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				<p>Please use the two sidebar boxes below to browse through the anyRemote Documentation!</p>
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					<li><a href="pre-setup.html">Before install</a></li>
					<li><a href="pre.html">Software prerequisites</a></li>
					<li><a href="install.html">Compilation and installation</a></li>
					<li><a href="mode.html">Which mode to choose ?</a></li>
							<li><a href="setup-at.html">Setup: AT mode</a>
									<li><a href="event.html">Event reporting</a></li>
									<li><a href="ckpd-emulation.html">Keypad emulation events</a></li>
							<li><a href="setup-server.html">Setup: Server mode</a></li>
					<li><a href="use.html">How to use anyRemote</a>
							<li><a href="android-client.html">Android Client</a></li>
							<li><a href="use-jc.html">J2ME Client</a></li>
							<li><a href="web.html">Web Interface</a></li>
							<li><a href="cm-xml.html">XML Services Interface</a></li>
							<li><a href="cfg-howto.html">How to create simple configuration file</a></li>
							<li><a href="bemused.html">Bemused Support</a></li>
							<li><a href="iviewer.html">Command Fusion iViewer support</a></li>
					<li><a href="devices.html">Tested devices</a></li>
					<li><a href="phones.html">Phone specific details</a></li>
					<li><a href="tips-tricks.html">Tips &amp; tricks</a></li>
					<li><a href="man.html">Man page</a></li>
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					<li><a href="">miniHOWTO: start anyRemote at boot time and create a multimedia computer</a> (externally maintained)</li>
					<li><strong>Format of configuration files</strong>
							<li><strong>Server mode</strong>
									<li><a href="conf-server.html">Configuration file format</a></li>
									<li><a href="conf-server-ex.html">Configuration file examples</a></li>

									<li><a href="set.html">Set(...) / ExecAndSet(...) commands</a></li>
									<li><a href="set-fm.html">Set(filemanager ... ) command</a></li>
									<li><a href="set-icons.html">Set(icons ...) command and available icon set</a></li>
									<li><a href="set-list.html">Set(list ... ) and Set(iconlist ... ) commands</a></li>
									<li><a href="set-menu.html">Set(menu ... ) command</a></li>
									<li><a href="set-parameter.html">Set(parameter, ... ) commands</a></li>
									<li><a href="set-text.html">Set(text ... ) command</a></li>
									<li><a href="set-window.html">Set(image ... ) command</a></li>
							<li><strong>AT mode</strong>
									<li><a href="conf-at.html">Configurational file format</a></li>
									<li><a href="conf-at-ex.html">Configurational file examples</a></li>
									<li><a href="make.html">Make(...) command</a></li>
									<li><a href="emulate.html">Emulate(...) command</a></li>
									<li><a href="dbus.html">Dbus(...) command</a></li>
									<li><a href="vars.html">Variable substitution</a></li>
									<li><a href="ev-handlers.html">Event handlers</a></li>
									<li><a href="icon-themes.html">Icon themes for J2ME client</a></li>
				        <li><a href="ir.html">anyRemote and InfraRed</a></li>
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				<p>We will be pleased for any questions, suggestions, patches and examples of configuration files!</p>
					<li>Post in the <a href="">Forum</a></li>
					<li>Please, send e-mails to  <a href="mailto:anyremote&#64;mail&#46;ru">anyremote&#64;mail&#46;ru</a></li>
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		<h1>Configuration file format: Server mode</h1>
		<h2>Configuration file examples</h2>

        	<p>You may find some predefined <a href="conf-server-ex.html">configuration files</a> in cfg-data/Server-mode and cfg-data/Bemused-emulation directories. After investigation of these configuration files You became more familiar with its format.</p>
		<p>Line starting with a <strong>%</strong> considered as a comment line.</p>       

		<pre>%This is a comment</pre>

		<p>Long command can be splitted into the several lines. You have to put backslash (<strong>\</strong>) as the <strong>last</strong> character to continue a command to the next line.</p>     
                <pre>1=Exec(echo "this is first line");\
Exec(echo "this is second line");</pre>

