. Depending on the distribution, the default settings can vary; sometimes the <emphasis
>Splash Screen</emphasis
> is disabled for example. When hovering over the options with the mouse pointer, a tooltip will show to explain the individual settings. </para>
>Algemene opties: </para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Opstartscherm tonen bij het opstarten</guilabel
>Check to enable the splash screen on &amarok; startup.</para>
>Systeemvakpictogram tonen</guilabel
>Selecteer dit om het systeemvakpictogram van &amarok; te activeren.</para>
>Automatisch albumhoezen ophalen</guilabel
>Activeer dit om automatisch de hoesillustratie op te halen van het internet.</para>
>Animaties voor invouwen van contextapplets inschakelen</guilabel
>Activeer om animaties bij invouwen van contextapplets in te schakelen</para>
>Laat de afspeellijst automatisch naar de huidige track rollen</guilabel
>Activeer dit om de afspeellijst te laten rollen om de nu spelende song altijd zichtbaar te laten zijn.</para>
>Stemmingsbalk in voortgangsindicator tonen</guilabel
>The <emphasis
> makes it possible to navigate in your music visually. Please note that this feature requires the <link linkend="the-moodbar"
>external Moodbar Generator tool</link
>, or a script.</para>
>Stijl van stemmingsbalk</guilabel
>De stijl van de weergave van de stemming kiezen.</para
>When you enable the <emphasis
>, be aware of the following requirements: the Moodbar will only display if your tracks have been tagged with moods. For more about the Moodbar, refer to: <link linkend="the-moodbar"
>. </para>
<sect1 id="collection4"
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1configuredialogcollection.png" format="PNG"/>
>This dialog shows your file system in a tree structure, called <emphasis
>Collection Folders</emphasis
>. Selecting a folder always includes its subfolders. These folders will be scanned for media to make up your collection. You can right-click on a folder to individually rescan it, if it was previously selected. </para>
>Opties van de verzameling: </para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Fully Rescan Entire Collection</guilabel
>De gehele verzameling opnieuw doorzoeken. Dit zal <emphasis
> statistiek verwijderen.</para>
>Imports ratings and/or statistics from older &amarok; versions, the batch scanner, or media players.</para>
>Mappen recursief doorzoeken (vereist volledig opnieuw doorzoeken bij eerste selectie)</guilabel
>Indien geselecteerd zal &amarok; alle submappen inlezen.</para>
>Mappen op wijzigingen observeren</guilabel
>If selected, the collection folders will be watched for changes. The watcher will not notice changes behind symbolic links.</para>
>Statistieken naar bestand schrijven</guilabel
>Write play-changing statistics (&eg; score, lastplayed, playcount) as tags back to the file.</para>
>Hoes naar bestand schrijven</guilabel
>Write changed covers back to the file. This will replace existing embedded covers.</para>
>Lettertekendetectie in ID3-tags activeren</guilabel
>If selected, &amarok; will use Mozilla's Character Set Detector to attempt to automatically guess the character set used in ID3 tags.</para
<sect2 id="import-statistics"
>Import Statistics</title
>This option allows you to import statistics, &eg; ratings and scores from either </para>
>an older &amarok; 1.4.x version (from <guilabel
>, <guilabel
> or <guilabel
> databases)</para
>uit <guilabel
>It does <emphasis
> import statistics from an &amarok; 2.x database, so if you want to merge an older 2.x database version, you will need to do this by hand. </para>
<sect1 id="formerly-internet-services-before-amarok-2-4-1-now-plugins"
>Formerly Internet Services before Amarok 2.4.1, now Plugins</title
>See the <link linkend="plugins-formerly-internet-services"
> section. </para>
<sect1 id="playback"
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1configplayback.png" format="PNG"/>
>Configure the playback options, as well as the KDE multimedia framework &phonon;. </para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Uitvagen bij stoppen</guilabel
>If checked, &amarok; will slowly fade the volume of the playing track on stop or at the end of the playlist, or stop playback immediately.</para>
>De duur van het uitvagen, in milliseconden.</para>
>Afspelen voortzetten bij start</guilabel
>If checked, &amarok; will resume playback where you left it the last session -- just like a tape-player.</para
<sect2 id="configuring-phonon"
>Phonon instellen</title
>&phonon; is the multimedia framework used by &amarok;. It was created to allow KDE 4 to be independent of any single multimedia framework such as <guilabel
> or <guilabel
> and to provide a stable API for KDE 4's lifetime. As an added bonus, it simplifies development by providing a simple API that works across different platforms such as <guilabel
> and <guilabel
>OS X</guilabel
>. </para>
>The result of all this for you, the user, is that you can choose the multimedia framework that works best for you. This is usually pre-configured by your distribution. </para>
>Playback problems in &amarok; are typically not &amarok; issues, but rather &phonon; issues, as &amarok; doesn't handle sound directly anymore. </para>
<sect3 id="device-preference-tab"
>Tabblad voor apparaatvoorkeur</title
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1phonondevices.png" format="PNG"/>
>Depending on your OS and distribution, you may need to use <guilabel
>, <guilabel
>, <guilabel
>, or something else as your default playback device. Find one that works for you with the <guilabel
> button and apply to all types of output. If you would like different types of output to go with different devices, this is possible as well. </para>
<sect3 id="speaker-setup-tab"
>Speaker Setup tab</title
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1configspeakersetup.png" format="PNG"/>
>Should you wish to change the standard speaker setup, here is the place to do it. </para>
<sect3 id="backend-tab"
>Tabblad voor backend </title
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1phononbackends.png" format="PNG"/>
>Depending on your operating system you may see options such as <emphasis
>, <emphasis
>, <emphasis
>, or <emphasis
> (Windows) here. The recommended phonon-backend for &Linux; users is <emphasis
> or <emphasis
>. </para>
>If you don't see <emphasis
> or <emphasis
>, install the package for it. For most distributions the package for <emphasis
>, for example, would be <guilabel
>. </para>
>Each backend comes with its own codecs, so depending on the backend you choose you will need to also download the codecs, as most distributions don't ship them for legal reasons. </para>
>For information on codecs and playing mp3s see the <ulink url=""
>mp3 information</ulink
> page. </para>
<sect1 id="notifications"
  <tgroup cols="1">
>Amarok Notifications Configuration dialog</entry>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1notifications.png" format="PNG"/>
>vanaf Amarok 2.4.1</phrase>
>vanaf Amarok 2.4.1</para>
      <imagedata fileref="new_amarok_configuration_options_notifications_edit.png" format="PNG"/>
>vanaf Amarok 2.5</phrase>
>vanaf Amarok 2.5</para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>On-Screen-Display gebruiken</guilabel
>Check to enable the <emphasis
>On-Screen Display</emphasis
>. The <emphasis
> briefly displays track data when a new track is played. Once checked, the OSD will be visible on your screen and you can drag it to the location you prefer.</para>
>De tijd in milliseconden dat de On-Screen-Display zichtbaar zal zijn. De waarde dient te liggen tussen 500ms en 10000 ms.</para>
>Allows you to choose the screen that should display the OSD if you have a multiscreen setup. Default is 0.</para>
>Check to enable translucency if supported by your desktop system.</para>
>Schaal lettertype</guilabel
>(choose the size of the font in the OSD)</para>
>Niet tonen wanneer een toepassing actief is in modus volledig scherm</guilabel
>Do not show On-Screen Display if another application is focused and running in fullscreen mode.</para>
>Eigen kleuren gebruiken</guilabel
>Check to enable custom colors for the <emphasis
>On-Screen Display</emphasis
> text.</para>
>Klik om de kleur van de <emphasis
>-tekst (On-Screen-Display) te kiezen.</para>
>Systeemmeldingen gebruiken</guilabel
>Check to use the system notification. This can vary depending on your desktop system and/or distribution.</para
<sect1 id="database"
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1databaseconfig.png" format="PNG"/>
>The default database is already set to use embedded <guilabel
>. For most users there is no need to configure an external database, as there is no change in performance. If you want to share your database or use it remotely, you can configure an external <guilabel
> database. </para>
>&amarok; expects the external database and user account to already exist. The user also requires full access to the database. You MUST restart &amarok; after changing these settings. </para>
>If your database is not already set up, you can use the SQL commands in the field at the bottom to do so, after replacing the password with the correct one. </para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Externe MySQL-database gebruiken</guilabel
>Check to enable the use of an external database.</para>
>Enter the name of the existing <guilabel
> server</para>
>Enter the port number to access the server. Default is port 3306.</para>
>Enter the username to access the database with full access privileges.</para>
>Enter the password for the default user.</para>
>Enter the name of the database. Default preset is amarokdb.</para
>You can find more information about the External Database <link linkend="external-database"
>. </para>
<sect1 id="plugins-formerly-internet-services"
>Plug-ins (vroeger internetdiensten)</title
  <tgroup cols="1">
>Amarok Plugins Configuration dialog</entry>
      <imagedata fileref="settings-internet-amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>Internet Services before Amarok 2.4.1</phrase>
>Internet Services before Amarok 2.4.1</para>
      <imagedata fileref="mediasources4.png" format="PNG"/>
>Internetdiensten op dit moment</phrase>
>Internetdiensten op dit moment</para>
>Plugins configuration now controls <guilabel
>, <guilabel
>, and <guilabel
>Internet Services</guilabel
>. </para>
<sect2 id="collections"
>&amarok; offers you access to the following Collections, if they are available: </para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Plug-in voor audio-cd-verzameling voor &amarok;</para>
>DAAP-collectieplug-in voor &amarok;</para>
>Ipod-collectieplug-in voor &amarok;</para>
>MTP-collectieplug-in voor &amarok;</para>
>Universele massaopslag-verzameling</guilabel
>UMS/USB collection plugin for &amarok;</para>
>UPnP-collectieplug-in voor &amarok;</para
<sect2 id="devices"
>&amarok; offers you access to the following Devices, if they are available: </para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Device Plugin for &amarok; generic mass storage</para>
>Device Plugin for &amarok; which supports NFS (Network File System)</para>
>Device Plugin for &amarok; which supports SMBFS (Samba File System)</para
<sect2 id="internet-services"
>&amarok; offers by default the following Internet services: </para>
  <tgroup cols="3">
>Instellingen vereist<inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-configure.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
>Use an external music server</para>
>Yes, <guilabel
> server needed</para>
>Podcast service. See also <ulink url=""
>Listen to free music published under Creative Common licenses. See also <ulink url=""
>A popular internet radio service, streaming only for subscribers. See also <ulink url=""
>Yes, personal information to <link linkend="scrobble"
>A personal mp3 locker. See also <ulink url=""
>Preview and buy music from a non-evil record label. See also <ulink url=""
>Only for downloads</para>
>MP3 Music-store</guilabel
>De Amazon MP3-store direct vanuit Amarok benaderen</para>
>Browse and subscribe to a huge choice of podcasts</para>
>Other service are available through scripts. </para>
<sect2 id="ampache-configuration"
>Ampache configuration</title
>If you have access to a remote <guilabel
> music server, click <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-configure.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> and enter the necessary information. You can configure access to more than one <guilabel
> server. For more information see the <link linkend="ampache"
> section in what follows. </para>
<sect2 id="last-fm-configuration"
> configuration</title
>While streaming is free with's own online player for residents of the US, the UK and Germany, it only works in &amarok; for paid subscribers. Scrobbling is free, however, provided you enter your username and password by clicking <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-configure.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
>. &amarok; allows you to store the password in the secure <guilabel
>KDE Wallet</guilabel
>. If you decline the use of <guilabel
>, your password will be stored in clear text instead. </para>
<sect2 id="mp3tunes-configuration"
>mp3tunes configuration</title
>If you have a personal mp3tunes locker, click <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-configure.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> and enter your username and password. You will then be able to access your online locker. </para>
<sect2 id="magnatune-store-configuration"
>Magnatune Store configuration</title
>Listen to the music offered by Magnatune for free and buy it directly through &amarok;. Click <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-configure.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> to add your membership credentials if you are a member and/or add your email address to re-download music you previously have downloaded from Magnatune. </para>
>To download, you then go to the <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> pane, select the Internet section and click on the Magnatune Store. It will then download the catalog where you can search and select the music you want to buy. </para>
<sect2 id="mp3-store-configuration"
>Instellingen van MP3 winkel</title
>De Amazon MP3 winkel direct vanuit &amarok; benaderen </para>
>The Amazon MP3 Store needs to know what country you are located in because it offers different items depending on your location. The following countries are allowed: </para>
>Oostenrijk, Duitsland, Zwitserland</para
>Verenigd Koninkrijk</para
>United States (default)</para
>NOTE: Changing the country invalidates your shopping cart. If your country is not in the list, you cannot use the Amazon MP3 Store because it is not supported by Amazon. </para>
<sect1 id="scripts"
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1configscripts.png" format="PNG"/>
>Dialoogvenster van scriptinstellingen in Amarok 2.4.1</phrase>
>Dialoogvenster van scriptinstellingen in Amarok 2.4.1</para>
>Script Configuration in &amarok; covers <guilabel
>, <guilabel
>, and <guilabel
>Scriptable Service</guilabel
> scripts. Scripts are added in the <guilabel
>Manage Scripts</guilabel
> dialog. </para>
<sect2 id="generic-scripts"
>Generic scripts</title
>Generic scripts add functionality to &amarok;. The <emphasis
>Amarok Script Console</emphasis
> is available by default; other scripts which add CD burning, cover image storage, games, and many other choices are available. If installed, these scripts will show up in the <emphasis
> menu. </para>
<sect2 id="lyrics-scripts"
>Lyrics scripts</title
>A variety of lyrics scripts are available; <emphasis
>Ultimate Lyrics</emphasis
> is provided by default. Your chosen lyrics scripts will provide the lyrics shown in the <emphasis
>Lyrics applet</emphasis
> in the <emphasis
> pane. </para>
<sect2 id="scriptable-services-scripts"
>Scriptable Services scripts</title
>Scriptable services, if enabled, will show up in the <emphasis
>Internet Services</emphasis
> in the <emphasis
> pane. Many collections of streams are available, in many languages, and from many sources. </para>
<sect2 id="manage-scripts"
>Scripts beheren</title
>Onderaan de dialoog voor instellingen bevinden zich twee opties: </para>
>Automatisch ingebouwde scripts bijwerken</guilabel
>Automatically download and install updates for the built-in scripts from the &amarok; website if available. Enable if you usually have a working Internet connections, and want your scripts automatically updated. This will not update user-supplied scripts from </para>
>Scripts beheren</guilabel
>Browse, install and uninstall user-supplied scripts; also search, sort and rate the scripts in the <emphasis
>Amarok Add-on Installer</emphasis
>. Before &amarok; 2.4.1, called <emphasis
>Get More Scripts</emphasis
>. </para>
<sect3 id="add-on-installer"
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_add-on_installer.png" format="PNG"/>
>Scriptbeheerder van Amarok</phrase>
>Scriptbeheerder van Amarok</para>
>Using the <emphasis
>Add-on Installer</emphasis
>, one can install the latest user-contributed &amarok; scripts. There are also options to search, sort and rate the scripts. </para>
>The <guilabel
>Install Scripts</guilabel
> and <guilabel
> buttons can be used to manage scripts. One can install script packages of type amarokscript.tar, amarokscript.tar.bz2, amarokscript.tar.gz </para>
<sect3 id="script-information"
>Informatie over scripts</title
>Learn more about a script using the <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-dialog-information.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> button. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_script_info.png" format="PNG"/>
>Informatie over scripts in Amarok</phrase>
>Informatie over scripts in Amarok</para>
<sect1 id="changing-layouts"
>Changing Layouts</title>
<sect2 id="changing-the-amarok-window-layout"
>De indeling van het venster van Amarok wijzigen</title>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_windowlayout.png" format="PNG"/>
>The visibility of each of the three &amarok; panes is indicated in the <guilabel
> menu (part of the top-level menu, see above). If you unlock the layout, each of the three panes will show two clickable boxes. These two boxes allow you to rearrange or customize the layout of your &amarok; window. Clicking the <guilabel
> closes that particular pane. Having been closed, a pane can be activated again by checking the appropriate box in the <guilabel
>View menu</guilabel
>. </para>
<sect3 id="undocking-amarok-panes"
>Verankering van panelen van Amarok ongedaan maken</title>
>Clicking the hollow symbol on the left of the cross causes that panel to be undocked, so it will appear as a separate window on your desktop. Repeating this action on the undocked pane will dock it again inside your &amarok; window. You can drag the panes inside your &amarok; window to reorder them. You may stack the panes, or even put one or two of them covering the others, selectable by tabs. </para>
<sect3 id="lock-and-save-amarok-window-layout"
>De indeling van het venster van Amarok vergrendelen en opslaan</title>
>If you are satisfied with the layout inside your &amarok; window, you can lock this layout by clicking the appropriate item in the <guilabel