		<h2>Parameters section</h2> 

		<p><strong>GuiAppName="application name"</strong></p>
		<p><strong>GuiAppBinary="name of executable"|"command which returns name of executable"</strong></p>
		<p><strong>GuiAppRun="command do determine is application running or not; must returns OK or NOK"</strong></p>
		<p><strong>GuiAppIcon="icon name"</strong></p>
		<p><strong>GuiAppDesc=Some text</strong></p>
		<p>These parameters is used by GUI frontends only.</p> 

GuiAppRun=echo 'A=`dcop | grep amarok`; if [ "x$A" == "x" ]; \
   then echo NOK; else echo OK; fi'|bash -f -s
GuiAppDesc=Application decription</pre>
One=Exec(echo "Hello world!");

		<h2>[Protocol] section</h2>
		<p> A short example:</p>


    Exec(kdialog --msgbox "Initialized");

    Exec(kdialog --msgbox "Connected")

    Exec(kdialog --msgbox "Disconnected")

1=Exec(kdialog --msgbox 1)
2=Exec(kdialog --msgbox 2)
3=Exec(kdialog --msgbox 3)
4=Exec(kdialog --msgbox 4)
5=Exec(kdialog --msgbox 5)


		<p>Where <strong>CommandX</strong> could be:</p>

			<li><a href="emulate.html">Emulate(...);</a></li>
			<li><a href="make.html">Make(...);</a></li>
			<li><a href="set.html">Set(...);</a></li>
			<li><a href="set.html">ExecAndSet(...);</a></li>

		<h3>Exec() command</h3>

		<pre>1=Exec(kdialog --msgbox 1)
2=Exec(kdialog --msgbox 2)</pre>

		<p>anyRemore uses <a href="">popen</a> system call in Exec() command. 
		This means that command will be executed inside <strong>/bin/sh</strong> command interpreter.</p>

		<p>It is possible to write quite complex commands inside <strong>Exec()</strong>, for example:</p>
                <pre>1=Exec(D=`dcop | grep digikam`;\
       if [ "x$D" = "x" ]; then \
           digikam & \
       else \
           dcop $D MainApplication-Interface quit;\

		<p>It is possible to define multi-key commands</p>
                <pre>3 1=Exec(kdialog --msgbox 3_1)
3 2=Exec(kdialog --msgbox 3_2)
3 3 1=Exec(kdialog --msgbox 3_3_1)</pre>

		<p>It is not good idea to define:</p>
                <pre>3 3=Exec(kdialog --msgbox 3_3)
3 3 1=Exec(kdialog --msgbox 3_3_1)</pre>

		<p>simultaneously, since only one command will works (which one - depends on search order).</p> 

		<p>It is possible to group keymappings in so-called "mode" to set more than one command to the key.</p>
		<p>Modes supports inheritance - in example below mode <strong>child</strong> is inherited from
		modes <strong>parent1</strong> and <strong>parent2</strong>.</p>

		<pre>0=Exec(kdialog --msgbox 0)
1=Exec(kdialog --msgbox 1)
2=Exec(kdialog --msgbox 2)

[Mode]=child  : parent1,parent2
1=Exec(kdialog --msgbox 1_in_Mode_2)
2=Exec(kdialog --msgbox 2_in_Mode_2)

3=Exec(kdialog --msgbox 3_in_Mode_p1)

4=Exec(kdialog --msgbox 4_in_Mode_p2)
		<p>If current mode is not default mode <i>(see <strong><a href="make.html">Make(mode ...);</a></strong> command)</i>, 
		then firstly key will be searched in current mode and if not found then it will be searched in parent modes (if it exists) 
		and then in default mode.</p>
		<p><strong>Note:</strong> As a result it needs to use (EnterMode) and (ExitMode) <a href="ev-handlers.html">"events"</a> very carefully in default mode.</p>

		<h3>Macro() command</h3>
		<p>This command used to create new keymapping:</p>
Macro1=Exec(kdialog --msgbox 1);Exec(kdialog --msgbox 2)</pre>