> menu. Be aware that if you want to be sure your layout is preserved when you shut down your session with &amarok; still open, quit &amarok; first by either choosing <menuchoice
>, or by typing <keycombo
>. </para>
<sect2 id="changing-the-toolbar"
>De werkbalk wijzigen</title>
>U kunt ook kiezen tussen twee indelingen van de werkbalk door op het betreffende item in het menu <guilabel
> te klikken: </para>
  <tgroup cols="1">
      <imagedata fileref="amarok-maintoolbar.png" format="PNG"/>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok-slimtoolbar.png" format="PNG"/>
>Kleine werkbalk</para
>Meer over de werkbalk <link linkend="toolbar"
>. </para>
<sect2 id="changing-the-playlist-layout"
>De indeling van de Afspeellijst wijzigen</title>
      <imagedata fileref="playlist-layout-editor-amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>To access the <guilabel
>Playlist Layout Editor</guilabel
>, go to <menuchoice
>Playlist Layouts</guisubmenu
>Configure Playlist Layouts...</guimenuitem
> and you will see the above editor window. On the left you can see the preset layouts; clicking on those allows you to see how the configuration is done on the right. Clicking on the <guilabel
> button allows you to see the applied layout in the <guilabel
> pane. </para>
<sect3 id="modifying-a-default-layout"
>Een standaard indeling wijzigen</title>
>To modify one of the default layouts, first make a new copy of it: simply click on <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-edit-copy.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> and save it under a new name. To generate a new layout, click on <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-document-new.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject>
>A layout consists of 3 elements: the Album <emphasis
>, the Album <emphasis
> (with a special album body for Various Artist tracks) and the <emphasis
> Tracks configuration, selectable in the tabs in the middle of the editor. To add an item, simply drag it from the selector on top and drop it in the layout tab elected below. To show the album cover, just check the <guilabel
> field. </para>
>In addition, you can also add: </para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Inline afspelen</guilabel
>playback controls will appear below the line of the playing track.</para>
>Tekstballonnen tonen</guilabel
>Tooltips showing ID3 tag information will be shown on hovering over a track.</para
<sect4 id="item-layout-configuration"
>Item layout configuration</title>
>Each of the added items can then have its own layout configured: hovering over the item shows a wrench, clicking on this wrench will let you access a configuration dialog for that item. The example below shows you the configuration dialog for the <guilabel
> item: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="playlist-layout-item-configuration-amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>You can then decide of the total width of the item (100% is the total width of the line, so if you use a custom width and have more than one item on a line, you need to reduce that width per item), its alignment, the font weight and whether the tag should be shown with a prefix or suffix. </para>
<sect4 id="example--single-line-layout"
>Example: single line layout</title>
>: to generate a single line layout without grouping you only add items in the <guilabel
> Track element. </para>
<sect4 id="playlist-layout-storage"
>Playlist layout storage</title>
>The playlist layouts will be stored in xml format in <filename
> (might be <filename
> for some distributions). </para>
<chapter id="organization"
>Organizing your music makes it easier to find what you want. &amarok; offers you several tools to assist. </para>
>First, organize your collection of music, both local and remote: </para>
><link linkend="collection"
><link linkend="collection-scanning"
>Scannen van verzameling</link
><link linkend="search-in-collection"
>In verzameling zoeken</link
><link linkend="organize-collection"
>Verzameling organiseren</link
><link linkend="remote-collections"
>Verzamelingen op afstand</link
>&nbsp; <itemizedlist>
><link linkend="ampache"
><link linkend="digital-audio-access-protocol-daap"
><link linkend="samba"
><link linkend="universal-plug-and-play-upnp"
><link linkend="external-database"
>External Database</link
><link linkend="working-with-media-devices"
>Working with Media Devices</link
>The <guilabel
>Cover Manager</guilabel
> organizes your album covers, the <emphasis
>Tag Editor</emphasis
> helps &amarok; categorize your tracks, and transcoding allows you to transfer tracks to your devices in encoding they can play. </para>
><link linkend="cover-manager"
>Cover Manager</link
><link linkend="tag-editor"
>Tag Editor</link
><link linkend="transcoding"
<sect1 id="collection5"
>&amarok; organizes your music in the <emphasis
>. </para>
><link linkend="collection-scanning"
>Scannen van verzameling</link
><link linkend="search-in-collection"
>In verzameling zoeken</link
><link linkend="organize-collection"
>Verzameling organiseren</link
><link linkend="remote-collections"
>Verzamelingen op afstand</link
><link linkend="ampache"
><link linkend="digital-audio-access-protocol-daap"
><link linkend="samba"
><link linkend="universal-plug-and-play-upnp"
><link linkend="external-database"
>External Database</link
><link linkend="working-with-media-devices"
>Working with Media Devices</link
<sect2 id="collection-scanning"
>Scannen van verzameling</title
>Every time &amarok; is displaying a collection the information about tracks and albums needs to come from a source. </para>
>The source can be an portable device, an Internet service or a database. </para>
>For tracks that are stored on the file system &amarok; is using a database to have fast access to the required meta-information. </para>
>At first this information needs to be imported into the database which is usually done by scanning the collection directories for audio files. </para>
>This process is called collection scanning. </para>
>It is useful to understand the scanning process in order to work better with &amarok;. </para>
<sect3 id="incremental-scan---update-collection"
>Incremental Scan / Update Collection</title
>The so-called incremental scan will check the collection directories for updates. </para>
>This is usually done every minute but can also be triggered manually by selecting <guilabel
>Update Collection</guilabel
> from the menu. </para>
>The incremental scan will just check the modification date of every folder in the collection against the last known modification time. </para>
>This has a couple of implications: </para>
>You can trigger a rescan of one directory by modifying its time (such as using <varname
> in the console).</para
>If files inside a directory are changed the scanner will not notice, because changing a file updates its modification time but not the time of the parent folder.</para
>If the collection folders are on a very slow partition the process of checking all the modification times can take some time. Usually this information is cached by the operating system but with large collections that might not be possible. In such a case the scanner might appear to scan continuously. With collections above 5000 tracks or when collections are stored on a network drive or an NTFS partition it is recommended to switch off the <guilabel
>Watch folders for change</guilabel
> option.</para
>If you have problems with deleted tracks still appearing in the collection, or you want to update album covers (which are not updated by a mere <quote
>update collection</quote
>) then you can use the <guilabel
>Full rescan</guilabel
> option in the settings dialog. </para>
>Full rescan</guilabel
> will not care about modification dates. It will not delete your statistics; it will, however, restore <emphasis
> and <emphasis
> if stored inside the file. </para>
<sect3 id="progress-bar---scanning-time"
>Progress bar / scanning time</title
>The progress bar will show the progress of the scanning. </para>
>Up to 50% the scanner will scan the file system and just buffer the result. </para>
>Times above 50% indicate that the scanner is committing the results to the database. </para>
>Usually the second step is much faster than the first so don't be surprised if the progress bar seems to jump. </para>
>Up to 50% aborting the scan is possible. After 50%, the committing of the files can not be stopped. </para>
>The scanning time depends on your disk speed and other factors. </para>
>Usually the first scan is a lot slower than subsequent scans where the files are cached by the operating system. </para>
>A scan of 10000 files should take around three minutes on a modern computer. 50000 files should be around 13 minutes. </para>
<sect3 id="backup-of-collection"
>Reservekopie maken van verzameling</title
>With the default settings &amarok; is storing all the collection information in a directory called <filename
> . It can be a good idea to make a backup of this directory from time to time, especially when you didn't enable the writing back of statistics information. </para>
<sect3 id="about-unique-ids"
>About unique ids</title
>&amarok; is tracking files by an id that is either stored in the audio track or computed by the artist, album title and track title meta information. </para>
>This id helps &amarok; to identify tracks that are moved to other locations so that statistics informations (rating, score, playcount) are not lost. </para>
>Currently &amarok; will not import tracks with duplicate unique ids. </para>
>This leads to the surprising behavior that copied tracks still appear only once in &amarok;. </para>
>In some circumstances even different tracks can end up with the same unique id. That is very uncommon and usually the result of running years of unstable &amarok; releases. </para>
>Such a problem can be seen by the debug output (start &amarok; with the --debug option) while scanning. </para>
>If you are using 2.4 beta you might run into a case where most of the collection is not imported. This can be easily seen by the failing sql commands in the debug output. In such a case just use 2.4 final. </para>
<sect3 id="about-albums"
>About Albums</title
>The scanner can only read single tracks but &amarok; will display those sorted by album and compilation (an album without one specific artist). &amarok; can't rely on the directory in which the files are located, since directory organizational schemes vary so widely. </para>
>The scanner is therefore doing the following: </para>
>Tracks without an album artist or an artist (or a composer in case of a classical track) are placed in a compilation.</para
>Tracks that have the compilation flag set or an album artist other than <quote
>various artists</quote
> will be placed in an album.</para
>Tracks that have the compilation flag set to 0 are placed in a compilation.</para
>Albums called <quote
>, <quote
>Greatest Hits</quote
> and a couple of other names are always regarded as an album.</para
>If we end up having tracks with several different artists left over they are placed inside a compilation, or else we make one album out of them.</para
>This process is quite complicated. However usually the outputs of the scanner can help in figuring out why the tracks are sorted as they are. </para>
>In such a case try executing (on a command line) <userinput
>amarokcollectionscanner -r <replaceable
> </para>
>Look for <quote
> tags and tracks with different <quote
> and <quote
> tags. </para>
>You can remove the tag from mp3 files with the following command: <userinput
>id3v2 -r TCMP <replaceable
>your fileename here</replaceable
> </para>
<sect2 id="search-in-collection"
>In verzameling zoeken</title
>Search Collection</emphasis
> lets you specify complex filters to search for specific tracks in your collection. Use the edit box in the <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
> pane or click the <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-document-properties.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> button right next to the edit box. Alternatively you can simply press <keycombo
> to activate the search bar. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="searchincollection.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="edit-box"
>Edit Box</title
>When you type in the input field, &amarok; will search for the text in all available tags such as artist, album and title. Your view of the collection will update automatically to display only the matches of the search. </para>
>To search in a specific tag, type <varname
> into the search bar. Operators like <quote
> and <quote
> can be used to create more general conditions. Several conditions can be used together by separating them by a space character. For time conditions, use the following abbreviations: d=day, w=week, m=month, y=year. </para>
<sect3 id="tags6"
>The following tags can be searched: </para>
>Aantal maal afgespeeld</para
<sect3 id="additional-searchable-fields"
>Additional searchable fields</title
>Along with tags, the following can also be searched: </para>
>Toegevoegd (aan verzameling)</para
>Als eerste afgespeeld</para
>Laatst gewijzigd</para
<sect3 id="operators"
>Numerical tags can use the following operators to create a condition: </para>
>Gelijk: <quote
>Less than: <quote
>Larger than: <quote
<sect3 id="examples"
>If you search without specifying a tag, &amarok; will search in all important text tags: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="searchincollection_example_editbox.png" format="PNG"/>
>More complex patterns can be used to get better results: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="searchincollection_example_editbox2.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect2 id="edit-filter-dialog"
>Edit Filter Dialog</title
>If you prefer to build your searches more programatically, drag down the icons for the search terms you want, and drag to change search-term order. You may search by: <guilabel
>Simple text</guilabel
>, <guilabel
>, </para>
>Artist name</guilabel
>, <guilabel
>Album Artist Name</guilabel
>, <guilabel
>Album Name</guilabel
>, <guilabel
>, <guilabel
>, <guilabel
>, <guilabel
>, </para>
>, <guilabel
>Track Number</guilabel
>, <guilabel
>Disc Number</guilabel
>, <guilabel
>, </para>
>, <guilabel
>Bit Rate</guilabel
>, <guilabel
>Sample Rate</guilabel
>, <guilabel
>File Size</guilabel
>, </para>
>, <guilabel
>Added to Collection</guilabel
>, <guilabel
>, <guilabel
>, </para>
>First Played</guilabel
>, <guilabel
>, <guilabel
>, <guilabel
>Last Modified</guilabel
>. </para>
>U kunt hier ook <guilabel
> en <guilabel
> toevoegen. </para>
>Select a term and check <guilabel
>Invert condition</guilabel
> to exclude items matching this term from the results. Choose <guilabel
> or <guilabel
> for all terms in this search. If you choose <guilabel
>, all search-terms must be present. </para>
>If <guilabel
>, any matches will show up. </para>
>Of course, clicking <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-edit-clear-locationbar-rtl.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> removes your selections. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1editfilterdialog.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect2 id="organize-collection"
>Verzameling organiseren</title
>While organizing your collection in &amarok; is a straight-forward task, you will be manipulating the actual files on your hard drive. Please be sure you have a backup of your files before you begin. </para>
>With the <guilabel
>Organize Files</guilabel
> dialog of &amarok;, you can easily manage the media files on your hard drive. When you change the naming scheme of media files, you will organize them, which is very powerful. To access the <guilabel
>Organize Files</guilabel
> dialog, right-click <menuchoice
>Local Collection</guimenu
>Organize Files</guimenuitem
> in the <guilabel
>Media Sources</guilabel
> pane and the menu interface will pop-up. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="oraganize_menu.png" format="PNG"/>
>Contextmenu in dialoog Verzameling organiseren</phrase>
>Contextmenu in dialoog Verzameling organiseren</para>
>If the option of <guilabel
>Organize Files</guilabel
> does not appear, you may have Merged View on (toggled by <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-view-list-tree.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
>). In order to safely organize your files, you need to see your collections separated, not merged. </para>
<sect3 id="organizing-files-interface"
>Organizing Files Interface</title
>Organize using the following interface: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4organizefilesbasicdialog.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="contents"
  <tgroup cols="2">
>De standaard verzamelingmap. Stel meerdere mappen in in <menuchoice
>Amarok instellen</guimenuitem
>Token Bar</guilabel
>Drag and drop multiple tokens here to change the naming scheme of your media files. Only available in <guilabel
> view.</para>
>Opmaak voorinstellingen</guilabel
>When you have created your naming scheme, save it as a preset by clicking <guilabel
>Save Preset</guilabel
>. Remove presets by clicking <guilabel
>Remove Preset</guilabel
>Spaties vervangen door onderstrepingsteken (_)</guilabel
>If checked, converts spaces in filenames to underscores.</para>
>'The' in artiestnaam negeren</guilabel
>If checked, artists' names starting with 'The' will instead be styled ', The'.</para>
>VFAT-veilige namen</guilabel
>If checked, replaces characters that are incompatible with <emphasis
> or <emphasis
> file systems with underscores. Most people can leave this option enabled.</para>
>Beperken tot ASCII</guilabel
>If checked, all non-ASCII characters will be replaced with underscores. <emphasis
>Do not check this option if you have non-English characters in your tags</emphasis
>. Most people can leave this option unchecked.</para>
>Custom Character Replacement</guilabel
>Replace the tag expressions you write under the <guilabel
> box with character strings you write in the <guilabel
> box. Useful if there are mis-spellings in CDDB.</para>
>Shows the original naming scheme of your media files and how they will look after the changes are applied (not available since ver. 2.4.2).</para>
>Bestemming overschrijven</guilabel
>If checked, overwrites files of the same name without asking for further confirmation (not available since ver. 2.4.2).</para
<sect3 id="advanced-contents"
>Advanced Contents</title
      <imagedata fileref="advancedtok.png" format="PNG"/>
>The code version of the <guilabel
>Token Bar</guilabel
>, which allows you to code the name format of media files. Activate it by pressing <guilabel
> in the interface menu. To change back click <guilabel
>. </para>
>Enclose conditional inclusion arguments such as CD number in braces, like this: </para>
>%artist%/%album%{/Disc %discnumber%}/%track% %title%</userinput>
>Note: formerly, the coding was <varname
>, as of 2.4 it is <varname
>. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4organizefilesadvanceddialog.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect2 id="remote-collections"
>Verzamelingen op afstand</title
>Often it is very useful to share your media files across the network, especially if you want to use it on different computers. This can be done in different ways: </para>