		<p>Macro() command can contains condition:</p>
                <pre>0=Make(var,macro_test,echo "0");
2=Macro(Macro2, if [ -f /tmp/file_name ];\ 
                then true; else false; fi; echo $?)
Macro2=Exec(kdialog --msgbox "Condition is OK")</pre>

		<p>Conditional Macro() will be execute only if a result of variable substitution or execution of the command is equal to string "<strong>0</strong>".</p> 
		<p><strong>Note</strong>: In shells result code of command execution stored in <strong>$?</strong> environment variable.</p>

		<h3>Set() command</h3>
		<p>These commands used to control and customize GUI of the client. See detailed description <a href="set.html">here.</a></p>
		<p>It is possible to change:</p>
			<li>caption of screen</li>
			<li>title and status fields</li>
			<li>arrange icons from predefined <a href="set-icons.html">icon set</a>,</li> 
			<li>change background and foreground color,</li>
			<li>change font size</li>
			<li>change icon layouts</li>
			<li>use internal vibrator of the phone</li>
			<li>set fullscreen mode</li>
			<li>set debug mode</li>
			<li><a href="set-text.html">show text</a>  on the screen of cell phone</li>
			<li><a href="set-list.html">show list</a> on the screen of cell phone</li>
			<li>add custom <a href="set-menu.html">menus</a></li>
		<table border="0" cellspacing="0" rules="rows" class="no-padding">
      		        	<td style="vertical-align: top; text-align: center;">
                                	<img src="data/client-test.png" border="1" alt="Example of how the client can look like" />
      		        	<td style="vertical-align: top; text-align: center;">
                                	<img src="data/jc/fileManager2.png" border="1" alt="Example of how the client can look like" />

		<h3>ExecAndSet() command</h3> 
		<p>Format: ExecAndSet(tag,command)</p>
		<p>This command similar to the Set(), but uses the output of command specified as a string to set
		 GUI elements of the client specified in tag field. See detailed description <a href="set.html">here.</a></p>
                <pre>5=ExecAndSet(title,dcop amarok player nowPlaying);

                <p><strong>Timer(key, timeout, maxTimes)</strong> or</p>
		<p><strong>Timer(key, cancel|pause|continue|reset|restart)</strong></p>

		<p>This command sets/removes a timer for the <strong>key</strong> specified. A command sequence, associated with this <strong>key</strong> will be executed periodically.</p>
		<p>For example, the following commands run 'dcop amarok player nowPlaying' command 2 times with timeout equal to 5 sec and set result to 
		the title field of the client:</p>

		<pre>1=Timer(TimerCmd, 5, 2)
TimerCmd=ExecAndSet(title, dcop amarok player nowPlaying)</pre>

		<p>The following command run 'date' command every 10 sec and set result to the status field of the client:</p>
                <pre>2=Timer(Timer2, 10, 0)
Timer2=ExecAndSet(status, date)</pre>

		<p>It is impossible to have two active timer commands with the same <strong>key</strong>.</p>

		<p>To delete existing timer use the following command:</p>

		<p>To reset timer use the following command:</p>

		<p>To completely restart timer use the following command:</p>

		<p>This command resets timer and resets counter of timer's executions</p>
		<p>Also, see <a href="set.html#data-caching">note</a> about data caching.</p>

		<h3>Load() command</h3>
                <p>This command used to load commands from file and execute them:</p>

		<h3>Include() command</h3>
		<p>This command used to include definitions from external configuration file:</p>

		<p>Definitions from included file will not rewrite any of existing definitions.</p>

		<h3>Send() command</h3> 
                <p><strong>Send(string, string_value)</strong> or</p> 
		<p><strong>Send(byte, byte_value1, byte_value2,...)</strong></p>
		<p>Sends to the the client specified string or sequence of bytes. This command is used in Bemused server emulation.</p>
                <pre>1=Send(string, simple_string)</pre>
                <p>byte_valueX is string representation of 1 - 255 values. Send(byte, ...)  command sends to the the client specified bytes of data, one by one. Mainly this command is used to Bemused server emulation.</p>

		<h3>ExecAndSend() command</h3> 
                <p>This command similar to the Send(tag, ...), but uses the output of command specified as a string to send. So, it is possible to execute dynamically created command. This command is used in Bemused server emulation.</p>
4=Exec(echo "Set(title,dynamic title)">/tmp/command.txt);\
  ExecAndSend(string,cat /tmp/command.txt)</pre>

		<a name="sec-get"></a>
		<h3>Get() command</h3> 
                <p><strong>Get(screen_size|cover_size|icon_size|icon_padding|model|version|cursor|password|ping)</strong> or</p> 
		<p>This command used to retrieve from phone some information.</p>

<p><strong>Get(screeen_size)</strong> used to get screen size of cell phone. As a response to this command two replies will be send: 
<strong>SizeX(width,)</strong> and <strong>SizeY(height,)</strong>. SizeX(width,) reply will be the first one.</p>

<p><strong>Get(cover_size)</strong> used to determine maximal size of cover image which can be shown by <strong>Set(cover, ...)</strong> 
command. As a response to this command one reply will be send: <strong>CoverSize(_size_,)</strong></p>

<p><strong>Get(icon_size)</strong> used to determine size of used icon set. 
As a response to this command one reply will be send: <strong>IconSize(_size_,)</strong>.
It is possible to change icon size with <strong><a href="set-parameter.html">Set(parameter,icon_size,...)</a></strong> command.

<p><strong>Get(icon_padding)</strong> used to determine icon padding. 
As a response to this command one reply will be send: <strong>IconPadding(_size_,)</strong>.
It is possible to change icon padding with <strong><a href="set-parameter.html">Set(parameter,icon_padding,...)</a></strong> command.

<p><strong>Get(model)</strong> used to get "microedition.platform" property of J2ME client. For many phones this property 
contains manufacturer and model number (like "SonyEricssonK750i/R1CA021" for SE-K750). As a response to this command 
<strong>Model(,_string_)</strong> reply will be sent.</p>

<p><strong>Get(is_exists,...)</strong> used to determine was icon with given name and size uploaded to phone or not. 
As a response to this command <strong>IconExists(_size_,_icon_name_)</strong> or <strong>IconNotExists(_size_,_icon_name_)</strong> 
reply will be sent.</p>

<p><strong>Get(version)</strong> used to retrieve J2ME/Android client version.
 As a response to this command <strong>Version(,_version_)</strong> reply will be sent.</p>

<p><strong>Get(cursor)</strong> user to determine cursor position on <a href="set-window.html">Image screen</a> of J2ME client. 
Two replies <strong>PosX(x_coord,)</strong> and <strong>PosY(y_coord,)</strong> will be sent. PosX() event will be first one. 
If current screen of the client is not <a href="set-window.html">Image screen</a> then no replies will be sent.</p>

<p><strong>Get(ping)</strong> user to send "keepalive" messages to J2ME/Android client. 
As a response to this command <strong>Ping</strong> reply will be sent.</p>

<p><strong>Get(password)</strong> user to ask password from J2ME/Android client. 
As a response to this command <strong>_PASSWORD_(,_password_)</strong> reply will be sent.
This reply handled by anyRemote internally, so generally users should not worry about it.</p>

<p>Password should be stored in <strong>$HOME/.anyRemote/password</strong> file in a plain text.</p>

		<h3>End() command</h3> 
		<p>This command used only if <strong>-s web:xxxx</strong> command line option is used. This commmand used internally and should not be used in
		configuration files. The purpose of the command is to inform build-in <strong><a href="web.html">web server</a></strong> about fact what command sequence is fully processed</p>

		<h3>Make() command</h3> 
		<p>This command used control local state of anyRemote.</p>

		<p>See detailed description <a href="make.html">here</a>.</p>
		<h3>Event handlers</h3>

		<p>There are several "events" could be triggered. See <a href="ev-handlers.html">Event handlers</a> page for details.</p> 

		<h3>Variable substitution</h3>

		<p>In Exec(), Make(var,...), Load(), Include() commands is it possible to use internal "variables". See <a href="vars.html">Variable substitution</a> page for details.</p>

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		<p>Maintained by <a href="mailto:anyremote&#64;mail&#46;ru">anyRemote</a>. Website by <a href="">m.lettner</a>.</p>