><link linkend="ampache"
><link linkend="digital-audio-access-protocol-daap"
><link linkend="samba"
><link linkend="universal-plug-and-play-upnp"
<sect3 id="ampache"
>&amarok; is able to play music from an <guilabel
> media server. If you want to install a server, see <ulink url=""
> for more information. Installation directions are <ulink url=""
>. </para>
<sect3 id="ampache-client"
>Ampache Client</title
>Activate the <guilabel
> service using <menuchoice
>Configure Amarok...</guisubmenu
>Internet Services</guimenuitem
> before &amarok; 2.4.1, 2.4.1 on: <menuchoice
>Configure Amarok...</guisubmenu
>. </para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
      <imagedata fileref="remotecollections_ampache_client.png" format="PNG"/>
>Before 2.4.1: Click on the wrench icon to open the configuration dialog</phrase>
>Before 2.4.1: Click on the wrench icon to open the configuration dialog</para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1configuredialogplugins.png" format="PNG"/>
>2.4.1 on: Click on the wrench icon to open the configuration dialog</phrase>
>2.4.1 on: Click on the wrench icon to open the configuration dialog</para>
>Server toevoegen</guilabel
> selecteren: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="remotecollections_ampache_client1.png" format="PNG"/>
>Stel de service in met de gegevens ingevoerd op de server: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_ampache_client2.png" format="PNG"/>
>De <guilabel
> service zou nu moeten verschijnen in <menuchoice
>. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="remotecollections_ampache_client2.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="digital-audio-access-protocol-daap"
>Digital Audio Access Protocol (DAAP)</title
>DAAP is a protocol to share media over a network. It was first used for the <guilabel
> music player, but is widely used today. </para>
<sect3 id="client"
>&amarok; automatically shows the tracks from the server in the <menuchoice
>Media Sources</guimenu
>Local Music</guimenuitem
> pane and no further configuration is required. If the collection is not showing up, click the <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-view-list-tree.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> icon to be sure you are not in Merged View. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="remotecollections_daap.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="server"
>On <guilabel
>-based distributions like &ubuntu; you can install a DAAP server using </para>
>sudo apt-get install mt-daapd</userinput>
>This will install the <guilabel
> DAAP server. You can configure it using its web interface by opening the page <userinput
> . The default password is <guilabel
>; the user field stays empty. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="remotecollections_daap_config.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="samba"
> is a free implementation of the <emphasis
> protocol which is used to share files and printers in a network. Most modern file managers like &dolphin; and <guilabel
> support this protocol. </para>
<sect3 id="client7"
>You need to mount the share to use it in &amarok;. To do this, you need to install the package <emphasis
>. Use the command </para>
>sudo mount -t cifs //<guilabel
> <guilabel
>to mount the share. After that you can use it like a local folder and add it to your local collection. </para>
<sect3 id="server8"
>The easiest way is to use your file manager. On <guilabel
>-based distributions like &ubuntu; you can install a &dolphin; extension to manage shares using </para>
>sudo apt-get install kdenetwork-filesharing</userinput>
>Open the properties of a folder in &dolphin; and switch to the <guilabel
> tab. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="remotecollections_samba_server.png" format="PNG"/>
>Click <guilabel
>Configure File Sharing...</guilabel
> to open the configuration dialog. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="remotecollections_samba_server1.png" format="PNG"/>
>Change the settings to <guilabel
>Advanced Sharing</guilabel
> and the <guilabel
>Allowed Users</guilabel
> to <guilabel
>Allow all users to share folders</guilabel
>. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="remotecollections_samba_server2.png" format="PNG"/>
>Then you can add the folder to the shares. Click at <guilabel
> and share the desired folder with <guilabel
>. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="remotecollections_samba_server3.png" format="PNG"/>
>The folder should now be accessible to the network. </para>
<sect3 id="universal-plug-and-play-upnp"
>Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)</title
> is a set of protocols to share media on the network. It is also supported by a wide range of residential gateways and Network Attached Storage devices. UPnP support is now commonly marketed as <ulink url=""
>. </para>
>&amarok; has a build in UPnP media share client so it can play tracks shared on the network. When a media share is discovered it will be shown in <guilabel
>Local Music</guilabel
>. </para>
>The UPnP feature depends on <guilabel
> UPnP media server support. </para>
<sect2 id="external-database"
>External Database</title
>&amarok; 2.2 and above support an external <guilabel
> database as a backend. </para>

<!-- empty sect3
<sect3 id="configure-server"
>Configure Server</title
<sect3 id="install-mysql-server"
>Install MySQL-Server</title
>First you need to install an <guilabel
> server. On Debian-based distributions like Ubuntu you can use </para>
>sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client</userinput>
>to install it. You will be asked to specify a password for the root-account for the database. The <emphasis
> package is needed in order to execute some of the commands in this document, but it's not fundamental to the use of &amarok;. </para>
<sect3 id="configure-database"
>Database instellen</title
>Maak verbinding met de lokale database met </para>
>mysql -u root -p</userinput>
>U zult gevraagd worden om het wachtwoord van de <emphasis
>-gebruiker van <guilabel
> in te voeren. Daarna krijgt u de prompt <screen
>. </para>
>Maak een nieuwe gebruiker <replaceable
> aan met het wachtwoord <replaceable
> met het commando </para>
>CREATE USER <guilabel
> IDENTIFIED BY <guilabel
>Amarok heeft zijn eigen database nodig, die wordt aangemaakt met </para>
>Geef de nieuwe gebruiker toegang tot de database door het volgende commando in te voeren </para>
>GRANT ALL ON <guilabel
>.* TO <guilabel
> IDENTIFIED BY <guilabel
>waar <emphasis
> een joker is om alle hosts verbinding te laten maken met de database. gebruik hierna het commando </para>
>FLUSH PRIVILEGES;</userinput>
>om verschillende interne caches, die door <guilabel
> worden gebruikt te herladen. Geeft tenslotte </para>
>die de prompt van <guilabel
> afsluit. </para>
>Standaard geeft de server alleen toegang tot de lokale host. Om dit te wijzigen moet u het bestand <filename
> bewerken en het adres bij <emphasis
> veranderen naar die waar uw server naar luistert op het netwerk. <guilabel
> luistert op alle interfaces. Daarna moet u de server opnieuw starten met </para>
>sudo service mysql restart</userinput>
<sect3 id="configure-client"
>Client configureren</title
>Open de instellingendialoog door te klikken op <menuchoice
>Amarok instellen...</guisubmenu
>. Activeer het keuzevakje en voer de gebruikergegevens in. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="remotecollections_client.png" format="PNG"/>
>&amarok; moet hierna opnieuw worden gestart zodat de wijzigingen effect hebben. </para>
<sect3 id="migrating-from-mysql-embedded-to-mysql-server"
>Migrating from MySQL Embedded to MySQL Server</title
>If you want to maintain the statistics, &etc; that you have in the embedded <guilabel
> database from before &amarok; 2.2, you can do the following: </para>
>First, start &amarok; 2.2+ at least once to give the database a chance to update to the latest schema version. </para>
>Next, kill the running <guilabel
> service </para>
>sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop</userinput>
>and start a <guilabel
> daemon from your <filename
> directory (--defaults-file MUST be the first option!): </para>
>/usr/sbin/mysqld --defaults-file=`pwd`/my.cnf --default-storage-engine=MyISAM --datadir=`pwd`/mysqle --socket=`pwd`/sock --skip-grant-tables</userinput>
>The skip-grant-tables means you can use any password or username to connect to it. 'localhost' will not work, the <guilabel
> client will try to use a <guilabel
> socket. Using <guilabel
> as the host makes it work. Some systems may restrict this access through apparmor or SE&Linux;. They can be temporarily disabled with </para>
>sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor stop</userinput>
>Now, run mysqldump, passing in the -S option to specify the local socket. This will dump your old embedded DB out to a SQL file. </para>
>mysqldump -S sock amarok &gt; amarok.mysql</userinput>
>You can then restart your <guilabel
> service and load this SQL file into your <guilabel
> server. You'll have needed to already run the GRANT statement above and create an &amarok; database (<quote
>CREATE DATABASE amarok;</quote
>): </para>
>sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop mysql -u amarokuser -p amarok &lt; amarok.mysql</userinput
>You may need to re-scan your collection in &amarok; after completing this.</para
<sect2 id="working-with-media-devices"
>Working with Media Devices</title
>Use &amarok; to play music from media devices such as MTP devices, iPods, and generic USB devices. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_media_devices.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="connecting-media-devices"
>Connecting Media Devices</title
>Connect your media device using the USB cable. The device notifier applet will automatically pop up with a list of all available media devices. Click on the <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-emblem-mounted.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> icon to access your device. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_connecting_media_devices.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="play-music-from-the-media-device"
>Play Music from the Media Device</title
>Or just wait until your device shows up in &amarok;, which will take anywhere from a few seconds to a minute or more, to scan the device for music tracks. Until then the vfat volume will show 0 tracks. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_loading_media_devices.png" format="PNG"/>
>After the scan, &amarok; will display all the music tracks available in the Media Device, which you can then move to the <guilabel
> to play them, or copy or move to your <guilabel
>Local Collection</guilabel
>. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_tracks_media_devices1.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="managing-the-media"
>Managing the Media</title
      <imagedata fileref="amarok-managing-media.png" format="PNG"/>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Toevoegen aan afspeellijst</guilabel
>Adds all the selected tracks from the media device to the current &amarok; playlist.</para>
>Afspeellijst vervangen</guilabel
>Clears the current &amarok; playlist and adds instead all the selected tracks from the media device.</para>
>Apparaat instellen </guilabel
>Opens a dialog box to edit configuration options for the device.</para>
>Verbinding met apparaat verbreken</guilabel
>Disconnects the device from the computer.</para>
>Naar verzameling kopiëren</guilabel
>Copy all the selected tracks to the Local collection or to any other media devices connected.</para>
>Naar verzameling verplaatsen</guilabel
>Move all the selected tracks to the Local collection or to any other media devices connected.</para>
>Naar prullenbak verplaatsen</guilabel
>Moves all the selected tracks from the media device to the trash.</para>
>Tracks verwijderen</guilabel
>Deletes all the selected tracks from the media device.</para>
>Bestanden organiseren</guilabel
>Organizes tracks based on the configuration for the device.</para>
>Trackdetails bewerken</guilabel
>Opens a dialog box to edit details of the selected tracks from the media device.</para
<sect1 id="cover-manager"
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_cover_manager.png" format="PNG"/>
>The <guilabel
>Cover Manager</guilabel
> is a tool to manage the cover art images of your collection. It allows you to change covers easily, fetch all missing covers and browse them. You can find <guilabel
>Cover Manager</guilabel
> in <menuchoice
>Cover Manager</guimenuitem
>. </para>
>When scanning the local music library, &amarok; tries to find corresponding covers for albums. At this point, &amarok; only searches them from the file system, not from the Internet. If none are found in your files, &amarok; uses a placeholder image like this for the album cover: <screenshot>
      <imagedata fileref="nocover_amarok.png" format="PNG"/>
>If an album is missing a cover or the current one is incorrect, you can fetch one from the Internet with <guilabel
>Cover Manager</guilabel
>. </para>
<sect2 id="browsing-covers"
>Browsing Covers</title
>With <guilabel
>Cover Manager</guilabel
>, browsing covers is easy. You can view covers for any artist by selecting from list on left, or use the search box to find the right album. On the status bar, you can see how many covers are currently listed and how many albums are missing covers. You can also set the <guilabel
>Cover Manager</guilabel
> to only show albums with or without covers. By right-clicking on cover art and selecting <guilabel
>Display Cover</guilabel
> you can view the cover image at the original size. </para>
<sect2 id="fetching-missing-covers"
>Fetching Missing Covers</title
>If there are albums with missing covers, you can try to automatically fetch them all from the Internet. Just select <guilabel
>Fetch Missing Covers</guilabel
> from the top of the window and <emphasis
>Cover Manager</emphasis
> will try to find covers. If there are many albums missing covers, the process may take some time. </para>
<sect2 id="changing-cover-art"
>Changing Cover Art</title
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_cover_manager_newcover.png" format="PNG"/>
>If there is an album with an incorrect cover, you can fetch new one from the Internet. Right-click on the cover and select <guilabel
>Fetch Cover</guilabel
>. A dialog window for finding a new cover will open. &amarok; automatically tries find the correct album art by searching with the artist name and album name. Usually this works very well, as with the example, and you will most likely see a correct cover on results as in the example. If no correct cover is found, you can try to enter a custom search phrase or change the source of images by clicking on <guilabel
> You can select where to search, including, Google Images, Yahoo! Image Search or Discogs. After finding a cover for album, just click <guilabel
> and the changes will be applied. </para>
>You can also use a image from your hard drive as an album cover. If you want to store the image in the Album folder, name it <filename
> or <filename
> for best results. As before, right-click on the incorrect image and click on <guilabel
>Set Custom Cover</guilabel
>. </para>
>If you don't like the cover art at all, you can unset it by right-clicking on the image and selecting <guilabel
>Unset Cover</guilabel
>. </para>
>You can find this menu without <guilabel
>Cover Manager</guilabel
> too. Just right-click on the album or song from your playlist or collection and hover the <guilabel
> item.</para
<sect1 id="tag-editor"
>The built-in <emphasis
>Tag Editor</emphasis
> allows to show and change meta data of music files. To open the editor just right-click on one or more selected songs, albums, or genres, in either your collection or your playlist, click on <guilabel
>Edit Track Details</guilabel
> and choose the <guilabel
> tab. </para>
<sect2 id="edit-tags-manually"
>Edit Tags Manually</title
>Change the proper line to the required value and click <guilabel
>Save &amp; Close</guilabel
>. Clicking <guilabel
> discards all unsaved changes. </para>
<sect3 id="tags9"
>Tags are metadata such as the track number or the artist of the track contained in the file. A very common kind of tag is the <emphasis
>ID3 tag</emphasis
>. </para>
>Hier is een lijst met door &amarok; ondersteunde tags: </para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>The title of the track.</para>
>The artist or band of the track.</para>
>The composer of the track.</para>
>The artist or band of the album.</para>
>The album title.</para>
>The disc number of the album; important in a multi-CD album.</para>
>The genre of the track. This can be a custom genre, but usually one of the predefined ones is used.</para>
>Beats per minuut:</guilabel
>The tempo of the track.</para>
>The number of the track on the album.</para>
>The year in which the track or album was published.</para>
>A text comment for the track.</para
<sect3 id="edit-single-track"
>Edit Single Track</title
>In this mode you can change all supported tags of the chosen file. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1tageditdialog.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="edit-several-tracks"
>Edit Several Tracks</title
>Several tracks can be selected by clicking on the artist, album, or genre in the your collection or by selecting several tracks in the playlist using the &Ctrl; (non-sequential) or &Shift; (sequential) key. </para>
<sect3 id="all-at-once"
>Allen tegelijk</title
>More general tags can be set for a group of tags at once. It works just like the single-track-mode, but the title and track number tags are locked. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1albumtageditdialog.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="track-by-track"
>Track By Track</title
>This mode is pretty similar to the single-track-mode, except for the ability to switch between the selected tracks using the <guilabel
> and <guilabel
> buttons. It is activated by clicking on the checkbox <guilabel
>Per Track</guilabel
> on the bottom of the window. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1albumtageditpertrackdialog.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect2 id="get-tags-from-musicbrainz"
>Tags ophalen uit MusicBrainz</title
>A new feature in &amarok; 2.4 is the ability to guess tags from the <guilabel
> database. Click the <guilabel
>Get Tags from MusicBrainz</guilabel
>, wait a moment for the database to be searched for matches, and then <guilabel
>Update Tags</guilabel
>, or <guilabel
>. </para>
>If you have the packages <emphasis
> and <emphasis
> installed, and &amarok; is compiled with them, <guilabel
> will be able to use <quote
> (the <emphasis
> service) to search for albums and tracks without good filenames or existing tags. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4musicbrainztagger.png" format="PNG"/>
>MusicBrainz Tagger dialog</phrase>
>MusicBrainz Tagger dialog</para>
<sect2 id="guess-tags-from-filename"
>Tags gissen aan de hand van bestandsnaam</title
>It is also possible to tag tracks using information in the filename. This is a very convenient feature when dealing with lots of files with a consistent naming scheme. </para>
>Some tracks need to be edited manually, because special characters like single quotes are omitted in file names. A preview helps to create the correct pattern. </para>
<sect3 id="options"
>Er zijn ook verschillende opties om het resultaat in te delen. Deze zijn zelfverklarend. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1filenamelayoutchooseroptions.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="basic"
>In de basisweergave krijgt u een slepen-en-laten-vallen menu om het patroon in de bestandsnaam aan te maken. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="tagedit_fromfile_basic.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="example"
>Bestandsnaam: 03-social_distortion-dont_take_me_for_granted.mp3 </para>
>Tracknummer: 03 </para>
>Artiest: Social Distortion </para>
>Titel: Don't Take Me For Granted </para>
      <imagedata fileref="tagedit_fromfile_basic_example.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="advanced"
>In the advanced view you can create a pattern using markers in a string. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="tagedit_fromfile_advanced.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="example10"
>Bestandsnaam: 03-social_distortion-dont_take_me_for_granted.mp3 </para>
>Tracknummer: 03 </para>
>Artiest: Social Distortion </para>
>Titel: Don't Take Me For Granted </para>
      <imagedata fileref="tagedit_fromfile_advanced_example.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect1 id="transcoding"
> is a new &amarok; feature as of version 2.4. It allows you to encode media files to a variety of formats while copying them to your collection. A word of warning: be careful when you use this feature, as you are working with actual files on your hard drive. Have a backup! </para>
<sect2 id="interface"
>Gebruik hercodering terwijl u bestanden naar uw map met verzamelingen kopieert door rechts te klikken op een mediabestand en daarna <menuchoice
>Naar verzameling kopiëren</guimenu
>Lokale verzameling</guimenuitem
> te kiezen en er zal een menu verschijnen. </para>
<sect2 id="transcode-menu"
>Transcode Menu</title
>If you choose to copy files to your collection, the following dialog will pop up. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="transcode_1.png" format="PNG"/>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Selected media files will be copied to your collection without encoding.</para>
>Codering overzetten</guilabel
>Selected media files will be coded with the default encoding preset: medium compression, high quality, Ogg Vorbis (lossy), and a menu interface will pop up. More about this interface <link linkend="contents"
>Met eigen parameters hercoderen</guilabel
>Media files will be encoded to custom formats, provided that you have the required codecs. Selecting this option causes a new menu to appear.</para
<sect2 id="custom-encoding"
>Aangepaste codering</title
>Whether to save space, to make your files readable by a portable music player or a particular software program, &amarok; can handle it. Choose a codec from the list and a custom setting and click <guilabel
>. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4transcodetracksdialog.png" format="PNG"/>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Back to the basic <guilabel
>Transcode Tracks</guilabel
> dialog.</para>
>Encoder list</guilabel
>List of all your installed codecs; choose among them to make custom presets. If this list is empty, you need to install <emphasis
>Codering overzetten</guilabel
>Begins encoding with the selected codecs and parameters.</para>
>Exits the <guilabel
>Transcode Tracks</guilabel
> dialog and returns to the <guilabel
>Media Sources</guilabel
> pane.</para
<sect1 id="script-manager"
>De <guilabel
> bevat opties om de functionaliteit van &amarok; uit te breiden met behulp van eigen scripts. Het kan worden bereikt vanaf het topmemu <menuchoice
> tot &amarok; 2.4.1. Nu kan het worden bereikt via menu <guilabel
>Amarok instellen</guimenu
>. Scripts kunnen worden geïnstalleerd uit gedownloadde script-pakketten of via de knop <guilabel
>Scripts beheren</guilabel
> (voorheen het installatieprogramma <guilabel
>Meer scripts ophalen</guilabel
>) die de laatste scripts, die door gebruikers zijn ingebracht, vanaf het internet kan ophalen en installeren. </para>
  <tgroup cols="1">
>Amarok scripts</entry>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_script_manager.png" format="PNG"/>
>Script Manager before 2.4.1</phrase>
>Script Manager before 2.4.1</para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1configscripts.png" format="PNG"/>
>Instellingendialoog voor scripts 2.4.1</phrase>
>Instellingendialoog voor scripts 2.4.1</para>
>Please refer to <link linkend="scripts"
>Configuring Amarok -&gt; Scripts</link
> for more information. </para>
<chapter id="playlist11"
>The <emphasis
> is a powerful part of &amarok;. One can drag in some tracks, but there is a lot more available. </para>
><link linkend="saved-playlists"
>Saved Playlists</link
><link linkend="playlist-filtering"
>Playlist Filtering</link
><link linkend="queue-manager"
>Queue Manager</link
><link linkend="dynamic-playlists"
>Dynamic Playlists</link
><link linkend="automatic-playlist-generator"
>Automatic Playlist Generator</link
<sect1 id="saved-playlists"
>Opgeslagen afspeellijsten</title
>Saved playlist</emphasis
> is a traditional type of playlist. Saved playlists work like &amarok;'s current playlist, saved in the &amarok; database or your file system for later use. Sharing your saved playlists with your friends is easy and it can be fun to use them at events when you have specific songs you want played. </para>
>Saved playlists can be created with &amarok; or imported from your file system. Creating a saved playlist is very easy with the exact songs and order that you want. For every day use, sometimes it is faster to use <link linkend="dynamic-playlists"
>Dynamic Playlists</link
> or the <link linkend="automatic-playlist-generator"
>Automatic Playlist Generator</link
> when you have less specific needs for specific tracks and progression. </para>
>Om door uw opgeslagen afspeellijsten te lopen en deze te beheren, gaat u naar <menuchoice
>Opgeslagen afspeellijsten</guimenuitem
> op de menubalk. </para>
<sect2 id="managing-saved-playlists"
>Opgeslagen afspeellijsten beheren</title
<sect3 id="saving-a-playlist"
>Een afspeellijst opslaan</title
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_saved_playlists.png" format="PNG"/>
>You can save your current playlist into the &amarok; database by clicking the save icon (<inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-document-save.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
>) at the bottom of the <guilabel
> view. You can browse playlists in the &amarok; database by going to <menuchoice
>Saved Playlists</guimenuitem
> in the <guilabel
>Media Sources</guilabel
> pane and expanding the <guilabel
>Amarok database</guilabel
> section. You will find them in your filesystem here: <filename
>. </para>
<sect3 id="exporting-a-playlist"
>Een afspeellijst exporteren</title
>You can export your current playlist to your file system by clicking <menuchoice
>Export Playlist As...</guimenuitem
> from the top menubar. From the opening save dialog, you can change the name, location and type of the playlist. Then just click on <guilabel
>. Remember, playlist files don't contain any music data. If you want to listen the content of the playlist on another computer, you'll need to bring your music with you unless that computer already has the tracks. </para>
<sect3 id="importing-a-playlist"
>Een afspeellijst importeren</title
>You can import a playlist file into &amarok; just by copying it to any directory that &amarok; knows as part of your music collection. When &amarok; detects a new playlist on any folder of your collection, it will add it to the <guilabel
>Playlist Files on Disk</guilabel
> section of <menuchoice
>Saved Playlists</guimenuitem
> in the <guilabel
>Media Sources</guilabel
> pane. If the playlist doesn't appear right away, you can update the collection manually by clicking <menuchoice
>Update Collection</guimenuitem
>. If instead of importing the playlist, you want to just listen it, open it with <menuchoice
>Play Media...</guimenuitem
> from menubar. Selected playlist will be added to the current playlist. </para>
<sect1 id="playlist-filtering"
>Afspeellijst filteren</title
>The <emphasis
>Search playlist</emphasis
> function in &amarok; is very powerful, as it allows you to search for different tracks by various constraints. The search results limits what you can actually see, which makes it easy to queue up wanted tracks, or remove them from the playlist. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4searchplaylist.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect2 id="edit-box12"
>Edit Box</title
>When you type something in the <guilabel
>Search playlist</guilabel
> field, &amarok; will search in your playlist and mark matching tracks, artists and so forth. </para>
<sect3 id="examples13"
>The first track that matches the current search will be highlighted as in this example: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_playlist_search_ex.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect2 id="search-preferences"
>This is a small drop down menu with options for the search field, if you need more than simple search. You can choose which types of searching you want to use in your <guilabel
>Search playlist</guilabel
>. Check the boxes according to what you need for your search. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="playlistsearch.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="check-boxes"
  <tgroup cols="2">
>&amarok; will search for text from tag: Track Titles</para>
>Search for text from tag: Album titles</para>
>Search for text from tag: Artist</para>
>Search for text from tag: Genre</para>
>Search for text from tag: Composer</para>
>Search the rating of all songs in your playlist</para>
>Search for year of publication</para>
>Alleen overeenkomsten tonen</guilabel
>When this box is marked &amarok; will display only the tracks that match the current search</para
<sect3 id="show-only-matches---example"
>Show only matches - example</title
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_show_only_matches.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect1 id="queue-manager"
>Tracks are loaded in the <guilabel
>. In normal track progression, when a song is over, the next one played is the one below the just-played one. The <emphasis
> is one way to change the order in which the songs are played. </para>
<sect2 id="how-to-create-a-queue"
>How to Create a Queue</title
>It is very easy to make a Queue; just select one or more tracks and move in the center of &amarok;, to the <emphasis
>Pop-Up Dropper</emphasis
> (PUD), or right-click and scroll to <guilabel
>Queue Track</guilabel
>. </para>
>As you select or add songs to the Queue each of them takes a number. The number indicates the order in which songs will play. </para>
<sect3 id="example14"
      <imagedata fileref="playlistpic.png" format="PNG"/>
>First, select the track</phrase>
>First, select the track</para>
      <imagedata fileref="playlistqueue.png" format="PNG"/>
>Then right-click for context menu</phrase>
>Then right-click for context menu</para>
      <imagedata fileref="queue.png" format="PNG"/>
>Or queue track by dragging to the PUD</phrase>
>Or queue track by dragging to the PUD</para>
      <imagedata fileref="queueend.png" format="PNG"/>
>Tracks in de afspeellijst in de wachtrij</phrase>
>Queued tracks in playlist</para>
<sect2 id="how-to-edit-the-queue"
>How to Edit the Queue</title
>Als u een wijziging in de <emphasis
> wilt aanbrengen dan kunt u de <guilabel
> gebruiken. Start de <guilabel
> uit het menu in <menuchoice
>Wachtrij bewerken</guimenuitem
>. </para>
<sect3 id="queue-editor"
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4queueeditor.png" format="PNG"/>
  <tgroup cols="2">
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-go-up.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
>Move selected track ahead in the list.</para>
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-go-down.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
>Move selected track below in the list.</para>
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-list-remove.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
>Remove selected song from the Queue.</para>
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-edit-clear-list.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
>Remove all songs from the Queue.</para
<sect1 id="dynamic-playlists"
>Dynamische afspeellijsten</title
>Some media players are designed to load the entire collection of music in a single playlist, then play it in random order, or search/ sorted, then queued. With a larger collection, this way of managing your playlist isn't efficient. &amarok;'s <guilabel
>Dynamic Playlist</guilabel
> is a better way to explore your music. </para>
>De <guilabel
>Dynamische afspeellijst</guilabel
> wordt bereikt via <menuchoice
>Dynamische Afspeellijsten</guimenuitem
> in het paneel <guilabel
>. </para>
>These instructions are for the new version of the dynamic playlist in &amarok; 2.4.2 and above. See below for 2.4.1 and older. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok-newdynamic-detail.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect2 id="how-the-dynamic-playlist-works"
>Hoe de dynamische afspeellijst werkt</title
>The dynamic playlist is a list that grows while you listen to your music. </para>
>It will keep a certain number of songs in front of the currently played song and it will clean up the playlist by removing old songs. </para>
>The songs that will be added to the front of the playlist are determined by the currently selected dynamic playlist. </para>
<sect2 id="using-a-dynamic-playlist"
>Een dynamische afspeellijst gebruiken</title
>To enable dynamic playlists, click the <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-action-dynamic-amarok.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> button in the <guilabel
>Dynamic Playlist</guilabel
> pane. A bar will be displayed at the top of the <guilabel
> pane announcing that it is enabled. Select which dynamic playlist to use from the list of options by double clicking it. The currently selected dynamic playlist is bolded. </para>
>You can adjust the number of songs before and after the currently playing song to be displayed in the playlist with the <guilabel
> and <guilabel
> fields. You can prevent the same track appearing in the current playlist more than once using the <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-edit-copy.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> button. The <guilabel
> button allows you to generate a new set of tracks. This can be used together with a high <guilabel
> setting to generate fixed playlists for export. </para>
<sect2 id="defining-dynamic-playlists"
>Een dynamische afspeellijst definiëren</title
>Each dynamic playlist is built of biases. A bias defines a particular constraint on the behaviour of the dynamic playlist, and new items to be added to the playlist are selected at random from a list of all songs which match the biases. Biases may either be a single bias (&eg; the <emphasis
> bias) or a grouping of other biases (&eg; the <emphasis
>Match All</emphasis
> bias). Some examples playlists are included, and you can define a new playlist with the <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-document-new.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> button. </para>
>To change the name of a playlist, either use the <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-document-properties.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> button or right click on it and select <guilabel
>Rename playlist</guilabel
>. A bias can be edited with the same button or by right-clicking and selecting <guilabel
>Edit bias</guilabel
>, and for biases which have sub-biases, a new sub-bias can be added by right clicking and selecting <guilabel
>Add new bias</guilabel
>. </para>
<sect3 id="biases"
>An explanation of each available bias and any options it takes follows. </para>
><emphasis role="bold"
>This bias matches tracks found by a given search query. It uses the same search string used in the collection browser. You may also use the <guilabel
>Match meta tag</guilabel
> bias to match tags in the same way as the collection search editor.</para>
><emphasis role="bold"
>This bias matches any track, entirely at random.</para>
><emphasis role="bold"
>This group bias matches tracks which match <emphasis
> sub-biases.</para>
><emphasis role="bold"
>This group bias matches tracks which match <emphasis
> sub-biases.</para>
><emphasis role="bold"
>This group bias matches tracks from the sub-biases in proportion. The edit window for this bias has sliders for each sub-bias to adjust the proportions. For example, with two sub-biases with their proportion sliders set equal, half of the playlist will match one bias and half the other.</para>
>Note: The dynamic playlist is internally working with more tracks than you can see, so after clicking <quote
> the list might not contain a 50:50 distribution of songs. However as you continue listening to music you will see that in the end it actually matches.</para>
><emphasis role="bold"
>If Else</emphasis
>This group bias matches tracks from the first sub bias <emphasis
> there are no matching tracks found, in which case it matches tracks from the second sub-bias. See the example <guilabel
>Album Play</guilabel
> playlist for an example of this in use.</para>
><emphasis role="bold"
>Met metatag overeenkomen</emphasis
>This bias matches tracks which meet certain conditions on a tag. The selection interface is the same as the search filter editor in the collection browser. Select a tag type from the drop-down and fill in the constraint. (Hint: You can use a number of these in an <guilabel
> bias.)</para>
><emphasis role="bold"
>Album afspelen</emphasis
>This bias matches tracks related to the previous item in the playlist by album. You can select the details of the bias from the drop-down menu. For example, <guilabel
>Track directly follows previous track in album</guilabel
> is used in the example <guilabel
>Album Play</guilabel
> playlist to ensure full albums are played in order.</para>
><emphasis role="bold"
>Afspelen als in een quiz</emphasis
>This bias matches tracks for which the first character of a given tag (title, artist or album) is the same as the last character of the same tag for the previous tag. For example, with artist selected, you could have the following series: Led Zeppeli<guilabel
> -&gt; <guilabel
>ine Inch Nail<guilabel
> -&gt; <guilabel
>antana, &etc;</para>
><emphasis role="bold"
>EchoNest vergelijkbare artiest</emphasis
>This bias matches tracks which are similar according to EchoNest, either to the previous track or to any track in the playlist. This allows you to play a set of consistent tracks simply by adding a single track to the playlist and turning on the dynamic playlist, rather than defining all the match rules yourself.</para>
><emphasis role="bold"
>Vergelijkbaar met</emphasis
>This bias performs the same function as the EchoNest bias, but uses to determine similarity. You can also choose similarity to the previous track or to the previous artist.</para>
><emphasis role="bold"
>Wekelijkse top-artiest van</emphasis
>This bias matches tracks which are on the weekly charts from for a given time period.</para>
<sect2 id="a-dynamic-playlist-in-use"
>Een in gebruik zijnde dynamische afspeellijst</title
      <imagedata fileref="amarok-newdynamic.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect2 id="old-2-4-1-and-earlier-dynamic-playlist"
>Old (2.4.1 and earlier) Dynamic Playlist</title
      <imagedata fileref="dynamic_playlist.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="biases15"
>Biases are what makes your dynamic playlist special! The default value for the dynamic playlist, with no biases, is random play. Biases of various sorts will alter that in different ways. </para>
<sect3 id="proportional-bias"
>Proportional Bias</title
>Proportional biases match a certain portion of the playlist to a specific value, such as Artist, Composer, Title, Genre, Year, &etc; You can specify as many biases as you like to work together. This is a very flexible way of choosing your playlist. </para>
>Don't be confused, though &mdash; a dynamic playlist containing the following two biases: 50% Artist: Michael Jackson, 50% Genre:Rock can contain tracks that are from neither Michael Jackson nor have a Rock genre. This is because while both biases are used, half the time a track will be chosen which is Jackson, and half the time not, and the same for Rock. So if you want 50/50 Jackson and Rock, set the biases to 100% for each. </para>
<sect3 id="custom-bias"
>Custom Bias</title
>This is where you will find the new and Echo Nest biases. Use or Echo Nest to bias the playlist towards artists who are similar to either the currently playing artist, your weekly top artists in; or for Echo Nest, the current playlist as a whole. </para>
>This function will use as a seed whatever song is playing when the playlist is repopulated so your music evolves as you listen, while remaining somewhat similar to whatever is currently playing. </para>
<sect3 id="fuzzy-bias"
>Fuzzy Bias</title
>Fuzzy bias will match an approximate value and has a <guilabel
> slider, as opposed to a percentage one. More strictness means more exact matches. The resulting playlist will consist of tracks normally distributed around the requested value. </para>
<sect2 id="using-your-dynamic-playlist"
>Uw dynamische afspeellijst gebruiken</title
>To enable the dynamic playlist you have created simply check the <guilabel
> box in the upper-left corner of the pane. To regenerate the entire playlist at any time, click <guilabel
>, to the right of <guilabel
>. </para>
>The default number of items in the playlist is your 5 previous plays plus 10 upcoming items. With the currently playing track, this makes 16 items in the playlist at any given time. The number of tracks can be changed right below the <guilabel
> checkbox. </para>
>Below that is the dropdown menu for loading saved playlists, the <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-document-save.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> button to save playlists, and the <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-edit-delete.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> button to delete them. </para>
<sect2 id="a-dynamic-playlist-in-use16"
>Een in gebruik zijnde dynamische afspeellijst</title
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_dynamic_playlist.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect1 id="automatic-playlist-generator"
>Automatic Playlist Generator</title
>The <guilabel
>Automated Playlist Generator (APG)</guilabel
> automatically generates playlists based on constraints you set. These constraints can be set based on song data (artist, genre, year) or access time (last played). There are also special constraints to determine how &amarok; is going to look for songs. You will find the <emphasis
> in your <guilabel
>Media Sources</guilabel
> pane, <menuchoice
>Automated Playlist Generator</guimenuitem
>. </para>
<sect2 id="apg-presets-toolbar"
>APG Presets Toolbar</title
      <imagedata fileref="amarok-apg-presets-toolbar.png" format="PNG"/>
>This is the <guilabel
>APG Presets</guilabel
> toolbar. From left to right we have the following buttons: </para>
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-list-add.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> Adds a blank preset that can be modified.</para
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-document-properties.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> Opens up the <guilabel
>APG Preset Editor</guilabel
> window to edit the currently selected preset constraints.</para
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-list-remove.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> Removes the selected preset from the list; can <emphasis
> be undone.</para
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-document-import.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> Import a preset from a .xml file. Has the potential to be malformed if edited outside &amarok;; use the constraint tester.</para
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-document-export.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> Export the selected preset to a .xml file that can be imported.</para
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-go-next.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> Loads <guilabel
> with the selected preset and automatically generates a playlist.</para
<sect2 id="working-with-presets"
>Working with Presets</title
      <imagedata fileref="apgpresetsmatchallgroup.png" format="PNG"/>
>APG Preset Editor window</phrase>
>APG Preset Editor window</para>
>Voorinstellingen zijn sets met regels die &amarok; <guilabel
> zal gebruiken bij het genereren van afspeellijsten. Deze regels zullen van nu af aan worden gerefereerd als <emphasis
>; elke voorinstelling wordt bepaald door de voorwaarden die het aanmaakt. Groepen voorwaarden hiërarchisch en logisch georganiseerd worden voorwaardenboomstructuren genoemd. </para>
<sect3 id="constraints"
>Voorwaarden zijn de bouwblokken van voorwaardenboomstructuren. Het zijn eenvoudige statements die de <guilabel
> zal gebruiken om songs aan de afspeellijst die het genereert toevoegt. Om een voorwaarde aan de nu geselecteerde vooringestelde voorwaardenboomstructuur toe te voegen klikt u op de knop <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-document-properties.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> in de <guilabel
> en klik op de optie <guilabel
>Nieuwe toevoegen</guilabel
> in het venster <guilabel
>. Merk op dat dit de voorwaarde toevoegt onder het geselecteerde item (voorwaarde of voorwaardegroep). </para>
>Many different kinds of constraints can be added; each works in a different way inside the tree. </para>
<sect3 id="constraint-types"
>Constraint Types</title
>&amarok; <guilabel
> supports several types of constraints: </para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Overeenkomende tags</guilabel
>The most important constraints, because they can be set to virtually any information regarding the file, including: artist name, album name, genre, year, last played, and score.</para>
>Set the running time (in HH:MM:SS format) that the playlist should have</para>
>Determine how many songs should be in the playlist</para>
>Tell &amarok; where to start and stop looking for tracks</para>
>Duplicaten voorkomen</guilabel
>Prevent &amarok; from selecting the same tracks, songs from the same artist, or the same album</para
>Note that you can change how constraints work in various manners, such as setting the fuzzy-exact slider, which determines how closely the constraint is going to be followed. </para>
>Another way to modify constraints that is present on <guilabel
>Match Tags</guilabel
> with a textbased tag is found in the line below the <guilabel
> option box. In the text field to the right you write the text to be matched and in the option box at the left of the value you can select <guilabel
> (which will consider any songs that have the according text in their tag), <guilabel
> (which will consider songs whose corresponding tag match exactly the one in the text box), <guilabel
>starts with</guilabel
> and <guilabel
>ends with</guilabel
>. </para>
>Similarly, you can also edit the way value-based constraints (such as the <guilabel
>Playlist Length</guilabel
> constraints and the playcount <guilabel
>Match Tag</guilabel
> constraint) behave by changing the option close to the text to settings such as <guilabel
>fewer than</guilabel
>, <guilabel
> and <guilabel
>more than</guilabel
>. </para>
>Another way to change constraint behavior is to check the <guilabel
> checkbox on them, this makes them behave the opposite way, a <quote
>Match Tag: artist contains <replaceable
> becomes <quote
>Match Tag: artist not contains <replaceable
>. </para>
<sect3 id="constraint-groups"
>Constraint Groups</title
>Constraint groups can be added from the <guilabel
>Add new</guilabel
> option from the <guilabel
>APG Preset Editor</guilabel
> window, constraints under a group are logically linked, the same applies to groups under groups. </para>
>There are currently two kinds of constraint groups: <quote
>Match all</quote
> groups and <quote
>Match any</quote
> groups. <quote
>Match all</quote
> groups require that all the constraints under them are met by the song. <quote
>Match any</quote
> groups require that at least one of the constraints under them are met by the song. To add a constraint under a specific group highlight it on the preset editor and use the <guilabel
>Add new</guilabel
> option. </para>
<sect2 id="using-your-presets"
>Using your Presets</title
>Once you set up a preset, you just have to select it on the <guilabel
>APG Presets</guilabel
> panel in the <guilabel
>Automated Playlist Generator (APG)</guilabel
> and click <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-go-next.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> the toolbar to run <guilabel
> with the selected preset. You will then have a playlist matching your criteria, like this: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="generatedlist.png" format="PNG"/>
>Afspeellijst gegenereerd door de onderstaande voorwaardenboomstructuur.</phrase>
>Afspeellijst gegenereerd door de onderstaande voorwaardenboomstructuur.</para>
      <imagedata fileref="generatingtree.png" format="PNG"/>
<chapter id="various"
>Topics which didn't fit elsewhere, such a Moodbar, Amarok on other platforms, troubleshooting, common problems, and the FAQ: </para>
><link linkend="the-moodbar"
><link linkend="amarok-on-other-platforms"
>Amarok on other Desktops and Operating Systems</link
><link linkend="amarok-on-non-kde-desktops"
>Non-KDE Desktops</link
><link linkend="amarok-on-windows"
>Amarok on Windows</link
><link linkend="amarok-on-mac-os-x"
>Amarok on OS X</link
><link linkend="troubleshooting-and-common-problems"
>Troubleshooting and Common Problems</link
><link linkend="frequently-asked-questions"
<sect1 id="the-moodbar"
>The Moodbar</title
>The <emphasis
> officially returns as of &amarok; 2.2.2. It shows you the <quote
> of a track, which you can then use to figure out when something interesting happens in the song. </para>
>In order for &amarok; to analyze your music files to create moodbars, you will need the <guilabel
> program (see below for <link linkend="source-downloads"
> and binary packages). </para>
>The <guilabel
> package requires <emphasis
> and various plugins depending on the filetypes you use (see <link linkend="supported-filetypes"
>Supported filetypes</link
>). You will <emphasis
> need the phonon-backend-gstreamer package to create .mood files. </para>
>There are two parts to the new <guilabel
> implementation: the <guilabel
> package, which contains a program that takes a music file and generates a .mood file, and support code in the &amarok; source, which runs the binary and displays the Moodbar. The <guilabel
> package depends on the <emphasis
> libraries. Without the <guilabel
> package, &amarok; cannot generate the moodbars for your music. </para>
>As an alternative, there is a new script which will create moodbar files for tracks in an &amarok; playlist; this is an exception to the above. The script needs nothing but &amarok; to work, but it only creates the .mood files as they are played in the <guilabel
>. </para>
>The <guilabel
> is due to the work of Gavin Wood and Simon O'Keefe, who designed the algorithms; their original paper is <ulink url=""
>. </para>
<sect2 id="summary-of-requirements"
>Summary of Requirements</title
>The <guilabel
> binary, in your PATH (it should be listed upon running <userinput
>which moodbar</userinput
> from a console) &mdash; Remember to configure the <guilabel
> package with <userinput
>./configure --prefix=`pkg-config --variable=prefix gstreamer-0.10`</userinput
>The GStreamer 0.10 library and <link linkend="supported-filetypes"
> for the formats you want <guilabel
> to be able to analyse.</para
>The <emphasis
>Fastest Fourier Transform In The West</emphasis
> (<ulink url=""
>) FFTW library version 3.0 or above (at least single-precision floating point version - libfftw3f) &mdash; If your platform does not provide this for you or you need to compile your own version, remember to configure the FFTW package with <userinput
>./configure --enable-single</userinput
>A version of &amarok; with a <guilabel
>Use moods</guilabel
> option in the <guilabel
> section of the configuration screen. This means 1.4.4 or higher in the 1.4 series or 2.2.2 or higher in the 2.x series.</para
>Systems with package managers should automatically install the GStreamer plugins and FFTW along with the Moodbar package; this information is provided mostly for people who want or need to compile from source or manually install packages.</para
<sect2 id="usage"
>Currently .mood files must generated manually. To do this for your entire collection, use the <link linkend="moodbar-file-generation-script"
>Moodbar File Generation Script</link
> described below. </para>
>To enable the display of moodbars in &amarok;, activate it in the configuration: <menuchoice
>Configure Amarok</guisubmenu
>Show Moodbar in Progress Slider</guimenuitem
>. Moodbars should now appear in the track sliders in the player window and <guilabel
>; there will also be a mood field that you may add to your playlist layouts. </para>
<sect2 id="installation"
<sect3 id="source-downloads"
>Source Downloads</title
>Latest release: <ulink url=""
> &mdash; this is the Moodbar source package, which contains the <guilabel
> program (which generates .mood files from music files), and a GStreamer plugin that does the work. The Moodbar package needs GStreamer 0.10.* installed, plus the 0.10.* version of <link linkend="supported-filetypes"
>various plugins</link
>. Be sure to install the Moodbar package into the <emphasis
>same prefix</emphasis
> as GStreamer &mdash; follow the instructions in the INSTALL file. </para>
>If you find any bugs, please submit a bug report at <ulink url=""
>. </para>
<sect3 id="debian-packages"
>Debian pakketten</title
>A package for Moodbar is now available in Debian unstable. Simply run <userinput
>apt-get install moodbar</userinput
> . You will likely also want to install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, gstreamer0.10-plugins-good, and gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad for format support. </para>
<sect3 id="kubuntu-and-ubuntu-packages"
>Kubuntu en Ubuntu pakketten</title
>A package for Moodbar is available in the official package repository; just ensure the universe section is activated (which should be default anyway). Just install the package moodbar with your preferred package manager (<guilabel
>, <guilabel
>, <guilabel
>, <guilabel
>). You will likely also want to install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, gstreamer0.10-plugins-good, and gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad for format support. </para>
>Or, to install, paste this into <guilabel
> or &konqueror; and hit &Enter;. </para>
<sect3 id="gentoo-ebuilds"
>Gentoo ebuilds</title
>Moodbar is available in Portage, simply <userinput
>emerge moodbar</userinput
> Unofficial ebuilds are no longer required. </para>
<sect3 id="rpm-builds"
>If you are a rpm-based distro user, you can build a .rpm using rpmbuild with latest </para>
><ulink url=""
>. The binary package will be soon available for <ulink url=""
> distro. </para>
<sect3 id="fedora"
>In Fedora 7 and higher (up to 16 as of this writing) Moodbar is available in the default repositories. Simply install it with your PackageKit GUI or with the following yum command: </para>
>yum install moodbar</userinput>
<sect3 id="opensuse-packages"
>openSUSE pakketten</title
>openSUSE 11.0 en later installeert automatisch de volgende pakketten: </para>
>Also, if your songs contain ID3 tags, you must install </para>
<sect4 id="moodbar-installation"
>Installatie van Moodbar</title
>1-Click Install for openSUSE 11. - just choose your version and installation procedure will do the rest: </para>
><ulink url=""
>openSUSE 11.2</ulink
><ulink url=""
>openSUSE 11.1</ulink
>To install, add the correct repository for your version of openSUSE to <guilabel
> then make sure the following packages are installed: </para>
>For details on how to add repositories, see the <ulink url=""
>openSUSE wiki</ulink
>. </para>
>If you are using the <guilabel
> software management tool, add the channel by entering the following at the command line, remember to change the URL to match your version of openSUSE: <userinput
>smart channel --add</command
> Then enter <userinput
>smart update home:d7</userinput
> You can now install the required packages by <userinput
>smart install gstreamer10-plugins-moodbar</userinput
> Dependencies are resolved automatically. </para>
<sect3 id="mandriva-packages"
>Mandriva packages</title
>First of all, you need to add PLF repositories, so visit <ulink url=""
> and add them to your repositories list. </para>
>Then simply install the following packages: </para>
<sect3 id="arch-linux"
>Arch &Linux;</title
>There is a PKGBUILD for Moodbar in the <ulink url=""
>Arch User Repository (AUR)</ulink
> available <ulink url=""
>. </para>
>For more information about the AUR and working with PKGBUILDs, see the <ulink url=""
>AUR User Guidelines</ulink
>. </para>
<sect3 id="freebsd"
>There is a port: <ulink url=""
>audio/gstreamer-plugins-moodbar here</ulink
>. </para>
>To install the port: <userinput
>cd /usr/ports/audio/gstreamer-plugins-moodbar/ &amp;&amp; make install clean</userinput
> </para>
>To add the package: <userinput
>pkg_add -r gstreamer-plugins-moodbar</userinput
> </para>
<sect2 id="moodbar-file-generation-script"
>Moodbar File Generation Script</title
>Here is a simple bash script that will add .mood files to your entire collection. It adds mood files for all files matching the extensions in the current directory and all subdirectories, so it's best run from the base of your music directory. </para>
 control_c()        # run if user hits control-c
   echo "" &gt; "$LAST"
   echo "Exiting..."
 if [ -e "$LAST" ]; then
   read filetodelete &lt; "$LAST"
   rm "$filetodelete" "$LAST"
 exec 9&lt; &lt;(find "$DIR" -type f -regextype posix-awk -iregex '.*\.(mp3|ogg|flac|wma)') # you may need to add m4a and mp4
 while read i
   OUTF=`echo "$TEMP" | sed 's#\(.*\)/\([^,]*\)#\1/.\2#'`
   trap 'control_c "$OUTF"' INT
   if [ ! -e "$OUTF" ]
     moodbar -o "$OUTF" "$i"
 done &lt;&amp;9
 exec 9&lt;&amp;-
 exit $C_RET</programlisting
>Copy and paste the above into a text file named in your music directory and run the following commands: </para>
>cd /path/to/music bash </userinput
>Alternatively if the above does not work, you may try: </para>
>chmod +x ./ </userinput
>This may take a very long time for large collections! Note that the moodbars will not appear in &amarok; until &amarok; rescans the collection. The generated <filename
> files will be dotfiles (&ie;, prefixed with a full stop), or hidden files - so keep this in mind if you can't find any generated mood files. </para>
>Based on the above script, an alternative for multicore CPUs: </para>
 NUMCPU="$(grep ^processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)"
 find . -type f -regextype posix-awk -iregex '.*\.(mp3|ogg|flac|wma)' | while read i ; do
        while [ `jobs -p | wc -l` -ge $NUMCPU ] ; do
                sleep 0.1
        OUTF=`echo "$TEMP" | sed 's#\(.*\)/\([^,]*\)#\1/.\2#'`
        if [ ! -e "$OUTF" ] ; then
                moodbar -o "$OUTF" "$i" &amp;
>There is another script at <ulink url=""
>, which shows previews of the generated mood files on the command line while they are being generated. Read more about it at the <ulink url=""
>author's blog</ulink
>. </para>
<sect2 id="troubleshooting"
>If the <guilabel
> executable gives you a <emphasis
>bus error</emphasis
>, that almost always means it can't decode (or can't find) your file. Take a look at the <link linkend="supported-filetypes"
>supported file types</link
> below for ideas on which GStreamer plugins to install. You can also try the command below to test whether GStreamer can decode your file:<userinput
>gst-launch filesrc location=[file] ! decodebin ! fakesink</userinput
>If you are using the ffmpeg plugin to decode mp3s, you may also receive mysterious bus errors. The solution is to stop using the ffmpeg plugin, as it is extremely buggy &mdash; use mad instead.</para
>If the <guilabel
> executable tells you that it can't find an element &mdash; &ie;, it gives an error message like <screen
>Could not create element of type fftwspectrum, please install it.</screen
>&mdash; that usually means that you either don't have the required plugins installed (see the plugin list <link linkend="supported-filetypes"
>), or that you didn't install the Moodbar package in the same prefix as GStreamer. If and are not in the same directory, then Moodbar is not installed in the same prefix as GStreamer. Please read the INSTALL file for instructions on how to configure the moodbar package correctly. Alternatively, <emphasis
>if you know what you're doing,</emphasis
> it may be easier for you to take a look at the <filename
> environment variable.</para
>If you're wondering why the <guilabel
> isn't working, either not working at all or not working for a particular file, run the command below, where [file] is a music file:<userinput
>moodbar -o test.mood [file]</userinput
>If you have multiple versions of GStreamer installed, make sure all of the required plugins are installed <emphasis
>for version 0.10.*</emphasis
> -- different versions <emphasis
> use each other's plugins.</para
<sect2 id="supported-filetypes"
>Supported Filetypes</title
>You will need various Gstreamer plugins to enable <guilabel
> to analyze your files. Here is a list of the plugins you will need; make sure to install the <emphasis
>0.10.* version</emphasis
> of each plugin: </para>
  <tgroup cols="3">
>Required Plugin</entry>
>gstreamer-0.10.*, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good</para>
>gst-plugins-mad (in gst-plugins-ugly)</para>
>ffmpeg plugin has problems; <emphasis
>do not use</emphasis
> for mp3</para>
>gst-plugins-vorbis, gst-plugins-ogg</para>
>gst-plugins-faad, gst-plugins-bad</para>
<sect2 id="screenshots"
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2_moodbar.png" format="PNG"/>
>Moodbar in progress slider in Amarok 2</phrase>
>Moodbar in progress slider in Amarok 2</para>
<sect1 id="amarok-on-other-platforms"
>Amarok on other platforms</title
>&amarok; is intended for the KDE desktop, but it works on other platforms as well. Although it takes some effort, Amarok can run on these configurations: </para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
      <imagedata fileref="otherplatforms_nonkde.png" format="PNG"/>
><link linkend="amarok-on-non-kde-desktops"
>Non-KDE Desktops</link
      <imagedata fileref="otherplatforms_windows.png" format="PNG"/>
><link linkend="amarok-on-windows"
      <imagedata fileref="otherplatforms_osx.png" format="PNG"/>
><link linkend="amarok-on-mac-os-x"
>OS X</link
<sect2 id="amarok-on-non-kde-desktops"
>Amarok on Non-KDE Desktops</title
>Although &amarok; is one the most well-known KDE applications, it can run on other desktop environments too. </para>
>This section shows how &amarok; can be used on non-KDE &Linux; desktops. These are examples; there may be more. </para>
<sect3 id="gnome"
      <imagedata fileref="amarok-gnome.png" format="PNG"/>
>To configure the proxy for &amarok; on GNOME, modify and add this to <filename
> </para>
>[Proxy Settings][$i]
<sect3 id="enlightenment"
      <imagedata fileref="amarok-e17.png" format="PNG"/>
>The &amarok; systray icon does not work by default with E17. So, one should disable the <guilabel
>Show tray icon</guilabel
> from <guilabel
>General Options</guilabel
> in &amarok;'s preferences. </para>
<sect3 id="xfce"
      <imagedata fileref="amarok-xfce.png" format="PNG"/>
>To launch &amarok; faster, enable <guilabel
>Launch KDE services on startup</guilabel
> by going into <menuchoice
>Sessions and Startup</guisubmenu
> and checking the option. </para>
<sect3 id="fluxbox"
      <imagedata fileref="amarok-fluxbox.png" format="PNG"/>
>If &amarok; is taking to long to load, add <userinput
>exec kdeinit</userinput
> to <filename
>. </para>
<sect3 id="lxde"
      <imagedata fileref="amarok-lxde.png" format="PNG"/>
>In case &amarok; starts slowly in LXDE, you can add <guilabel
> to the startup applications using the <guilabel
> command. </para>
<sect2 id="amarok-on-windows"
>Amarok in Windows</title
>As you already know, a normal Windows install doesn't use KDE, so if you want to install &amarok;, you can't just download the &amarok; package. You must install a compatible compiler first. Here is described how to download, install and run &amarok; in the Windows operating system. </para>
<sect3 id="how-to-download"
>How to download</title
>If you run into any difficulties, please visit the <ulink url=""
>Amarok on Windows wiki page</ulink
> where the latest links will be kept updated. Otherwise, use the latest at the following links: </para>
<sect4 id="amarok-2-4-with-base-packages"
>Amarok-2.4 with Base Packages</title
><ulink url=""
> you can download the Windows installer provided by Nitrostemp, in which you will find both the &amarok; package and the needed KDE compiler for Windows. </para>
<sect4 id="amarok-2-4-only"
>Alleen Amarok-2.4</title
>If you already have &amarok; installed, you can update to the newest version from here: <ulink url=""
>. This package will update the files and save you downloading everything again. </para>
<sect3 id="how-to-install"
>How to install</title
>The installation is very simple, just run the downloaded .exe file. </para>
>If you want to update be sure to remove your current install.</para
<sect4 id="step-1"
>Stap 1</title
>First, review on the license terms. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="installation1-1.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect4 id="step-2"
>Stap 2</title
>Second, choose the install location. </para>
>If you want to change the default location, select <guilabel
> and choose a new location. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="installation2.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect4 id="step-3"
>Stap 3</title
>Wait a few minutes while the installation finishes. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="installation3.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect4 id="step-4"
>Stap 3</title
>When the installation is done, dismiss the window with <guilabel
>. Your &amarok; installation has finished. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="installation4.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="running-amarok"
>Amarok uitvoeren</title
>When the installation finishes, you'll find an &amarok; shortcut on your desktop. To run &amarok;, just click the shortcut. </para>
<sect2 id="amarok-on-mac-os-x"
>Amarok on &MacOS; X</title
>&amarok; can be installed and used on the &MacOS; X. </para>
<sect3 id="dependencies"
>The following are the dependencies required to install &amarok; on &MacOS; X. These will be automatically installed if one is using MacPorts. </para>
>automoc cmake qt4-mac dbus libmng kdebase4-runtime exiv2 hicolor-icon-theme kdelibs4 aspell texinfo xz aspell-dict-en attica phonon glib2 avahi dbus-python26 dbus-glib gtk-doc docbook-xml docbook-xml-4.1.2 docbook-xml-4.2 docbook-xml-4.3 docbook-xml-4.4 docbook-xml-4.5 docbook-xml-5.0 gnome-doc-utils intltool gnome-common p5-getopt-long p5-pathtools p5-scalar-list-utils p5-xml-parser iso-codes py27-libxml2 python27 rarian getopt py26-gobject libffi libdaemon libglade2 gtk2 atk gdk-pixbuf2 jasper pango cairo libpixman shared-mime-info xorg-libXcomposite xorg-compositeproto xorg-libXfixes xorg-fixesproto xorg-libXcursor xorg-libXdamage xorg-damageproto xorg-libXi xorg-libXinerama xorg-xineramaproto xorg-libXrandr xorg-randrproto py26-gtk py26-cairo py26-numpy atlas gcc44 gmp mpfr gzip fftw-3 py26-nose dbusmenu-qt qjson enchant hunspell flex gmake grantlee libart_lgpl liblzma openexr ilmbase gsed pcre qca shared-desktop-ontologies soprano clucene libiodbc redland raptor rasqal strigi virtuoso gawk libssh openslp oxygen-icons qimageblitz libgpod libplist swig-python python_select swig libusb py27-gobject py27-mutagen taglib liblastfm fftw-3-single libsamplerate libsndfile flac libogg libvorbis ruby libmtp libusb-compat loudmouth gnutls libgcrypt libgpg-error libtasn1 lzo qtscriptgenerator taglib-extras
<sect3 id="installation-using-macports"
>Installatie met gebruik van MacPorts</title
>To install &amarok; on &MacOS; X, first one needs to install MacPorts from <ulink url=""
>. Once MacPorts is installed one needs to run the following command in the terminal: </para>
>sudo port install amarok</userinput>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok-mac-port-install.png" format="PNG"/>
>The <varname
> command will fetch all the dependencies, compile, build and install them. This process may take quite some time, four to five hours in a recent install. </para>
<sect3 id="screenshots17"
>The following screenshot shows &amarok; running on the &MacOS; X: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_on_mac.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="other-resources"
>Other resources</title
>If you run into difficulties, there is a <ulink url=""
>troubleshooting page here</ulink
>. </para>
<sect1 id="troubleshooting-and-common-problems"
>Troubleshooting and Common Problems</title
>If you work through the procedures here, but don't have success, please come into IRC (irc://, post on the KDE Forum <ulink url=""
>Amarok section</ulink
>, or write to the <ulink url=""
>Amarok list</ulink
>. </para>
<sect2 id="problems-installing"
>Problems installing</title
<sect3 id="bad-packaging"
>Bad packaging</title
>Occasionally, users will encounter bad packaging from the distributions; either from the wrong version of a component being included, or some needful part being left out. For some reason, this often happens with MySQL dependencies. Bug reports in these cases should be made to your distribution, not to </para>
<sect3 id="difficulties-building-from-source"
>Difficulties building from source</title
>For those who wish to help out by testing the newest &amarok; versions, a local build is advised. Use this excellent guide: <ulink url=""
>Compiling Amarok from GIT Locally; a Full Summary</ulink
>. Detailed information about git can be found here: <ulink url=""
>Techbase GIT Tutorial</ulink
>. </para>
>If you have built successfully before, and now are encountering errors, try removing <filename
> and try again. If that still errors out, remove the entire Build folder and build completely fresh. </para>
>The URL to pull from git has recently changed. Run <userinput
>git remote set-url origin git://</command
> if you still using the old URL. Please ping us if you find the old link in our documents so we can update it everywhere. </para>
<sect2 id="problems-starting-up"
>Problems starting up</title
<sect3 id="playlist-errors"
>Fouten met Afspeellijst</title
>The current playlist can occasionally get corrupt, which will prevent &amarok; from starting. This can be fixed by simply removing the current playlist file in the &amarok; directory, <filename
> . Note that on some systems, this may be <filename
> rather than <filename
>. </para>
<sect3 id="database-issues"
>Database issues</title
>If the database is corrupt and this is preventing &amarok; from starting, you can move the database to a backup location (or simply delete it). This will cause &amarok; to rebuild the database from scratch. Move the <filename
> folder to a backup location (such as <filename
>) and restart &amarok;. </para>
<sect3 id="other-issues-and-backing-up-settings"
>Other issues and backing up settings</title
>If the above two items do not help, or you otherwise need to restore &amarok; to a clean configuration, you can move to a backup location (or delete) the &amarok; directory at <filename
> and the &amarok; config files at <filename
> (there may be two or three files matching this pattern). Again, the directory may be <filename
> rather than <filename
>. </para>
<sect2 id="problems-scanning-sorting-files"
>Problems Scanning, Sorting files</title
>&amarok; scans your music files on first startup, and will keep your collection up-to-date automatically, if you chose <menuchoice
>Configure Amarok</guisubmenu
>Watch folders for changes</guimenuitem
>. </para>
>If you don't want &amarok; scanning for changes, uncheck that, and use <menuchoice
>Update Collection</guimenuitem
> whenever you make changes to your collection. </para>
>Meer over <link linkend="collection-scanning"
>Scannen van Amarok verzameling hier</link
> </para>
<sect3 id="corrupt-tags"
>Corrupt tags</title
>Some folks notice that &amarok; seems to be missing some files. One of the causes can be corrupt tags, which you can check using the tagging application <ulink url=""
>. More about tagging <link linkend="tag-editor"
>. </para>
>To find the bad file(s), run <varname
> from the console. Details <ulink url=""
>. </para>
<sect3 id="inability-to-write-tags"
>Inability to write tags</title
>If &amarok; is not saving changes to tags, you may have permissions problems. Ensure that your user has write permissions to your music. For example, <userinput
>chown -R youruser Music/</userinput
> to change ownership to your user, or <userinput
>chmod -R +w Music/</userinput
> to add write permissions to the owner. </para>
<sect3 id="incorrect-sorting-various-artists"
>Incorrect Sorting (Various Artists)</title
>Sometimes people report that tracks are in Various Artists when they should not be, or are sorted into <quote
>Unknown Album.</quote
> What separates Various Artists albums and tracks and albums sorted under their artists is the Album Artist tag. When you click <guilabel
>Show under Various Artists</guilabel
> in the context (right-click) menu, that tag will be emptied if it is filled. The opposite happens to a file in Various Artists when you choose <guilabel
>Do not show under Various Artists</guilabel
>, but the Album Artist tag will be auto-filled from the Artist tag. </para>
>If there is no Album tag, and no Album Artist tag, &amarok; will put the track into Unknown Album in Various Artists. If you want them sorted otherwise, tag them the way you want them sorted. If you don't know some of the information, try out the new <emphasis
> function in the tag editor, or use a tagging application. </para>
<sect2 id="problems-playing-files"
>Problems playing files</title
<sect3 id="amarok-skips-over-tracks-or-appears-to-play-them-without-sound"
>Amarok skips over tracks, or appears to play them without sound</title
>If the files you are attempting to play are in mp3 format, please see instructions for enabling mp3 support on your distro, <link linkend="what-media-types-does-amarok-support"
>. Note that one piece of software being able to play mp3s on your system does not necessarily mean &amarok; has had the required codecs installed. </para>
<sect3 id="no-sound-or-bad-sound"
>No sound, or bad sound</title
>For more general sound issues, first check what Phonon backend you are using in <menuchoice
>Configure Amarok</guisubmenu
>Configure Phonon</guimenuitem
>. Consider switching to a different backend; VLC, GStreamer and Xine backends should be available from your distribution, although Xine is deprecated. Gstreamer or VLC is usually recommended. </para>
>Also check whether the backend standalone software can play the files correctly; if not this is an issue with that software and you may find information in their help files. In other words, can Gstreamer or VLC play the same file? Will it play in <ulink url="help:/dragonplayer"
>, which also uses phonon? </para>
>If it seems to be a PulseAudio problem, and you want to provide a log to the PulseAudio developers, the troubleshooting page is <ulink url=""
>. </para>
<sect2 id="crashes-and-bugs"
>Crashes and bugs</title
>How to run &amarok; from the command line: <userinput
>amarok --debug --nofork</userinput
>&amarok; crashes, but <guilabel
>Dr. Konqi</guilabel
> doesn't pop up &mdash; run in <guilabel
> with the following command: <userinput
>gdb --args amarok --debug --nofork</userinput
> In <guilabel
> console, type <varname
> to start &amarok;, reproduce the crash, and then in <guilabel
> type <varname
>thread apply all bt</varname
> to generate the backtrace.</para
>Filing bugs: If triggered, <guilabel
>Dr. Konqi</guilabel
> will provide an option to report a bug and do most of the work for you. If not, you will need to submit the bug manually at <ulink url=""
>. For crash bugs, paste the backtrace from <guilabel
> as a comment.</para
>How to get personal support with problems: <ulink url="irc://"
> (#amarok on Freenode IRC), <ulink url=""
>, <ulink url=""
>Mailing list</ulink
<sect1 id="frequently-asked-questions"
>Veel voorkomende vragen</title
<sect2 id="what-is-amarok"
>What is Amarok?</title
>&amarok; is a music player. More information can be found in <link linkend="amarok-menu"
>a summary of its features</link
> and the <ulink url=""
>screenshot gallery</ulink
>. To get started using &amarok;, see the <link linkend="quick-start-guide"
>Quick Start Guide</link
>. The &amarok; Handbook is <link linkend="introduction"
>. </para>
<sect2 id="what-are-the-differences-between-amarok-2-and-the-previous-versions"
>What are the differences between Amarok 2 and the previous versions?</title
>&amarok; 2 is a nearly complete code-rewrite so the codebase has little to do with &amarok; 1.4. If you are missing a feature, please file a wish in <ulink url=""
>. </para>
>Here you have a short list of some new features: </para>
>Maybe the biggest new feature is the <emphasis
>Service Framework</emphasis
>, which integrates networked music sources directly into &amarok;. This includes online music stores, media servers, Web music lockers, and more. Thanks to it you'll get easy access to music provided by <emphasis
>, <emphasis
>, <emphasis
>, <emphasis
>MP3Tunes Locker</emphasis
>, <guilabel
> and many others. Expect more big (and small) names to join during the 2.x lifecycle. See <link linkend="internet"
>Internet Media Sources</link
> for more.</para
>Another exciting feature is the <guilabel
> pane, occupying the central place of the &amarok;'s window, replacing the old <emphasis
>Context Browser</emphasis
> from the 1.x series. It displays contextual information about the music you play, like the album cover, track rating, labels, lyrics, artist information, related songs and artists, guitar and bass tabs and others. Thanks to the Plasma technology it uses, the <guilabel
> pane can provide very rich content, like AJAX, video and animations, all in an eye-catching fashion. More about the <link linkend="the-context-pane"
>Context pane</link
>To accompany the <guilabel
> pane, we developed a new, space efficient playlist. In order to preserve horizontal space, it groups the track name, artist, album name and cover art together, and allows further grouping by album names. Plus you can rearrange it to your heart's content! If you prefer the old 1.4 playlist, you can have that too. See <link linkend="changing-the-playlist-layout"
>Changing the Playlist layout</link
> for more.</para
>Another great gem is the video support. Watching your music videos inside &amarok; feels great!</para
>We can't forget the <guilabel
>Dynamic Playlists</guilabel
>, which extend the old <guilabel
>Dynamic Playlists</guilabel
>. They allow you to define an automatically populated playlist, based on specific probability driven criteria called <quote
>. The <guilabel
>Dynamic Playlists</guilabel
> is joined by the new <guilabel
>Automatic Playlist Generator</guilabel
>, used to generate lists for specific purposes and of a specified length. See <link linkend="dynamic-playlists"
>Dynamic Playlists</link
> and <link linkend="automatic-playlist-generator"
>Automatic Playlist Generator</link
> for more information.</para
>There are many more great features like advanced scripting, dynamic collections, usability improvements, improved media devices handling, a new podcast manager, support for more software platforms, and others. </para>
<sect2 id="installation18"
<sect3 id="can-i-use-amarok-without-kde"
>Can I use Amarok without KDE?</title
>&amarok; requires parts of KDE to be installed to run, but will run fine in Gnome or other desktop environments, including Windows and OS X. For &amarok; to run, kdelibs and kdebase-runtime need to be installed. </para>
>For some features to work correctly, such as the on-screen display, your window manager must be configured to support the relevant <emphasis
> standards. More about running &amarok; on other platforms <link linkend="amarok-on-other-platforms"
>. </para>
<sect3 id="why-does-amarok-use-kdelibs"
>Why does Amarok use KDElibs?</title
>We are committed to supporting &amarok; on all platforms. We use KDElibs and Qt because they provide an excellent development environment. Aside from &Linux; and BSD, &amarok; works on Windows and MacOS, and there are installers available, but unfortunately we don't have (yet) the resources to offer full support for those operating systems. Almost all of our developers use free operating systems, and those have priority for us. We do however welcome Windows and OS X developers willing to help, and improve &amarok; on those platforms. </para>
<sect2 id="general-usage"
>Algemeen gebruik</title
<sect3 id="how-can-i-control-amarok-from-the-keyboard"
>How can I control Amarok from the keyboard?</title
>Keyboard shortcuts are available; see our <link linkend="keybinding-reference"
>Keybinding Reference page</link
> for more information. </para>
>To control &amarok; from the console, type <userinput
>amarok --help-all</userinput
> for a current complete list of available control commands. </para>
<sect3 id="where-can-i-get-support-for-amarok"
>Waar kan ik ondersteuning voor Amarok krijgen?</title
>There are several options. Often times problems you have with the initial install of &amarok; are best answered by experts of your particular &UNIX; or &Linux; distribution. You may seek help from fellow users and developers at the <ulink url=""
>Amarok forum</ulink
> and the <ulink url="irc://"
>Amarok IRC channel</ulink
> at channel #amarok. </para>
>Note that <ulink url=""
> is not a place to seek support. Please do enter a bug if you are serious about helping fix a bug in &amarok; itself. </para>
<sect2 id="questions-about-the-playlist"
>Vragen over de afspeellijst</title
>More about the <link linkend="the-playlist-pane"
>Playlist here</link
>. </para>
<sect3 id="when-i-start-amarok-i-see-an-empty-playlist--how-do-i-actually-get-tracks-in-there"
>When I start Amarok, I see an empty playlist. How do I actually get tracks in there?</title
>Use the <guilabel
>Media Sources</guilabel
> on the left side to navigate to the desired artist/album/track. Then drag the files into the <guilabel
> part on the right. You can use <guilabel
>Dynamic Playlists</guilabel
> or the <guilabel
>Automatic Playlist Generator</guilabel
> to populate your playlist. You can also drag files in from any file manager, such as &dolphin;. You may also double-click a track, artist or genre in your <guilabel
>Media Sources</guilabel
> or file-system, or right-click and <guilabel
>Add to Playlist</guilabel
> or <guilabel
>Replace Playlist</guilabel
>. </para>
<sect3 id="how-do-i-remove-tracks-from-the-playlist"
>How do I remove tracks from the Playlist?</title
>Select the track(s) you want to remove, and press the <keycap
> key. Or right-click the selection and choose <guilabel
>Remove From Playlist</guilabel
>. </para>
<sect3 id="how-can-i-load-a-playlist"
>How can I load a playlist?</title
>Just drag and drop the playlist file into the <guilabel
>, like you would do with any other file. It's that simple! </para>
<sect3 id="how-can-i-save-the-current-playlist"
>How can I save the current playlist?</title
>Click the <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-document-save.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> button in the <guilabel
> toolbar. Slow-click the disc icon to chose to save to your harddisk, or to the database. </para>
<sect2 id="playback-questions"
>Playback Questions</title
<sect3 id="how-do-i-play-audio-cds"
>How do I play audio CDs?</title
>When you insert an audio CD, it will be shown as a local collection. Drag to the playlist or <emphasis
>Pop-Up Dropper</emphasis
>, or right-click the selected tracks and choose <guilabel
>Add to Playlist</guilabel
> or <guilabel
>Replace Playlist</guilabel
>. </para>
<sect3 id="what-media-types-does-amarok-support"
>What media types does Amarok support?</title
>&amarok; does not play music by itself, but lets Phonon do that job, specifically the VLC, GStreamer or Xine backends of Phonon. Therefore, whatever files they can play, &amarok; can play. To analyse file tags, &amarok; uses Taglib, which supports most file types that contain metadata. </para>
<sect3 id="what-is-phonon-what-are-phonon-backends"
>What is Phonon? What are Phonon backends?</title
> is the multimedia framework of KDE 4. You can find more information <link linkend="playback"
>. </para>
>Usually the VLC backend works better than the Xine one, although this is not always true. We also suggest you try the Gstreamer backend, although it is still in development. You can find more details on installing backends in the <ulink url=""
>download page</ulink
>. </para>
<sect3 id="amarok-wont-play-mp3s-what-can-i-do"
>Amarok won't play mp3s, what can I do?</title
>Have a look at the <ulink url=""
>mp3 information page</ulink
>. You probably lack the codecs required by your particular Phonon backend (VLC, Gstreamer, or Xine). </para>
<sect3 id="i-have-the-codecs-but-amarok-still-wont-play-mp4s-and-mkas"
>I have the codecs, but Amarok still won't play mp4s and mkas</title
>When using some phonon backend, like the gstreamer one, &amarok; might refuse to play <filename
> and <filename
> files. This is a known problem, see <ulink url=""
>bug #290168</ulink
> for more technical information. </para>
>A very simple workaround is to change the file extension. Change <filename
> extension to <filename
> and for <filename
> change it to <filename
>. Of course you must be sure the files contains audio only. You can use the ffprobe command to look at what data streams are present in the file. If the file has a video stream it must be stripped out. There are a lot of tools able to edit these formats and most of them are based on <filename
>, which you can use if you are familiar with them. If you prefer graphical tools one possible choice is <ulink url=""
>. </para>
>This is a quick example how you can remove a video stream from an <filename
> video with ffmpeg. Stripping a video stream from an <filename
> file is the same. First check if there is a video stream </para>
>$ ffprobe example.mp4 2&gt;&amp;1 | grep Video</command
><command>Stream #0.1(und): Video: h264 (Baseline), yuv420p, 480x360 [PAR 1:1 DAR 4:3], 242 kb/s, 25 fps, 25 tbr, 25k tbn, 50k tbc</command></screen>
>If the output of the previous command is null there is no video stream in the file. To create an <filename
> file with just the audio stream you can use something like </para>
>ffmpeg -i example.mp4 -acodec copy -vn example.m4a
>You can also use <filename
> in place of <filename
> with the same options, where </para>
>-i example.mp4</emphasis
> option is the input file name</para
>-acodec copy</emphasis
> is used to not encode again the audio stream but just copy it. This to avoid quality loss, but you can also encode in a different format if you want, and you are not forced to use m4a container in this case</para
> stript de videostream</para
> is the output file name</para
>Another possible workaround is to change the phonon backend. For example the VLC backend doesn't suffer this problem. </para>
<sect3 id="i-cant-get-any-media-to-play-in-amarok-why-not"
>I can't get any media to play in Amarok, why not?</title
>Test the sound frameworks at the command line: </para>
>(The xine-ui package contains <guilabel
>) </para>
>The output from these commands should help you identify the problems you are having and how to fix them. </para>
<sect3 id="i-have-a-second-soundcard-and-im-using-alsa--how-do-i-make-amarok-use-it-instead-of-the-default"
>I have a second soundcard and I'm using ALSA. How do I make Amarok use it instead of the default?</title
>Stel dit in in de Phonon systeeminstellingenmodule. <menuchoice
>Amarok instellen</guisubmenu
>Phonon instellen</guimenuitem
> </para>
<sect3 id="wheres-the-equalizer"
>Where's the equalizer?</title
>The equalizer is only available if you are using a Phonon backend which supports it, which the modern ones now do. You can find it in the <guilabel
> menu. You can get more information about configuring Phonon backends in your distribution in the <ulink url=""
>download page</ulink
>. </para>
<sect3 id="how-do-i-turn-on-visualizations"
>How do I turn on visualizations?</title
>Visualizations are not implemented yet, but they will be very soon. </para>
<sect3 id="how-can-i-add-podcasts"
>How can I add podcasts?</title
>Go to <guilabel
> section in the <guilabel
>Media Sources</guilabel
> pane and then select <guilabel
>Add Podcast...</guilabel
> Add the podcast URL where indicated. More about podcasts <link linkend="podcasts"
>. </para>
>We also have some services, such as gpodder and Podcast Directory to help you find great podcasts. Enable services in the <guilabel
> menu: <menuchoice
>Configure Amarok</guimenu
>. </para>
<sect3 id="how-can-i-use-amarok-to-stream-to-my-own-radio-station"
>How can I use Amarok to stream to my own radio station?</title
>If you want to stream directly to an icecast or shoutcast server the answer simply is: it is not supported. You could use <ulink url=""
> for that. </para>
<sect2 id="collection-questions"
>Vragen over de verzameling</title
<sect3 id="folder-not-properly-picked-up"
>Folder not properly picked up</title
>Als u ontdekt dat het meeste van uw muziek door &amarok; wordt herkend, maar sommige mappen niet juist worden opgepakt, open dan een console en type </para>
>touch <replaceable
>waar <replaceable
> het pad naar de map is die het probleem heeft. Selecteer daarna <menuchoice
>Amarok instellen</guimenuitem
> in het menu van het hoofdvenster van Amarok en open de pagina <guilabel
> en klik op de knop <guilabel
>Scan opnieuw de volledige verzameling</guilabel
>. Uw map zou dan weer zichtbaar moeten zijn. </para>
>this will not work on Windows, as the touch command is specific to &Linux; and BSD-like systems.</para
<sect3 id="can-i-use-removable-media-inside-amarok"
>Can I use removable media inside Amarok?</title
>&amarok; has a greatly improved support for the media devices based on Solid, the KDE hardware layer, that doesn't need a lot of configuration. You should be able to just plug in your device and access it within &amarok;. Also, thanks to the <emphasis
>Dynamic Collections</emphasis
>, your media devices could become part of your music collection, and be searchable and accessible within the <guilabel
>Local Music</guilabel
> section of the <guilabel
>Media Sources</guilabel
> pane when it's connected. </para>
>You can transfer your songs, albums and artists from your local collection by right-clicking, selecting <guilabel
>Copy to Collection</guilabel
> and picking your device; and you can also do it in the other way: right-click and select <menuchoice
>Copy to Collection</guimenu
>Local Collection</guimenuitem
>. More about &amarok; and devices <link linkend="working-with-media-devices"
>. </para>
<sect3 id="can-i-use-the-old-amaroks-collection-in-amarok-2-will-my-tags-score-are-ratings-be-lost"
>Can I use the old Amarok's collection in Amarok 2? Will my tags, score are ratings be lost?</title
>A database importer is available. You will be able to keep your ratings and statistics just fine. More <link linkend="collection"
>. </para>
<sect2 id="general-questions"
>General questions</title
<sect3 id="what-are-scripts"
>What are scripts?</title
>They are little pieces of software that add some functions to &amarok;. There are a lot of scripts, and you can find them in <ulink url=""
> or you can find and install them inside &amarok; using the <guilabel
>Script Manager</guilabel
> (until &amarok; 2.4.1). More details <link linkend="script-manager"
>. After &amarok; 2.4.1, you will find the <guilabel
>Script Manager</guilabel
> from the <guilabel
> menu, <menuchoice
>Configure Amarok</guimenu
>. </para>
<sect3 id="can-i-use-amarok-1-4-scripts-in-amarok-2"
>Can I use Amarok 1.4 scripts in Amarok 2?</title
>No. A new and powerful scripting API has been created, which provides huge improvements but won't let you use your old scripts. The new scripting system is based on QtScript and will significantly reduce &amarok;'s dependencies, a huge problem for non-technical and cross-platform users, and will greatly reduce the amount of external processes launched at runtime. Another advantage is that the new API will allow much deeper integration with &amarok; than the old scripting system. <ulink url=""
>Amarok Scripting API</ulink
>. </para>
<sect3 id="what-are-moodbars"
>What are Moodbars?</title
> show the mood of a song in the progress bar. More about <guilabel
> <link linkend="the-moodbar"
>. </para>
<sect3 id="can-i-play-video-files"
>Can I play video files?</title
>&amarok; is mainly a music player so no video file management, collection support, DVD playback, subtitles, or any other sophisticated features are available. However, the <guilabel
> applet lets you play YouTube video clips inside &amarok;. </para>
<sect3 id="is-it-amarok-amarok-or-amarok"
>Is it Amarok, AmaroK or amaroK?</title
>It is &amarok;! The former spelling was <emphasis
>, but it was changed due to its strange look. </para>
<sect3 id="how-are-track-scores-determined"
>How are track scores determined?</title
>&amarok; assigns a score (a number 0-100) to a song based on how many times you've listened to it and whether you skip the song without it finishing. Every time the song finishes playing, the score is changed. </para>
>Here you have an example script that can calculate scores: </para>
>if( playcount &lt;= 0 ) # not supposed to be less, but what the hell.
       newscore = ( prevscore + percentage ) / 2
       newscore = ( ( prevscore * playcount ) + percentage ) / ( playcount + 1 )
>You can easily create your own script with your own algorithm. Look at the <ulink url=""
> for further information. </para>
<sect3 id="how-do-i-manually-change-a-tracks-score"
>How do I manually change a track's score?</title
>You may change the score manually in the <guilabel
>Track Details</guilabel
> dialog, available by right-clicking on a track, choosing <guilabel
>Edit Track Details</guilabel
> and going to the <guilabel
> tab. Before &amarok; 2.4.1, this is called the <guilabel
> tab. </para>
<sect3 id="but-i-also-want-that-stars-system-like-in-other-players"
>But I also want that stars system like in other players!</title
>&amarok;, of course, supports an user-defined rating system, and you can rate your tracks with a single click using the <guilabel
>Current Track</guilabel
> applet. You can also do this in the context menu (right-click) <menuchoice
>Edit Track Details</guimenu
> tab (before Amarok 2.4.1, this is <menuchoice
>Edit Track Details</guimenu
>). If you have the rating stars displayed in your playlist layout, you can also edit there, with the <emphasis
>slow double-click</emphasis
>. </para>
<sect3 id="can-i-drag-and-drop-plasma-applets-from-the-main-window-to-the-desktop"
>Can I drag and drop Plasma applets from the main window to the Desktop?</title
>No, but there are many Plasmoids available for your Desktop, which will let you display information provided by &amarok; as well as control &amarok;. </para>
<sect3 id="how-can-i-save-a-stream"
>How can I save a stream?</title
>First of all, load the stream into the playlist. There are several ways to do this: downloading the file, for example from <ulink url=""
>, and opening it with &amarok;; using the menu <menuchoice
>Add stream</guimenuitem
>; among others. </para>
>Once the stream is loaded, you can save it by clicking on <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Icon-document-save.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject
> in the <guilabel
> pane, and giving it a meaningful name. The Stream will then be added to the <guilabel
>Saved Playlists</guilabel
> view for later reference. </para>
<sect3 id="where-do-i-find-the-settings-for-amarok"
>Where do I find the settings for Amarok?</title
>`kde4-config --localprefix`/share/apps/amarok</userinput>
>`kde4-config --localprefix`/share/config/amarokrc</userinput>
<sect2 id="troubleshooting19"
<sect3 id="how-can-i-obtain-a-backtrace"
>How can I obtain a backtrace?</title
>If &amarok; has crashed and you want to report it, visit the <ulink url=""
>Debugging HowTo</ulink
>. The bug report must be sent in <ulink url=""
> after verifying if it has already been reported. </para>
<sect3 id="amarok-just-freezes-how-can-i-help-get-this-fixed"
>Amarok just freezes! How can I help get this fixed?</title
>You can obtain a backtrace of a frozen instance of &amarok; using gdb like so: </para>
>$ gdb -p `pidof amarok` (gdb) thread apply full bt all</userinput
>Then just post the backtrace to <ulink url=""
>, as described in the <ulink url=""
>Debugging HowTo</ulink
>. </para>
<sect3 id="amarok-takes-a-lot-of-time-to-start"
>Amarok takes a lot of time to start</title
>If this happens you have to check what scripts you have installed and what internet services are running, because some of them may slow down the startup. Also, if you have streams in the playlist when you open &amarok;, the startup can take a little longer. </para>
>On the other hand, if you don't use KDE, but a different desktop environment, startup time can be increased very slightly because there are more libraries to be loaded. </para>
<sect2 id="development-questions"
>Development questions</title
<sect3 id="how-do-i-get-a-git-version-of-amarok"
>Hoe krijg ik de GIT-versie van Amarok?</title
><ulink url=""
>How to obtain and build &amarok; Git</ulink
>. Check here for a local build: <ulink url=""
>Building from Git Locally: Full Summary</ulink
> </para>
<sect3 id="why-isnt-amarok-part-of-kdemultimedia"
>Why isn't Amarok part of KDEmultimedia?</title
>The developers don't want <emphasis
>the man</emphasis
> telling them when they can release. (Meaning, packages in the KDE SC proper have a release schedule that doesn't fit with &amarok;'s fast-paced development.) </para>
<sect3 id="ive-found-a-bug---ive-got-a-great-idea-for-amarok"
>I've found a bug / I've got a great idea for Amarok!</title
>Please report it at <ulink url=""
>. If you have a list of suggestions or wishes it may be best to send them to our mailing list: <ulink url=""
>. Simply posting the idea to our IRC channels or on an obscure wiki page or blog won't help much as the information will get lost. </para>
<sect3 id="do-you-accept-patches"
>Do you accept patches?</title
>Happily! Your best course of action is to let us know what you plan to do before you do any work so we can discuss it, but don't fret; we haven't turned down a patch yet! Discussion is mostly to help you patch the correct bits of &amarok;. Submit your patches and code contributions to See also <ulink url=""
>How to Submit Patches to &amarok;</ulink
>. If you have a bug fix then just go ahead; this is open source after all. <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Face-smile.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject>
<sect3 id="why-did-you-choose-the-name-amarok"
>Why did you choose the name Amarok?</title
> is an album by British composer Mike Oldfield. Project founder Mark Kretschmann happens to like it a lot, and he thought the name had a nice sound. Plus, of course, it contains the all important <guilabel
>. <inlinemediaobject
> <imageobject
> <imagedata fileref="Face-smile.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject
> </inlinemediaobject>
<chapter id="references"
><link linkend="menu-and-command-reference"
>Menu and Command Reference</link
><link linkend="amarok-menu"
>Amarok Menu</link
><link linkend="view-menu"
>View Menu</link
><link linkend="playlist"
>Playlist Menu</link
><link linkend="tools-menu"
>Tools Menu</link
><link linkend="settings-menu"
><link linkend="help-menu"
>Help Menu</link
><link linkend="keybinding-reference"
>Keybinding Reference</link
><link linkend="kde-global-shortcuts"
>Global Shortcuts</link
><link linkend="amarok-shortcuts"
>Amarok Shortcuts</link
><link linkend="credits-and-license"
>Credits and License</link
<sect1 id="menu-and-command-reference"
>Menu- en commandoreferentie</title
<sect2 id="amarok-top-level-menus"
>Amarok Top-level Menus</title
      <imagedata fileref="amaroktoplevelmenus2-4.png" format="PNG"/>
  <tgroup cols="2">
><link linkend="amarok-menu"
>Common actions such as Play, Pause, &etc;</link
><link linkend="view-menu"
>Change the layout of Amarok</link
><link linkend="playlist"
>Configure your Playlist</link
><link linkend="tools-menu"
>Start additional tools and scripts</link
><link linkend="settings-menu"
>Instellingen en Amarok instellen</link
><link linkend="help-menu"
>Important information about Amarok and KDE</link
<sect2 id="amarok-menu"
>Some of the common actions in &amarok; are here, mostly to control media playback. </para>
<sect2 id="contents20"
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_amarokmenu2-4.png" format="PNG"/>
>Het menu Amarok</phrase>
>Het menu Amarok</para>
  <tgroup cols="3">
>Media afspelen...</guilabel
>Open een af te spelen mediumbestand.</para>
>Vorige track</guilabel
>Skips back to the last track played within your current session.</para>
>Starts or temporarily stops the playing of the current media file.</para>
>Stops all playback in progress.</para>
>Huidige track stoppen</guilabel
>Waits until the current track ends before stopping the playback. This is useful when using a playlist.</para>
>Volgende track</guilabel
>Skips playback to the next media file in your playlist.</para>
>Verlaat &amarok;.</para>
<sect1 id="view-menu"
>Menu Beeld</title>
>This top-level menu contains options to adjust the layout of &amarok;, and a checkbox to lock the configuration; use this to prevent any accidental changes to the &amarok; window layout. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1viewmenu.png" format="PNG"/>
>Menu Beeld</phrase>
>Menu Beeld</para>
<sect2 id="changing-the-amarok-toolbar"
>De werkbalk van Amarok wijzigen</title>
>There are also two radio buttons in this menu, which are used to choose which <emphasis
> &amarok; will use. The <emphasis
>Main Toolbar</emphasis
> has a larger height and slightly different controls than the <emphasis
>Slim Toolbar.</emphasis
> The <emphasis
>Main Toolbar</emphasis
> contains two main control buttons: a <guilabel
> / <guilabel
> button and a button for controlling the volume. It also displays the name of the current media file and a slider for showing, as well as changing, the position of playback. More about <link linkend="toolbar"
>the Toolbar</link
>. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_main_toolbar.png" format="PNG"/>
>De hoofdwerkbalk</phrase>
>De hoofdwerkbalk</para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_slim_toolbar.png" format="PNG"/>
>The Slim Toolbar</phrase>
>The Slim Toolbar</para>
<sect2 id="amarok-window-layouts"
>Indeling van de vensters van Amarok</title>
>If the <guilabel
>Lock Layout</guilabel
> button is unchecked, the <emphasis
>Media Sources</emphasis
>, <emphasis
> and <emphasis
> tabs can be toggled and many layouts can be created as shown below: </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_layout11.png" format="PNG"/>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_layout26.png" format="PNG"/>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_layout28.png" format="PNG"/>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_layout22.png" format="PNG"/>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_layout27.png" format="PNG"/>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_layout25.png" format="PNG"/>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_layout23.png" format="PNG"/>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_layout24.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect2 id="playlist-menu"
>Menu Afspeellijst</title
>This is a top-level drop down menu where can configure your <guilabel
>. From here you can add more tracks, streaming radio channels, and clean your playlist. </para>
<sect3 id="menu-items"
      <imagedata fileref="playlistmenu.png" format="PNG"/>
>Het menu Afspeellijst van Amarok</phrase>
>Het menu Afspeellijst van Amarok</para>
  <tgroup cols="3">
>Medium toevoegen</guilabel
>Opent een af te spelen mediumbestand in &amarok;</para>
>Stream toevoegen...</guilabel
>Kies andere streaming radiokanalen met de <emphasis
>, door plakken of typen van de koppeling</para>
>Afspeellijst exporteren als...</guilabel
>Sla uw favoriete afspeellijsten in verschillende formaten op - mp3-streaming, shoutcast, xspf</para>
>Ongedaan maken</guilabel
>Ga één stap terug</para>
>Klik op <quote
> om de laatste stap opnieuw te doen</para>
>Afspeellijst wissen</guilabel
>Wist de huidige afspeellijst</para>
>Duplicaten verwijderen</guilabel
>Verwijdert dubbele items in de afspeellijst</para>
>Wijzigt de visuele stijl van de <guilabel
>Wachtrij bewerken</guilabel
>Stelt u in staat de volgorde in uw wachtrij te wijzigen</para
<sect3 id="playlist-layouts"
>Uit <menuchoice
> schakel tussen verschillende indelingen met keuzerondjes en stel uw persoonlijke indeling van de <guilabel
> in. </para>
<sect4 id="default"
      <imagedata fileref="playlistlayout1.png" format="PNG"/>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_playlist_layout_d_ss.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect4 id="no-grouping"
>Geen groepering</title
>Geen groepering</guimenuitem
      <imagedata fileref="playlistlayout2.png" format="PNG"/>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_playlist_layout_nog1_s.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect4 id="no-grouping-single-line"
>Geen groepering (één regel)</title
>Geen groepering (één regel)</guimenuitem
      <imagedata fileref="playlistlayout3.png" format="PNG"/>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_playlist_layout_nog2_s.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect4 id="verbose"
      <imagedata fileref="playlistlayout4.png" format="PNG"/>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_playlist_layout_v1_s.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect4 id="configure-playlist-layout---"
>Afspeellijstindeling instellen...</title
>Afspeellijstindeling instellen...</guimenuitem
>Deze optie stelt u in staat om uw eigen indeling van de <guilabel
> te maken; weergave Artist, Genre, Year, BPM  enzovoort. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok_playlist_layout_editor.png" format="PNG"/>
>Stel uw eigen indeling samen</phrase>
>Stel uw eigen indeling samen</para>
<sect2 id="tools-menu"
>Menu Hulpmiddelen</title
>From this menu you can use additional tools and scripts. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="toolmenu.png" format="PNG"/>
>Het menu Hulpmiddelen</phrase>
>Het menu Hulpmiddelen</para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Allows you to save bookmarks of various types.</para>
>Allows you to view album covers and fetch missing ones.</para>
>Shows the equalizer.</para>
>Verzameling bijwerken</guilabel
>Controleer de tracks in uw verzameling.</para
<sect3 id="bookmark-manager"
>The bookmark manager allows you to bookmark different kinds of things to recall them later. You can also create folders to organize your collection of bookmarks. The search box provides a convenient way to find bookmarks. The context menu offers the possibility to <guilabel
> and <guilabel
> the bookmark. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="tools_bookmarkmanager.png" format="PNG"/>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Bookmark Context View Applets</guilabel
>Saves the currently used view applets.</para>
>Bladwijzer mediabronweergave</guilabel
>Saves the current view of the media source tree.</para>
>Bladwijzer maken van afspeellijstinstelling</guilabel
>Saves the current playlist setup.</para>
>Bladwijzer aanmaken voor trackpositie</guilabel
>Saves the position in the current track.</para
<sect3 id="cover-manager21"
>Shows all albums in your collection. Here you can set custom album covers and fetch missing ones. More about the <link linkend="cover-manager"
>Cover Manager</link
>, shown below. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="tools_covermanager.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="equalizer"
>Provides the possibility to configure sound settings. You can choose between manually adjusting the settings and using templates. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="tools_equalizer.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect3 id="update-collection"
>Verzameling bijwerken</title
>Checks the files in the folders you defined as your collection. New files will be added and missing ones removed from the left pane. </para>
<sect2 id="settings-menu"
>Menu Instellingen</title
>Here is where you change settings and configure &amarok;. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok24_settingsmenu_withreplaygain.png" format="PNG"/>
>Het menu Instellingen van Amarok</phrase>
>Het menu Instellingen van Amarok</para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Menubalk tonen</guilabel
>Hide the menu bar. Show it again by pressing <keycombo
>Allows you to set the Replay Gain mode; <guilabel
>, by <guilabel
>, or by <guilabel
>Sneltoetsen instellen...</guilabel
>Allows you to make custom keyboard shortcuts</para>
>Amarok instellen...</guilabel
>Configure General options, Internet Services, Playback, Notifications, and Database</para
<sect3 id="show-menubar"
>Menubalk tonen</title
>Clicking this option will hide the menu bar. </para>
>The only way to show the menu bar again is by pressing <keycombo
>, because you can't de-select the menu option when no menu bar is shown. More about the <link linkend="menu-and-command-reference"
>Menus in the Menubar</link
>. </para>
<sect3 id="replay-gain-mode"
>The replay gain mode will change the volume depending on meta information of the track. More about replay gain: <ulink url=""
>Wikipedia entry for replay gain</ulink
>. </para>
>You can switch the replay gain mechanism off, use a track-based or the album-based replay gain. </para>
<sect3 id="configure-shortcuts---"
>Sneltoetsen instellen...</title
>Change and define new keyboard shortcuts, or turn on multimedia keys if your keyboard has them. More about <link linkend="keybinding-reference"
>. </para>
<sect3 id="configure-amarok---"
>Configure Amarok...</title
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4-1configuredialog.png" format="PNG"/>
>Amarok instellen...</phrase>
>Amarok (v.2.4.1) instellen...</para>
>Configure many aspects of &amarok;. Details in <link linkend="configuring-amarok"
>Configuring Amarok</link
>. </para>
<sect2 id="help-menu"
>Menu Help</title
>Important information about &amarok; and KDE. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok2-4helpmenu.png" format="PNG"/>
>Het menu Help van Amarok</phrase>
>Het menu Help van Amarok</para>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Bug rapporteren...</guilabel
>Report bugs to the bug tracker directly, with much of your information automatically supplied to the database form.</para>
>Het handboek van Amarok</guilabel
>This Handbook in Docbook format.</para>
>Een opmerking naar de ontwikkelaars verzenden</guilabel
>Send a brief comment to &amarok; developers. Do NOT use to send bug reports.</para>
>Terugkoppelpictogrammen tonen</guilabel
>Check to show feedback icons on every &amarok; screen and sub-menu.</para>
>Taal van toepassing wijzigen...</guilabel
>Change &amarok; menus and label language or back-up language.</para>
>Info over Amarok</guilabel
>&amarok; version, web site, contributors and donors.</para>
>Info over KDE</guilabel
>Information about KDE, and links to join and support KDE.</para
<chapter id="keybinding-reference"
<sect1 id="keyboard-shortcuts"
>Sneltoetsen geven u snel toegang tot kracht van &amarok;. Wijzig de sneltoetsen met <menuchoice
>Sneltoetsen instellen...</guimenuitem
>. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok24_settingsmenu.png" format="PNG"/>
>Shortcuts are divided into two groups: </para>
><link linkend="kde-global-shortcuts"
>Global Shortcuts</link
><link linkend="amarok-shortcuts"
>Amarok Shortcuts</link
<sect1 id="control-from-console"
>Control from Console</title>
>To control &amarok; from the console, type <userinput
>amarok --help-all</userinput
> for a current complete list of available commands. </para>
<sect2 id="kde-global-shortcuts"
>KDE globale sneltoetsen</title
>Global Shortcuts</emphasis
> are KDE's control key combinations. Use them to control &amarok; from the keyboard as an alternative to using the mouse. </para>
<sect3 id="default-global-shortcuts"
>Standaard globale sneltoetsen</title
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Standaard globale sneltoets</entry>
>Medium toevoegen</para>
>Volume verlagen</para>
>Volume verhogen</para>
> Huidige track in geliefd</para>
> Huidige track overslaan</para>
>Volume dempen</para>
>Volgende track</para>
>Media volgende</keycap
>Media afspelen</keycap
>Media stoppen</keycap
>Vorige track</para>
>Media vorige</keycap
>Waardeer huidige track op: 1 ster</para>
>Waardeer huidige track op: 2 sterren</para>
>Waardeer huidige track op: 3 sterren</para>
>Waardeer huidige track op: 4 sterren</para>
>Waardeer huidige track op: 5 sterren</para>
>Achteruit zoeken</para>
>Vooruit zoeken</para>
>Popupmelding tonen</para>
>Hoofdvenster aan/uit</para>
<sect2 id="amarok-shortcuts"
>Sneltoetsen van Amarok</title
>Control &amarok; using <emphasis
>keyboard shortcuts</emphasis
>, which are combinations of keys which each control a specific action. &amarok; has default shortcuts, but you can also make your own. </para>
<sect3 id="default-shortcuts"
>Standaard sneltoetsen</title
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Volume verhogen</para>
>Volume verlagen</para>
>Spring naar</para>
>Medium afspelen</para>
>Vorige browser</para>
>Track in wachtrij plaatsen</para>
>Achteruit zoeken</para>
>Vooruit zoeken</para>
>Zoekbalk activeren</para>
>Volledig scherm omschakelen</para>
>Ongedaan maken</para>
>Afspeellijst opslaan</para>
>Alles selecteren</para>
<sect3 id="how-to-make-shortcuts"
>How to make shortcuts</title
>U kunt sneltoetsen instellen via: <menuchoice
>Sneltoetsen instellen...</guimenuitem
> waarin u sneltoetsen kunt wijzigen of nieuwe maken. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok24_settingsmenu.png" format="PNG"/>
<sect2 id="how-to-use-configure-shortcuts---"
>How to use Configure Shortcuts...</title
      <imagedata fileref="amarok24_configureshortcutsdialog.png" format="PNG"/>
  <tgroup cols="2">
>Search Actions and Shortcuts.</para>
>Add, remove and get more information about shortcut schemes.</para>
>Naar standaardinstellingen terugzetten</guilabel
>Herstel alle eigen sneltoetsen naar hun standaard.</para>
>Druk de lijst met sneltoetsen af.</para>
>Alle wijzigen opslaan.</para>
>Het venster zonder opslaan sluiten.</para
>When you select an action, that opens a sub-window where you can choose between two radio buttons, <guilabel
> and <guilabel
>. If you choose <guilabel
> you'll use the default shortcut. If you choose <guilabel
> you'll configure and use your shortcut for this action. </para>
      <imagedata fileref="amarok24_configureshortcutdetail.png" format="PNG"/>
<chapter id="credits-and-license"
>Dankbetuigingen en licentie</title
<sect1 id="program-copyright"
>Programma copyright</title
>Copyright 2002, 2003 Mark Kretschmann (kretschmann </para>
>Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Het ontwikkelteam van Amarok </para>
<sect1 id="documentation-copyright"
>Documentatie copyright</title
>Voeg uw naam hier in als u aan het handboek hebt bijgedragen. Gaarne in alfabetische volgorde</para
>Abhishek Rane (abhishektux </para>
>Adrián Chaves Fernández (adriyetichaves </para>
>Caleb Bryant (c.bryant.30 </para>
>Daniel Marth (danielmarth </para>
>Dima Panov (fluffy </para>
>Dion Moult () </para>
>Emilio Castro González (periliocastrol </para>
>eqisow () </para>
>Geoffry Song (goffrie </para>
>Jeff Mitchell (mitchell </para>
>Lydia Pintscher (lydia </para>
>Myriam Schweingruber (myriam </para>
>Paul Ivan (bit.alex001 </para>
>Pedro Raimundo (pedrooraimundo </para>
>Pete Daniels (pete, schermafdrukken </para>
>Salma Sultana (salma4534 </para>
>Sash Karttunen (sasu.karttunen </para>
>tris r () </para>
>Valorie Zimmerman (valorie.zimmerman </para>
>Walter P. Little (walterplittle </para>
>Willem Ferguson (willemferguson </para>
<sect1 id="licenses"
>Deze documentatie valt onder de bepalingen van de licentie <ulink url=""
>GNU Free Documentation License</ulink
>. </para>
>Dit programma is beschikbaar onder de licentie van de <ulink url=""
>GNU General Public License</ulink
>. </para>

&meld.fouten;&vertaling.rinse;&vertaling.antoon;&vertaling.freek;&vertaling.thom;&nagelezen.freek;  &underFDL; </sect1>